Senior Golden Sneakers - July 2010



  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    So sorry about your home and beautiful yard, hope you and your family are doing well.

    Hope tomorrow will be :flowerforyou: a better day.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    We're headed to Seattle today to watch the Seattle Mariners play the Boston Red Sox..........yes, we could bring healthy food, it is allowed, but we plan to eat garlic fries and at least one other "naughty" thing but no beer or soda :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Have a great time at the game. Hope it won't be as hot up in Seattle as it is supposed to be down here, today. It is already 76 F on my patio, and it isn't even noon yet.

    Hello Gigi,
    Hope all is well with you.

    Hope the rain is FINISHED at your house. They say we need lots of water to be healthy, but talk about too much of a good thing. From what you said, the damage wasn't too bad at your house. Thank goodness!!

    Hope all is well with you.

    Everyone else, you are in my thoughts. Hope you are having a wonderful Sunday afternoon.:flowerforyou:

  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! Sorry it has been a few days since I have posted. It seems to have been a busy week, nothing bad, just busy. We did look at a group home for Neil that seems very nice. They have an opening so we are going to pursue this for him. He thinks he is ready to move on and we support this move. Dave thinks he is very ready and although I know it is time I do have mixed emotions. It will open up a new life for Dave and I once Neil has adjusted to that being his home. We look forward to a bit of travel down the road. Not traveling down the road but in the future we will travel. I knew Barb would catch that so thought I would first! :laugh: We just have to get the mother hen out of me. The home is only a few blocks from our oldest son. He and his wife seem to be mending their relationship and are together again. I hope it will be a forever thing and not an on again off again thing. Yesterday they paddled in the Dragon Boat races. I think they were somewhere in the middle but got some exercise and enjoyed the water and the sunshine. The water in the river was running very fast so glad no one fell in.

    Sandy -- Wow, that is a flood. It made our a few years ago look minimal and yet we had so much damage. I can see where a condo highrise would be looking nice to you. It looks like your yard was so nice. I was wondering what the plant was with the pink flowers. The lawn will likely do fine but I know the trees don't like to be sitting in water for too long. Is your basement destroyed? You really didn't need another stress at this time. They say things happen in threes so hope this is your third and now your life will get back to normal -- after the mess gets cleaned up! So sorry this happened. How is the one we don't talk about? Has Babe's pneumonia resolved?

    Barb and Barbie -- Great picture of two smiling gals! So glad you have been able to get together again.

    Marie -- How was the party? You look great in the picture on facebook. I love the way you have your hair.

    Gigi -- Glad to see a post from you. You are so consistent with your exercise. As usual, when I am not posting my diet has gone south!! I was so motivated when I left the WW meeting and don't know what happened. I did seem to pick up a flu bug and pretty much slept all day yesterday. I still have a headache today but the stomach pains have mostly gone.

    Jeffrey -- Funny you were talking about canning. I came home from shopping Friday with stuff to make some jam and jelly. I know, not the best for me but I can't let the birds have all the berries in my yard! I had to buy some new jars which puzzled my husband. I guess that shows that I give away a lot of my jam. I just like making it. Enjoy your canning.

    Take care everyone and keep smiling. Gayla :heart: :happy:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    Good to hear from you Gayla!! Good luck with Neil in the group home, I hope it works for him and for you. :heart:

    The pictures look bad, but although we had some seepage we really didn't have any damage. The restoration people will come tomorrow to start with putting fans up for the carpet and then come back in a few days to get any odors out and then finally shampooing the carpet. Although it was a pain in the neck to move everything it could have been much worse. Since you said things come in threes I will have to correct you since our air conditioner went out today. :laugh: As I told my husband it isn't the end of the world there a lot of people who have worse things happen to them even though we have had a rough few weeks. :ohwell:

    My son from Arizona is here and it so good to see him that nothing else matters at this time. :heart:

    Still very tired so I will catch up tomorrow if there is time.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :bigsmile: according to MFP if every day were like to day I'd gain five pounds in five weeks (and I'd be broke :laugh: ) may have been warm in Seattle but our seats at the Mariners game were high up enough on the second level that we never had the sun shining on us......we had garlic fries, and a giant hot with bun, sauerkraut, and onions but no beer or soda, just water......the Mariners beat the Boston Red Sox which made the day even better........

    :flowerforyou: the "naughty" food was good but I'll be glad to be back to my usual food tomorrow.

    :flowerforyou: we drive 50 miles to the ferry, parked the car, walked onto the ferry and then walked about 15 minutes to Safeco field.......I did yoga and walked the dogs in the morning so I got some exercise along with doing some walking at the stadium

    :flowerforyou: sandy, the clean up at your house sounds daunting, but your carpets will be cleaner as a result :bigsmile:

    We're headed for bed early:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Greetings all!!!! Back to work and back from vacation!:happy:
    I went to Block Island, Cape Cod and Niagra Falls! Not a lot of eating at home:tongue: and more drinking than usual:ohwell: I did try, however to make the wisest choices I could given the situation. We walked a lot and, when I could I did my treadmill:smile:
    I DID NOT DRINK MUCH WATER, however, so given all the above, I knew I must have gained weight.:ohwell:
    I gained 4 pounds, which I'm sure I will take off this week! Do I regret it? NO! I had a great time, and even with the weight gain, I know I made much healthier choices than ever before. Let's face it, 8 days of not preparing your own foods, is going to have it's downfall. But we had a wonderful time together! Now it's back to being very strict with my calories and get caught up on exercise!.
    I did, however, write down everything I ate or drank.....yes.....even the piece of Sbarros pizza!!! So, I know, somewhat, how many calories I went over and was not at all surprised by the scale.:ohwell:

    I hope everyone is well. I have not had time to read posts for a I'm really out of touch:embarassed:
    But happy Monday to all! If there are newcomers.....welcome! If anyone is struggling....TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!!!! Make it a good one!!!
    God bless!
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    Well Barbie, I know I speak for a lot of us when I say I am glad you ate over your calories and ate somewhat junk food!!! You and Jake deserve a little extra eating now and then, we all know that you both will be back on track today and back to your healthy living.:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Glad you had a good time, you two are like newlyweds. :heart:

    Birdie, welcome back and it sounds like you also had a great time. Everyone needs to splurge a little especially on vacation, life is too short to sweat the small things.:tongue: You also will be on track and those extra pounds will melt off. :bigsmile:

    I didn't do too well myself and my weight went up a pound or two over the weekend. That is because I am grilling for my son and trying to make him big dinners. Problem is I have no self control and eat everything. :sad: I am addicted to skinny cow ice cream and I really try to count my calories and have enough left for one ice cream a day. I know if I didn't eat it, things would move quicker, but I just love ice cream and skinny cow is low in calories.
    I really need to do my julian michaes shred again, but right now my basement stinks and my air conditioner broke (what else can go wrong). Yep, that's my excuse and I am sticking to it. :laugh: The repairman is coming around noon so I don't know what excuse I can use after that. :laugh:

    Have a good Monday everyone, enjoy life to it's fullest!!

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode: carpet has to be removed a tile floor is in my future!! :explode: :explode: :explode: :explode:
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone. Ao far the eating has been quite good today. It rained earlier but is sunny now and very humid. I will be brief as I need to get out and pick my chokecherries before the rain starts again or before the birds eat them all. Speaking of birds my son found a relatively large woodpecker in his furnace room. He can't figure out how it got there so my husband is going over this evening to see if the woodpecker pecked a hole in the roof around the chimney. Crazy bird scared the cats. Then the bird broke the window as my son was trying to take it out of the casing to let him out.

    Sandy -- sorry you have to replace the carpet. The tiles sound like a good option. We have our tiles sitting in the garage if Dave every finds time to do the renovations. We bought them early as we found a price we couldn't pass up. Has the water gone down today? Uhh, Skinny Cow is a lot better option that the Rolo that I was into. I will, indeed, pay the price!

    Birdie -- So glad you had such a nice holiday. don't worry about the extra calories, you know how to get it off.

    Barbie -- I know you won't be eating that way again for a long time so no worries about any 5 pound gain! Glad you enjoyed it.

    Marie -- I expect you are tired after such a busy weekend. Rest up, my friend.

    Take care everyone. Keep smiling. Gayla:heart:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sandy, what a shame about having to replace the carpet or is a blessing that you get to replace it with tile.......I guess it's all how you look at it........I'll bet your weight gain is more about sodium and not enough veggies and know the right stuff to eat so you'll be back on track in no's hard to fix tempting food for others and not succumb to the temptation......the only way I can deal with Ice cream is to not eat it at all and not have it in the house.

    :flowerforyou: Gayla, that is good news about a group home for and Dave have postponed the "empty nest" longer than most people, so it's bound to be a challenge and once you get used to it will be a great blessing.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, glad to hear from you and that you had a great vacation......bravo to you for logging all your food no matter how far off track you got

    :flowerforyou: between all the sodium and the beef, the scale said that I weigh four pounds more than I've weighed in months.....I know it's not "real" weight, just full tanks and that in a few days the extra stuff will be gone.....I'm glad that I have enough experience with the scale to realize that certain foods change what the scale says.

    :flowerforyou: my knee was a bit sore this morning after too much walking yesterday so I'm taking it easy today......I walked the dogs, went to the grocery store and watered the garden but otherwise I have stayed off my's perfect weather to take a walk and it's been hard to stay home from the dog park
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello everyone, just a quick check in.

    :laugh: :laugh: Barb, yes never thought of that, this week is going to be a challenge I am so happy with the loss, I am slipping in the food choices a bit. Hope I get hold of my self quick.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Irene, my mom's middle name, she liked it better than Maisie her first. Thoughts and prayers go to you, wishing all the strength you will need.

    :heart: Barbiecat :heart: Got to love the Main Coons' they are so majestic in their own way. Henry is a living time piece, he knows 5am, 12 noon and 5pm. No no bed time until he gets the 8pm snacks! Today my sister tells me that Henry was a little fluffed with her cat Sophie, I investigated the possible crime scene and found my extention roller brush handle was laying on the floor of the basement. I am to assemble the facts to reveil that Sophie was rubbing her chin up against the paint accessory stand causing the roller handle to fall to the floor. Now Henry could have been under the handle and cushioned its' fall or he was trying to have a quiet potty when BAMM, causing a sever expellation of the digestive tract area. :grumble: He stalked Sophie for about 5 minutes afterward, she knew he was not happy. :sad: Eventually, Henry swallowed his thoughts and curled up with Sierra on the couch.

    :flowerforyou: Sandy wow what a mess! Your home looks beautiful, Mother Nature can be a PITA when she wants to. But by no means is this the right time for that. Best wishes to your son, happy trails! For you and your husband my prayers and hopes to come out of this breathing fresh air.:flowerforyou:

    :smile: :smile: Jeffrey, I have never knew anyone who could run as much as you do. Am I right with Day, being your lovely wife, she runns with you? What a team! God bless the two of you, and you will find that job, I will put in a special request in my prayers tonight. :smile:

    Take care all, catch you in a few :smile:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    well my son has gone back to St. . Louis, So maybe things will get normal around here soon. Alice was out yesterday to help me get around on this new PC. It is really nice. has a camera on it so if any of you have that feature we can see each other as we chat. That is after I learn to used it. iy it is sll in one don't have that big box anymorre It has the touch system no more mouse. But got to get used to it too.But so nice to have a pc that runs fast.

    Just wanted to check in. See you guys tomorrow
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Marie, Glad you had a good visit with your son. Hope you are enjoying your new computer!!

    Irene, Assuming you are reading, just want to let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Sandy, Sorry to hear your carpeting couldn't be saved. I hope a tile floor will work out well for you.

    Marlouise, That was quite a cat story!!

    Hello to everyone else.

  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,120 Member
    Good Tuesday Morning,

    The carpet is out, the basement is being sanitized, the area rug in family room being cleaned, the air conditioner took forever but seems to be cooling (although it is not perfect so I think we might need a new one). My husband is feeling good, but tired and I took a walk with daisy to see who shall not be named last night and he doesn't look so good to me. He is going for a blood test today and I wouldn't be surprised if they put him back in the hospital. He is having a problem urinating (tmi??) and he is so tired that I am sure he needs more blood. His wife said he is depressed and bored, I think he has a long road ahead of him and better get used to the idea of going in and out of the hospital. (just my opinion)

    Since I don't dwell on him I am hoping my life goes back to some sort of normal soon. (yes Barb I do have spurts of being normal) I am playing cards today and when I am done my son's girlfriend from Arizona should be here. She went to Ohio to see her family and is driving up for the day to see my son. Since he is leaving tomorrow for more on the road training they will only have one day to be together. I am hoping to take them to a nice dinner.

    Marie, congratulations on your new computer, it sounds like a great one. We missed you but hope you had fun with your family.:heart::heart: :heart: :heart:

    Irene, prayers are still with you and hope the chemo isn't making you too sick. :love:

    Barbie, thanks for the encouragement, I try to always keep in the back of my mind those calories and although I should put my ticker back up to a couple of gained pounds I am determined to get rid of them by the end of the week. If not I will have to be honest with myself and start again with those last couple of dreaded pounds. :glasses:

    Marilyn, thank you for the kind words, we do have a nice little house in a great suburb of Chicago. The only problem is that we are on a block that has the worst problem with water and our village keeps saying they are going to correct the problem with new storm sewers but we are last on the list. This house is my husbands from his first marriage (she died) and because he is set in his ways I doubt he will ever move. We belong in a nice townhouse where someone else does all the outside work. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Seriously, we love our lot and have a great yard for Daisy, so it is hard to give it up, plus we really don't want to start over with a new mortgage. :tongue:

    This too shall pass, life goes on and we enjoy what we have, things could be much worse.

    Have a great day!!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :drinker: :flowerforyou: Good Morning,
    we were having a lovely time
    Jake was reading some spiritual readings to me and we were talking about them when we suddenly remembered that he had a dentist appointment in 10 minutes
    he jumped into clothes and raced away

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I am thinking of you with all the stress and work required to replace your carpet and clean up your house----you didn't mention the financial aspects of clean up but I would imagine that even if it were covered by good insurance there would be a financial burden involved....about those extra pounds
    I don't count a pound lost until it's been gone for a week so it follows that one shouldn't count a pound gained until it's been there for a week........I didn't post the four pound gain that came from several restaurant meals and the ball park pig out especially since it was followed by two pounds down today and after today's cleanse, the other two pounds will likely come off as well.......I'm glad to see you putting your effort into the things you can change (eating, exercising, MFP, and grateful family members) and ignoring the things you can't change (the family member who shall remain nameless)

    :flowerforyou: Marie, I'm glad to hear that you had a good cool that you have a new computer.....we have a videocam on our computer and I have great video calls with a friend who has four dogs and at least a dozen cats......we get to see each other's pets.

    :flowerforyou: Marilyn, you are so right about the Maine Coons being able to tell time...Bernie tells me when it's time to get up to feed him his breakfast

    :flowerforyou: Jeffrey. how great that you and Day can run together...the people that play together, stay together.

    :flowerforyou: Birdie, have you adjusted to being home again?

    :flowerforyou: Barb, don't forget to put all the food on extra high shelves so Bradley doesn't get it :laugh:
    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    Hi Barbie,
    The good news about Bradley is that his latest transgression--knocking a box of low sodium chicken broth onto the floor and chewing it open, gave me an idea for encouraging him to eat what he is SUPPOSED to have--you know, "dog food":noway: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Anyway, I tried moistening the kibble with that, and it was very popular with all three.

    I am alternating that technique with splitting up a can of Little Cesar between all three of them at a meal. Bradley :heart: LOVES:heart: it, and the other two don't need encouragement to eat, but they pitch such a fit when they smell it, that I include a little in their food just to keep the peace!!!!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Hang in there. I am glad you are keeping the ongoing saga of "Mr. No-Name" at arm's length and carrying on. I bet you are looking forward to having the cleanup process done. Don't worry about the lbs.--they will go away.:flowerforyou:

    Hello to everyone else.

  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    A real quick note as I am at work: Sandy I hope your house is starting to return to normal.:noway: Holy cow! So much water! What a lot to deal with! So sorry for all the craziness that this has caused!!! (It does look like you have a beautiful home, though!!!)
    Barbie and the picture! It's so good to see your beautiful faces!
    :happy: Trying to get back to a normal routine with the exercise and the food. How are YOU doing Barbie? It seems like we were both in the same boat....being away from home and gaining 4 pounds!!! I agree with you as far as counting it gained. I haven't changed my ticker either because I will wait and see what happens after a week of getting back to normal. So far so good as my food has been very diciplined, the water intake ...back to normal.... as is the exercise. So we'll see!
    To everyone else sending greetings. Really must get back to work!!! Reading the posts but so little time to reply!:noway: :ohwell:
  • gigi46
    gigi46 Posts: 196
    Hello everyone'
    My grandson has gone back to Sunrise, Fla yesterday, the house is so empty and I miss him so much, its so hard to have everyone so far away.

    Back to work and taking care of the things I did not do when he was here. The laundry needs to be done, there is always tomorrow.

    Barb & Barbie great picture you both look so happy.

    Gayla Happy Canning, I did so many years ago.

    Sandy sounds like things are folling into place with the rain, hope for a better tomorrow.

    Barbie hope you had a great time at the game.

    Hope everyone is doing well, keep up the exercise everyone, will keep us healthy.:bigsmile:

    Have a great evening!!!
  • jeffrey71
    jeffrey71 Posts: 432
    Good Morning Everyone!

    What's new? Triathlon again a week from Saturday! I think I am ready. I had a big workout yesteday and I am little sore today. Yoga, swimming, and bike riding today.

    I have been working in the garden and the flowers some. I got rid of a snake this morning! I have been after him for a month. He finally made a mistake! LOL big mistake!

    Sam is home for 2 weeks and that makes me happy. Amanda and Day are fine and doing well! Not too much else here to report on!

    Sandy I am e-mailing you a big sponge for future use! Glad all is better!
