

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,983 Member
    :) Hugs to all for a better day tomorrow.

    <3 Barbie

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    Strategy is stronger than willpower.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,392 Member
    Yesterday (Mon) did 10 min of an ab DVD, held my plank for 2 min 50sec, then an hour of extremepump. The plan for today is to do the deep water class. The plan for tomorrow is to do Jillian Michael's Hard Body DVD.

    Went and picked up some Halloween decorations from the people who are cohosting the social with us, some tables from them. Had Mexican Train last night. You know, I really wouldn't mind not going one month (or two). but I know that Vince likes to go. There were A LOT less people this month.

    Penny - Ny-Alesund sounds like such a neat place. Your pics take my breath away. I've learned so much from you

    Re - its wonderful that not only are you on vacation (?) but continuing to workout

    Pauline - welcome!

    Tammy - welcome! We love new members.

    Joyce - (((HUGS)))

    DJ and everyone else in Matthew's path - thinking of you all

    Lenora - so glad you had a good time with your sisters but so sorry about your hubby. What version of MTD do you play? We don't play with chips. We usually play chicken foot. So glad hubby has an appt with another doctor. Hopefully, this doc can get to the bottom of the problem

    Chris - good for you throwing away that muffin! I know how hard that is to do, but you did it. Fantastic!

    Exercised, then stopped at the Salvation Army, then to Big Lots to get mints for me and another loaf of bread for Vince. Their prices on their Halloween decorations are high! And they aren't even on sale. Then home to make a chicken, vege, cheese casserole for this guy who said he'd be at ceramics tonight. His wife fell, he looked really worn. I also made him some pumpkin spice muffins. I'll use the rest for the Halloween social.

    janetr - sounds like you have a great doc there. Keep her. I hope she gets to the bottom of this. Happy Anniversary

    Karen in VA - thanks for the update on DJ. I do hope she's safe wherever she winds up. Wish she'd come up by me.

    DJ - that Christmas in October sounds like a really nice thing to do. I pray that you stay safe.

    Ruby - keep coming back for lots of inspiration. Welcome!

    NYKaren - you should celebrate, what an awesome accomplishment. Just don't celebrate too much....lol

    Went to ceramics then Lowes Hardware. A friend of ours told us about this spider decoration, the one store near us didn't have it, another store had only the display model and Vince nor the guy working there could get it to work, so we went to another Lowes. Unfortunately, they didn't have any.

    Michele in NC
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
    Janetr Happy Anniversary!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited October 2016
    Michele in NC - We play double 15's; some of the rules were a bit confusing to us; we would Google things we did not know, to see if we could make up the rules to follow what we 'thought' should happen. Only the women played it; the guys would play the card game 8-1-8. What our real problem was, was that we could not figure out if the center chip/block was a double 15; if one player did not have a 15 to play off of, were they supposed to draw from the bone yard until they did. We made the rule up that once you had 20 blocks in your tray; another player would draw from the pile until they found one, shuffle them around or give up one of their 15's so you could start to work off it. First 5 times, you had to draw from the bone yard until (or unless) you got one first. Some of the written instructions just did not make a 'lick of sense'.

    I'm really happy that DH has an appointment with a 'new' Urologist; and, hopefully, he will figure out what is going on. My sisters were really upset that I could not talk DH into going to the ER. I agree with them, it could get really serious if his bladder got 'too' full. That is one of the questions I want answered by the MD. I told DH that I WAS going to go with him to find out what this MD has to say ... Period, the End!

    October is Breast Cancer Awareness month - make sure you do your breast self checks; and, call a friend (buddy) and ask her the same question, "have you done your breast self exam this month?"

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    I'm keeping my mouth shut tonight so that no one has to get out the broom! pulling-hair-out.gif
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, all... up early this morning... Ended up being an 11-hour day going to press yesterday, but due to a number of things, the paper ended up stretching from 20 pages to 22 to 24, by 10 a.m. We made it to press eight minutes before deadline, but we made it. We always do. So far, anyway.

    80-something posts since I last visited, so my mind's awhirl with all your doings, but not retaining much. Second cup of coffee making now, so not operating at full steam, to say the least. Thinking about DJ in the path of the storm, the rest dealing with so much, feel blessed that my worries are temporary... And Penny, the pics were just beautiful.

    Katla - was going to drop pics of the breast cancer article here, but they ended up much too large... and the article itself is super long, even in text, almost 1700 words. If you'll e-mail me at editor@fspioneer.com, I'll send the text of the article to you over e-mail.

    And, speaking of temporary worries... We have a potential buyer for the warehouse, which is part of what woke me at 2 a.m. It's the local karate instructor, and he's excited about it, but will have to get through a loan process, of course, so we have some time to think, one hopes. If/when it does sell, we have to decide what is next. The amount we'll make from the sale is not enough to get us to our next stage--traveling full-time. And, while it would be enough to buy land outright, land with water and electric and sewer available is much more expensive, and buying an expensive piece would delay our eventual leave date, as well. Living in an RV park long-term is not attractive... the camper is a bit small for staying in one place if there's no outdoor living space... and ditto that one for renting an apartment. Not my idea of living, even for a couple years.

    Conundrums-R-Us, at least today. We're going to just have to bite the bullet and jump one way or the other... and my instinct is to say trade the camper up for an RV with enough space to be comfortable, no matter where we park it... and honestly, the truck that will haul the camper easily would be just about as expensive as simply buying the RV that would haul the car easily. My truck will haul the camper, but only with it dry and empty.

    Gah. Too much to think about at 3:30 in the morning, and I've got work to do for the November sale of all this stuff I've gathered up of late. Pardon my using y'all for thinking space... but of course, you know,

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    lisa all this waking up in the middle of the night to to think things through--I would need a pot of coffee to do all you do! You've got the wisdom and strength to face it, I can tell. With DH by your side the next adventure will be just that! :)

    Stormy weather friends take precautions and good care of yourselves!

    Strategy is stronger than will power. I am working that quote through my days, I appreciate the reminder! It worked wonders yesterday and will apply it to rest of this busy week-3 doc appointments in a row after work today, I guess that is better than using a day off to fit it in :#

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    good morning ladies~
    my day off from work, taking Toms car over to the dealership for an oil change and get nail out of tire.. supposed to meet up with my daughter for tea/ coffee she starts at 11 this morning..
    I am watching all the coverage of Matthew and it is scary.. I have family and friends on the east coast of Florida, and my best friend and her hubby live about 5 minutes from the beach in Willmington,N.C. will be praying for them.
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Stay safe and well everyone.
    Still on track and losing the excess weight.
    Off to work.

    Chris in MA
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,366 Member
    Janet ~ Happy Anniversary!

    Lisa ~ Lots to think about.

    Joyce ~ sounds like you and DD had a great time at the festival. Sorry you were dizzy.

    NYKaren ~ Good for You for not letting your stressful day get you off track.

    I have had to face the fact that when I don't eat enough for lunch, I am going to binge after dinner. PNB Crackers and Chocolate Animal Crackers! sad-021.gifYesterday, I ate boiled brussel sprouts for lunch. Needless to say that by 3 or 4 I was starving but held off and ate a healthy dinner. Then went on to eat the crackers as I watched tv. So, today I will make better choices.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited October 2016
    Carol, I am right there in that same boat. Either running around or at appointments and miss lunch. I stick a protien bar or cheese stick in my purse to tide me over, then eat planned dinner but feel hungery later and graze. I'm still up the 10 pounds I wanted to lose over a year ago when I joined MFP. I loose a few gain a few. Not been working out as much due to not feeing too well. I too will commit to better choices today. You gave me encouragement. Thanks.

    P.S. I too ate animal crackers, but not chocolate. :)

    Janetr okc (sort of)
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    well today didn't turn out as planned~
    the tire has leak on side of tire and they need to order tire, wont let me drive it, so they brought me home, so no going to meet Tracy, no errand running ,and it wont be ready till 3-4 and I have to be up there to make dinner and stay with Faith after 3 , so that is a wrench in the monkey works..
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    Good morning girls! I feel a little better today! Yea! I actually managed to fix myself some actual breakfast (not soup). I had zoodles (zucchini noodles) with a little home made hollandaise and a half cup of cottage cheese. I had my coffee to keep the caffeine withdrawal at bay; but then switched to peppermint tea. All of my kiddos arrived by eight this morning! Yikes! All woke up early at home and most came kind of crabby. Fed them all some toast and banana and I have Winnie the Pooh on for them and they have quieted down and are snuggling with their blankies. It works on this rainy morning.
    I haven't walked in a week or more, which has got me kind of frustrated. With this cold, the best I can do is walk a few circuits of my driveway.
    Janet- glad you like your new doc! I think that is so important, the rapport between doc/patient. Makes me feel better when I get that.
    DJ- glad you are prepared for Matthew. Stay safe holding down the fort! I have a couple of friends in south FL that are battening down the hatches and riding the storm out at home. I went through Gilbert when it hit the Yucatan Peninsula while I was living there. I lived about 10 miles up the coast from Cancun and it was pretty rural and knocked out power, roads, everything for a good two weeks. Alligators everywhere! Lots of jellies washed ashore also.
    Mary- Just have to say that I love seeing your posts and what you are accomplishing as far as work outs go! Inspires me to keep going. You have been through so much health-wise this year! Thanks for reminding us to keep moving! <3
    Heather- LOL! Yea for you and your Spanish language skills! Oh my! I can just picture the wanna-be musician's face when you asked him to "please stop the horrible music!" I checked out the pics of the mosque turned cathedral; it looks stunning! I am partial to the lavish architecture of the Middle Eastern cultures. I also like the renaissance architecture. I really need to get to Europe.
    Ooops, there's the baby, asking politely for his bottle (not). Gotta fly! Lovely day to all of you, especially you, DJ!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Whitbygramgirl
    Whitbygramgirl Posts: 75 Member
    I didn't know there was a "special" link for October! - thanks! :)
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    believefsc wrote: »
    Hi everyone, I'm new to this thread and am excited to have found you! I'm a 46 year old mother of one, working from home and newly engaged to be married for the first time. My fiance is so supportive of me, whether I want a chocolate bar or want to exercise, that I've chosen to harness his positive energy to get healthy, and he's going to join me.

    I just went through my 'dieting' history this past week and have discovered a pattern. I start a new diet every September, do really well and lose 40 pounds or so by January. Then, I go to Mexico in February and return to all my bad habits, regaining all the weight I lost, plus more, by September.

    Well, I started again in August this year instead, and I'm focused on different goals. I don't have a goal weight that I'm obsessing about, I'm not dieting, I'm not weighing myself every day, I'm not talking about my diet to friends and family and 'bragging' about how well I'm doing.

    Instead, my starting goals are:

    * Add two servings of vegetables to lunch and dinner
    * Reduce servings of bread, crackers, pasta and rice to three per day
    * Eat out once per week
    * Eat slowly, completely chewing and savouring my food
    * Eat at the dinner table and not on my lap or at my computer
    * Drink one cup of coffee per day and stop my evening 'happy hour' with my Coke Zero
    * Plan my meals and do food prep with my fiance on the weekends, for the upcoming week
    * Track every bite of food/drink that goes in my mouth, no matter what
    * Go to the pool 5x/week+ and do 30 minutes+ of water walking/jogging

    I'm creating an Excel spreadsheet to track these goals, daily. I like measurable goals so this should help me.

    I'm looking forward to following you ladies.

    Langley, BC, Canada

    I was just out in your area!!! I want to come back - Saskatchewan is blanketed in snow!!

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • BlueWillowMist
    BlueWillowMist Posts: 12 Member
    Feeling quite "blah" today. Feel bloated and stomach unsettled. I know I shouldn't but going to have to postpone breakfast til later in day. Tummy doesn't even like the glass of water I just drank. Pillow, blanket, couch and my dog that's where I will be.

    Also, hoping everyone in path of that hurricane stays safe.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited October 2016
    Michele in NC - We play double 15's; some of the rules were a bit confusing to us; we would Google things we did not know, to see if we could make up the rules to follow what we 'thought' should happen. Only the women played it; the guys would play the card game 8-1-8. What our real problem was, was that we could not figure out if the center chip/block was a double 15; if one player did not have a 15 to play off of, were they supposed to draw from the bone yard until they did. We made the rule up that once you had 20 blocks in your tray; another player would draw from the pile until they found one, shuffle them around or give up one of their 15's so you could start to work off it. First 5 times, you had to draw from the bone yard until (or unless) you got one first. Some of the written instructions just did not make a 'lick of sense'.


    We have double 15's dominoes and everything needed for Mexican Train was in the box, including directions. It is a lot of fun, but easiest if you play with someone who already knows how the first time. The highest double domino drawn by any player in the beginning starts the game.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member