

  • GalatiansTwoTwenty
    GalatiansTwoTwenty Posts: 28 Member
    Thank you so much, Toni! My husband was a pastor. You do not know how encouraging your words have been. I like the idea of 'spiritual vitamins' and 'soul food'. I think I will copy some verses tomorrow and put them in an old medicine jar to take as needed. Thank you so much.

    Praying that all of you ladies have a wonderful day!

    Joyce Ann from Indiana

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited October 2016
    Joyce Ann, IN. Welcome. My best friend and next neighbor's name is Joyce Ann. Most of the time I call her Joycie Ann lol. I'm sure you too will become a dear friend to this group of supportive, encouraging women. I suggest weighing and measuring your food and logging it each day. Try adding a little exercise each day even if only a few extra steps, it's a start. Baby steps. Please feel free to share your struggles and successes and ask questions or get suggestions. We can do this.

    Janetr okc
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,807 Member
    a quick good morning , off to work in a few minutes..
    went to our local fair with Zina and Mary from work...it was fun, we walked like for 3 hrs and I was pooped came home and went to bed..
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited October 2016
    DJ I hope you and your clan will be safe today. Forgive me for fretting, I know you can figure it out.

    Karen in Virginia
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Morning lovely ladies. Glad to know we are all here plugging away and helping each other. Stay safe, keep healing, take care and be good to yourselves

    Happy saturday :* NYKAREN
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
    edited October 2016
    Kelly when I took a class in the Orton Gilligham imethod n college to help me teach students phonics my spelling vastly improved. It is hard to believe that 85% on our language does fit some pattern. The other 15% you look up or learn your own tricks to help you remember like hear with your ear. I will have a piece of pie.

    I also firmly agree about the writing piece. The Orton Gillilinghan method was developed for students who are dyslectic. Writing as you sound out the word is a component of this method. One of my teaching friends did her masters of how the process of writing left to write helps students track with their eyes from left to right. When a student struggles watching their eyes and making sure they track correctly is part of helping them.

    Reading and Writing is a complex like learning to driving a car. For a student starting the process of learning to read and write there are many parts to learn. As they practice, practice, practice these parts begin to become second nature.

    Every child learns differently and at different rates. What works for one child may not work for another. That is why we teach with a variety of methods.

    Also unfortunately many of our children struggle because of poverty and stress. I know for myself when I am under stress or not eating right I do not do well learning new things.

    I will come off my soap box now.

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,366 Member
    Margaret ~ Enjoyed how you explained different learning styles. I had never heard of the Orton Gillilinghan method and will Google it to learn more. When I taught 5th, I tried to present the lesson written, orally, and used visual cues hoping I could accommodate the different learning styles. Loved making Power Points to demonstrate key elements.


  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    MicheleNC, I totally agree with you about the news/weather people sensationalizing things so much. This morning they show weather people on the beach up and down the Grand Strand with the rain pouring on them and a shingle they found on the ground and make it sound like every roof is blowing off. So far we have had a few wind gusts like we get in any rain event. The real wind will be here about 2:00 which of course is right at high tide. And what in the He11 is the deal with them all standing out in the rain so we will believe it’s raining. I don’t have to see a “drowned rat with a microphone” to know it’s raining. LOL

    Marcelyn, sorry it was a painful day. There will just be some that are worse than others. I hope you were able to get a good night’s sleep. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
    Janetr, great pictures. If you go in those caves, take pictures because as much as I’d love to see what’s in them, I’d be too big a chicken to go exploring.dancing-hatching-chicken-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Katla, glad you had your favorite yoga instructor. Do you know ahead of time who it will be?meditate-smiley-emoticon.gif

    JoyceAnn, welcome. Yes, this is a great place for support and information. If you log everything that goes in your mouth and try to move more each week, this thing works. Many of us have “tried” over the years without lasting success and this program is wonderful. For me, this group of supportive ladies has been the key to success. Come here daily and never give up. Sorry for your loss and proud of you for deciding to do something good for yourself.

    Toni, that sounds like a great and uplifting project to type out the verses. I’m so glad you came back to us. (((Hugs)))

    KarenVA, you don’t have to ask for forgiveness for fretting about us in the storm. It warms my heart to know you ladies care. Just know we don’t take Matthew lightly. Had they issued an evacuation order for us we would have gone without hesitation. We have done all the things we need to do to prepare and are very mindful of the dangers. Thank you for caring. <3

    There is already a lot of power outages around the area. I’m not sure why since we haven’t had any significant wind as yet. I”ll check in later today as long as we have power. When it goes so does the Wifi.

    Sending love and good thoughts to all of you and I hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Day! rainy-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, blow.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    DJ - thank you for the reassurance that you all are faring well at this point. I too have been fretting all morning and trying to find any information on your area. Hope the storm stays at a distance.

    Janetr okc
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    Marcelynh wrote: »
    :s lots of pain today and I've no idea why. pain pill and ice for bedtime.

    hurting in Houston

    so sorry

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,716 Member
    morning peeps -
    got my fancy watch on and we'll see how it works running. kirby doesn't want to run outside (supposed to rain) so we'll be running on the treadmill for 2 hrs. i used the watch for the first time yesterday on the ride home but i hit the wrong program running instead of biking... i'm still learning. i used my strava app on my phone and hrm at the same time to compare.. glad i did.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Welcome to all newbies, I am a recent newbie myself. I don't always post but try to read every day. The ladies on here are so chatty and friendly and supportive

    Hope all who are in the path of Matthew are ok and all who are still having health problems are soon healed

    I have been on track with eating and exercise since returning from Spain and that is an NSV for me as I usually find it really hard to do and I go away a few times a year

    Have done Leslie Sansone 45 min heart workout this morning and 3 mins (pathetic I know) on my cross trainer which has been acting as a clothes hanger in the spare room for a long time. I am determined to build that up which I hope will help with the flabby backside. Just returned from a 2 mile walk round the neighbourhood in the beautiful Autumn sunshine

    Kate UK <3
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    [color+red]Joyce Ann – Losing a family member, husband, parent(s), child, or sibling is the worst possible thing we end up doing (some of us). They ‘say’ (whoever ‘they’ are) that going through all the ‘firsts’ without is the hardest part. Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, birthdays, wedding anniversaries, and date of death are the absolute hardest. After that it is supposed to get a little easier. I don’t know, I haven’t gone through that, other than parents; and, I still miss both of them terribly. Daddy dies in 1985; Mother in 2006. I think although I was a “Daddy’s Baby”, I miss my Mother most; she always had the answers to my questions. When I asked she gave me her most honest opinion. Whether or not I followed her advice was up to me. Now, it is my turn with my sons and granddaughters. Welcome to the ‘tread’ and that is the correct name for it.
    When our DOGD left for college; I made her an Inspiration Jar, filled them full of Bible verses and encouragement quotes, to open one every day, or more if she was feeling down. I write in journals and a lot of encouraging verses – both biblical and quotes from other sources. It has really helped.

    DJ – There used to be a man (with an Italian sounding last name) on national news who was such a … ‘this is the worst storm ever, let me go out into it so you can ‘see’ how bad it is’. No matter how far away you were from the storm, it made you want to jump in your car and either keep driving or go to the grocery store and gas station and fill up on supplies. Name was something like “Catchatorie” (spelling wrong); he was so ‘animated’ it was unreal. I’ve seen him since; but, I think in another area of the news. I’m like you, I don’t need to see a ‘drowned rat with a piece of a shingle over his head’ to know that it is raining or that the wind is blowing like crazy’. You can usually tell when there are lawn chairs flying everywhere.

    Joyce – I remember going into some caves up in the Smokey Mountains … interesting; but pretty cool inside. The Stalagmites and Stalactites’ were the most interesting. Thousands of years to make them. Hearing water running and how dark it was until the lights came on. Good thing they were roped off, lots of deep recesses. A strong lantern is needed to see everything.

    Had to wash Cracker's crate out; she got sick at some point last night (still a little sick this AM). Had to wash her, too. UGH! Now I will have to mop the entire utility room and kitchen. She probably ate something that did not agree with her. DH said that, at least, she pushed her pad up against the worst part so she would not be laying in it. :/

    Today, I have pre-tracked my foods, trying to get back to my daily caloric intake. I had only gained 1/2 of a pound Wednesday; and, that was after 4 days and 3 nights of vacation and not worrying about what I ate or drank. Thought that was pretty good. Ate Mexican last night (with a Margarita) ... that has to stop. Bought two big bottles of wine and brought one home - I will have to watch that.

    Not much 'exciting' has been happening since we got home (ahead of Matthew) from Daytona Beach, FL

    Welcome to all the 'newbies' and prayers and good thoughts for all that need them.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    JoyceAnn from IN: Welcome to a great group of supportive women. You can transform yourself if you are patient and stubborn. It took a long time for the weight to build up and will take time to go away. Meanwhile there are friends, support, and encouragement freely offered here. It took me about two years to get the weight off, and I'm still here because I need the support to keep it off. I still count calories every day. You'll see the term CICO from time to time. It means Calories In, Calories Out. Many of us set monthly goals. Mine have been the same since I found out what works for me. :flowerforyou:

    Carol: I liked using powerpoints to share information with my 8th graders, and had them make them, too. We did research projects two or three times a year. Even the kids with learning difficulties were successful with this. I was lucky to be in a building with a computer lab available. We'd go to the library to do research for a few class periods & then go to the computer lab to put all of our facts into a powerpoint presentation. That also took several class periods. We shared the powerpoint presentations in class. Everyone got up and spoke before the group, and the shy kids did just fine since student's eyes were on the screen and not staring at them. :wink: (For the very shyest kids, I'd let them come in at lunch with a trusted friend and do their presentation just for the friend and me.)

    DJ: We have three yoga instructors and they each have a "regular day" but they substitute for one another when something comes up. :heart: Regarding the weather reporters, they probably figure that a picture is worth a thousand words. You should see Portland news when we have snow. It is rare and causes a circus on the highways because nobody knows how to drive in the conditions. The primary mantra from the reporters on the scene is "stay home." :wink:

    Lenora: Jim Cacciatori works for the Weather Channel now. I saw him last night when I tuned in for a bit.

    Got to go! time for my lesson.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Heather, Janetr: Love the photos! Thank you both for taking the time to share with us. I'm learning a lot from you about the world we live in.

    Mary: You are so consistent with your routine. What an excellent example you are setting for me! Sorry to hear about your insomnia woes.

    Marcelyn: Sorry you're hurting! I hope the pain subsides for you quickly.

    Joyce Ann: Welcome!

    Toni: Love the thought of "Spiritual Vitamins"

    DJ: You're in my thoughts and prayers along with everyone else in the path of Matthew.

    Kate: Give yourself some credit :) You are working out, walking and building up time on a cross trainer - nothing pathetic about that!

    I'm so happy that I'm finally have some success on the scale and in inches. Following the a low carb diet seems to be what my body needs. Why it only took me 2 years to figure this out I don't know. :(

    I found a recipe for low carb gravy that both my son and I really enjoy. I also tried cauliflower mash for the first time. Not bad, I need to make sure I drain it better next time.

    It started snowing last night and I woke up to world of white. I am NOT ready for winter!

    Have a lovely weekend and happy Thanksgiving to all the Canadians.

    Carey - Northern Alberta

    Goals for Oct:
    - Increase walking now that the hamstring has healed
    - Get to Tai Chi at least once a week
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    Carey - I find a lower carb diet works best for me too. I don't cut it out altogether, but in general I leave out bread, potatoes, pasta, cakes etc. That way I can have more of the good stuff. For lunch today I had prawns in garlic and chilli. And a big salad. The table was heaped with bread, but I didn't eat any of it. We even were given free tapas, but I ate the ham and left the roll. o:)
    This evening though I did succumb to some bread stick biscuits. It's a long time until dinner and we are used to eating at 6.30. ;)
    It's a way of eating that works well in restaurants too, as long as you leave a lot of sauce on the side.

    Off now for a pre dinner stroll and drink. People watching. :D

    Love Heather xxxxxxxxxx