

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: What a lovely compliment to have your name included as a middle name for Bea. :heart:

    Mary: You sure did arrive in Oregon in time for dramatic weather. Too bad it has been so wet. I hope you get to see some pretty weather, too. (((HUGS)))

    Gloria: I'm so glad that you sent a message to Miriam. It hurts my heart that she was made to feel unwelcome here. :broken_heart: The storm track here was odd, in my view. There was quite a bit of storm damage in Portland but none where I live and we're between the coast and Portland. We did have one 50 mph gust according to our home weather station. Perhaps that was the one that knocked Ghosty over. I didn't see tree litter on the streets around here or on the way to my riding lesson yesterday. :huh:

    Karen in NY: I love the sister pic, but couldn't tell which one is you because my screen isn't big enough. :grumble: You'll have to tell us. :smiley:

    Alison: Sleep deprivation can get to a danger zone. I hope you're not anywhere near that point. (((hugs)))

    Yoga today! Yay! Other than that, I haven't got much going on. Tomorrow DH and I will be going to Longview, WA to get a new foot brace to help him walk. He has foot drop as a result of his MS. The one he's been using slips into his shoe on top of his foot. The new one will slip in under his foot. I think it will be more comfortable and more effective. I sure hope so. Thursday I hope to go walking with my former neighbor. She and another friend are walking in our neighborhood on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I can't make it tomorrow because of the appointment in Longview. I haven't seen much of my former neighbor at all since she moved and I've been missing her.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    Kjlamore - the 6th of nov -I am so under trained, it's gonna hurt!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    edited October 2016
    Pip - You've still got a while to train. Even if you have to crawl it, I'm sure you will still do it! <3

    Katla - It's so nice to see girlfriends, isn't it. I am booked in to today's restaurant next week for lunch with a girlfriend. Like today, I won't eat much, but will enjoy the chat.
    Today I just had a few slices of home smoked salmon with cockles and then a baked crab. No bread and just a smear of sauces. I enjoyed mine, but DH sent his potted shrimp back and he wasn't charged. He loved his pork belly with scallops. We had a bottle of sparkling rosé English wine. Well, it is his birthday! Came back home for a "nap". :blushing:

    Must download the pics of the christening. <3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    PS - NY Karen - I thought that was you, but you are so YOUNG! :o
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,091 Member
    edited October 2016
    Thanks for the Bea fix!

    (((Kim))) What I see almost everywhere is a disregard for healthy boundaries. (The boss calling at midnight)
    That is one of my long term goals it to reclaim my boundaries. What I am working on is how to best clarify my limits and if someone steps over the line how to stand my ground. Every situation is different. I find sometimes it is best to be direct while other times it is best to walk away to give it some space. When I do not honor my boundaries it is difficult for me have contentment, and I feel off.

    :heart: Margaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    cityhanelondon - actually I don't. U should train for this kind of a run at LEAST 3-4 months in advance. My workouts during the weekday won't allow food r long runs. I will do it but it's gonna hurt
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    Kelly, I hope you get over your cold soon.

    Barbie, glad you have your knitting and are okay with starting over. You have such patience for some things.

    Pip, glad those beautiful legs are feeling a bit better.

    Heather, the christening sounds like a big hit. How could it not be with that beautiful Bea at the center of the celebration.

    Kay, I did certainly enjoy seeing the picture of you, DH and the cute grands. Thanks for sharing!

    Allie, I wish Tom would learn to treat you right. I just have a feeling he loves you in his own way but it is so unfair to treat you the way he does. And you do so much for him! I’d probably never cook the man another meal. He is so lucky and yet tortures you with insults all the time. ((((Hugs))))

    Penny, I hate to hear that you aren’t enjoying your frozen tundra that you normally have this time of year. Hopefully you will get it soon. And golly gee it sounds like you have been busy!!!! Take a breath, my friend.

    Pat, it was good to hear from you. Sorry to hear you got the crud. Enjoy your time in the Smokey’s.

    Rori, Great pictures of you and Hawaii. Congrats on the decluttering. Doesn’t it feel great when it’s done!

    Heather, I hope your DH had a good Birthday. A new mattress sounds like what the doctor ordered.

    NYKaren, great picture!! So glad you enjoyed the play. What a fun time.

    Heather, thanks for the Bea fix. The other two are darling kids, but there is something about her that just touches my heart!!!
    I’m glad all you ladies in the PNW weathered the storms okay. My DD down near Medford said all they’ve had is rain, rain and more rain.

    The Moose convention was good this year. Lots of great information. The weather was beautiful and we got to the beach two different times. Woo Hoo!!! The sunrise the first morning was fantastic and I tried to post a picture but don’t think it worked. Now that I’m home on my desk top I should be able to. I have a Moose meeting tonight and it’s the last night for our Tailgate Raffle, so we have the drawing after our meeting.f4bvffrap5a3.jpg

    Sending love and good thoughts to all of you and I hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Day! rainbow-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, blow.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Karen, cute picture. You all look like you're having a great time.

    Heather, the christening pictures are adorable.

    Legs today at the gym. I love the leg machines but hate the step routines. Glad it's over.

    I'm taking a vacation from diet soda and and sugar. It's been almost a week. I keep expecting a miracle burst of feeling more energetic, but so far it hasn't happened.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Margaret – Yeah, when the phone rings at midnight – I ‘think’ the worst. Maybe your boss was well on his way to getting ‘plastered’ and did not ‘think’ before he called anybody at that hour. If he called you for something that could wait until morning; I think, asap, that maybe he did not realize it was that late when he called and that he woke you up (thinking something bad had happened to a family member – or something like that). IF he had called saying it was an ‘emergency’ … I definitely would have asked if it could wait until morning and that you’d ‘jump right on it’. That was just ‘rude’ of him. Tell him you don’t answer the phone after a certain time; and put the phone in a different room or turn the ringer off. This might take a while to get used to; but, our DYS’s calls ‘always’ goes to his ‘voice mail’; but, he checks every 15 – 20 minutes to see who has called. He expects for his bosses to tell him they want him to do something before nightfall; or to check their houses for them being ready for them to come in on the weekend. Now that it is ‘hunting season’, DDnL#2 goes to each of them and puts fresh linens on the bed and checks their baths and refrigerators for ‘out-of-date’ food they might have left the last time they were there. Since they paid DYS for the ‘maid’ to come in; DDnL#2 said that it might as well come to them; unless they can get the ‘maid’; if she is busy doing something when she could not do it.

    Allie – Sometimes we ‘allow them to start mistreatment; and sometimes it takes a long time to break him (and you as well) of it or allowing it. To say something back to him, in the same tone he talks to you or asking him ‘what he is so pissed about that he has to take it out on you’; will surprise them. I know DH can be ‘very grumpy’ in the afternoons after a really hot day out in the sun painting houses; they do work on the shady side of the houses, or they try to; but, in the afternoons, if they have to paint the south side, it is hot almost all day. That is usually the side of the house they start on, just to be able to stay as much out of the heat as possible. He has gotten to the point that he will clean his brushes as soon as he gets home, sits down for a little while, then takes his shower. That improves his day greatly; and, then we can talk it out. Hopefully, the only thing that Tom is doing is ‘verbal’ and not anything else. I agree with DJ, maybe you need to ‘go on strike’ … wear a sign pinned to you top that says: “I on strike until Tom can talk to me without criticizing me.” If you let them be ‘abusive’ to you; then, you have to find a way to change his ‘ways’ or ‘tune him out’. Apparently, y’all have been together for quite a few years. DH and I have been married 44; and, he rarely ever ‘yells’ at me, I am a ‘door slammer’. When he, mostly, designed this house, he made sure that none of the doors would ‘slam shut’. Cabinet doors just do not have the same effect. LOL!

    DJ – Your DD can send some of the rain to SWGA. We are having drought conditions; but, they have not rationed water or had ‘watering days’; or told the farmers that they could only irrigate at night. We have a deep well, so hopefully it will never go dry. I had a friend, whose well after 60-something years went dry; they had to come in and drill it deeper. She spent a week walking across the street to one of her daughters to get water to drink, cook with, and would take a bath/shower while she was there. Our aquafers are dependent on rain to keep them full. Bad thing about a ‘drought’ type condition is ‘when it rains’ quite often it forms a ‘lime sink’. Nice if you want a pond; but, most of the time; they go dry again when the weather is hot. There is a nice lake in Albany that drains to another pond-like area; but, it won’t hold water. You can see the crack down the middle of it, and there are signs all the way down it to ‘stay away’ when it grasses over. I am sure that the people whose houses are around it have hoped that it did hold water.

    They've started digging for the Sable Gas Line in our area; they should be digging soon, if not this week. I guess that means that 'hunting season' on our land, this year is a 'bust'. So DOS thinks that he really needs to get one when he and DH go out to hunt with DYS this December. Or else, get one at one of his friend's property. Said they did not have but a few packages of ground venison and they are not looking forward to having to buy meat at the store. DH and I were talking on our way for our 'date night' and I wondered if the right-of-way actually went through someone's house./yard. He said, 'of course it has; some guy tried to sue them, lost, had to pay their attorneys' fees, and lost his house by 'imminent domain'. I would have never done that; I would have had my house appraised and told them, 'this is what I need to get out of my house, fair enough for me to be able to buy another house of equal value'. Or taken what I have it insured for, including the $$ % for replacing the inside furniture and moved, in a heartbeat. They probably would have paid it, too. They gave us a price and we countered them by about $5000 and they did not hesitate paying it. We told them, that they would mess up our hunting for a minimum of 2 years; and, we depend on the meat we get when we kill a deer or a pig. When they came out here, they did all types of testing, ground water, wetland, certain animals (birds, fish, other) and we got a good price for the land; it already had an easement for another gas line; and, we were able to cut timber (hardwoods mostly) and sell it; when they finish we can plant on that area that will not be on the easement that they cut in order to bring in the machines to dig the ditches. It barely missed a huge grain barn down on the main highway; they had just built it; but, maybe they already knew where the easement would go. They also either bought or leased about 6 square acres from the same man who own/owned the land to park their trucks. I bet they have over 50 big tractor trailer trucks and no telling how many digging, grading, and other large machinery on it. They had to bring in a whole lot of fill dirt and gravel. I bet when they are finished in this area; they will have to put it back as it was before they came in.

  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    Well, I got my work done this morning and then went to pilates. I also noticed a typo in my post this morning...ugh

    Heather, love the photos of your family. My favorite is the one of you and Bea.

    Barbie, I hope you have been able to get outside. And Katla, did you get a riding lesson in yesterday?

    Janetokc, I'm glad your rash is clearing up. Where are you now?

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Do any of you know why the hood is always open when a tractor trailer truck is parked somewhere for overnight or an extended period of time?
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Heather - How old is Bea now? What does she weigh and how long/tall is she? She looks like a 'big girl' for hanging on Mother's hips. Hope she switches hips from time-to-time.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    Thanks damnit u know how to make a girl feel good :0)
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    Lenora - She is 7 months old and a very big girl. :o

    I have just made a cheeky sort of offer on a Hove house. I don't think they will be interested at that price and because our house is not quite on the market yet. If we got it we would have to completely remodel it top to toe. That would mean renting somewhere for six months, hence the low offer. But it is in the perfect position and has parking for two cars. Location is everything.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: Your son is a handsome man, and his family is beautiful. Good luck with your house offer. :heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,091 Member
    DJ gorgeous!
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Really enjoying the pictures y'all are posting. Had a tiring weekend working double shifts on Friday and Saturday plus my usual Sunday shift. My study group met today. We started a new study on Forensic Science/Crime scene investigation. Think it is going to be interesting and informative. Nice change for us as we usually do something historical or literary. Have a great evening everyone.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member
    Arm is tired today after my PT session. The good news is the physical therapist is super pleased with my progress. Although I haven't started any strength exercises my shoulder/arm is doing well and my mobility is almost back to 100%. Being dedicated with your exercises pays off. Ice is still my best buddy. Sure wish I could sleep at night though, it is SO uncomfortable. I try it with the sling, without the sling, with the pillow, without the pillow. It doesn't matter, it's not comfortable. I've been told to expect sleep issues for about five months. Fun. Not.

    I'm walking more now. I made a light-weight sling that is cooler than the "regulation one. They don't want my arm swinging back and forth so I have to strap it down to keep it from doing so. I'm "running" a half-marathon in January and the physical therapist was very doubtful that I would be able to do it. That repetitive motion of the arm is what she doesn't want... so I'm training to walk fast with the arm strapped down. I usually do a half in about 2.5 hours but this run (the Houston Marathon and Half-marathon) has a 4 hr limit for the half marathon. That means if I walk a pace of 3.25 miles per hour I can make it in the time limit. Easy peasy..... So I'm working to build up to 13 miles at that pace or faster with my arm strapped down. By January I'll be able to swing my arm but she said I should have a sling handy just in case my arm gets tired or the shoulder gets sore. My "support staff" (aka: husband) usually meets me every 4 miles so he can keep it with him and I can grab it when I go by if I need it. I'm just determined to do the race because I'm cheap. yes, I'm cheap. I already paid the $100+ to be in it and even if I defer it to next year I still have to pay an additional $40 to defer and then the entry fee next year.... so at least $140 more to put it off to next year. I'm too cheap to lose the money I've already paid so training I am doing. I'll be doing lots of leg presses and squats too I'm sure.

    I have to remind myself I'm only 3 weeks out of surgery so I shouldn't be in a hurry.

    I read everyone's posts.... too many thoughts to reply to all of them. :)

    Lenora - either broken down or just cooling the engine. My son-in-law always leaves the hood of his car open when he parks it at home because it cools off faster and he swears it lengthens the life of the engine. No idea if it's true or not.

    one-armed in Houston
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,886 Member
    Hello all: Ready to be done with the rain at least for a day or two. I am really enjoying the more active water exercise class I am now attending. This morning after class I was craving something salty but I think I was really just thirsty. You do sweat in the water, you just don't realize it because you are wet. Trying right now to increase fiber in my diet. I realized I am getting far too little so I set my food diary to track fiber and we will see. It says I need 16 grams per day but that does not seem like much to me.

    Marcelyn - I did a lot of my sleeping in the recliner and the rocker after my shoulder surgery. Good luck with the training. At least they have started PT. I was not allowed to do anything other than 30 minutes of walking per day for 6 weeks. I started passive range of motion with the PT after that.

    Katla - Glad you did well with lungeing the horse. I always have some difficulty keeping everything untangled.

    Heather - The pictures are lovely as always, such a handsome family.

    Penny - Sorry there is rain and not the usual snow. We moved to WA over a year ago and people are still telling me this is not normal WA weather but I would not know any different.

    Lovely pics everyone. Someday I am going to learn how to do that.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA where just now there is a sunbreak.