

  • tammylee83
    tammylee83 Posts: 12 Member
    Gritsandsluts- I tried to find an article I had read written by someone who had been on Fixer Upper. I'm sorry I couldn't find it again but the lady said that Joanna used mostly things out of her stash but also used a few of the ladies existing furnishings . The decor does not come with the house (you have to purchase it separately) so what the lady did was choose a few special pieces and mix them in with her own. She showed the house decorated by Joanna and then later as the woman decorated it with her own furnishings. It was very interesting to see the difference. Both were beautiful, but of course it looked very different without all of Joanna's touches.
  • RehmeldR
    RehmeldR Posts: 15 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hello! I am 49, turning 50 summer 2017.
    I have been on and off dieting for the past couple of years..I now weigh more than last year by around 6 pounds, from when I started this, but it didn't work out with me putting in on what I ate..lol anyhow!
    I am 5' and 174!! uggg! Need to shed at least 40#. But I will do 10%at a time! My question is ...I have no metabolism. How do you build up this? Any suggestions on getting started for someone struggling?
    oh, I hope you all don't mind me asking, or dropping in. My name is Debbie.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,342 Member
    Felt very "off" today. Probably after effects of two days of celebrating! Went to yoga and to the get together afterwards, but found myself out of sorts and very judgemental about people's food choices, TV choices etc. I really couldn't believe what people were eating! I went home for my abstemious lunch. :*;):|
    Bit rheumaticky as well. Knee stiff. :'( People were asking me if I was 'alright' and said I looked 'peaky' .

    The brochure for our house was sent to us in draft by email. We made a couple of corrections, but generally it looks very nice. :D

    No luck in finding anything in Hove. Our offer hasn't even had a reply.

    We went off to our nearest town to take passports etc to the solicitor. (Lawyer) Got that signed off and changed my soda stream cylinder. Did a quick shop, including some real butcher's sausages. Just eaten two of them.

    Then I napped on the sofa for an hour - dangerous, because it disturbs my night sleeping, but I was in real need of it. Not sure if I'm coming down with a bug. Achy all over now.

    I'm very happy that my difficult friend most likely will be absent from the get together. The others have decided to come anyway. One has to come from Glasgow, Scotland, so she has booked a train well ahead of time.
    I'm seeing one friend for lunch next week anyway.

    Must do my tax returns tomorrow. End of October is the deadline.

    DH 's younger daughter sent us a joint present this year. It's a voucher for a Michelin starred restaurant in Winchester, called The Black Rat. Nice one. :D Probably will flash out on an expensive taxi both ways as we are not paying for the meal. B)
    That's the problem with living in the countryside.

    Sneezing now. I may just have a cold coming, which would account for the 'blah'.

    Love you all, Heather UK
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    RehmeldR wrote: »
    Hello! I am 49, turning 50 summer 2017.
    I have been on and off dieting for the past couple of years..I now weigh more than last year by around 6 pounds, from when I started this, but it didn't work out with me putting in on what I ate..lol anyhow!
    I am 5' and 174!! uggg! Need to shed at least 40#. But I will do 10%at a time! My question is ...I have no metabolism. How do you build up this? Any suggestions on getting started for someone struggling?
    oh, I hope you all don't mind me asking, or dropping in. My name is Debbie.

    m1277.gif Debbie, The best way to get started is to recognize that your health is an extremely high priority in your life so you put all your efforts high on your list. Start by weighing and measuring the food you eat and logging them into the MFP diary....that will tell you where you are to begin. Then look at your diary and see what foods and beverages have high calorie counts and seek ways to substitute other less caloric choices. Seek every opportunity to be active....exercise doesn't have to be formal (the gym) but can be be more informal (going for a walk, getting off the couch and tidying up while watching TV)....keep coming back here for more ideas....this is a life-long adventure and will make your life better.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington
  • RehmeldR
    RehmeldR Posts: 15 Member

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington[/quote]
    Thank you Barbie! This is definite life long process!
    I am a big coffee drinker, cream and sugar! I know that doesn't help me any.
    Thank you for replying! I hope to try to check on here as often as I can to get to know some of you women.. Lol! I will need to change my weight on here, to my true now..and start over.
    I see you're from Washington. I'm from IN.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,688 Member
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Interview over. Was not feeling my normal confident self and hope it didn't show. I think the dreary weather has me down as well as the goings on in my life. Making appt today to see doctor about some meds. Did I mention I hate taking medication. Well which of us really does? They will be letting everyone know by next Friday if we got the position or not.

    Making corned beef today in the crockpot. There was a great sale last year after St Patrick's day so I froze it to have whenever and today is whenever.

    Taking DGS#2 for his flu shot after school. They were out of vaccine when he had his well child checkup a week ago.

    Who was it that joined us a few months back and was going to be getting married?

    Off to make some lunch etc.

    Have a safe, happy and healthy day

    Gloria in WA B)

  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,359 Member
    Gloria ~ Fingers crossed and prayers said that you will get the job.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Oh no I am getting a cold... Nose stuffed up, and sinuses hurting. Taking Alka Selzer plus nighttime medicine, and hopefully that will "start" things going. Started with my throat hurting from my sinuses trying to drain. It's all connected ya know! I think I must have some strange plumbing somewhere, because I can blow my nose and my tear ducts bubble sometimes. When I put eye drops in, I can taste them. I know weird eh?

    After getting my cold medicine we went for a nice long walk up and down the city of Seaside, where the tourists amble. It's nice to talk with the shop owners, asking how they managed the storm. I feel connected to all these people and am happy when their businesses do well. I am still trying to find some ornaments that are like apples. Even went to a "Christmas shop" but they didn't have any. It's still early so I'm not worrying. All I have to do the month of Nov or Dec. is the candy trains, and cards. I am still hoping my sons, and DIL are able to get leave this holiday season. It's still up in the air, and most of the time leaves are approved the last possible moment. Pretty much a see you when I see you thing.

    Yesterday we visited a food bank, and I rec'd some great items. I rec'd some pre-packaged veggies, kind of a stir fry thing, so I will have that tonight. Mushrooms, kale, and spinach with some onions, all freshly chopped. Another was a pre-packaged salad, I ate for lunch today. It was spinach, some hard boiled chopped egg, almonds and cran raisins, some shredded cheese, a bit of Chinese hard noodles, and a nice dressing. I ate everything in the bowl!!

    I have a frozen organic chicken in the refrigerator thawing so I will bake that up to make a meal and then make soup! I got a snack tray of veggies, and plan on using them in the soup.

    Today husband and I had to wait 30 minutes for stores to open, so we went to a café on Broadway. I had a coffee, and even though I oogled at the doughnuts and maple bars, I settled on a poppy seed muffin. I was proud of my choice, because that was the healthiest thing in the glass case. I didn't cave in to the chocolate things that were there.

    Neither did I cave in at the Candy Store, http://schwieterts.com/shop/ I bought my items for my candy trains, (its difficult to find the Lifesaver long tubes with the 5 various flavors!) Went home and put the items in their homemade containers to fit in their stockings. Now when I make the candy trains (hot glue stuff together) I know I shall have more rolos and chocolate kisses left over. That will be difficult to resist! I will do that task after I eat lunch and just not look at it as food persay, but as a craft project...(ok my brain is smarter than that....)

    Cold and clear out on the coast. Our second storm fizzled out.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,688 Member
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    There is a thread under Motivation & Support called "Biggest advice from people who have lost 50+lbs". Very interesting.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited October 2016
    Carol – Sorry your Mom did not want to go ‘out’. She looked very pretty; but, when they get older, their immediate surroundings are a very safe place to be; she might have felt that if you took her out, she wouldn’t be brought back to the same place. When we took Mother ‘out’ of the A.L.F., we always took her up to “Ted’s” (BBQ place up near the Police Academy). She felt safe because she knew the owners, and she knew that we were going to take her back; however, we NEVER rode by her house (which had been sold, although they did not tear it down until after she passed away. They were trying to decide if it would be cost-effective or cost-prohibitive to keep it for offices and a place to hold small weddings and receptions in the back yard. After they tore it down and extended the church, someone asked if I wanted to take a tour of the ‘new’ part. I did not want to because it felt too much like ‘walking over somebody’s grave’. That was the house I grew up in from the age of 4 through 12th grade (many years of memories). Very good ones, at that.

    Allie – It is a shame that they don’t put couples together in a room, or in together until one gets to the point they are not aware of the other. I had a friend, whose both parents were in a ‘nursing home’, I think they still are; and, they are in the same room, with only a curtain separating them for when a nurse comes in to check on them.

    Katla – Why did you say that? I certainly have not feed her any foods, nor would I deliberately do so, that she is allergic to. So, why am I the 2nd on the list right behind your MnL on the worst list of mean-people? That was pretty 'mean-spirited’ on your part to say that. I don’t ‘think’ I have EVER done anything to you. Maybe you did not like that I had anything to do with ‘saying what is on my mind’ like others do when they ‘vent’ here. So tell me, please. Maybe do it in a PM (and then don’t go and post it here on this thread for all to see). I don’t plan on getting off the site. And the correct spelling of my name is “LENORA”.

    tammylee83 – Thanks for telling me all that. I just wondered. The few times I have had someone from the store that we have bought a few pieces from (they give you one session with their store decorator); the first thing they tell me is to paint the walls (which are “Pecky Cypress” and is hard to find and very expensive when you do. Next thing they tell me is to get rid of all the mounted animals that my DH and DSs have killed over the years. It is not like they just shoot a deer and throw away the meat; it is a staple in our homes. We have ducks, deer, a turkey, a bobcat and (my contribution) a Diamondback Rattler; that I ran over with my car. My DH and DOS said, ‘nah, you don’t know what you are talking about, that is probably a Timber Rattler'. When they went up to see it, I was correct. Showed them that I do know the difference. My grands won’t sit on that side of the table. I would just like to have someone come tell me what I need to do with my 3-cushion sofa and my 2 club chairs that I inherited from my grandmother. I think I will have to have them bring out samples of upholstery and figure out what goes with my Oriental rug; and, the pieces I will keep no matter what. The sofa and the chairs have been recovered twice; and my DYS used to ‘plop down’ on them. DDnL#2 says he does the same there as well. She rearranged the furniture so that he is not as tempted to do it as he was before.

    I was just very disappointed with one house when they ripped out the paneling in the MBR (which looked a lot like ‘painted’ Pecky Cypress). If they had let Clint plane the paint off, they might have liked to use it somewhere else. But, I could understand the buyers not liking it painted. It was pretty hideous looking with the markings in it black compared to the white paint.

    I know that she has a ‘signature’ of decorating, using a lot of very neutral colors in whites and grays. My house is decorated in the gold, wine, rust, and greens. I think I have only seen the show once when she actually used another paint color other than ‘medium gray’. One thing is for sure, nobody else’s house looks like ours. It is sort of ‘city-come-to-country-hunting-cabin’. After 15+ years of living here, I would like to upgrade my kitchen and MBR bath.

    Debbie – Do you do any exercise to up your metabolism? Walking is one of the best exercise you can do. Some of the ladies here do ‘extreme’ exercise, and some don’t do anything other than to ‘track’ everything that passes over their lips. You’ve got the right idea about setting small goals and not being overwhelmed by the total you need to lose. Welcome to the best support group you will probably ever find. Some ladies have been her for years and others are just peeking in. So come often and post whenever you do.

    Make sure you track what you eat and drink in the Food Diary. One of the things that really made a difference for me, was cutting out sodas and drinking water instead. That is something that if you don’t already do, will also take some getting used to and working up slowly. I , now, usually drink anywhere from 11 8-ounces glasses to 14+ glasses per day. Next time you go to your MD, find out what you BMI should be; and, what it is now and work towards getting that into a ‘normal’ range when deciding what you should lose; also find out what type of caloric intake you should be doing in order to ‘lose’ weight and not just ‘maintain’ weight. I think some charts show that maintenance calories are 1100-1300 and others are 1300-1500 (all depending on your CI/CO – calories in/calories out and you age, exercise, and other factors). Asking your MD or their PA is the best person to tell you this. I go to a MD for my diet program and I am taking it off slowly; but, today I had gone up 1.5lbs and it upset me more today than it has [normally] when it has gone up. Nurse/MD says that I need to up my protein when I am exercising … things like ‘boiled eggs’, ‘bananas’, ‘peanut butter’, ‘almonds’ and things like that.

    To make it easy to find us; make sure you ‘bookmark’ the page by clicking on the outline of a star so that it will turn yellow; then after that all you will have to do is click on the gray star between the gray bell and gear. Every end of the month barbiecat will post a link to the next month; and, you will have to go through the process of bookmarking that next month. Also, when posting you cannot go ‘back’ a page, unless you save your post (post it); some of us open up a word processing program so we can respond to others because when you post and come back, the site will take you back to the last post you typed. I do a ‘cut and paste’ from my WPP and then paste it to the MFP page. Then close out my WPP and not save it. You’ll get the hang of it quickly.

    Heather – Hope you get to feeling 'perky' real soon; not ‘peaky’.

    Gloria – I ‘love’ corned beef; had a Reuben for lunch today (well, ½ of it today; the other ½ tomorrow).

    I've got to make a cream cheese pecan pie for "Fall Festival" which is Thursday; DH just asked if I was going to make us/him one. No problem, just have to go back to the store for a few more items.

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Becca There is a big Christmas store in Michigan. Here is the website, might be worth looking at for the apple ornament: https://www.bronners.com/home.do

    Karen in Virginia
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Hi ladies, weather in my part of UK turned nasty today, wind and rain Nowhere near as bad as some of the stuff parts of US have to suffer.

    Bought a can of edamame beans, keen to try them but no idea what to do with them, ideas please, I like spicy stuff.

    Been out with DH today few wines and good chat with friends. Off to bed now

    Kate UK
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 398 Member
    Just checking in to say I am still breathing but life is hectic and I cannot post much...I AM trying to keep up with your posts, though...hugs to those who need them.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,688 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,688 Member
    stats for the day - jogging is estimate, :0(
    ride hm 2 gym- 13.53min, 12.7amph, 2.9mi= 70c
    JOG- 35min, 6.5sp, hrm not working, est. 2.5mi = 200c est.
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.58min, 10.9amph, 1.4mi = 86c
    ride dome 2 hm- 21.02min, 7.3amph, 155mhr, 128ahr, 2.5mi = 214c
    total cal 570
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Hello Foxy Females!

    Such a lot of lovely pictures... so much going on! I am no exception. Today, the HVAC guys came and replaced our system – so the last three days were a frenzy of cleaning – something I don’t generally find much time for in my day.

    I am hoping that the HVAC guy – who does fences in the off season – can give me a miraculously low quote on the cost of replacing my fence... since, I would MUCH prefer to spend the winter working on little tasks inside the house, rather than digging post holes...*sigh* But, at this point, it would have to be incredibly low – so, keep your fingers crossed! Once the new fence is up – that’s a major hurdle to selling the house, so, if I can get it done NOW – then I can start really working toward the little stuff inside – and maybe get the place sold in the spring. Still dreaming of my postage-stamp condo...

    I lost no weight this week – so, must be about time for another round of the Puffy Princess. I know for sure it isn’t because I have been doing anything bad. Still getting up every day and going to the gym – with only the very rare exception for when I mow the lawn instead, or simply CANNOT get there due to time issues. I haven’t been over in CICO – so, I am sure that it will all resolve itself, in short order.

    My pants are loose, today – some of the newer ones that my co-worker sent me – so that is all good... and when I went to the dentist this morning, to get my teeth cleaned, every single person in the place mentioned my loss... I go in quarterly – so, the last time they saw me I had lost some – but this time, they all gushed about it. It was kind of nice, after not losing any weight, yesterday, on the Christmas Challenge Weigh in.

    I don’t recall who it was asking about job stress – but, I can tell you – there is a MASSIVE amount of job stress – even for people who work at good, stable companies. It’s not like the 50’s – when you went to work for a place and stayed there til you retired... where each individual was valued for their contribution to the company... Now-a-days, we are all just cogs... each of us is an interchangeable part – and if the part is too much trouble, or more expensive to keep than another – just switch it out! And let’s not even talk about “Out Sourcing” to places like India... a whole population of English speakers, who are THRILLED to make a ridiculously low hourly wage – for them it’s a massive improvement.

    My company has been laying off en masse for the last several years – I wonder every week whether I will still be employed after Wednesday Walk-Out... seriously – it has a name. Nobody has any real expectation of continued employment – and it is like that at most places now. JUST THAT is enough to make anybody stressed out if they think about it too much... and if you add a less than stellar boss, or a job that you just don’t like doing – that adds to the burden. Think of poor Chris – being worked half to death and expected to just suck it up because there are 25 people in line who will... it majorly bites.

    And I am no flake, either. My boss likes me and appreciates my work – but – he has zero control. I shudder at what it must be like at less stable companies – or for less stable people - or for people with any of the conditions noted above. I just figure, Que Sera, Sera – I will just play the hand the cosmos deals me – but MAN – some days it’s hard to be philosophical. And it scares the *kitten* out of me to think of trying to find another job... even at the tender age of almost 52 – I am still older than the average bear... and still fatter, too – so, it would be an unpleasant task to find a new job.

    Well, that’s my soap box moment. Alas, there is no going back to the 1950’s – and there are so many reasons why that is a good thing – but, it would be INCREDIBLE if we could at least feel secure in our employment – say 50% of the time – just that would make me happy.... that or selling my albatross of a house... :D

    Welcome to all the new folks... pull up a keyboard and set a spell... Check in often!

    Well, my Dears, I am off – Fast food for dinner, tonight – DH’s choice – because by ten am this morning I had:

    1) Spot cleaned the bathroom
    2) Had my teeth cleaned
    3) Done 30 minutes on the elliptical
    4) Met with the HVAC man

    Clearly there was no time for any dinner prep in there, and I am not feeling Top Ramen and Tuna, tonight. Maybe tomorrow.

    I will try to check in more regularly, now that the cleaning frenzy is over...

    Hugs for Everybody!

    Re in TX