

  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    edited October 2016
    Janet - that's IT, you're FIRED... LOL.

    Love the pics!
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,885 Member
    Hello all: Feel like I have spent the whole day driving to and from and spending time at the interventional gastroenterologist's office with DH. I did get to water exercise this morning though, thank goodness. DH had an esophagectomy many years ago at Mayo Clinic for Barrett's esophagus a precancerous condition. They told us then that he would probably need to have the esophagus dilated three or four times until it stabilized. He is now coming up on dilation 66 or something like that and it has had to be done more and more often hence the referral to this doctor. He will do an evaluation on Dec 8 and then offered several options. His goal is to get it down to one dilation per year. I would be happy with that and so would DH. The catch is this can only be done at a hospital in Seattle and like Barbie I hate driving in big cities.

    Glo - Hope you hear good news from the interview.

    Janetr - Do the steroids mess with your sleep? They do with me and that makes me very cranky. Also for me they caused carb cravings, not nice.

    Welcome to the newbies.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I just had a conversation with DD and am more than a bit upset by it. She tells me that she won't be visiting here with three children and we should sell everything & move to Illinois near her, or to Kentucky where our DIL's family lives. I'm not ready to do that. I like my home and have friends and connections here. What I don't quite get is why her comments are so upsetting. I'd love to get your thoughts on this. Advice is welcome.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Sue in WA - what does the dilation do? I had Barrett's the first time I had an esophagectomy done but the next one showed nothing. The only thing I was told was that I would have to stay on Prilosec for the rest of my life. I stopped taking it about a year ago after being symptom free for a long time which I account to losing almost a hundred pounds. I'm really going to count my blessing now. Time for another esophagectomy and am praying it will be as positive as the last one.

    Gloria in WA
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Sue in WA - truly I can't say the steroids have messed with my sleep. I rarely sleep more than 5 hours. Ive had insomnia for years. So maybe I'm just always cranky. Lol

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Good evening friends, been a busy day today. I had my first WI this morning and lost 2 #. Yea for ,e
    Finally caught up on posts after being out of town all weekend. BB tomorrow.

    Sue B Dew in TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,701 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 13.38min, 13amph, 2.9mi= 144c
    SPIN- 35min, 88ar, 104aw, 10-13g hrm not working, 15.1mi = 280c est.
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.56min, 10.7amph, 1.4mi = 86c
    ride dome 2 hm- 21.01min, 7.3amph, 151mhr, 2.5mi = 212c
    total cal 719
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    BTW I made spaghetti squash with frozen (homemade) meatballs and spaghetti sauce in my crockpot the other day. It was great - especially the day after. I did let in cook longer than the recipe said to get the spaghetti squash nice and tender.

    Gloria in WA
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :)Re, my legs feel infinitely better since the surgery....the pain that plagued me all the time is gone and I'm able to stand up straight without pain and stand in one place without pain. What's still a problem is numbness and tingling in my feet (sort of the area covered by socks) and a bit of numbness farther up my legs. Today the nurse said that she'd call next week and if the numbness persists, the doctor may order an x-ray sooner than he would have otherwise to see if there was some shifting after surgery. The pain at the surgical site persists, but it seems to be less every day. Last night I took a pain pill at 6:30 PM and didn't take another one until 5:30 AM. I took another one this morning because I knew I'd be doing a lot of walking. My directions say to take a pain pill about 45 minutes before exercise, but I haven't taken another pain pill since since this morning. I also ice the incision area three times a day.

    <3Sue, sorry to hear that DH's medical procedure has to be done in Seattle

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington

    Be kind, no exceptions
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Katla - I'm sure that would have upset me also. I think she really meant she would enjoy having grandma and grandpa closer. Some times our children, even though they are adults, can be very selfish and do not consider your entire life has been there. (((Hugs))).

    Ladies, thanks for the input on Michele. I have to apologize, I forgot to tell you I had messaged her that same night and she responded. As you all said, she is fine just very busy at the moment.

    Janetr (in GA tonight, headed to Tampa in the morning)
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Happy Wednesday Ladies,

    Today not as busy . Only 2 appointments today. Started thinking about what to take with me to the hospital. Getting a little nervous about it.

    Trip into Boise tomorrow. Than back to Caldwell going to clean house so not half to do it this weekend. Planning on making a big pot of spaghetti for my daughter and husband. So they won't starve while in the hospital. It help my daughter stay calm too. She is worried.

    The ketogenic for cancer plan is going ok the plan is low carbs and low protein no whole grains or starches. No sugar. I have been feeling very content with it but today and yesterday just starving.

    So had to figure out snacks. That are on plan.

    But everything is going good ! I hope everything is going well for you!

    Caldwell, Idaho
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited October 2016
    Heather and Barbie – When we moved out here, we stayed with our DOS and his family, until I just could not stand it. I was still on a walker from an accident; could NOT figure out their 3 remotes to one TV. When I tried helping by loading/unloading D/W or making beds … I must be ‘snooping’; if I called son about how to get the TV back on to a channel and not 'snow' - he'd fuss about it. He finally put it on "The Today Show" and told me NOT to change the channel; so when the 'soaps' came on, I would walk back down here. The shed that is my ‘studio’ had been built and I asked DH if we could move into it and then I could come over to DOS’s to take a shower and fix something to eat. We moved our king-sized bed into a 16’ x 20’ area; brought all the boxes out of storage sheds we were renting, had a hotplate and percolator, A/C unit, and small hotel-sized fridge. Still had my porta-john and we moved in surrounded by boxes 2 deep and floor to ceiling and did well for nearly 5 months. We had called our realtor, who was a neighbor and she came over and we signed all the paperwork to list it and then she called another realtor to come look at it before it got dropped into the Multi-List Book. She called her aunt and told her about it and made an offer right on the spot. We had 2 weeks to pack up and move. I think I was in ‘La-La-Land’ during all this. I was not happy about moving to the country; but, now wish we had done so long before we actually did. I love the peace and quiet!

    Just got finished putting together 2 deep-dish cream cheese pecan pies for the DGDs’ school “Fall Festival”. Actually one for it and the other for DH (with a taste for me). Not difficult to make but DH says I need to stress on the person in charge of wherever it goes that it is a $20 pie, that is not supposed to sell for $2 ticket at the cake walk. Says he will buy it, first! LOL! Yeah, with a cup-and-a-half of pecans, that takes it well over being in the darn ‘cake walk’ that the Grandparents’ Club runs. They also sell other things in another booth. Gee, he might just pull out $20 and make a donation to the school before he lets me put it up for the ‘cake walk’. I sure as ‘kitten’ did not want to bake and ice a cake, even a box cake, or as suggested once to ‘buy one’. The ‘cake walk’ is pretty good at the beginning of the festival; but, by 7:30pm, it is pretty low in attendance by the adults. Most volunteer for the earlier slots.. DOS and DnL#1 got stuck with the ‘clean-up shift’ because whoever was filling the slots told them that they did not ‘sign-up’ for any slots.

    Geez-Ma-Gees – Had to drive to town at Noon, to pick DH up; having another one of his spells of not being able to pee. He ‘almost’ allowed me to call the Urologist until he thought about having to be ‘worked in’. He has an appointment for Tuesday or Wednesday with a ‘new’ one, to him, because his regular one is ‘out on a medical leave’. DH thinks he ‘overheard’ someone say that it was because of drugs. At this point, I am ready for ‘new’ eyes to check him out. The last one was when we were on vacation with my sisters and they hubby/SO on the last night we were there. He was sitting out on the porch and I took him a couple of extra-strength aspirin, a few minutes later, went out to check on him and he was ‘hot’ and ‘sweating’. They all tried to get me to tell him he needed to go to the ER. I told them that I had said that to him on my 3rd check out and he did not want to go. Then, both sisters jumped on me and were worried about having a ‘real emergency’ on that night and he had already told me to go out to eat with them. I told them that the only way he would go would be for one of the men to tell him that he ‘had’ to go. He told them that as soon as he was able to pee, he’d be ‘ok’. I really hated that he missed this restaurant. First time, I think, since we first dated and maybe another time with one of my sisters and her husband had we ever gone to a restaurant where you were literally catered to. Two servers, who described everything we asked about. Their filets were to ‘die for’. WOW! Cooked to perfection. We had a bite of everything that a couple of them had, which was also great. But, since they had so many ‘steak’ choices I figured that was their specialty.

    We came home and he said he was going for a walk. Told him, not without me, so I grabbed a bottle of cold water. We made it just down the lane and I asked him, which way do you want to go? He looked at me and said weakly …. HOME! So we turned around and came home. He sat in a hard fold-up chair to try to catch his breath and then said that he had to get up because he was sitting on his prostate. That did not make me feel very good. He’s been having his PSA checked for years and it has always come out zero – 0.1. I don’t know what is wrong; but, tomorrow I go to see my GYN and I will ask him, how long does he has to be ‘in pain’ before we need to go to the ER or the MD. DOS and his brother did their best to tell him to go to MD. Oh, Geez. He is in so much pain during this period of about 5 hours; that I want to cry with him. Not that it would help him; but, it sure would help me.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,701 Member
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    I just had a conversation with DD and am more than a bit upset by it. She tells me that she won't be visiting here with three children and we should sell everything & move to Illinois near her, or to Kentucky where our DIL's family lives. I'm not ready to do that. I like my home and have friends and connections here. What I don't quite get is why her comments are so upsetting. I'd love to get your thoughts on this. Advice is welcome.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Katla - you are probably a bit upset that your DD would expect you to uproot your entire life for her convenience... that's a little bit irrational - an no one wants to think of their sweet child being irrational. Talk to her about it - perhaps she is just not thinking straight about what she has really asked you to do - toss your life to be closer to hers. (hugs!)
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Katla - did your daughter say why she wouldn't be visiting there with 3 kids? I had 4 at home and took them all with me from WA to CA in a car to visit family. I would be upset too especially if it were put to me that way.

    Gloria in WA
  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    Good evening, my dears!

    Heather, I do hope you're feeling better. When I read your posts about feeling achy, having second thoughts, and generally feeling blah, I felt for you. When I get sick, the first thing to go is my mood... I've learned that there are two things I shouldn't do when ill--drive and work. Most of my fender benders have been due to illness, and the last time I worked when I was sick I was far too argumentative with a junior colleague in a meeting with other people. Ouch!!! I called her after the meeting and apologized. She was just doing exactly what she should have been doing.

    Re, I hear you about work stress and job uncertainty. I had a talk with my boss about it today. I don't know that we resolved anything, but I'm glad I raised the issues I did. Glad you got your new AC. I have been refusing to turn on the AC on principle (the October principle). Silly--it's over 80 in the house...t108032.gif

    Margaret, Your fall photos are glorious!!! Where do you live?

    Janetr, you're right--I've only been in Oklahoma a couple of times, and I never saw trees like that!

    KJLamore, Joyce and all my other compatriots with DHs who want to keep everything, My DH loves books, and he likes to buy used books online...we don't have anymore room for books!!! He also likes to keep all sorts of odds and ends, just in case. And, of course, once in a while--oh, maybe once every year or so--he finds just what he needs to fix something, which justifies keeping everything.

    DJ, I need a kick!! Over my CICO today, no exercise in two days. I WILL exercise tomorrow. WILL, WILL, WILL...[url/=http://yoursmiles.org/t-yes.php]t2725.gif[/url]

    Kate, So sorry about your back pain. Re's right, about exercises can definitely help. And the little scientific information there is on kettlebells suggest that they can reduce back pain, which Mary has experienced. But they can cause pain for some people. (Full disclosure: I'm a nerd...) p0302.gif

    Katla, I'm glad that the brace is helping DH, I'm and hoping that you'll be able to be more active. I worry about my DH'S balance. He needs to strengthen some functional muscles, but he's allergic to the very idea of doing strength exercises, and I worry a lot. But it's his body.

    Barbie, you sound more energetic everyday. So nice that you're feeling better!


  • ilikegardens
    ilikegardens Posts: 134 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I just lost a long post. So I'll just say goodnight. Happy to be part of this group!
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Barbie - I missed why you had back surgery but it sounds like they determined that the pain in your legs was related to your back? You seem to be doing awesome with your recovery! :)
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Waving at Janet as she passes thru the Peach State. How close to me are you, girl? I'm off of I-85.

    Glo, I agree with your rant. My feelings hurt for the person being criticized anytime the food police start in. But, alas, Re is correct. Haters are gonna hate. No use giving them more ammunition.

    Dave and I met with a financial advisor today. He told us that we can wait until 2017 to take a mandatory withdrawal since Dave won't be 70 1/2 until January. So we'll let that ride for another year. He also advised me to wait on my social security as long as I can. Darn it, I was already planning how to spend that extra money! Y'all know I don't do patience well.

    One of the women in the Tues/Thurs Trim & Tone class at my gym had a stroke last week. She spent several days in ICU, but is recovering now. She is not much older than I. She just retired this year, so I'm thinking maybe 65. I thought she was perfectly healthy. Things like this happen, and I want to ignore the advice to wait on my social security.

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Katla I agree with other folks insights about your phone conversation with DD. I wonder if she was speaking out of frustration with her own situation, and not thinking about yours as much.

    Hope a good nights sleep will give you some peace. NYKAREN