

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    edited October 2016

    <3Carol sending hugs to you and your husband...Also is there someone you can call to help with your computer? I got help with mine at Office Depot

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 400 Member
    Just adding to the fall color...
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    My flu shot kicked this afternoon and I got real dizzy. Not feeling well at all. I was a little disappointed when no one commented on my weight loss. Guess it isn't enough to be excited about.
    Enjoyed reading th discussions about retirement and social security. We've been retired for 19 years and have been so blessed to be healthy.
    Hav to sleep.....
    Sue in TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,720 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,095 Member
    Oceanmelody love it!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    ooooh the ladies that were talking about edamame, I love it too! When we were stationed in Japan, the neighborhood organic truck that would come weekly to the apartment complex across the street sold them still on the "vine". Edamame' is served like we serve peanuts at bars. But like any soy protein, you can eat too many! I will have to mix it into a hummus!

    Today was my volunteering at the senior luncheon. There was 4 of us serving, all from our TOPS group, so it wasn't too busy. A lady from TOPS also came with her "boyfriend" and played accordion, and he played his trombone, and tuba. So of COURSE, having Ooompa music I had to dance around.... There was a lady that works in the kitchen that turned 84 yrs old so of COURSE I had to dance with her too! I also danced with some guy that is a total flirt to all the ladies! Really when there is accordion music around my Norwegian roots show, I can't help but dance around... AND I was serving soup! Didn't sing any opera though, with my throat kind of scratchy still. There was about 70 people for lunch, so I was on my feet from 10 to about 1pm. I came home, scarfed down my free lunch of ham, scalloped potatoes, green beans, and a roll. It's now 6pm, not really hungry from that "dinner" style lunch. I will probably have some tea and toast later though.. Took a nap after taking some cold medicine!

    Everyone be well, and smile! This gal in Oregon loves ya!
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    edited October 2016
    Sue in TX - I hope it wasn't us that were remiss in mentioning your weight loss. If so please accept my apology - ANY weight loss is a big deal around here.

    Charleen - how awesome. I remember when I went to get a new pair of jeans and was down 2 sizes - no sparkle and bling - but felt so good anyway. Now I have to wear a belt with THOSE jeans but not ready to buy new ones.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,720 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 13.50min, 12.7amph, 153mhr, 2.9mi= 135c
    JOG- 45min, 5.7-7.1sp, 9.34ap, 154mhr, 138ahr, 4.70mi = 447c
    ride gym 2 dome- 7.35min, 11.1amph, 1.4mi = 86c
    ride dome 2 hm- 21.49min, 7.0amph, 147mhr, 2.5mi = 212c
    total cal 877
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,720 Member
    well come to find out i wore out my chest strap to my heart rate monitor. he ordered me a new one, should come tomorrow.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,720 Member
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hello, Colorful Cookies!

    Not much going on, round here... The Puffy Princess still reigns and it doesn’t bode well for Monday’s weigh in... oh well. I just so hate to let the gals down by bringing our averages down. I guess I will have to make it up to them when the Puffy One gathers up her crown and scepter and wanders off to harass someone else.


    Janet – Love the pictures! Keep them coming, so we can live vicariously. And yes, the double post of the sign over your bed? It is a message that bears repeating! And I agree – physical confrontation is unacceptable. My arguments might get loud... but they don’t get physical.

    – I am sorry that you have to brave the roads of Seattle so often! I hope the doc can come up with a solution for you.

    Katla – I am sure that part of the reason you are upset by your Daughter’s comments is that there is a subtle element of “if you don’t come here, you can’t see the kids” in the way that was presented to you. I am sure it was not intentionally stated that way – but it may have gotten into your subconscious and upset you, all the same. So glad your Sweetie is able to be more active. Quality of Life is so important.

    Gloria/WA – Gratz on being symptom free! It’s amazing what losing that weight can do, isn’t it? And kids are always fun... nice you could spend some time with them.

    – Whoot! Gratz on the two lbs. And sorry your doc didn’t make more of a fuss. Hope you feel better, soon!

    Barbie – YAY! Pain is bad, Pain free is GOOD. Numbness – I do hope they figure that part out. Get the X-rays sooner, rather than later... We want you up and dancing again, as soon as the doc says you can.

    – ((Hugs!)) I always favored pepperoni chips... take some sliced pepperoni and nuke it for about a minute – when it cools, it’s crunchy, salty and delicious. (Drain it on a paper towel to get the grease off.) Of course, I am a fan of celery with cream cheese and that sort of thing, too.

    Lenora – Men are so stubborn about going to the doctor... *sigh* Sorry your honey is hurting.

    KarenE – If my job were all about my boss, I would be happy as a clam... He’s a great guy – doesn’t micro-manage, just gives you the work and tells you to get it done. I am thrilled with HIM – it’s the general air of hopelessness in working for a big corporation – some days you can just smell it in the air. Oh well. I hope you and your boss made some useful progress.

    Kay – I am with you on the SSI. I have a lot of things to spend that money on... and so long as I am working we will just take the reduction on the benefit. The second DH hit’s 62 – we are filling out the paperwork... I will probably wait on my own, though...for as long as I can – since mine will be the higher pay-out, and I expect to live forever... or close enough to it to need every dollar I can wring out of Uncle Sam.

    NYKaren – I hope you and your Sister can have a marvelous trip! And I am thinking good thoughts for the Scratchy to go away!

    Joyce/IN – It’s amazing how directly music and memory are linked. A song can be like time travel – you hear it and you are in a totally different place and time. (hugs!)

    Margaret – I imagine everyone could benefit by a more holistic approach to health... I mean, the Docs find one thing wrong with you, they give you a pill... then the pill causes problems, so they give you another one... soon you are taking so many useless medications it makes your eyes pop. Hope you are in the best of health!

    Sharon – Hello! Love is funny stuff... you don’t get to choose who you love... you just love them. Alas, Love and Happy do not always go hand in hand. If she is as bad as she sounds, she will eventually drive him off... just hope it’s sooner, rather than later. I recommend non-interference, in as much as you are able... since the more you say “No” the more stubborn your boy may get. Good Luck!

    Lisa/TX – YES –the second you stop pushing, the door opens on its own. I am thinking good thoughts for you.

    Allie – Breathe. You can only do what you can do. (Hugs!)

    KJ – Skype is a wonderful thing... you might be able to use it for those times when you can’t be physically there. And lawn mowing is no fun... but it’s a wicked good calorie burn. Get out there and MOW, Sister!

    Carey – Sorry about the eye thing... but, maybe the hot compresses will do nice things for your skin. *fingers crossed*

    MountainMomma – small changes that have helped... putting a LOT less food on the dinner plate. I tell my DH there is plenty and he can have seconds – but, there is less on the plate for me to eat, and I have to make a conscious decision to eat more... AND I am forced to get up and get more food for DH when he is feeling piggy... Every little step counts. Also – I am a “plate cleaner” from way back... Starving children in China and all that. I began several years ago, consciously leaving one or two bites on my plate. NOBODY is going to starve over the one or two bites – and after a while, you will lose that compulsion to “clean your plate” whether you are actually hungry or not. Once you start feeling it when you are full – you begin to know when to stop eating. Then of course, there is parking farther from the door at the grocery or at work... small, easy things. Things that will become habit. There is no rush, here... it took you years to get fat... so, if it takes you years to learn to eat like a thin person, so be it. Stop in here, often – that helps, too. Oh, and what Barbie said... never drink your calories. I can’t drink coffee without cream in it – so, I don’t even drink coffee every day anymore. Crystal Light is your friend...

    – Hon, you just can’t possibly read all the posts once you get too far behind. If I find myself with 300 posts that I haven’t read, I just start two or three pages from the end and get as much as I can. Nobody here expects you to kill yourself reading every last little post. You will catch most of the important stuff... and really, today is the most important day, isn’t it? You will get a lot of the past stuff in context as you read the current posts.

    Penny – My Sentimental streak is pretty weak, too. I have one or two warm fuzzy bones – but not many.

    – How you doing, Sugar? You have been awfully quiet, lately...

    – Sounds like your estate agents are doing all the underlying stuff up front. I bet once the listing it out, your sale will be done and over before you know what hit you. Thinking good thoughts for a “painless” and effortless sale for you... and lots and lots of cash. My Dad was the lucky one who got all the family photos... he scanned them all into his computer and sent each of the kids a disc with all the photos. It’s pretty cool to have them. And good job on the taxes!

    Mary – Fabulous picture! I am so glad you are getting to see those darling babies. And DH is a cutie, too!

    – Hello! Sorry you are feeling poorly.

    Pip – Look at how alert they are... lol. I wonder what they think is going to happen? And wow... obviously you have been working hard... Do they make an “Industrial Strength Chest Strap?”

    – I have avoided Windows 10 like the plague. My DH found software to block it from automatically updating to my computer, thank goodness. I hate that the new programs use all the stupid pictures – with NO WORDS. I need words... I don’t know what any of the pictures mean! Good luck with your vintage item.

    Tori – Sorry your DH is being such a pill... but, you are correct. It is his body. It’s only a shame that you will have to put up with his suffering if his less than fully informed choice is the wrong one. ((Hugs!)) I hope you can relax and try to enjoy the time with your Sister.

    Charleen – I find I have to try EVERYTHING on – sizes are meaningless, when you start to get smaller... Glad you found some good pants!

    – Beautiful! Is that tree yours?

    Becca – Love the Edamame, too. Some restaurant that I used to go to back in the dark ages – probably while I was still living in Oregon – used to put it on the tables, like Mexican places do corn chips. It was awesome. Sounds like your volunteering was great fun. Feel better, Sugar.

    Rori - Thanks! Love the photo... I have never had a cat that would tolerate a leash.

    My DH has made some hamburger soup... one of the few things he can throw together that doesn’t tax his balance issues too much. Canned veg, ground beef and a little beef stock. Amazingly good, considering it’s all from cans.

    Tomorrow is JAMMIE DAY! I love working from home.

    Hugs for Everybody!!

    Re in TX

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Charleen, congrats on those bling jeans!!!! I remember the first time I saw my reflection in a store window and was amazed that it was me. Now I avoid looking in those windows. But I am still working on getting back down there.

    Fall colors are the same here as far as you get wonderful colors and then whoosh comes in rain and wind and you have colorful yards for awhile!

    I remember when my Mom was alive. I think an older person has a since that they need to be giving away things so that they can enjoy seeing those items in your families homes. But I never could say no. Some of the things Mom would ask me if i wanted, I hated to say no to because I didn't want to hurt Mom's feelings. She wrote a very thoughtful will many years before. Her, my sister and I sat in her home and went over so many items from table cloths to her car. Oh, it hurt Mom so much that she had to sell that car for money when she knew who she had it willed to. My sis and I knew that this pimple faced teenage boy would not want her old red station wagon but you can't hurt a Mom's feelings! But she sold that thing for $100 when ust just stopped running for the millionth time. I remember the day she went through the will herself and decided she wanted to see those things in our homes. I think she knew she would no longer be able to take care of her precious home anymore. oh, memories. My Mom may be gone but no one can ever take away her memories.

    So sorry that so many of you are either ill or you have family members/dear friends. It's a side effect of our age I guess.

    Last night we started a new song at choir practice. When we are getting our cantata ready, our director tries to make other pieces easy. She found this piece that is so precious. It starts out with Away in a manger then goes into the children's choir singing Happy birthday to you and then it goes into a round of the two songs put together. I think it is called The birthday song. The pianist plays Happy birthday during the round part in a very simple song in the higher range on the piano. I think the toddler choir should be the one singing Happy birthday but I think it would take everyone's minds off the song and they would be thinking about how cute the kids are. I think i was just so happy to be there I would have loved anything we sang.

    Penny, can I borrow your daughter also?????? I think I could keep her busy for a year.

    Joyce, in rainy Indiana
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :)Re, I love reading your posts....you have such thoughtful responses to everyone....I admire you so much....thank you for all you add to this thread. <3

    :'( I thought I'd have more time to respond to more people when I wasn't walking dogs and dancing, but I still seem to be almost as mute as before....nevertheless, you are all with me and I've read all the posts.
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hubby's doc says no surgery. He feels less drastic approach is appropriate for now. Thank goodness he wasn't just looking for a patient to "practice medicine" on.

    Rori - I love the picture of Mars. I remembered someone had a leash loving cat but had forgotten who. I am a big cat lover. I think it would be fun to have one who'd go for walks. My kitty, Shirley, is a huge lap lover and she brings out the couch potato in me.

    Have a good night, friends
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited October 2016
    Margaret: My dad's family emigrated from Germany in about 1901. They lived in Kansas for a time and then moved to Oregon. My Grandma always called Oregon "the Land of Milk and Honey." I have a hard time facing the reality that neither of my kids wants to live here. :sad:

    Lisa: I just want to say that we've all paid into Social Security. The government isn't "handing it out." It belongs to all of who have worked and paid into it. Unfortunately, Congress has been stealing it. End of rant. :mad:

    Traci in WI: I'm sorry your parents are so unyeilding. (((HUGS)))

    Heather: Right this minute DD is in the hospital waiting to be induced. She is nagging me via text to bring an unbaked Papa Murphy's pizza with me. Not happening. :noway:

    Mary: The photos are great. :smiley:

    Rori: I'm leaving tomorrow. The baby is being induced now. I'll be spending hours in Atlanta waiting for my connection to Midway. I won't get there until 11 pm tomorrow. :grumble: This is what happens when the baby comes early. :ohwell:

    Tomorrow will be spent travelling. I'll check in again when I am able.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon--for now

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    Today required a trip to the hospital I was experiencing more pain than normal. But all is ok.
    I am sorry I enjoyed reading everyone posts want to respond but right now I am exhausted I need to go to sleep. I will check in again

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Good morning ladies

    Have had my morning fix (reading the latest posts) love to hear about the different lives you all lead

    Had my physio session yesterday, cute guy by the way. He gave me a couple of different exercises to do and did some hands on manipulation. Will see if any improvement, have another appointment next week.

    Still losing and gaining the same few pounds, need to do something different I guess

    Love all the pics

    Hope those of you with problems of any kind start to feel better.

    Kate UK