

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,362 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    I'VE POSTED OFF MY TAXES! Hooray, hooray! :Do:):D

    Our house is now live on the estate agent's website. :) It goes on Rightmove later today. (A nation wide website) Nobody's been to see it yet. >:)

    Heather UK

    :)Heather, I just checked and "Righmove" is accessible on the internet here, so give us some information to help us find your house and see the photos

    I am a bit reluctant to emblazon my house over the wwweb. Partly a security thing and partly because house prices are ridiculously high in the south of England and you all might think I am rich. I am not. That is what houses cost round here and we both bought our original first, reasonably cheap, houses in the 70s and the values just escalated. We haven't added any new money since then, but just combined our two houses when we married. The cost of houses in the south is a national scandal with younger people unable to buy. We will have to spend the same money on a much smaller, less attractive house in Hove and we will have to give the government £30,000 for the pleasure. :grumble:

    Done more decluttering with a satisfying visit to the dump. :D How good that is.

    Had Easy, Crustless, Spinach and Feta Pie tonight from skinnytaste.com. I roasted a bit of butternut squash and used that in a salad to go with it. Absolutely delicious. <3

    Heather UK
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    DrKatiebug wrote "Waving at Janet as she passes thru the Peach State. How close to me are you, girl? I'm off of I-85."

    I think not very close. In Valdosta right on I-75.


    Yes, my arm would have to be very, very long for you to see my wave!

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Janet ~ Where will you land in Florida...the east or west coast?

    Did a few minutes of exercise just to get a bit. The video teachers shirt said, Sweat is Fat Crying. I really like to think of it that way.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,720 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :)Heather, of course, I understand your reasons for not wanting to share the listing for your house....when I asked, I was thinking only of me...privacy is very important....best wishes to you on finding the right buyer with the right money and financing to buy it. <3
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Social Security ~ My DH and I both took it at 62 with the thought in mind that the way the economy is so up and down that perhaps we should get it while we could. JMHO
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Happy Friday folks. Wet windy autumn day here. Gonna nap and then get down to some much needed cleaning up!!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,720 Member
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Still taking medicine for my sinus cold :-/ Head aches and such, but I use those nose strips to keep my sinuses open and they really work. Feel funky though. My pores on my nose aren't too happy either. Today is a lazy day.... Nothing going on, just puttering around like an old person.... :-)
    Master Putterer in
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    putter.....putter.....in fuzzy socks....
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited October 2016
    Gee, I got so far behind that I decided to jump right in on page 34; I know I remarked a lot of things to a lot of people; but, by now it is just ‘water under the bridge’; and while I don’t ‘burn my bridges behind me’ … I just would have never caught up. So, for whatever I missed, congrats to you who what made the daily goal or had a NSV, sorry to you for ones you’ve lost, welcome to all ‘newbies’, healing thoughts and prayers to those who need it.

    Re - Potted some plants this AM; and planted some ‘new’ plants into pots. Strawberry plant in top of strawberry pot; the miniature violets in the other holes and put them out on my porch. I will be so happy when I ‘finally’ get my darn door. Waiting, but, not patiently.

    DH is going to new Urologist this week. Thankfully, maybe he will be able to figure out what is going on and can ‘fix’ it. The other day when I had to go pick him up because he was in too much pain to work, we walked about 15 minutes; then, he wanted to come home. Got as far as his workshop and he needed to sit down. Hard surface and then he said it felt like he was sitting on his prostate and got up. I later asked him if he was concerned that his prostate cancer had returned and he told me ‘no’. One thing they will check this week is his PSA. I’m still wondering why we never got any pathology report on the first time they went in and put a catheter in and ‘reamed his pipes’. Said it was old scar tissue; but, I always thought that ‘if’ they remove any tissue, they are supposed to send it to a pathologist. That time he was put to sleep; the second, wide awake and nothing to numb him. Said it felt like he had stuck a garden hose up him and then used this brush like thing that resembled what he uses to clean his rifles. That definitely will not happen again, if they need to put another catheter up him, they WILL put him to sleep. He had blood in his urine the 2nd time; and, he wore the bag for 3 weeks. Talk about miserable, he said it hurt all the time. But, he still worked.

    Re – Thank you! Yeah, they (men) are very stubborn about going to MDs; but, I am pretty stubborn about ‘he WILL do it and I WILL be with him’. What affects him, also affects me.

    I found out very soon, that just ‘cutting out the sizes’ to my clothes, then realizing that I was losing because they were getting big on me … right now I am in a 12 almost consistently. But, some are getting a little less snug. My biggest problem is that I have very wide shoulders; so my tops have not changed too much. Sometimes I find that a ‘large’ is too big in the arms; the ‘mediums’ are too snug; so I buy the large and take them to the tailor to take in a tuck.

    The hamburger soup sounds good. Quick and easy, too!

    Katla – I’ve found that our ‘grown children’ can sometimes be pretty selfish and do not realize how they’re words can tear you up. DnL is ‘still on my list’ … she is now not talking to one of her BF’s … but, this is the 2nd time in as many weeks. Then BF calls one of her cousins and gripes to her about it. They act like 12-year-old ‘mean girls’.

    Sue – When I went to the MD that had ordered me into the program so that I’d lose weight; did not say anything to me; and, I had lost ‘significant’ weight. He said that he had told his nurse, Nancy, that I was looking ‘good’. I laughed and said that he was telling the ‘wrong’ Nancy. He needed to be telling ME! After that, whenever I have gone in, he remarks about my weight (loss); but, now that I am so close to my goal, it seems so hard to lose it … I keep losing and gaining the same 1.5 – 2 lbs. GGGrrrr!!!!!

    I have not done any exercise today; but, I did go to ‘vote early’ … in & out in less than 10 minutes.

    Joyce - Down here in SWGA – we have two seasons – hot and sometimes ‘cold’; but, most of the time the weather is pretty good. August/September usually the December/January the coldest. But, at this time, we just have to watch for sudden freezes to protect plants. Most of mine go into a greenhouse; this year a good many will be in the glassed-in porch. I’m hoping the door situation will be resolved soon; but, at least before a cold snap!

    I’d like to have someone come help me ‘purge’ without wanting me to purge our menagerie. That isn’t going anywhere. Nor will be ‘paint’ our paneling. It might be nice to ‘white-wash’ it; but, that won’t happen either. Just a faint stain (other than the orange tones it is now). Too much work; would have to sand the finish off so that it would take the wash. Except for our son’s room, (2nd bedroom) … the rest of the walls in the house are sheetrock.

    Katla – Yeah, when babies decide to come: early, late, or on time … they will make you wait. DMnL came up to stay with us. DYS was early as was our DOS; by 3 weeks. She had thought about going home for a few days; then I went into labor running to try to prevent someone from backing over another neighbor’s child on a 3-wheeler. A couple of the neighbors, my DMnL and I were sitting in the front yard peeling peaches to put up. My Daddy brought me a ‘bushel’. I wanted to ‘choke’ him; but, with help we got them all put up that night.

    Lisa – I hate that they now ‘consider’ Social Security an ‘entitlement’. It IS our money; and, we might have been able to use it (or invest it) in and better interest-bearing account. What is even worse, is that Federal government officials (and this means Congress and the like) have their ‘own retirement program’ and ‘Cadillac health insurance’; but, they write laws that they ‘think’ they are above and don’t follow. Cute cartoons! I love satirical cartoons.

    Heather – My oldest sister had been a teacher for 20+ years. She took her retirement when she found out she had breast cancer again. She had been working on a PhD; but, gave that up, just before doing her dissertation. She had a Master’s and a 6-year certificate and gets about 60% of her ‘regular’ pay as retirement (then also receives SSI) and has great health benefits through the state. Her first year that she was hired down here (in Albany) the mother of a woman that was ‘in their church’ went to the principal and said she was in a ‘religious cult’ and they did not allow her to teach there. So, the church set up a school for their children; and, about 10 of the women were certified teachers, so the State tested their children when the graduated and they were ‘light years’ ahead of Seniors in the public school system. Of course, their girls were taken out of public school. She was not happy with this woman, at all. But, Karma did come to visit her a few years later.
    I know my ‘retirement’ check dropped ‘significantly’ when I hit 62; that was a ‘shock’ as I had not remembered that we would told it was. I was used to getting a much bigger check; so we had to reassess our spending and do things a little differently.

    Katla – I have had 2 colonoscopies in my life; and, MY suggestion is to NOT get the flavored gallon of prep. I agree with Pip – chug-a-lug it quickly; and, put it in the refrigerator so it will be cold. AWFUL!!!! This last time it was clear, like water … just stay close to home! Keep telling yourself you are ‘drinking’ water! The last part of it is the worst insofar as ended up passing the prep without any stool still in you. It is draining as well, physically; but, the procedure is a ‘walk in the park’. And don’t eat anything that is ‘red’ in color for a couple of days ahead of time. Ask you gastroenterologist what you can eat; there is a list of things they do not want you to eat because it can make it difficult to see everything they need to be looking for. My gastroenterologist prefers that you use the gallon of prep instead of the smaller, supposedly, stronger bottle of prep, or the pills; because, if you are not ‘totally’ clean, they will have to reschedule it and that time they will ‘make you drink the gallon of prep’.

    My BF used to work for the IRS as an Agent, stressful job; but, well paid. She had planned on working until age 65; she had a boss from HELL-O; who enjoyed pushing her weight around, even though she was on the same pay scale and grade as BF. One day, she was really 'on the war path' and BF came home and put pencil to paper and decided that 'waiting' was not worth it, she went in the next day and gave her notice.

  • cmg2305
    cmg2305 Posts: 7 Member
    Regarding Social Security. We took ours when we retired st 62 because we would rather save our money and spend social security. That away the kids have a better chance of inheriting something. Charlene in Ohio
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,720 Member
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Janet ~ Where will you land in Florida...the east or west coast?

    Did a few minutes of exercise just to get a bit. The video teachers shirt said, Sweat is Fat Crying. I really like to think of it that way.


    We're in Tampa. Gorgeous RV Resort and the weather is perfect. Staying for at least a week. :)

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,810 Member
    Mary~ stunning picture.....
    well have a load of laundry in the dryer and have most everything packed for tomorrow ..
    I did pack my scrubs, just in case I stay to late Sunday and will go straight to work from the Cape... will bring my lunchbag and pick stuff up at trader joes on the way home...
    I am taking a deep breath and will make it through the weekend with grace and dignity ,, spreading my love to the people who need it.. will check in when I can
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    edited October 2016
    Spent the morning doing a bunch of 5 minute jobs then hung a small cabinet in my bath area by lunch time. Afterwards I spent the afternoon cleaning up my veggie garden and dug up my crop of Yukon Gold potatoes. This is the first year I have tried growing potatoes and it was a great success! Ended up with a 5 gallon pail of potatoes.

    Made sure we had baked Yukon Gold potatoes for dinner. They were so very, very good!! Grilled a steak and asparagus out on the backyard grill. We won't have a lot more grilling days and I want to take advantage of it while I still can. Yum!!

    Charleen in Colorado (Full and happy and still under her daily calorie count)