
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,412 Member
    Cheri c0112.gif

    Rita in central CT Have any of your doctors talked to you and your husband about alpha gal, an allergy to beef, pork, and other 4 legged critters caused by a tick-borne illness? It causes mystery hives. I am guessing they have already suggested that?

    Barbie and Lillian Add me to the parsnip-lovers' fan club! And Barbie I hope you get good news at the vet's office about Brandy.

    Gloworm There is a special place in heaven for you. I think calling Child Protective Services is absolutely the right thing to do. It may be disruptive to the boy's family, but his safety comes first. If he is being abused in some way, there may be other bad stuff going on in that house. It is disturbing that the police took him home. ???

    Sherry in PDX Fortunately that whole "you have to eat breakfast" thing has been debunked. Lots of people don't feel hungry until mid-day. Sounds like you are off to a great start!

    Katla Sweet baby!

    Becca FunnyFunny! Furniture Whisperer... :D

    Newbies! Welcome! I just joined this group a few months ago and already I feel like an old-timer. Chatty group, so in order to keep up it helps to check in frequently. Posting for me is easier if I just open up a second window and read on one while posting on the other. Some of the other women use a word processing method so it preserves their quotes, etc.

    We went to see another CCRC yesterday, so have now checked out all of the potential retirement communities in the area. Eliminated two of them. Three are still in the running. It will be 7-10 years until we are ready to make the move, but we are going to get on the list(s) and gradually declutter so we will be ready to move in to our CCRC "pup tent" when the time comes. We have time, but we also have a lot of stuff to get rid of.

    Thank you for the nice compliments on the pic of Cheri and me. Meeting her in person has enriched my life.

    Karen in Virginia
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,225 Member
    edited October 2016
    well Homer is safely at the vet, second load of laundry done, and made Tom chili.. so Chester and I are hanging out..having a cup of tea..
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Yesterday I received a brochure for a house cleaning service and really considered calling for a quote. But, reality hit when I looked around and saw that it would be impossible for them to dust, etc. for all the clutter everywhere. So, this morning I cleaned up my computer table and dusted. With Thanksgiving coming, I need to get busy.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Katla your grandson is precious. I totally understand about hatng that the grandkids are so far away. My oldest daughter moved to anothet state when her first two were 18 months and 3 months. I cried like my heat was broken, well it was. My daughter cried the same, her husband said we don't have to go. I have maintained a close relationship tho and they are all grown up now.

    Barbie, It is terrific to see your impressive post-op progress. You are truly an inspiration to all of us. I know I would not be as healthy and strong as I am today without your advice and example. I am very thanful for both you and this group of ladies. Sending postive thots for Brandy. It sounds a bit concerning.

    Heather you have a lot on your plate, but you seem to proceed with grace. Well done my friend.

    Lisa as always you again pulled off the impossible making it look like a cake walk. Impressive :)

    Pip my 67th birthday is the weekend you will be going to CA for your long run. I'll be sending positive vibes. Forever in awe of you and Kirby.

    Mary, praying you feel better and are able to heal from this injury. Miss you.

    I told my daughters yesterday that our two weeks here in Tampa have become my "fat camp". After the never ending rash and not feeling well for the first 5-6 weeks of our big adventure, I'm using this time to really get back on track and get rid of the extra pounds I had acquired. I'm about there and feeling so much better and happier with myself. I'm off to do some weight resistance work.

    Love you my friends <3
    Janetr okc (by way of Tampa FL)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,490 Member
    Thanks janetr !!!

    Got my bike locker key! Gotta pack up office crap today, we r going to b moving to the new location tomorrow . Got the seating chart, will b sitting close to the boss :0( , SO bummed. Since I can't have my bike with me at my desk, I'm renting a bike locker at the train station and I will walk the rest of the way
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Gloria in WA: I haven't talked to DD about moving here. She has suggested we do that but It isn't a possibility at this time. DH has complicated health issues and good doctors. We don't want to change them. I have connections and friends in our town that I don't want to lose. In addition to that, there seems to be a lot of drama here on a regular basis and that is not a good situation for DH. My mom taught me to "never say never" but I don't see this as a likely move. :noway:

    Yesterday we went to the first well baby checkup with the pediatrician. Baby is doing well. My daughter's dog has been having seizures and has been in poor health for years. He's an old dog who has had a difficult life. I don't think he is likely to be around much longer. He has been diabetic for several years and they are planning to adjust his insulin to see if it helps the situation.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Heather posted a quote similar to this that I wanted to use, but I couldn't recall it quite right. I went online and found this one.

    "So many of us believe in perfection, which ruins everything else, because the perfect is not only the enemy of the good; it's also the enemy of the realistic, the possible and the fun."

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,449 Member
    Good morning ladies!
    Tanks for all the nice comments and suggestions about my DHs gives. He is taking scripts as prescribed and feels much better. Go figure! Lol! He has been to urgent care, his primary care, allergist, and now dermatologists. Has had them since July. I tend to believe it is from nerves as that is when I lost my job and started early retirement.

    I will look into "alpha gal"? As someone suggested. Won't hurt.

    How do you all deal with a hoarding DH? I need to declutter which is impossible with him.

    Snowing here inCT as I write this. Amazing as we were at the beach, people were swimming, at 80 degrees just last week! Gotta love New England! Lol.

    No ambition this morning. Must get off my duff and move.

    Rita from CT
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Barbie ~ Congrats on your diligence in getting back to your normal weight. I have a feeling that a lot of those 11 lbs was water weight.

    Janet ~ My BnL and his wife lived in Tampa for several years and they loved it there.

    Katla ~ Beautiful baby!

    Re ~ Thanks for all the encouraging words you send to us. Hoping your "puffy" weight will go away soon.
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Barbie that is awesome that you were able to snap back into logging and your body responded within 3 weeks to lose the weight you gained. That's a lesson for me, as I am trying to live with maintenance which is where I always seem to stray from, especially this time of year.

    I can say no to the Halloween candy, but this a.m. there was a faculty breakfast and I did eat a square piece of pumpkin cake with cream cheese frosting, with my coffee....It was delicious, I logged the 400 calories that I guesstimated and am back on track with all the food I packed today.

    My conference day is from 8 a.m to 8 p.m. so I prepped food wisely and am taking some time to donate to a blood drive today....Do you think you lose calories when you donate a pint??

    Anyway, NY is looking at snowy, wet weather, and decidedly colder and drearier.

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 530 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Thanks janetr !!!

    Got my bike locker key! Gotta pack up office crap today, we r going to b moving to the new location tomorrow . Got the seating chart, will b sitting close to the boss :0( , SO bummed. Since I can't have my bike with me at my desk, I'm renting a bike locker at the train station and I will walk the rest of the way

    Great, Pip (except for the boss part). Is the bike locker rental reasonable?

    Well, my reward for attempting the elliptical last night was that today the scale is down to what I was this time last year. Probably an omen. Now to see if I can head into territory uncharted since my thirties. If I can even maintain this weight the doctor scale would show improvement over June.

    NYKaren it is indeed dreary all over NY --just sooo gray.

    Barbie, you are an amazing role model!!

    Back to work for me...
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,882 Member
    NY Karen - You could probably find out how many calories it takes to make a pint of blood, but it must be a good few! :) Well done! I so want to give blood, but, as I have had cancer they don't want it. When my second baby was stillborn I lost 8 pints of blood and swore I would give it back. I've only managed to give 2 pints.

    Seen a nice house today on email, but there has been zilch interest in ours! :s

    Wonderful afternoon with our cleaner attacking the oven, DH attacking the wood burner and me attacking the overloaded kitchen cupboards. Got a lot of stuff out to give to the Church Fayre and some for the dump. An expensive wok and a food processor that are surplus to requirements have gone off with the cleaner, who was delighted. She even managed to remove one of the defunct oven lights so I can order another one from Amazon. The other one seems stuck for eternity.
    Did I tell you all how much I love decluttering. :D:D<3:laugh:

    Veg and lentil curry tonight. Yum!

    Heather UK

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,490 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    Thanks janetr !!!

    Got my bike locker key! Gotta pack up office crap today, we r going to b moving to the new location tomorrow . Got the seating chart, will b sitting close to the boss :0( , SO bummed. Since I can't have my bike with me at my desk, I'm renting a bike locker at the train station and I will walk the rest of the way

    Great, Pip (except for the boss part). Is the bike locker rental reasonable?

    Well, my reward for attempting the elliptical last night was that today the scale is down to what I was this time last year. Probably an omen. Now to see if I can head into territory uncharted since my thirties. If I can even maintain this weight the doctor scale would show improvement over June.

    NYKaren it is indeed dreary all over NY --just sooo gray.

    Barbie, you are an amazing role model!!

    Back to work for me...

    $50 a year
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 10,225 Member
    275.00 dollars later and Homer is home Ultrasound found nothing(thank goodness) what gets me is if it was me ,he would be having a cow!!!
    well at least he will be gone for a week and I wont have to go crazy cooking and stuff..
    Hoping I am better by Saterday because Tracy, Tla and I are going to go to Kringle candle in ma..nice day I think, but if Tracy working until noon will be around 1 before we can go anywhere.. and they close at 6 and it will take a hour and a 1/2 to get up there.. want to have time to look around.
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Good morning all.

    I actually slept for 5 hours last night, more than I have in a long time.

    Today marks the beginning of my journey to another fusion surgery with the first of 3 epidural steroid shots in my lower back. So I get to go to the radiology department in the basement of the hospital to have the shot and a CT scan. I hope this one doesn't make me sick like the last one. I am not really looking forward to this but it must be done.

    The Lyon's Club called this morning and said my new glasses are ready. They are sooo awesome! Bless their hearts! This is the second time they have helped me get glasses. Their Sight and Hearing Foundation has a program to help low and no income people get the eye exam and glasses as well as hearing tests and hearing aids. I had my fitting for my glasses a couple of weeks ago and they told me it would be about 4 to 6 weeks, and it has only been 2 weeks. They are really on the ball! I can't wait to try them on! I got a little different style than I have now. This is very good news! I will be able to see again! I think I will pick them up after my shot.

    I splurged a little yesterday and had a Cherry Coke. It was a 20 oz but I spread it throughout the day so the sugar wouldn't hit me all at once. I kept a close eye on my glucose numbers and saw only a small increase, so I think it was OK.

    Well, I should probably go for now. I want to eat something before this shot in case it makes me sick and I want to get my walk in beforehand too in case it makes the pain worse. I may go for a car ride to Woodburn to get out of the house for a while this evening, or maybe put it off till tomorrow. I'm not sure yet, it will depend on how I feel. I hope everybody has an awesome day!

    Sherry in PDX
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,449 Member
    On donating blood: "People burn approximately 650 calories per donation of one pint of blood, according to the University of California, San Diego. A donor who regularly donates blood can lose a significant amount of weight, but it should not be thought of as a weight loss plan by any means.May 30, 2013".


    That's a lot of calories!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,882 Member
    We have decided to go over to Hove after all on Monday to look at a few houses that have just come on the market. So far I have got 3 lined up before and after lunch and hope to set up one or two more for later. My son is going to let us have a parking permit so we can walk to the first two. He wants me to text him on Sunday night to remind him to put one out in a safe place. :) I think you learn something every time you look, so the journey won't be wasted. It takes us about an hour and three quarters to drive there. DDIL is working so I don't think she will want us to disturb the nanny. :(
    Oh well, we feel we have to make the effort. Can't just sit around waiting for a buyer. We did some very good work today and have a lot of stuff in the garage waiting for the dump, or charity. But I still have TOO MUCH STUFF! :sad: That's the trouble with being a cook.

    I've decided to make Chicken in Tarragon Cream for my guests next week, so will buy everything in town tomorrow and make a hair appointment . Plus pharmacy. DH's sister is going to ring us in the evening with an update on the family trauma. It's not over and she has been amazing in coping with the brunt of it. <3 She wants us to visit this weekend, but I can't face a more than two hour journey each way. Want to finish the loft. Another time.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,490 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Katla, what a beautiful and precious boy. Congratulations.

    Becca,I have a brother who was a lifer in the Navy. He was building nuclear subs. I think it is kind of silly to build one on the west coast but staion it on the east coast. But that is what they did. Their teams are divided in two, one team went physically across USA and the other team took the sub. mt brother was one that drove. We hadn't seen him for several years. So we had Christmas in February that year. My daughters who were young were so happy. They had a small Christmas from Charlie's family on the regular day and then a big one when John came. Plus you can do your decorating and gift buying on sale. Very special day for us.

    We went to Home Depot today to buy a piece of drywall. I said if we were going to do that, I wanted to look at vanities and commodes. I think it is going to be difficult again to get a new vanity out of that guy. I know we need a new faucet and I may need to give in and just get that. Out old one is one of those that has hot and cold on the same faucet, kind of like a ball, and you pull it up and then turn it whatever way you want. With his parkinson's it is getting real difficult for him to lift it up. There was a sign in Home Depot that they installed so I asked about it. So he said all this about them coming to the house and assesing everything including that what needed to be done to meed code. OOPS. Our house was built in 1978 by a builder that just met code at that time. So I'm not sure if our plumbing meets code or not. Luckily all the plumbing is accessible down in our laundry and we have never put a ceiling up.

    Glow, I agree with what all the others are saying about your DGS. But if his situation is found to be to dangerous for him to return to are you prepared for the next step. Foster home or you foster/adopt? where is Miriam when we need her?

    Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,490 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Glo - … and the Police took him ‘back home’? That was DUMB@$$-ed; what if there really IS some abuse going on there, that child might be in ‘more danger’ because of the Police being called. No, your DGS#1 is not to blame for this. The counselor should have talked to the child at his school and explain what would happen if they called the police. That’s akin to taking a battered woman back to the abuser’s house. I hope that CPS will look into the matter really soon. Gee, the poor boy was probably ‘mortified’ by being picked up by the police. Surely, the counselor at his school knew better. She should have called CPS first before calling the police. When you call CPS, you need to tell them exactly what happened that apparently caused the police to just take him home. They ought to have their Captain ream them a ‘new one’. That is just wrong. Unless the boy thought he was going to get into more trouble. I hope they did say that they had better NOT get another call concerning this out of them or any others involved.

    Janet – I love good ‘crab cakes’!!!!! We had some when we visited my sister in Miami when they were holding their annual ‘art festival’ south of South Beach. I wanted to make several trips into the tent to get another taste!

    Love view of the bay. I almost went to Sarasota to go to Ringling Art School; but, had never been that far away from my parents so I ended up at SCADS Atlanta (although it was not SCADS when I went).

    Re – I agree that a proper diagnosis and the proper medication can make all the difference in the world with how someone acts … it sure does for me. I think both sons have decided that hitting something ‘in anger’ can really hurt. I remember when I was about 13 (maybe younger) I had to stay home to answer my Daddy’s office extension (he got it when he fell UP the steps and broke his leg). I wanted to do something else; so I kick one of the panels out of the French doors between the foyer and center hall; then cleaned it up. It had sheers to block the view. I had earlier slammed my side of my hand against the double sliding doors, so I was angry because that ‘hurt’. My mother would put the cat in the kitchen and expected that it would not get back in the living room where she and some friends played bridge. Cat came back in, mother took him back out, checked the door to the back stairwell; and it was closed. She could not figure out how he got there until she came through the double sliding doors; then she called me down and asked what I had done. I acted like I had no idea what she was talking about; but, the cat coming through the sheers had left a mark. WHOOPS! It went on for months before the cat showed up like he did.

    Our DYS went to the dentist because he thought he had a toothache and went to make sure it was not infected. The dentist made an appointment for him to see a Periodontist (across the state of Louisiana); and he walked in and the hygienist said she was going to get the dentist. He came in and took one look at Will and said, ‘you’ve got shingles’, let me make an appointment next door for you to see a GP. He got mouth wash from the dentist and antibiotics, and stuff to help him not itch so much. Had them around the side of his neck, into his mouth and over his head. Thankfully, DDnL#1 had just ‘buzzed his hair’ for the first time. Which helped a lot! We knew she was ‘the right one’ since she had gone through that and a bad cut on his head from putting in a pig trap and came up and hit the post.

    Took DH to the surgery center to have his work-up for his surgery tomorrow AM. We've got to BE there at 6:20AM; but, that means that we'll get home early. He was impressed with this Urologist; he said not only will he clean out the old scar tissue; he will put in dye and see if he can see where it is coming from. Asked him how long it had been going on, he told him about a year-and-a-half; he was happy to know that it had not been occurring since he had the radiated seeds put in. He took the time to explain to us how the seeds work and how they leave the body. He had had it done at a time when it was a 'new' procedure ... so it being that far since was good, and his PSA has been normal as well. That's a good sign; I just want them to 'figure' out what is causing his so much pain to try to pee. He will have a catheter, for at least a week.

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Rita! Wow that is a lot of calories to lose by donating blood! Surprised to hear it. The fellow drawing blood told me that you lose a pound by donating but gain it right back as soon as you drink juice and eat cookies!

    Joyce I don't know if you take deductions on your taxes, but when you modify a home to make it safe for aging and disabilities, that is something you can claim on your deductions. Just a thought to convince him to go a little further. I was lucky to find a very helpful salesperson at Lowes when I was searching for OS bathroom retrofit, he was full of information on that kind of thing. Good luck with your choices.

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Hey ladies!!!! ((((((((((group hugs the lot of you!)))))))
    So today has been really positive. I know my husband has been "out of sorts" now and then. It's just a feeling that overcomes him from my past behavior. These are things that happened 2 or so years ago, and thank God I woke up, and realized my bad choices. I can be watching a program and what they say can trigger a feeling for me. So his is kind of the same. He realizes that he hasn't heard all of the bad, but the positive thing is that we are good now, the need to know all isn't really necessary. That our marriage is secure now, looking forward not back. Just like an alcoholic I keep my world free from triggers like playing a game with an online contact base, that I am not connected to my alternative lifestyle club in California. You dictate how you are treated in this world. I was used by many and if they really respected me, they would not have acted as they had been. I realize now that I am worth more than how I was treated. I told him today that I am proud of how we are doing, and look forward to growing old with him! He is proud of me too. Our connecting and telling each other how we feel, makes the moments of the past, just that. The past. It passes, and we move forward.

    Today I dumped 4 cans of various beans, cannellini, 2 pinto, 1 kidney then a couple of boxes of chicken stock into a pot. Some salt, lots of pepper, some cayenne pepper, and 2 spoonful's of Better Than Bouillon chicken paste, and let simmer for all afternoon! Taking the whisk and squishing the beans every now and then to release the beany goodness helps! Also adding water now and then helps it to not get a strong flavor...you want to coax the beany flavor out slowly... HAHAH.....ok I am the BEAN WHISPERER now....
    Wait that sounds really wrong..
    Just in
    Oregon...that is it.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Bed rest, ice and some old prescription from the last flair up is helping my shoulder to improve. The pain has moved from radiating down my right arm and shoulder area up to my neck. This I believe is the source of pain issue. Those of you who have had migraines will understand when I say that it feels like I have the worst migraine in my neck spinal column and head area. Back to bed!

    Mary from Minnesota
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Mary from Minnesota - Migraines are the worst. People who have never had them just don't understand how debilitating they can be. Thankfully, since using a C-pap for 5+ years, my migraines have been significantly reduced; but, I can tell that 'if' one hits me when I wake up; nothing I take is going to relieve it unless I can get into a very dark, cold room after taking my medications (Max-Alt) and a muscle relaxant (Skelaxin). If I can't get rid of it within 4 hours; I end up having to go get a shot of something that knocks me totally out. I can make it home by the time it starts working; then I sleep for hours, sometimes even over night. If I have symptoms of one on Friday AM, I go to the MD's office and 'sit' (after Noon on Fridays, you cannot buy a MD around here); unless they are specialists. For example, it I end up taking DH to the ER, I will call the Urologist 'on call' ... not going to put him in the hands of a MD that specializes in lung function.

    Something just bit me; have no idea when or where; but, it hurts like a 'sum-o-beach'. It's bruised around it and fills like a pin prick.

    Sorry you are feeling so bad, hope that you will feel much better when you get up.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Oh Mary, praying that the pain subsides and you can get back to your normal active self. It sounds horriic to me :( (((hugs)))

    Janetr okc
  • Elizabeth2360
    Elizabeth2360 Posts: 181 Member
    Happy Thursday, Today was a bit of a challenge. Did not feel very good. But I challenged myself to accomplish something each day. Managed 2 things so good. Eating plan in place. Planning on prepping for next week . Yes I am home but it makes it so easy to focus once on it. Not worry about it. Especially lunch and breakfast!

    @DrKatiebug nice picture!
    @Mary I hope your shoulder feels better soon.
    @grandmallie I am glad Homier is ok.

    Tomorrow getting things ready. Getting carpet shampoo Saturday.

    Caldwell, Idaho
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,490 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 13.05min, 13.4amph, 153mhr, 2.9mi= 134c
    ROPE PULL- 10.11min, 300meters, 119mhr, topset, lvl7, 27ftpmin = 51c
    SKI MACHINE- 15min, 138mhr, 10incl, 25-30resist, .76mi = 125c
    STAIRCLIMBER- 12min, 4.2flpmin, 157aw, 481ft, 50fl, 141mhr = 116c
    ride gym 2 dome- 8.09min, 10.4amph, 148amhr, 1.4mi = 97c
    ride dome 2 hm- 22.16min, 6.9amph, 149mhr, 2.5mi, WINDY = 211c
    total cal 734
This discussion has been closed.