
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    (((Lisa))) I know it is hard to be in transition.

    (((Alison take care with all thee disrupted sleep.)))

    Volunteered at the Nature Center yesterday. The teacher reminded us getting outside for as little as 20 minutes a day can make a positive impact on your health.

    :heart: Margaret
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Liz: I'm glad you had a great time at Golden Corral and left feeling good rather than stuffed. :smiley:

    Heather: Enjoy the birthday party with your little ones! Since you're glamming up for the occasion I hope we'll get to see some pictures. :bigsmile:

    My Halloween ghost fell over again during the night. I'll fix him again when it is light outside. At the moment it is 6:45 AM and still dark. I expect to have a riding lesson today, and I really didn't think I would get to go this week because of the storm. I may not be riding during this lesson as the horse seems to be lame right now. Maybe he injured himself in all the wind yesterday. If I'm not riding, perhaps I'll be lunging the horse or leading him around, patting his neck and saying, "there, there." I don't really care as long as I learn something and spend time with an equine.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Good morning all.... still blanketed in snow here in Saskatchewan - I think it is here to stay - but hopefully for all the farmers with crops yet to be harvested the snow will go. It is supposed to get to +8 C , but that will just make a sloppy mess.

    For being retired I don't seem to be getting "my" stuff done. Hopefully I get things straightened out and organized the way I want ..... at least I don't have to get up at "oh dark stupid" to drive in the storms to work!!!

    Heather - beautiful cake!!

    We have such a talented group of ladies here. So nice to be a part of it.

    Later everyone, the grand kids are waking up.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,847 Member
    Good morning all. Been reading posts every day. But not getting up as early as normal, due to this darn cold! Still trying to shake it as it moves back and forth between sinuses and chest. Week four now. Just trying to make it through the work days.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member
    :)Lisa, you have an amazing calm attitude about all the uncertain transition in your life.

    :)Lillian, do not despair---it takes awhile to build a plan and a schedule that will allow you to do the thing s you want to with your retirement

    :)Katla, it sounds like the storm is mild where you are, just like up here....good that you can spend some time with horse related activities even if you don't ride

    :)Margaret, I agree about the benefits of being outside....that's been tough for me...staying indoors...I'm used to about three hours outdoors every day.

    :'( Last night I realized that I have much more yarn than I realized for the blanket I'm knitting and I should have made it wider, so I pulled the whole thing out and am starting over. The whole point of the knitting was to give me something to do while I recover so it will all be fine.

    :) It's not really that cold, but Jake built a fire in the woodstove because it feels damp and chilly in the house.

    :)Heather, Enjoy your party.

    <3 Barbie
  • 1948CWB
    1948CWB Posts: 1,515 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • Charleen2
    Charleen2 Posts: 223 Member
    edited October 2016
    We are from many places around the world. Thought I would share a link to a global wind map. If you want to play with it and see anywhere on the globe, take your mouse, click on the globe and 'move' the mouse. It will spin the world for you. The little legend at the bottom is also a menu to see other interesting things worldwide.


    Charleen in (windy) Colorado
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited October 2016
    Lisa – Maybe you can store those boxed-up bins in one of those sheds that most towns have; with garage doors, so you can pull up to them and load and unload what you need, when you need it. They come in different sizes.

    Lillian – You’ll get time to get ‘your stuff’ done; it might take saying ‘no’ a lot to others who ‘think’ because you are ‘retired’ you have more hours in your day than they do. I don’t have problems saying ‘no’ any longer and then I can do what I want to do, when I want to.

    Carpenter did not make it yesterday with the door, unless DH is trying to see ‘if’ I ‘noticed’; but, I don’t think it is here. I’m sure after the ‘nagging’ I have been doing, he would have gladly shown it to me. Maybe when we are ‘in town’ we can buy some of the other things we need to finish it off. Even if it is nothing more than a roll of insulation. God several more of my plants repotted; two, I just cleaned of the dead stuff out and sliced through the roots because they were so pot-bound they were NOT coming out unless I broke the pots they were in. Boo! Maybe next year I will just break the pots and repot them. I do have some extras. Need to water the ‘inside’ plants.

    DH has had to call the timber man to come out and check our pines. We don't have 'pine beetles' because they usually take out the entire stand of trees in a matter of days; but, we do have a different kind of beetle that takes out a tree here or there. Need to get them down and burned. Then we will just probably 'thin them' for the last time, during our lifetimes. Still enough left to cut down on the dust from the 'dirt' road; and, hopefully we won't continue with the problem.

    Another ‘date’ night! Woo Hoo! Going to Olive Garden and I am saving my CI for that meal. Will be drinking a lot of water for lunch today. Get my water in during that time.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,052 Member
    Morning here peeps-
    Not much action here in my PNW section,
    My legs r feeling it a bit after the12.5 miles yesterday, gonna try a slow 5k to loosen up and stretch a bit.
    My new phone has issues already. Gonna go to apple and ask for a diagnostic check aand get a discount. If I don't get a discount, then gonna ask for another phone cuz at this point we will b paying full price for a refurbished phone and that will be a no
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    Hi all!
    Back from the christening. It was quite a hoot in the church with the kids all running around and commenting, but Bea didn't cry when the water was poured over her and all was well with the cake. No disasters. Bea wanted to get into the font, but there was lots of laughter and cuddling.
    Nice to chat with my ex. They have just bought an apartment in Glasgow for his wife's job, so they are on for a move up there before too long. I chatted to DDIL's parents about our move to Hove and they seemed quite happy with that. One of the godparents, who was DS's friend at uni, is also moving to Brighton.
    The ceremony was Church of England. (Protestant) Two of the godparents were Catholic. My son is not baptised. Two previous godparents for DGD were Jewish. Don't tell the vicar! It was a woman vicar this time. :D

    I had more carbs than I've had in years. Must have been the relief of getting the cake there in one piece! Two quarters of egg sandwiches, a half scone with jam and cream and I did have some of my cake. ;) Plus two Proseccos. I now have 90 calories left!

    KJ - Hope your crud clears up soon. <3

    Lillian - Retirement isn't for wimps! :laugh:

    Barbie - Glad to hear that things seem to be going according to schedule. :flowerforyou:

    Love to all, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Sunday Hugs!! ((((((((group hugs everyone!)))))) So this morning, my man went out into the rainy world, bought the Sunday Oregonian, some more index cards for me and my photo project, more milk because we were low, a box that said "To My Love" with one white chocolate dipped strawberry in it, chocolate doughnuts for us all, and a new coffeepot because my other one died a couple of weeks ago!!! Ok the treats were a bit over the top, but the ooey, gooey romantic sentiment is there loud and clear. No, he doesn't mean to ruin my eating habits, he is just my sweet guy..... At this point in our lives, if he wants chocolate doughnuts for a morning meal, he can darn well have them. Do I make excuses, yep I do. Today I will have to make good choices. Maybe some simple wild rice and zucchini for my evening meal, and lots of water to flush out the decadent treat! (I shall eat my strawberry with a cup of coffee later today!!)

    On Friday I watched a movie called "Noah" with Russell Crowe, and I jinxed my world. It has rained from Wednesday evening! Oregon has received more rain the month of October than ever recorded! Hmm all my sentences are starting to end with a !.... I have been inside looking out at the storms since Wednesday evening so I am a bit buggy!

    Everyone doing ok?
    Are you taking your daily vitamins? (need to work on that one)
    Are you drinking enough water? (I need to drink more but looking at all this rain makes me forget to)
    Are you getting your daily hugs? (5 hugs a day MINIMUM for mental health they say)
    Sleeping well? (I try to go to bed by 9pm and I get up at 7:30/8:00am)
    Do you feel loved? (that's a question that is personal but its a necessary one to ask yourself periodically)
    Do you get enough exercise? (I need to work on that one too)

    Personal accountability means that sometimes I mentally go down these kinds of lists. Just like my pantry, I look at what is there, what I need, and what I have to throw out.... It helps me to think clearer. It puts the things I need to work on, in the foreground. Being accountable to you all, having you in my back pocket so to speak, is one of my important tasks. To be honest, not logging on here, taking my "break", was really not beneficial. Logging on here daily, like a personal journal, for me is like a hitting a reset button. Yes I had 2 doughnuts for breakfast. Yes I should have just had one and be satisfied with that. But my choice to eat both has its consequences. I shall pay the piper, take my lumps, whatever you want to term it, but smile broadly with absolute accountability!! (Can you see me grinning....eeeee)

    Grinning Becca
    in the rain....
    in Oregon

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Lenora enjoy date night!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Marcelyn in Houston ~ ah you might be a wacko but you will be a healthy wacko walking those 17 miles!!! Congrats to youuuuu!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Well ladies, husband and I have come to the realization that we won't be "RV travelers" anytime soon. Price wise its just not a smart move. Also, when we travel to Portland (just a 2.5 hour trip there) we are soooo glad to get back to home. That says a lot right there. I would rather take short trips here and there, but have a permanent home here. My husbands' liver doctor appointments every so often predetermines our future somewhat. It's nice to finally realize that home feels right, and that I am totally embracing living on the coast.

    Katla~ You weathering the weather...well?

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    Drkatie - Lovely photo. <3

    Heather UK