November 2016 Running Challenge



  • 9voice9
    9voice9 Posts: 693 Member
    7.64% of goal

    01-Nov: 7.90 miles - Double Day (with Alan)
    02-Nov: 3.94 miles
    06-Nov: <Life Day>
    13-Nov: <Life Day>
    19-Nov: - planned HM day
    20-Nov: <Life Day>
    27-Nov: <Life Day>


    Upcoming Races:
    12-Nov: FUMC 5K, Warner Robins
    03-Dec: Reindeer Run (10K), Macon
    26-Dec - 01-Jan: Random running in JAPAN!
    14-Jan: Museum of Aviation HM, Warner Robins
    04-Mar: Albany/Snickers HM, Albany
    25-Mar: Cherry Blossom Road Race 10K, Macon
    08-Apr: Running for Ronald 10K/15K, Macon
  • BeeerRunner
    BeeerRunner Posts: 728 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    So, now for the update. The therapist video'd me running, and from behind, my form was excellent. From a side view, she discovered when pushing off, my leg isn't kicking back far enough. This meant that my hamstrings are being engaged all the time instead of my glutes kicking in, and this is most likely what caused the strain. I do this on both legs, but for whatever reason, the right hamstring is the one that acted up.

    So, I've got a bunch of exercises to do, and I can do non-impact cardio and strength training. I see her again tomorrow.

    @BeeerRunner What exercises is the PT having you do to make your glutes engage?

    @Stoshew71 and @elise4270 I'll post a copy of the instructions tomorrow when I'm on the pc and can upload a pic.

    @louubelle16 Thanks for the tip. I took your advice and took my avg time for the distance and did that on the elliptical. I did the Arc Trainer tonight, but afterwards, I experimented with some other machines. I found one that's more like running that I'll use going forward. It's made by the same company that makes the Zero Runner.

    @MobyCarp Yes, I really want to try to make the marathon I signed up for in late February. I'm worried if I don't keep up with it, I won't be able to make up the distance for my long runs. I can always drop to a half, but I really want to run this as my first marathon. Plus, I like to eat, and there's all this Halloween candy around right now. Lol! My brother had an ankle injury recently and he couldn't bring himself to using machines while waiting to heal either. He's got a super high metabolism though and can eat whatever he wants.
  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    9.5 km ( 4.25km up hill ) on Pats Creek trail with one of the Ladies from our club - 1:03:44.
    Strangely my pace going uphill was faster than my downhill - cautious I guess. Also had 2 walk breaks, one when we ran into some Dog Walkers with 4 loose dogs - we have a simple rule to always walk past the off leash dogs. Second walk break when we got to the Top and started back down - a real tricky piece of snow & ice covered single track.

    Probably the last mid-week run of the season on Pats Creek - with the Time Change it will be dark before work and dark after work. This can be a very challenging Agility Workout due to Erosion, Fallen Trees, roots, rocks and other obstacles so not something you do with the limited visibility provided by a headlamp. It is the 3rd Hill in our weekend challenge so it was good to run it just to see how the trail is holding up. Expected it to be a lot wetter than it was. Todays route is 2 km longer than the route we will use this weekend to complete the 7 Hills challenge.

    November Running 140km Goal 160km Stretch
    11/01 –00.0 km – 0.0 – 140.0 km – YTD 1071.0 km
    11/02–9.5 km – 9.5 – 130.5 km – YTD 1080.5 km

  • Agator82
    Agator82 Posts: 249 Member
    Goal: 30 Mi

    11/2/2016: 4.5 Mi Total, 2.75 Mi Running

    Distance Left: 27.25 Mi
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    November running challenge.

    Still working on my base....going to increase to 10 miles per outdoor running....and, for treadmill...rolling hills with intermittent speed drills.

    November 1st.....Moody Blues concert
    November 2nd....9 miles at average max heart rate of 77%. Temperature was in the 70's, head wind on mile 4, started going faster instinctively, then remembered that these were to be slow miles working on my base. Noted sore hamstrings and glute muscles at miles 6 onward.

    Dental appointment tomorrow, work on Thursday and Friday night. Horse racing all day Saturday...breeders cup races.

    A little sad that I won't be running in the Monumental Half in Indy this is a really nice race and the leaves have changed very pretty in the city. The temperature this year will probably be in the 60's, warm for November. I couldn't get off from work, but will pencil it in for next year.

  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    @skippygirlsmom: I hope that Skip has a great run with nooooo tripping. I am sure that all of her hard work will pay off.
    @TattooedDolphinGirl78 : Good luck on your surgery. I hope that you have a speedy recovery, and don't forget to do your IS (incentive spirometry).
    @greenolivetree : So sorry that you are stuck in the ER. The wait in the ER is just terrible everywhere. I hope that nothing serious is going on with your husband and that you both can go home tonight.

    Regarding the tri...count me out. I can swim on my back or underwater (a little), but at the end of the lane, I would often bonk my head. I don't really like having my head underwater unless I am totally submerged. Weird, right? I failed at swimming lessons on 2 occasions.

    I never learned to ride a bike with hand brakes...all of my bikes had foot I probably would stop my bike "Fred Flintstone" style by sticking my foot out and dragging it.
  • BigK007
    BigK007 Posts: 52 Member

  • emmab0902
    emmab0902 Posts: 2,338 Member
    1 November 5.57km run
    2 November 2.4km swim
    3 November 6km run

    Running goal:  50km
    Swimming goal:  25km


  • 07KatieP13
    07KatieP13 Posts: 220 Member
    1/11 C210K W4 D1: 3.1
    2/11 Rest
    3/11 C210K W4 D2: 2.3

    Total 5.4 miles

    Cold, cold, cold! And I loved it!
  • 07KatieP13
    07KatieP13 Posts: 220 Member
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    @skippygirlsmom Good luck, Skip! Can't wait to hear how she goes.

    @Elise4270 Well, work can go and just *kitten* themselves! Stay here and give us yays instead. :D
    Can I summon @AdrianChr92 's God of Fast and wish you and he good luck? Hope you heal fast, and hope Adrian runs far and fast.
    Care is good. Just waiting for tests and answers. Maybe Friday I can run off the crazy :#

    @greenolivetree Do it! Running is such a Zen-booster! So sorry about your hubby in hospital. Good luck balancing the things he needs with the things you need. Hugs.
  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    01 November – 10.3 km
    03 November – 10 km

    Goal: 200 km
    Total: 20.3 km

    Just registered for my 4th half marathon on Sunday! Eek!

    I know I can do it, but I really want to do a PB, for my first officially-timed HM, and I've got the taper crazies imagining/experiencing all sorts of aches and pains. Gaah!

    Roll on race endorphins!
  • TattooedDolphinGirl78
    TattooedDolphinGirl78 Posts: 5,214 Member
    ereck44 wrote: »
    @TattooedDolphinGirl78 : Good luck on your surgery. I hope that you have a speedy recovery, and don't forget to do your IS (incentive spirometry).

    What is IS?
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    A very, very wet and windy run! Cut it short as I has having trouble seeing anything!
  • Joanna2012B
    Joanna2012B Posts: 1,448 Member
    edited November 2016

  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    11/1: 8.5 miles
    11/2: 6.7 miles
    11/3: 3.6 miles (am)

    Holy Dense Fog, Batman! I had to cut this one short for a myriad of reasons, but primarily because the dense fog plus a headlamp meant a headache :( But also there were so many creepy people out this morning, exacerbated by the fact that I could barely see them before they were close to me because of the fog, they were all wearing dark colors, and I listen to too many murder podcasts.

    The fog really messed with the GPS data though. My GPS map on Garmin and Strava has me cutting back and forth through neighborhoods, which I definitely did not do. And Garmin has me running a random 6:52 mile and Strava interpreted that data as a 5:33 mile (lol), even though the distance is only off by about 1/10 mile. Strava says I paced 8:01 and really I paced about 8:40. So... let's hope race day isn't foggy :D


    Fall Race Season & Next Year:
    10/8: Coe College Homecoming 5k: 21:26
    10/16: Superhero Halloween Half Marathon: 1:42:24
    11/20: Philadelphia Marathon (Goal: 3:30 or better)
    3/26/17: Philly Love Run HM
    5/14/17: Delaware Marathon Running Festival HM
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,881 Member
    @kristinegift - Beautiful pictures yesterday! Sorry about the fog and creepy people out! When I'm on my bike there is this one intersection that makes everyone's Garmins go crazy. We are stopped at the light and the Garmins will say we are going 60-70 mph. Someone said it's because there is metal under the street to trigger the light. Nothing to do with fog, but I just think it's weird.

    @orphia -- you will do great on Sunday!

    A tri with rowing would be great! Except for buying a kayak or whatever one needs to row.

    Rest day for me. I didn't have it planned but I stayed up past 1 am watching the world series. At least I got a lot of grading done while watching. So the alarm had to be pushed back to 5:30 instead of the 4:07 run time. So tomorrow it will be a double - run/strength training.

    11/1 - 4.3 miles
    11/2 - strength training
    11/3 - rest day

    Upcoming races
    11/30/16 - I/ITSEC 5K
    2/5/17 - Daytona Beach HM
    2/26/17 - Disney Princess HM Orlando


  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    11/1- 6.05
    11/2- 6.13
    11/3- 6.01

    Total: 18.18/150

    Today's notes: Happy Day! Very solid z2 run. I had a little while in zX but, even when the LAST GNAT OF THE YEAR flew in my mouth and made me choke, I never had my HR go to z3. 87% of the time was in z1 or z2. VERY happy with the run. I took it easy at 10:22 pace on a flatter course, and it really paid off in keeping my HR where I wanted it.
  • tartanhibee
    tartanhibee Posts: 63 Member
    01/11 2 miles
    03/11 3 miles

    This mornings 5k was another years best 31:49. I'm getting close to my pb 31:06.
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    11/1 - 5.1 miles. Gorgeous 62° morning to run!
    11/2 - Slept in. Stayed up too late cheering the Cubs victory!
    11/3 - 5.32 miles. Trek class / treadmill
