

  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Cheri - Swai is the same as Talapia so any of the recipes for Talapia can also be used for Swai.

    I'm not sure if I had food poisoning or picked up a 24hr bug but was sick as a dog last night. All better today. tomorrow night is DGS#1's first concert of the year. Looks sharp in his black dress pants, long sleeve white button front shirt and school necktie. If I could just get him to practice his instrument. :/

    Off to bed as I did not sleep well last night.

    Gloria in WA
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Ok I have to admit, when you are semi-retired, everyday seems like a Sunday. Especially when you have a teenager home for a Thanksgiving week! I suppose when son goes into the Navy I (might) get a part-time job, but I am not keen about it... There is a Walmart superstore that is being built, so maybe both husband and I can fiddle fart around in that, job wise that is. He said he wants to be a greeter! I can be a "samples lady", one thing I am really good at.

    I think I got my steps in racing around the apartment here today, trying to stay away from frisky husband. I don't know what the heck has gotten into that man... The fact that this darn apartments so small, teenager is in his room and I can't make a PEEP, has that enticing danger quality I guess. Silly fool! But I do love the man.

    Tonight I made blueberry pancakes and bacon for the guys. I cooked my bacon in the oven, first time I have ever done that. The fact that I have one good pan that I was going to use for the pancake making, made me just put them in the oven. I kind of like doing it like that. They didn't get really crispy, but they were a nice leathery done.

    Well, everyone have a great Tuesday...(looking at the calendar) yep tomorrow shall be Tuesday.....
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Becca - I make bacon in the oven also 400 degrees for about 15 minutes. Martha Stewart says if you want really crispy bacon put a rack in your pan and lay the bacon on that. My mom used to flour her bacon before she baked it and it was delicious and always crisp.

    OK really am going to bed now
  • sherryminch
    sherryminch Posts: 168 Member
    Becca - Just a quick heads up....I would not recommend working for Walmart! I used to work for them, then found out through doing some research on them that they are notorious for having a very high employee turnover rate, for not giving some employees the benefits they are supposed to and say they will (they did that to me...I was supposed to get health benefits when I went full time but had to fight tooth and nail to get it about 3 months later), and a friend that worked at the same store I did was wrongly fired but couldn't do anything about it because Oregon is an "At will" employment state. They tell everybody when they hire them that if you help a customer while you are on break or lunch they want you to adjust your time in the computer to show that, but when you do that they claim "time clock theft" and fire you. That's what happened to my friend and I found out to other people as well. I have seen several lawsuits brought by employees who were denied their breaks and so on and so forth. I would hate to see you get caught up like that so just be forewarned. Some people do last years there, but they are very few and very far between. Most don't make it long with them. I could tell you some horror stories of some of the other stuff they did to me and others in my particular store that would really raise your eyebrows, but it would take too much space here. Hence the reasons why I no longer work for them. I was only there a year, too. Just wanted to let you know from a firsthand point of view. If you decide to pursue a job there, just go into it with both eyes wide open and expect problems, and also don't expect much from them. I'm done, that's all I wanted to say about it. And "leathery" bacon, my favorite kind (I don't like crispy crunchy bacon)!

    Well ladies, movie is over....seemed like a long one and not sure how to feel about the movie. The actor who played the scientist in the first one who got killed in the lab by one of the aliens in the first movie, appeared in this one as a scientist and my immediate thought was "Wait a minute! Didn't he die in the first one???". Kinda made the story line unbelievable at that point. Oh well, it was only 25 cents, lol! Some fairly decent visual effects though. Don't think it's worth watching again unless it's on TV and there is nothing else on, lol.

    OK, time to hit the hay....I'm done lurking. I hope everyone gets good sleep. Sweet dreams all!

    Sherry in " off to LA LA land" Portland
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,832 Member
    Morning Ladies~
    Yelled at Tom when he came to bed,I see him for maybe an hour a day when we work and 45 mins of that is bi---ing at me.. I had a long hard day and he didn't care about that, right now its all about Homer... today I am dropping Homer off for a chest ultrasound, going to ask the dr to take a look at his right ear, he might have an ear infection..
    I just want to lead a peaceful life and enjoy my friends and family ,and cant do that the way my life is going now..
    I agree with all of you about being thankful for our friendship.. I truly love you all!!
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Back home from Spain now, weighed in this AM only put 2 lbs on :) try to get that off asap. Back to logging and working out. I do read all your posts but have problems retaining all info, should make notes as I read.
    Anyway welcome to all newbies, we are a very diverse group with very different lives but are united in being healthy and happy for as long as possible (forever if we can)

    Kate UK
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    Good morning all! Woke up late!!! Happy Tuesday! Love the pics! <3
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding . [/i]

    Good Morning my lovely Phat Chat chumbs,

    Carey, your quiches sound wonderful and now I'm wanting some. Don't do that to me when I have Thanksgiving dinner to plan. thanksgiving-family-dinner.gif

    Rita, just tell your DH he's not invited this year and is on his own while you go to your Mom's. LOL I don't know why they can be so difficult sometimes. I think it's a game with them.

    Sherry, the bold doesn't bother me as it's easier to read. reading-stories-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Marcelyn, Your Christmas sounds wonderful. Can we come and just watch?

    Cheri, I love the pictures of your family gathering. They look like Norman Rockwell paintings.

    Heather, reading about your daily life is like reading about an adventure, to me. I guess part of it is because of where you are..if you talked about crossing a bridge in Ohio, it might not be as exciting. Anyway, thank you for sharing your life and please keep it up.

    Margaret, I hope you enjoyed that half a beer. I'd have probably had a whole one to go with it. Did you have to get a new fridge? Hope things calm down for a while.

    Katla, (and Carey), I didn't know what "Liquid Egg Creations" was so I Googled it and found this recipe for Crustless Quiche Casserole. https://www.caloriecount.com/crustless-quiche-casserole-recipe-r5409
    Gosh I learn so much from all you ladies. I love it.

    jesuschar, welcome. This is a great place for support and information. You are so right about this being a lifestyle change and it's got to be for life. Please sign your posts with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific. Come often.

    Joyce, I'm excited with you about the progress on the small bathroom. I guess we are never too old to get a surprise.

    Rori, this is just a 5 day cruise to the Bahammas. We've always done 7 day and this year decided to book two 5 day cruises. I enjoy the cruise on the ship as much as the port so I don't really care where we go.

    Barbie, the PT saved me after my back surgery but then I wasn't even thinking about lifting weights. You are doing so great!!!!!! Just be patient.

    Pip, good to see you have up your Christmas profile pic. cheesy-grin-smiley-emoticon.gif

    Sherry, first of all, there is no reaching through the screen to slap anyone for missing someone on a post. We only do that to those of us that go crazy with eating things we shouldn't. Now, where is our picture of this cute Missy?

    Janetr, I totally agree with exactly what you said, "For all my dear Phat Chat ladies. I could not do this alone. You all give me the courage to say "I can" and to continue forward. So thankful for what each of you contribute and for sharing your life with me <3" I hope you all have the best Thanksgiving ever.

    Gloria, so glad your bug didn't last any longer. (((Hugs))) Thanks for the bacon in the oven info. I'm going to try it. Does it not pop all over the place?

    KateUK, welcome home. I'd say 2 lbs isn't bad at all.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I've been helping my friend with things since she moved out of state so suddenly and not getting things done for myself. She has someone getting her golf cart to deliver it to my house and we will try to sell it for her. At least my friend that will be here for Thanksgiving is a good friend, so if I don't have everything spotless it's no big deal. I'd just feel better if things are ship shape.

    Sending love and good thoughts to all of you and I hope you all have a Happy and Healthy Day!

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,978 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Read to here. Marking my spot.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,102 Member
    DJ I am hoping things calm down for awhile too. DH is on a trip with his sister so I am waiting til he gets back to decide what to do with frig. I looked at new ones and since I want an almond frig that is out of style we can get one for $600-$700. It will cost $109 just to have them walk in the door to try and repair the one we have that is at least 10 years old. One glitch is our current one has a water dispenser inside the frig. If we go with a new one that option may have to go. It is fine with me but, not DH. I am noticing he is getting more set in his ways so we shall see. In the mean time I am getting extra exercise by having to go to our basement frig when I need something from the refrigerator.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Gloria-Thanks for the tip on the Swai!

    DJ-Normal Rockwell!? I had to cut and paste 4 pictures together to try and get everyone in the picture and I’m not sure I even did get everyone

    Sherry-Yes big family! . We are a family of 7-Mom, Dad, 1 older brother, 1 younger brother, and 2 younger sisters. We were not/are not the Brady Bunch but still are able to get together and enjoy!

    Here's our current family tree:

    Mom/Grammie (Fishers, IN)
    Dad/Pops (Fishers, IN)
    Brothers: Dave & Pam (Suffolk, VA) with daughters Melissa, Jennifer and Heather
    Melissa & Joe (Charlotte, NC) with daughters Reagan, Valerie and Elizabeth
    Jennifer (Midlothian, VA) with son Matthew
    Heather & Chris (Midlothian, VA) with sons Finnegan, Liam and Jameson and daughter
    Randy & Kay (Fishers, IN) with sons Luke, Aaron and Ryan
    Sisters: Debbie (Fishers, IN)
    Sara (Grove City, OH) with daughter Erika and son Tyler
    Me: Cheri & Mitch (College Station, TX) with daughter Rosalyn (Midlothian, VA) and son Benjamin
    (Houston, TX)
    Phew I think I got everyone!

    Have a good day!

    in very humid CS, TX thinking it's going to rain

  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Thanks for the link DJ :)

    Here's a couple more for you:



    You'll need to scroll down the page on caveman keto's page for the recipe but he has a lot of really good tips and tricks before you get there.

    Got to run...work is calling. Have a great day everyone!

    Carey - Northern Alberta

    Goals for Nov:
    - Increase walking by at least 100 steps per day
    - Get to Tai Chi at least once a week
    - Increase daily water intake
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
    Yo peeps
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sherry: A quotation just popped into mind, ----"and she called for her pipe, and she called for her bowl and she called for her fiddlers three. . ." Enjoy your movie watching! :smiley:

    Janetr: I love the little pilgrims poster. Thanks coming back atcha! :flowerforyou:

    Gloria: I hope you slept well and DGS has a good time performing in the concert. If he has fun, he might eventually start to practice. :wink:

    Becca: Tell your frisky husband that he can have fun when DS is off to school. I am so happy that he's feeling well enough to pester you in front of your son. :devil:

    Allison: (((HUGS)))

    DJ: Enjoy the company of your good friend at Thanksgiving. Good luck helping the friend who moved. :flowerforyou:

    Margaret: Good luck with the refrigerator. I hope you are able to get the color you want and the features DH wants. :smiley:

    Cheri: I always envy people with large families, whether close by or spread out across the country. I'm a lonely only. DH was one of three, and he and his sister are the survivors. We've developed a grand friendship. We'll be at her house for Thanksgiving. :heart:

    I'm walking with a former neighbor this morning and then baking for the Thanksgiving feast. DH is making pie and I'm making a pumpkin cake. We will be traveling tomorrow.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    Tibetan proverb: "The secret to living well and long is: Eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure..."

    [ November Resolutions :
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon Cheri: I always envy people with large families, whether close by or spread out across the country. I'm a lonely only. DH was one of three, and he and his sister are the survivors. We've developed a grand friendship. We'll be at her house for Thanksgiving. :heart:

    Katla enjoy your Thanksgiving visit! I truly wish my siblings and I were closer growing up unfortunately we had a mother who operated in "survival mode" and was angry/resentful much of the time. Our father was a workaholic one because he had a passion for his vocation and two to escape home life. However, we can all get together and have a good time and of late are starting to share tales of our youths. AND finally at age 57 years have forgiven my mother for her behavior and that is such a huge mental load gone!


  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 1 hr of the Jane Fonda Workout DVD that I made. It's really interesting to see how things have changed. The hair! And those leg warmers! Well, since they aren't having the water aerobics tomorrow, the plan is to do Weight Watchers 15 Minute Boot Camp DVD. I'll probably do all 4 workouts

    barbie - so happy for you that you can dance. Just take it slow and everything else will fall into place. Trust me, I know how hard it is to take it slow and not do the things you'd like to do like the plank. But you don't want to permanently injur yourself and never be able to do it! You'll get there

    Went to ceramics last night and this one gal asked me if I was going to the ceramics Christmas party. I didn't know anything about it. I went last year. It seems the invitations were passed out after I'd left. So I'll probably go. It's on the same day as the mahjongg Christmas party. As usual, I'm going to try to limit how many parties I go to. The mahjongg, ceramics, Newcomers, and we may wind up having an open house. I'm hoping that's IT

    katla - thanks so much for the pic of the spruce tree. I don't think that's the one we had outside our door as the one we had was blueish. Lovely lovely tree. I'm an only child, too, and so is Vince

    sherry - good luck at the eye doc

    Gloria - so sorry you were ill, but glad you're better now. Good luck to your gs

    Kate - welcome home! Only 2 pounds.....that's great

    Got things ready to take up to Jess'. Did 2 loads of laundry so I can start (well, really, continue) packing. Now I think I'll make these M&M cookies for the son of our mailman who usually comes selling these coupon books. I'll keep the rest for christmas. I just like supporting the schools (the book). I'm not crazy about those "cards" because I very very seldom go to the places you can use the cards at -- places like Dominoes, Pizza Hut etc.

    Michele in NC