

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited November 2016
    csofled wrote: »
    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon Cheri: I always envy people with large families, whether close by or spread out across the country. I'm a lonely only. DH was one of three, and he and his sister are the survivors. We've developed a grand friendship. We'll be at her house for Thanksgiving. :heart:

    Katla enjoy your Thanksgiving visit! I truly wish my siblings and I were closer growing up unfortunately we had a mother who operated in "survival mode" and was angry/resentful much of the time. Our father was a workaholic one because he had a passion for his vocation and two to escape home life. However, we can all get together and have a good time and of late are starting to share tales of our youths. AND finally at age 57 years have forgiven my mother for her behavior and that is such a huge mental load gone!



    I'm the youngest of six girls. We were/are always close. My Mom was the adhesive that held us together. By the time we all married and had children, holidays were loud and chaotic and I loved every minute of it and miss it. As we have gotten older and have grandchildren and even some have great grandchildren, its almost impossible to eat together, but we do try for a family reunion once a year and go to a park, or use the church hall.

    Janetr okc
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Where has Vicki from Nebraska been? Has anyone heard from her. I also miss Mia, Beth, Carol in SC and many others. Pray they are all well, just busy with life.

    Janetr okc
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    Hi all!

    Just want to put in another shout out for YOUNGER NEXT YEAR and THINNER THIS YEAR.
    The science info on the value of exercising is mind boggling.

    We had a lovely yoga session this morning and then quite a few of us went off to the pub for coffee and to wish our friend Kathy luck. She is off around the world for 80 days. :D Going to Australia, New Zealand to catch up with friends and then on to Chile and Bolivia to meet up with her son. She is the same one who walked the 600 miles of the Camino in Spain. She is 60. A single woman with terrific spirit. <3 She used to be a midwife. She is incredibly fit. :o

    I am feeling a bit quiet today, having had two hectic days. Alcohol free today. It's good to have recovery time sometimes. DH went off and did food shopping and I had a nap.

    DJ - Of course I lived in London for 40 years, so it is my own backyard. But that doesn't stop me appreciating the beauty of the cityscape as I walk over the bridge with all the coloured lights and the buskers. DH and I so rarely go out after dark that it was great to find ourselves "on a date" and joining in the city fun. <3

    Love to all. I am going to have another go at my new laptop tomorrow. Couldn't face it today. There seems to be a Black Friday offer for Office on Amazon, so I might steel myself. My first job is to get my email up and running. Grrrrrrrrrr! I have read the instructions on Utube, so hope to get it working.

    Heather UK xxxxxxx

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Finally off... five whole days ahead! The young lady in the picture is the one I haven't seen for a year and a half... since she was four months old! Thought I'd give y'all a Thanksgiving giggle. The substance she is wearing all over her is chili... :) Now to my packing... we'll hit the road as soon as the DH is home and gets a shower and some food in him.

    Love, Lisa in West Texas
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited November 2016
    Joyce – While I never used any ‘tan’ in a ‘spray’ because I tan very easily; my DDnL#2 who is a cosmetologist and owns the tanning booth at her shop says now they add something to the formula to keep ‘spray on tans’ from turning orange. She won’t let ‘anyone’ in the shop use it other than her boss. He does her tan and she has throw-away panties and bras.

    I often wondered if you had to drop out of nursing school if you could go back, since they are such small classes for RNs. One of my DDnL#1 went to nursing school to become one; but, had to drop out to ‘take care of her MnL who had cancer’. She was very close to her; and, instead of naming one or the other of her sons, she appointed the DnL as the executrix because she ‘knew’ she’d be fair and honest. I would want to go through a ‘ceremony’ if I had finished and was getting my cap and pin.
    I’ve gone to my HS’s 10th, 15th, and another one; either 25th of 30th; we did not have one for our 40th because one of the ladies who was ‘big’ to plan it had recently lost her husband (another classmate) after a long and grueling last illness. We’ve talked about it, talked about a 45th; but, nobody wanted to take the bull by the horns, so we didn’t. But, we are planning for a 50th (in 2019).

    I’ve been looking at a sofa and 2 chairs; but, that flew out the window when DH had to pay $2000 to get his truck repaired. It has more than 350,000 miles on it; but, it was better to fix it rather than start having payments at his age (75). I have a car payment; and, love it, but I wish I did not have a payment because the other one would have been paid off in a couple of years. It had started giving me a few problems, and I did not want to be looking at repairing or replacing a transmission.

    I would love to re-do our bath; but, it would require the services of a plumber to move lines. Probably won’t ever happen; I’d like to replace the short, deep tub to a walk-in shower; and move the toilet and put in a double vanity (with more storage). I rarely use the tub because it is so difficult to get in and out of it, even though DH has put a rail; he put it on the left side and I really needed it on the other side. Usually, he throws his work clothes (or jeans) over it.

    But, I’d also like to re-do the counter top in our kitchen and get him to paint the cabinets and put pulls on them. Right now, they don’t have any pulls and some of them are really hard to open, even though they do have a spot to put your fingers.

    Sherry – DH and I wait until the movies come out on DVDs, too. Mainly, because of the price. Last year DDnL#2 paid for 5 adults and 2 children to just get into the theater and spent well over $140; then she bought my ‘snacks’, along with herself and daughter. DDnL#1 paid for the 4 of them. I got unbuttered popcorn and water, water was almost as expensive as a Coca-Cola; and, I have not had a soda for nearly 2 years. But, I did not get the candy (although I love popcorn while eating chocolate and caramel.
    I need to make an appointment with the eye MD, just haven’t done it.

    Georgia is an “At Will” employment state. When you plan on quitting; and, give your notice; most employers will just tell you to go ahead and leave. You can’t file for unemployment and even ‘if’ you are supposed to get 2 weeks of paid vacation … you lose it. One of the reasons they do this is because a lot of people who plan to quit, can do things like put a password on their computers and other things that messes up the everyday running of a business and their their bosses don’t want to give them a chance to steal from them. You can quit without notice and they can fire you without notice. But, if they fire you, you can attempt to file for ‘unemployment; but the chance of getting it is slim. If the company goes out of business or something totally beyond their control, you can. My DDnL#1 walked out on her job; and, when she filed for unemployment they countered that she had ‘walked out’ so she was denied. It took her 6 weeks before she found a job and the first one she quit after one week; now she has a ‘state’ job with health benefits and retirement paid by the employer. It also covers their DOD throughout college, as long as she is a full-time student through her 26th year, unless she gets iinsurance through any job, or if she gets married.

    Kate – Do people in Europe have to have a passport to go to other countries there?

    KJLaMore – I went back to bed because my tummy hurt, Cracker doesn’t like it at all. DH left for work late because DOS was ‘hunting’.

    Jesuschar – Strange spelling of you ‘name’ … is is pronounce “Jessica” Jess-c-car?

    Margaret – Do you want an ‘almond’ fridge to match other things in the room? Have you ever thought at taking it to an auto body shop to be painted? That way they could take off any seals and stuff like that. I have known people who have done that. That way it it would be painted and sealed so it would not scratch. I’m sure it could be done at home; you’d just have to cover the seals so you won’t get any paint on them. You could call around and see if any do this; and then go to a paint store and get a paint chip that matches it and take it to them.

    Cheri – I’d like for my sisters to be closer; one live down in Miami; and, the other is down in Miami with her DH, who is still in the Rehab Center after being in ICU almost 2 ½ weeks after having a stoke. They have done wonders on him. Don’t know what type, if any, deficits he might have, maybe only weak arm … he has recognized sister and nieces all 3 times they have operated on him. He is a fighter. Another man entered the hospital about the same time; and, has moved along with him (he had an issue with his heart). They are Tibetan, and she was upset the other day because ‘he has given up’, so DS prayed for him and their daughters hope that DBnL#1 can meet and make friends with him, maybe cheering him up.

    My OS says that ‘if’ you don’t ‘forgive’ someone, you are getting in the way of God working in your life. You can ‘forgive’ someone and still not particularly ‘like’ them or want to be around them. I’ve tried to write down something positive about one person who I have ‘forgiven’; but, still and might always think she is very divisive [now I have to go write down something positive].

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Janet, what did your DD do to lose the weight? That is absolutely fantastic!!! Please give her a big CONGRATS from me. She is beautiful!!

    Pip, I love the picture. I guess you didn’t even have Yogi yet.

    Lisa, what a cute picture! Have a safe trip.

    I’ve been busy with Thanksgiving prep this morning. DH is running around like crazy trying to get my friend’s car in order to sell. He is doing this out of the kindness of his heart and not because I asked him to, but wow is he cranky this morning. He is getting a bit forgetful (even more than me) and I worry that he may fear Alzheimer’s. His mom had it for years before she passed away and I think we both worry about it. This morning he kept trying to explain something to me but couldn’t really get the story straight enough for me to understand it and he finally gave up. Just the thought scares me to death. Well back to my long list of To Do’s.

    I Love you, blow.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Janetr - your daughter has smiling eyes. Hooray for her loss - you set a good example, she followed suit. What more can a parent ask for <3<3<3

    Carol & Cheri - you two are coming up with such awesome emojis I'm taking a break!

    Fingers crossed - I missed a call yesterday from the office manager where I interviewed on Friday so of course I couldn't sleep last night. I think I may have a job! I left a message just waiting for a call back!

    Making my traditional yam casserole, an Apple Brandy Pie, and a Pumpkin Cream Cheese Bundt Cake to take to my daughter's.

    Last night I made a Dublin Coddle (potatoes, onions, bacon, bratwurst and I added cabbage wedges) which you put in a heavy covered pot and bake in the oven at 300 for 2-5 hours. First time I've made this so tonight we will be having it for dinner. The boys were all excited because they smelled bacon last night and thought they were getting it for dinner :o

    I just got the call and am starting work next Monday! Have a lot to get done now since I have to get after school daycare set up!

    Talk later - OMG do I have enough clothes that fit that I won't look like someone who lost weight and haven't bought anything new yet? May have to get out the sewing machine and do some alterations!


  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    DJ that is very scary. I do the same with Jack as his Mom battles dementia. Big hugs.

    My daughter is following a program she found online called "Beyond Diet" which is very much like we all stress, it's a lifestyle not a diet. It's pretty much low carb, lots of fish and chicken. Actually gives them a weekly menu with recipes, etc. My youngest started it also after seeing how well her big sister was doing. She's lost about 20 pounds. Both of my girls are 5'8" , Im 5'2". I wish I was taller they wish they were shorter, we're never happy. Lol

    Janetr okc
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,377 Member
    Gloria - CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: That is wonderful news! <3

    Janetr - Your daughter looks lovely! 30 pounds is a wonderful achievement. :flowerforyou:

    Lisa - BON VOYAGE ! The chilli fiend is a kid after my own heart. Love chilli! :laugh:

    Had gorgeous salmon tonight, baked with lemon juice, cherry tomatoes, garlic and a tiny bit of chilli. Just seasoned and wrapped in foil. Oh, I put a few drops of hickory smoke on it. Served with the biggest pile of broccoli and french beans. Only around 220 calories.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member
    U right damnit, yogi wasn't born yet and rocky is gone now
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Gloria ~ Huge Hugs and Congrats on getting the job!

    Janet ~ Your daughter is beautiful.

    Lisa ~ Love that cute picture.

    Pip ~ Kirby looks ready for the holiday and so do the pooches.

    I can honestly say that my DH has spent most of 3 days cleaning up the LR/DR for Thursday. He had to pack up all his small antique items and then dust. I never go in there if I can help it. Wish I had before and after pics to show. It looks so nice without the junk.

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    My OS says that ‘if’ you don’t ‘forgive’ someone, you are getting in the way of God working in your life. You can ‘forgive’ someone and still not particularly ‘like’ them or want to be around them. olor=purple]Lenora

    I like what your son has suggested. It is true in my case. Thank you for sharing.

    2 walks, trip to Michael's and Half-Priced Books, now drinking a protein drink and relaxing
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hi all!

    Loving all the pictures, posters, and posts!
    Heather - happy anniversary!
    Gloria - congrats on the new job!

    Quiet day here. Enjoying Shirley the cat in my lap and the cloudy sky. Does that mean it will rain? Hope so. It's been about 2 months without measurable rain in middle Tennessee.

    TNToni looking for raindrops with fingers and toes crossed
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Gloria Whoot Hooot. Good for you, sweetie. I hope its great and you enjoy it. So very pleased for you.

    Janetr okc
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited November 2016
    DJ – Both my boys would constantly say that DH was ‘in early Alzheimer’s’ and it would upset me. I could see a little forgetfulness; so when he had his psychical that year, I went with him and had the opportunity to talk to the MD and told him what they boys had to say. He explained why it wasn’t Alzheimer’s; but, it was age-related dementia … which is normal for someone his age. What he’d do if he had 'early onset Alzheimer's or Alzheimer's period; the MD said that I would be seeing far more significant things. He would forget how to do simple things that he had been doing for years. Forget ‘how to get home’, ‘forget what a paintbrush is’, and ‘forget how to use it’. Forget to pay bills, and the list went on and on. He also said that his ‘moods’ would change from what his normal mood is, and for more or less, would only get worse, forget names of people he’s knowns for years, get easily frustrated over things he had formerly not had any problems doing. To the point that I felt that he did not have it and I told the boys to stop saying it (to me). I’ve lived and been married to this man for 44 years; and, so far none of that has occurred, no history of it in his family either. I don’t know the age of your husband; but, even I can try to explain something and the other person will look at me with the famous “Deer in the Headlights Look.” I know I stumble over my words occasionally, can't think of the word I want to use (or can't spell it ... thankfully I have the Cortana search engine so I can 'look something up without having to go out of what I am using - it is constantly down on my taskbar. It's the latest Windows 10 addition. Gee, there are times when I am more worried about my mind, not his. He’s just tired of working like he is in his 30’s.

    Gloria – Hope you get the job

    Cheri – The hardest part is writing down ‘something’ positive. Quite often the only sentence I can think of ‘she has a good heart’. She means ‘right’ … it just doesn’t always come off as that.

    Janetr okc – Our DOGD is only 5’ – nothing! She is trying to lose weight; but, her boyfriend unwittily sabotages her diet when he brings home ‘hot pizza’ and she has not actually already ‘fixed’ something for supper. She’s eats, too! But, she really needs to get cracking; she has gained that Freshman 15, every year she’s been in college. Is quite barrel-chested with thick thighs. We’ve been ‘warned’ not to say ‘anything’ to her about her weight. Her stepmother is heavy.

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    CONGRATULATIONS GLO!!! Woohooo!!!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,746 Member