What's on your mind?



  • iMago
    iMago Posts: 8,714 Member
    long night last night. crashed hard at 11 i think maybe but woke up again around 4 just absolutely wired. got up and went driving around and came in to work early.

    now the mental exhaustion is hitting me hard like i won't just go chug a Redbull and pop a Flintstones chewable and end us both
  • RomaineCalm
    RomaineCalm Posts: 3,972 Member
  • RomaineCalm
    RomaineCalm Posts: 3,972 Member
    Self gratification memes

    Post an example.
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    what's on my mind:
    a best friend of a good friend needs a place to stay for a few weeks. i've room. but part of me is nervous. what if the timeline is over and they don't leave-though i'll make them sign something say they will. they have a place to live but is waiting for the current tenant to leave.
    what if they are dirty? or loud? or a turd
    i've been on my own for 2 years but i know my friend will do anything for me and has. so now i feel selfish
    i know he wouldn't put me in a bad situation as he has had to white knight for me in the past.
    i've never lived with anyone other than in the dorms and even then my roomies weren't often their room and neither was i.

    Think of the worst possible scenario, you cannot pre-determine happening to you, and when and if it does happen with your temporary guest ... Can you handle it? Exit strategies?
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    edited November 2018
    mbaker566 wrote: »
    what's on my mind:
    a best friend of a good friend needs a place to stay for a few weeks. i've room. but part of me is nervous. what if the timeline is over and they don't leave-though i'll make them sign something say they will. they have a place to live but is waiting for the current tenant to leave.
    what if they are dirty? or loud? or a turd
    i've been on my own for 2 years but i know my friend will do anything for me and has. so now i feel selfish
    i know he wouldn't put me in a bad situation as he has had to white knight for me in the past.
    i've never lived with anyone other than in the dorms and even then my roomies weren't often their room and neither was i.

    Think of the worst possible scenario, you cannot pre-determine happening to you, and when and if it does happen with your temporary guest ... Can you handle it? Exit strategies?

    i can handle most things. i've lived in some tough situations. that's why i'm hestitant :smile:

    exit strategy: call good friend-come get the turd. if that doesn't work. call good friend's wife-come get your husband's turd
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    An acquaintance of mine was killed in an auto accident a couple of weeks ago.
    Today I wondered if she knew she was dying before she died.
    I hope she didn't.

    :'( This kind of stuff scares me and I overthink it way too much.
  • bojack5
    bojack5 Posts: 2,859 Member
    An acquaintance of mine was killed in an auto accident a couple of weeks ago.
    Today I wondered if she knew she was dying before she died.
    I hope she didn't.

    This reminded me of a grim story. I had a friend that works ESU in NYC. He told me a story about a guy who got pinned between 2 cars. He was virtually cut in half but the pressure from being pinned between the cars kept him from bbleeding out. He was perfectly coherent, but as soon as they freed him he was going to die within seconds. They called his wife and they kept him there and alive for 20 mins until she got there. He knew he was going to die.....she did as well....they talked, hugged and kissed. They said a prayer and then a goodbye. A heart wrenching story.
  • RomaineCalm
    RomaineCalm Posts: 3,972 Member
    bojack5 wrote: »
    An acquaintance of mine was killed in an auto accident a couple of weeks ago.
    Today I wondered if she knew she was dying before she died.
    I hope she didn't.

    This reminded me of a grim story. I had a friend that works ESU in NYC. He told me a story about a guy who got pinned between 2 cars. He was virtually cut in half but the pressure from being pinned between the cars kept him from bbleeding out. He was perfectly coherent, but as soon as they freed him he was going to die within seconds. They called his wife and they kept him there and alive for 20 mins until she got there. He knew he was going to die.....she did as well....they talked, hugged and kissed. They said a prayer and then a goodbye. A heart wrenching story.

    OMG, absolutely horrible. :'(:'( I'm glad they got to say goodbye to each other but damn....
  • mbaker566
    mbaker566 Posts: 11,233 Member
    An acquaintance of mine was killed in an auto accident a couple of weeks ago.
    Today I wondered if she knew she was dying before she died.
    I hope she didn't.

  • RomaineCalm
    RomaineCalm Posts: 3,972 Member
    An acquaintance of mine was killed in an auto accident a couple of weeks ago.
    Today I wondered if she knew she was dying before she died.
    I hope she didn't.

    maybe she saw a white light and was filled with peace right before

    i read about that in afterlife books and it seems really common

    maybe it’s an afterlife thing or maybe it’s our body’s last gift to us to be peaceful and calm in our last moment

    I like that thought.

  • kindalikevelma
    kindalikevelma Posts: 1,337 Member
    An acquaintance of mine was killed in an auto accident a couple of weeks ago.
    Today I wondered if she knew she was dying before she died.
    I hope she didn't.

    maybe she saw a white light and was filled with peace right before

    i read about that in afterlife books and it seems really common

    maybe it’s an afterlife thing or maybe it’s our body’s last gift to us to be peaceful and calm in our last moment

    As someone who has had a near-death experience, I remember fear and then not being afraid.
  • Bullet_with_Butterfly_Wings
    An acquaintance of mine was killed in an auto accident a couple of weeks ago.
    Today I wondered if she knew she was dying before she died.
    I hope she didn't.

    maybe she saw a white light and was filled with peace right before

    i read about that in afterlife books and it seems really common

    maybe it’s an afterlife thing or maybe it’s our body’s last gift to us to be peaceful and calm in our last moment

    As someone who has had a near-death experience, I remember fear and then not being afraid.

    Ive read a lot about NDEs the experience is very interesting, most of them are eerily similar in nature. Glad you're still with us 😊