

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Margaret- I love the color! It looks like a silvery blue. Very sporty looking! Today is a great day to drive!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    New Year hugs and only the best of emotions saved for you all!
    Husband recorded Ben-Hur.....4 hrs worth. I do like a sweaty Charlton Heston, but gaaaahhh!!! He is watching it now, as we wait for eldest son to get ready, and then its a late breakfast at a restaurant near us. He heads out today back to Whidbey Island, WA. Oh Katla I waved at you as we drove past your town on 30.... roads were a bit icy out of our area, but got better as we drove in to Gresham area where the MIL is. One day when we aren't racing somewheres we will get together. That is a promise! It will be in the summer, because then the days are longer and we aren't driving home in the dark.

    To the people dealing with overwhelming issues in their lives, I just wish for you a moment of calmness. Know that you aren't all alone in whatever you are dealing with. I know when I am stressing, just venting here does help. I know many of you have listened, and then I get back on track, (with even a kick in the *kitten* to get me focused!) So thanks all of you for giving me what I need, even when I don't know I need it...

    Ok we are off....
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Workout A
    Squats- 5X5X 45
    BP-5X5X 45
    BR-5X5X 65
    Since I injured myself the end of October I have been nursing my shoulder. I am now attempting to restart my heavy lifting program. I am starting from the beginning.

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-3X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-10 X7X 30
    Got up at 5:30 with my hubby and got this done. I think this is the first formal exercise that he has ever done.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,646 Member
    Glad 2 hear u guys r liking pics of my kids
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,770 Member
    Karen in VA ... I made myself a spinach salad for lunch today! Honestly, fresh food makes me feel better!

    Margaret.... I like the car!

    Kelly ... you are always so upbeat about your daycare that I forget you have a devastating situation in your life. Your sister is blessed to have someone like you.

    DrKatie ... where are you? Looks like a beautiful walk!

    So, I got a Fitbit Alta for Christmas from my son (who has lost 60 pounds since he started college... the result of walking daily) I like it so far. Tips from anyone?

    Interesting day today. That 60 foot spruce that uprooted on Christmas Day, completely toppled over last night during a windstorm onto our electric power lines ... we didn't lose electricity, but the wires pulled from the rooftop. My husband, recovering from back surgery, decided to get on the roof (it's still windy) to see how much damage was done. At one point my 19 year old and I were debating whether to call the fire department when husband found he didn't have enough strength to get off the roof! Finally we moved the ladder to a place away from the power lines and on a lower height and he managed to get down. Tree man got rid of the tree. Electric company came out and replaced insulators and other things I have no understanding of. Our wallet is substantially lighter but all is now well...

    Tonight will be a light dinner and some walking on the treadmill ... friend at work has a fitbit and has challenged me to a step goal ...

    Have a good evening ladies!
    Beth near Buffalo
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited December 2016
    Beth that is terrific about your son losing so much at college. Good for him. Perhaps it will even help with his migrain3s. I got my husband a Garmin HR for Christmas, he's really liking it. He wanted to be able to see his heart rate etc. as he has two stents in his heart.

    Glad your DG got down from the roof with no incident, men!!! :)

    Janetr OKC
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,765 Member
    back from a fun time with Babby and Kay and now to walk the dogs... and I am tired..
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    beth sounds like fun having a challenge buddy for step goals. glad your DS is losing weight at school, and your DH is safely on the ground!!

    My DD says she clocks in 4 miles of walking around campus everyday, her shoes are proof, the heels of her boots have completely worn down to the soles!!

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,371 Member
    I'm BAAACCCCKKKKK! I admit, I'm going to skim because I have over 1,000 posts.

    About me: was very busy helping get the Christmas decorations put up. We ran out of extension cords....lol Vince is in the process of shrinking down the videos. I'll be posting them soon on facebook.

    I posted things on the homepage, I'm hoping someone posted them in the club for those who aren't on my homepage.

    Did pretty good eating until the last few days. Tomorrow a friend from college is supposed to be here (only I haven't heard from her which is weird). Afterwards, I'm going to get on the bandwagon again. I have been exercising every day, except for one day when we got in shortly before 4am from the train station where we picked Denise up and then Jess and Colby came here shortly after 4. There was no way I was going to get up early to exercise!

    Had a bad cough. Was going away but it wasn't completely gone so I went to the MD (I don't go all that often) who gave me an antibiotic. Now it's out of my system

    We had a christmas party for the mahjongg players in Newcomers. I made a veggie try. It was like a snowman, his "head" was cauliflower, he had a "hat" on that was a piece of pepper. His "eyes" were black olives, cut a bit of the pepper for a "mouth". The body was dip that I made. Then I cut small pieces of the pepper for "buttons". The bottom was cauliflower and all around him were carrots, sugar snap peas, broccoli, tomatoes Probably some others that I can't remember.

    Had the Newcomer holiday party. It was a Murder Mystery dinner. It was nice, but to be honest, I wasn't that thrilled.

    Had an open house for Newcomer bowlers, shooters, rummikub players, and those on the board. Went quite well.

    Friends of ours went to see their grandchild in Miami so they usually stay at the condo for the night then continue on to Miami. We're just glad to have someone use it.

    The day after Christmas had a girls spa day. Just Jess, Denise and I. Denise was giving me heartache util I realized that it was because she had never had a massage before. She doesn't deal well with any sort of change and this
    a change. But in the car on the way home, you could have knocked me over with a feather, she said "thanks ma, I really enjoyed myself". I'd like to make this a tradition. And next yr if Pete and Colby want to come, they're welcome only they'll have to pay their own way.

    My dessert at the Newcomer Holiday party was sweet potatoes and sugar snap peas. I'm just not into desserts

    Lisa - people in NC don't know how to drive in snow. I swear they think that 4 wheel drive means you can go in anything and then stop if you need to. Not on ice you can't. Not only can't people drive, but they don't know how to plow. Just the word "snow" in the forecast, and the schools are closed.

    Welcome everyone new!

    Vince got the trial of Amazon prime and he thought he'd gotten it for the month of Dec only he got it until Dec. 8 so now we have it for another year. I do have to admit, that I like the convenience of having free shipping. Ordered a lot of Christmas gifts online because didn't even have time to go to the mall

    Loved all the pics

    Got Krispy Kreme donuts because I know Vince and the kids like them. I admit, I had some. I didn't realize they were closing so early. I got there 5 minutes before they closed. They charged me full price for 3 dozen but I walked out of there with 5 dozen. They just wanted to get rid of what they had so they were giving the donuts away. I went to the soup kitchen today and donated what Vince won't eat. I didn't need them in the house.

    Beccca - awesome calendar(s)

    Loved the cat hoola-hooping

    invited friend of Jess', her hubby and son and their MIL for Christmas Eve dinner. They would have been alone otherwise. I was never so embarrassed and humiliated as I was at the way Denise reacted. She refused to talk to them, she even refused to be in the same room as them! To me,Christmas is about sharing. She went downstairs and proceeded to text with Pete.

    Loved the flamingo slipper

    I sent out my christmas list, I was in a goofy mood when I sent it and started off with "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas, only a hippopotamus will do". Well, Jess and Denise took me literally....;lol Denise got me a hippopotamus mug and Jess got me the Hallmark ornament that plays "I want a hippopotamus for christmas". LOL

    RITA - LOL Mr. Spock

    Lovely cake, Heather. How did you make the peaks in the icing. Di you use the back of a spoon?'

    Barbie - glad to see you back to your dancing

    Played Flux with Jess and Colby. I won the first game ... don't ask me how I did it...lol

    Peach - (((HUGS)))

    Put Vince's tool belt on me, only it's for a man and it kept falling off me. I liked it because it had lots of places for things like the ties, the wire cutters, the scissors, garbage, etc. Finally went to Office Max and got these larger paper binders which seemed to work

    Sorry to hear about Sherry. I admit, I don't know the whole story and probably skimmed thru some of the posts. I wonder if she might not have overreacted somewhat? But then again, that might also be her way of dealing with things. Like I know that I'm very emotional, yet I don't hold a grudge, I'm always trying to look on the positive side of things. Lenora's apology sounded good to me. But like I said, I probably didn't get the whole picture. but I'm still sad to see anyone leave for whatever reason

    Don't know if I mentioned this. You know how we enjoyed Mexican Train. Well, when the gal first started it, it was really crowded, as a matter of fact, I know some people who told me they stopped going because it was too crowded. that's when I offered her to host it at my house. Never took me up on it. I even offered a couple of times. Well...a few months ago it was very crowded so it was decided that her house was too small (it's always been) and they'd have it at the airport,. Well, I know that Vince doesn't like the food that's served at the airport. And to get the room for free you have to have them order a certain amount of dinners. Newcomers provides the desserts. We were told that we could still pay $3 per person and play. But we were never told what that $3 was for, we know it's not for the room. A gal just sent me an email asking for another mahjongg player. In her email she said that the $3 is for coffee, tea, water and desserts. Wait a minute...Newcomers provides the desserts. Certainly the people who bring a desssert don't get something back. Vince & I aren't coffee drinkers, he won't drink the tea, in winter I want hot tea and I bet any amount of money it's ice tea. Otherwise, she'd have to have her restaurant open and I'm sure she doesn't want to do that. So, in essence, we get to pay $6 for me to be able to drink water. Not going to happen..... So it looks like we won't be going to MT any more.

    Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday. Sorry for the abruptness of this. I'll do better in the future, I promise.

    Michele in NC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,311 Member
    Hi all! Welcome back Michele. <3

    Had a nice pub meal out with my son, came back, watched a murder mystery, had a whisky tasting and are now ready for bed.

    Have no idea of CICO today. Oh well. Start again tomorrow. :)

    Love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Becca: I look forward to meeting one of these days. Later in the spring is a very good idea. :flowerforyou:

    We just spent about 45 minutes on the phone scheduling DH's eye surgery & after we hung up we discovered a cnflict in the date & time for the second eye. We have time to get it sorted out & reschedule the conflicting appt.. He will be having a cataract removed and an artificial lens put in. They'll do his second eye after the first has healed a bit.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,371 Member
    Just posted videos of our Christmas decorations on facebook. If you are interested in seeing them and aren't on my friends list yet, I'm Michele LeGrand. Just send me a friend request. trust me, Vince REALLY likes to decorate. He has one computer JUST FOR Christmas decorations. the video in the window is one of the new things this year. Along with Chewie, the At At, Jabba the Hut, BB8, and some others. I made all the tree skirts except for one. You can see the popcorn that I was stringing.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,371 Member
    The three trees that are in a row...the first one is the Star Trek tree. All the ornaments are Star Trek. The second one is a cat tree (Miriam would have love this one). Vince made the tree topper. Grumpy cat....lol The third one is the Star Wars tree. The topper is the Death Star.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »

    So, I got a Fitbit Alta for Christmas from my son (who has lost 60 pounds since he started college... the result of walking daily) I like it so far. Tips from anyone?
    Have a good evening ladies!
    Beth near Buffalo

    I absolutely LOVE my Fitbit Alta! First: It's a watch so it tells the time and date; 2nd: It will buzz every hour (that you set) to alert you to get up and move for 250 steps minimum; 3rd: it's an alarm which I have set to remind me to take my evening meds and lastly it does this wonderful buzzing and visual celebration when you reach your daily goal! You will enjoy your gift for sure! If you will share your email (thru message) I will add you to my friend list and we can Cheer each other one!

    getting ready to eat barbequed chicken, sweet potatoes and salad for dinner in College Station, TX
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,646 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,868 Member
    Hello ladies: There was blue sky this morning but now it is gray and rainy. We had snow before Christmas but it was almost gone by Christmas day. Our choir sang at the Christmas eve service and we had lots of extra music. Our organist had a friend come and they played four organ-piano duets. Lovely service. We had DS, DGD and son's girlfriend here for Christmas. It was a joyful time and turned out to be a sock Christmas. Everyone got at least one pair of socks, all different kinds, winter socks, crazy socks (read bigfoot here), socks with lotion to wear at night.All of us except DH like jigsaw puzzles so there were three new puzzles to work on. DS made mulled wine for Christmas Eve. It was very good. Kind of glad to get back in the grove at least for a few days. We will have a quiet New Year's Eve.

    Lois - Good pictures and congrats on losing over the holidays. I am just glad to have stayed the same.

    Carol - So sorry about your mom.

    Katla - Yeah for a trail ride and the weather to ride in.

    Michele - Glad to see you back. We miss your voice when you are gone.

    Allie - Sending hugs and angels to watch over you.

    Joyce - I hope you get well fast!!

    "No day is so bad it can't be fixed with a nap." -Carrie Snow

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA Add me to the January birthday girls, obviously a good month to be born.