

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Workout A
    Squats- 1X5X 55/65/75/85, 5X5X 90
    BP-1X5X 45/55/65, 5X5X 75
    BR- -5X5X 85
    This is the first time that I have been up to 90 pounds on my squat since I deloaded due to not being able to go parallel last year. I went parallel just fine this time!

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squats-3X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-23X7X 30

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    Fitness Test
    Sit ups-4×15
    Jumping jacks-4×15
    Weight and measurements will be taken on Saturday!

    Keto 3 Week Challenge February 5th - 25th
    Set your macros to;
    Fat 75%
    Protein 20%
    Carbs 5%
    Continue to slowly reduce the amount of processed food and sugar. Check your nutrition chart to see how close you are to the Keto macros.


    Mary from Minnesota
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hi ladies -

    Marni - thank you for the snow picks and the picture of the moose. Years ago I used a reader with my third graders that had the cutest story "Town Moose". A moose is roaming the town and everyone wants it gone. Two young boys catch it and keep it hidden to keep it safe. Sooo funny. It really captured the imagination of kids.

    NYKaren - I totally understand your frustration and discouragemernt. I retired from teaching in 2014. I was becoming bitter about the meddling politicians telling us what we needed to do. Their dictates were certainly not best for kids. I absolutely loved teaching! The last several years we had a large number of refugees from Burma and Nepal. Precious children and families.

    Paula - thanks for all the info about you. You will find we are quite an eclectic group of women who have a lot of support for one another. So sad you lost a child and your brother so young.

    Lisa - I love the "We can do it, yes we can!" attitude. So proud of you for tackling that smoking habit. Keep up the good work.

    Margaret - hoping everything goes smoothly for your hubby.

    Toni in Tennessee
  • MrsGLT
    MrsGLT Posts: 44 Member
    Good morning. Welcome to all the new friends. It's a lovely, yet chilly day here in east Texas. Having a great on plan day so far.
    I've been cleaning house, doing laundry and stuff like that. At least I was till my granddaughter got up. She wants me to get on the floor and play with Lincoln logs. It ain't happening. I've developed a very painful issue with my left hip over the last few months and getting on the floor is hard enough but getting off the floor is darn near a miracle.
    I was dusting my ceiling in the living room a bit ago and was unable to finish because I can't climb the stupid step ladder. Lifting my left leg hurts so bad. It's a vaulted ceiling so a ladder is a must even with the extended handle on my duster.
    I made a small batch of hummus without tahini to have on hand for my afternoon snack for the rest of the week. I love it with celery sticks or baby carrots and one quarter cup with veggies makes a healthy snack.
    Lunch will be lentil soup and salad again. Dinner is going to be broiled catfish, oven roasted sweet potato wedges, steamed broccoli and a small salad.
    I have everything tracked for the day already and it sure makes a difference. I need to take some aleve for the hip, then ramp up my steps. I got quite a few while cleaning but I'm shooting for my goal today.
    You all have a wonderful day wherever you are in this world.

    Grace in Texas
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Sharon: I missed what you were looking for your marriage certificate for, but the church marriage certificate should probably work since that is the document you need to have in order to send for the one from Alberta Registries.

    Lisa: So glad the Chantix is working for you. Keep up the great work!

    Re: Happy Birthday! When it comes to getting the tree in the box all I can say is "Duct Tape" or as my brother calls it "Red/Green Tape". Pretty appropriate for a Christmas tree box :)

    Pip: Great NSV, you are a superb role model!

    Rita: Compliments from Dr's are the best kind! Congratulations!!!

    Welcome to everyone new and those returning

    Have a wonderful day ladies. :)

    Carey - Northern Alberta

    Goals for Jan:
    - Increase walking to 7500 per day by end of month
    - Get to Tai Chi at least once a week
    - Increase daily water intake
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    edited January 2017
    Michele Yes, you can substitute regular flour for the almond flour in the cauliflower pizza crust recipe. It will change the macros, of course.

    Paula Welcome! Thanks for telling us all about you! I am sad for your losses. I love that you found causes that you can put energy into that honor your brother. I am a native Nebraskan transplanted to Virginia, so we have the Plains in common. Can't take the Plains out of the girl! (Go Huskers!) LOL!!!
    There are several of us who have lost children. I had a third trimester loss, a little girl. I think you will find this group to be very supportive and diverse. We are very chatty, so you'll want to come often to keep up with the group. So glad to have you, I hope you bookmarked this thread.

    Karen in Virginia
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,886 Member
    Good morning: I am waiting for the plumber to call and then to come. We have a hydrant in the horse corral that is leaking and when I called a couple of days ago they told me they were approximately 4 weeks out. Today they called and said they had a cancellation. Said they would probably have to dig up the pipe and if I wanted to save some money I could dig it up myself. Really? I told him I was 68 and digging a two foot deep ditch before he got here probably was not in the cards. It might be a really good calorie burn though.

    I made an appointment for a massage. My DD gave me a gift certificate and I wanted to use it on my birthday next Tuesday but no slots available so scheduled for next Thursday. I am really looking forward to that.

    Stomach is still very upset due to prednisone. This is my second day off. Hoping things will get better soon. I love what the steroids do for my lungs but not what they do to my sleep and stomach.

    Traci - congratulations on the checkup.

    Margaret - Sounds like an interesting lady. Hope things go smoothly for your DH.

    Rose - Fitbit worn on the wrist will only record steps with what it considers a normal arm swing. Anytime you are not actively using that arm it does not record. I have a fitbit one and keep it in my pocket. I have found it is very accurate that way. Also when I cannot wear it, for instance in the pool, I have a chart that converts other activities to steps and I log those. Twenty minutes of easy swimming translates to 2000 steps and I just add them in.

    Lisa - Glad the Chantix is working for you. Hope your homestead hunting is coming along.

    Heather - So glad you are feeling at least some better.

    "It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is made." - Tony Robbins

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Happy Thursday to All! :)

    Will start my 3rd statin tonight. Hope the side effects will not follow using this one. Got my hair cut really short today so will see how it does. I told the lady that cuts it that I wish she could always be there to style it cause I just can't get it to do what she does.

    Welcome to all the new posters! Lots to keep up with but if you keep coming back you will become familiar. I don't post a lot because my life is pretty quiet. But I love reading about everyone else.

    Carol in GA
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Re - I forgot you said Thurs. was your BDAY. Happy, Happy Birthday my friend!

    Pip - great NSV! I'm sure you cross paths with lots of younger women who want to grow up to be just like you!

    WASue - Sorry your tummy is still "off". I love the Tony Robins quote!


  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    RE ~ Happy, Happy Birthday :)
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    oops! forgot to say...

    Sarah - love the pix of you and your girls!

    Grace - I feel your struggles with floors and ladders! The last time I fell it was at the gym. I thought "Now how am a going to get off this hard tile floor with my bad knees?". No problem - 2 big muscular young men came and just lifted me up. Wish I had them every time I needed to get my fluffy self elevated! Ha! Your food plan sounds good. I find that planning out my whole day and pre-logging is my best strategy.

    Rita - Great NSV at the doc appointment! Keep up the good work!

    VAKaren and Paula - I am a plains girl, too. I have lived in Tennessee for 36 years but I'm a central Kansan at heart!

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Re- Happy Birthday! Have a great day Celebrating!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Birthday Beauty, Re- o:) have the best day ever. Hope you got good insight on the knee today.

    Janetr okc
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • calmrose
    calmrose Posts: 17 Member
    Thank you so much Marni and IremiaRe for responding.
    Marni I wear it on my wrist, didn't even know I had a choice.
    IremiaRe, I also told it which wrist. I have noticed that I got no steps when shopping today. when I walked the treadmill it was about 300 steps short but when I walked around and around the office it was fairly accurate. I work in a large office building (though I work alone). It's 56 steps around. Yesterday it was recording only 1/2 but today it was only 3 steps short each round. my pedometer says I have 6400 steps for today, but the fitbit says 5277. That's quite a difference. I may send it back. Thanks so much for your input.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member