Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,103 Member
    I wish I had found this thread months ago! The idea of having a daily achievable goal seems like the PERFECT way to stay accountable and to accomplish your long-term goals in a managable and realistic way!

    I hope you don't mind me posting so late into the year...

    SW: 200.6
    GW: 145

    Goals for today:
    - Be a Good Girl!!! Stick to my calorie goal today and drink TONS of water so that I can lose the 3+ Lbs of bloating from my over eating adventure yesterday. (Damn you Sushi!!!! You are Too delishious for.me to resist!!!!!)
    - Remain positive about my body and where I'm headed.

    I saw this earlier then went crazy posting about my pregnancy so didn't want to miss out saying hello :)!
    We love it when people join!
    It doesn't matter when in the year you start!
    I found this a few days into January fortunately but my journey has been far from consistent! But had it not been for this group I wouldn't of made any friends and I probably would have given up completely by now!
    I can't even eat sushi ATM! I don't think I'm allowedddd lol

    Your goals are really good ones too :)

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »
    I’m been offline for a few days. I had a solar eclipse trip and it really whacked us hard. It was all totally worth it, but man, what a trip.

    TLDR - I had to make two round trips to see the eclipse.


    Wow - you had quite the day! I was so fortunate -- all we had to do was go out in our patio! It was so awesome though! We thought about driving 10 miles south, where the full eclipse lasted longer, and was 100%, but ours was 99.9%, so hubby didn't want to fight the traffic - which was pretty bad here also. So ... we just sat in our patio - perfect!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    edited August 2017
    OK -- heres a bit of a chuckle for you guys.

    You all know that Tuesday I had a awful day food-wise. Ate an entire bag of those pumpkin candies. At that same shopping trip, I bought a bag of large marshmallows (another thing I happen to love). So while I was eating the pumpkin candies, I ate about 6 large marshmallows (yes, not a good day for me !).

    but yesterday I did great, and today ... doing well.... so far! I've been outside power washing the house, and it is 2 pm, and all I had to eat so far was a egg. So hubby puts in a frozen pizza. But .... I am starving. So I think, I'll just have about 4 marshmallows. (I know, I know, there is no nourishment at all in those things, they won't fill me up, it will cause me to eat more ...... ).

    Well, I go to get the bag out of the cupboard... and UUH ..... It is crawling with ants!!!!! Needless to say, the marshmallows are in the trash, and now I have a cupboard to clean~~

    SO lesson learned ........... :s
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    My 13m old just now stood up and starting walking with her walker!
    It's literally as if she thought.. "Fu€k it! I'm walking today!" :sweat_smile:

    What a little doll!!!!!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    WR50 wrote: »
    JFT- I am really struggling with bingeing (Gosh I hate that word :/ ). I am not really trying though. I know what I need to do but it's just so much easier to give in to the urge. Sooooo... once again... JFT- stop the madness and really commit to changing the habit I have developed and start rewiring my brain.

    I did work out yesterday morning which was my other JFT. I HATE working out first thing but I did it- now to apply this to eating!

    You are doing great getting your workout in. For me, I have come to really love the morning workouts -- I find if I don't do it first thing, it is that much harder for me to go.
    But.. .. know you are not alone with the bingeing. Something I struggle with as well. But together.... we can fight this!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    I wish I had found this thread months ago! The idea of having a daily achievable goal seems like the PERFECT way to stay accountable and to accomplish your long-term goals in a managable and realistic way!

    I hope you don't mind me posting so late into the year...

    SW: 200.6
    GW: 145

    Goals for today:
    - Be a Good Girl!!! Stick to my calorie goal today and drink TONS of water so that I can lose the 3+ Lbs of bloating from my over eating adventure yesterday. (Damn you Sushi!!!! You are Too delishious for.me to resist!!!!!)
    - Remain positive about my body and where I'm headed.

    SO happy to have you join us!! We all motivate and encourage each other -- I think you will love this thread! We have the most amazing group of people here (and the most fun!). They have really kept me going --- maybe I'm not at the goal I wanted, but , if it were not for the friends on this site, I probably would have quit after 3 months (which usually happens for me)..

    We are successful as long as we keep trying! And getting back on here the next day .... no matter how that day went .... is so important.

    So welcome!!! Hope to see you here tomorrow!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    I might do zumba like @joan6630!

    Do it!! You will love it -- the hour goes by so fast!! I can't keep up with most in the class, so I just stay in the back, and figured as long as I am moving for 60 minutes, I am doing OK.

    @azulvioleta6 encouraged me to try it - so glad she did!

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    @ HGSmith0920 - don't you just love how we are all encouraging you on pregnancy :D But no matter what, none of us are experts, and this is a decision between you and your husband. I think we all have baby fever because of Bex!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    1. walk at least 30 minutes :)
    2. swim a mile :(
    3. drink at least 10C water :)
    4. track all food :)
    5. under 100G carbs :)
    6. 8+ freggies :)

    1. walk at least 30 minutes
    2. swim a mile
    3. drink at least 10C water
    4. track all food
    5. under 100G carbs
    6. 8+ freggies[/quote]
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,103 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    @HGSmith0920 - don't you just love how we are all encouraging you on pregnancy :D But no matter what, none of us are experts, and this is a decision between you and your husband. I think we all have baby fever because of Bex!

    Haha I'm trying to get her broody :wink:
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Haha Thank you everyone for all of the advice. I just want to make it clear, that I am not 35 yet. Lol. I'm only 28...well almost 29. Lol. The DH is 5 years older then I am. But I love all of the support and advice and encouragement that everyone is giving me! And I have the appointment with my girly doctor on October 2nd and I will bring all of these questions up then. Lol.

    @joan6630 I have baby fever too! There are A LOT of things to think about. I'm going to have to start making lists of all the things I need to think about, options to consider and things to talk to the DH about! But I am first going to sit down with an advisor at the college and see what needs to be done to finish my degree...that is the first step! Lol. I'm off this weekend so I'm going to sit down with a notebook and brainstorm everything I need to think about, all the questions I need to ask and who to ask, and all my possible moves and steps. Lol
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    @Bex953172 Depending on how quickly I get pregnant after the beginning of the year, we may be pregnant together! Lol
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    I'm sorry that I can't be part of the baby discussion... I only have an observation to make... It does seem to be the year of the baby. Six of my friends are pregnant right now! It's so lovely to see them all glowy and happy. Good luck to all of you mothers and those of you wishing to be! I admire you.

    Now I'm going to post about my boring health stuff. Lol. It's important to keep myself on track!

    Goals for today: Completed!
    - Be a Good Girl!!!✅ Stick to my calorie goal today✅ (within 50 cals) and drink TONS of water✅ so that I can lose the 3+ Lbs of bloating from my over eating adventure yesterday. (Damn you Sushi!!!! You are Too delishious for.me to resist!!!!!)
    - Remain positive about my body and where I'm headed.✅
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    Awesome posting and achieving your goals @PrincesseAly23 We kind of went crazy with the baby discussion. Sorry about that! That was partially my fault! But you are doing great and I am beyond proud of you for sticking to it! Keep up the great work!
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member

    I have no idea what the statistics are on babies aged 35, but I would imagine they are much better than people think they are. 1 in 5 babies is born to a 35+ year old mother.

    Just to be clear, by 'babies aged 35' I meant having babies @ 35 years old. I do know quite a few 35-year old babies (mainly male) but I wasn't meaning them...

    Laughing at my own joke now :smile:

    Just because a lot of people do it, does not mean that it is a good idea. A lot of obese mothers have babies too, but they are creating huge and unnecessary risks for themselves and their children. My mother is a doctor who works with children who have genetic disorders, and one of my closest friends is an OB-GYN. I hear lots of horror stories! Why become a horror story if you don't have to?

    There are really two issues--increased risks for mother and baby, plus declining fertility. You never know what will happen as you age either. I lost my uterus to a tumor at age 35 and then no longer had any choice in the matter. I waited too long and did not get to have any children.
  • josephinebowman
    josephinebowman Posts: 359 Member
    watch calories, drink water, exercise, dishes/laundry/trash, school work. Mostly done.
    Friday--same old watch calories, drink water, exercise, dishes/laundry/trash, school work. Feeling blah this day.
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    8/24 Thursday JFT:

    ✔Breakfast w/ the family
    ✔8 am Meeting at Elem. School
    ✔Finish organizing office (prep for bk-2-school)
    ❌Take donations to donation center
    ❌Run on elliptical
    ❌Day 5 of 28-Day Plank Challenge
    ✔5:30 pm - 7:30 pm "Meet the teacher" night
    ✔Dinner by 8 pm (should be do-able bc it's spaghetti night :D )
    ✔Bedtime by 11 pm

    Well this day is a huge bust!! I went to organize my office, prep for school, then bought my text books and that's when it ALL hit me; This semester is going to be crazy, hard and I just got overwhelmed today. I aloud my emotions to control me and my calories are in the red big time!! I'm going to try and pull myself together and begin a new day Tomorrow!

    (I should've took my own advice and stayed strong :'( )
  • HGSmith0920
    HGSmith0920 Posts: 1,123 Member
    JFT, 8/24/17

    1. Log all food :)
    2. Stay in green :'(TOTAL FAIL!
    3. Make an actual lunch for work! :)Leftovers from last nights dinner
    3. Keep drawer balanced :)Got audited and came out perfect!
    4. Ask for help if I need it :)
    5. Make something simple for dinner :)Chicken parm on a bed of egg noodles. Totally unhealthy!
    6. Get eggs from Mom :/Totally forgot
    7. Make egg salad :DSee above
    8. Baseball and cuddles :)No cuddles. Good dinner talk though
    9. Wind down by 10 :)9:50 atm.
    10. Bed by 11Definitely!

    Had a great day. Got to spend some time "hanging out" with the DH and a few of his online friends. They're still playing and the DH works the late shift tomorrow so he'll probably be up most of the night. I feel kind of bad for the DH. The sequel to one of his favorite games comes out in a few weeks, but he has become so disenchanted with the first one after 4 years of playing it every day, that he doesn't want to get the sequel. All of his friends are going to get it and I feel like he is going to be left out and have no one to play with. I know that I sound like his mother, but he spent the first few years of our relationship without any friends except me(long story). He found this game and then found the online community of this game and has several very good friendships now. I dont know...am I acting like his mom? Lol. I just worry about him.

    Anyway, LOL!

    JFT, 8/25/17

    1. Log all food
    2. Keep in green
    3. Gym or Walk...SOMETHING!!!!!!!!
    4. Prep food for dinner when the DH gets home.
    5. Take out money before work
    6. Finish grocery list
    7. Go food shopping
    8. Have a good late dinner with the DH
    9. Bed whenever!

    Have a great night everyone!!!!
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    Day 2 (Aug 25): Goals

    - Keep carbs under 90g
    - Finish the day with cals to spare
    - Drink at least 8 glasses of water
    - No sugar
    - Walk for at least 30mins

    As I'm reading this thread and getting to know you all I thought I should post a little history for those of you who know nothing about me...

    I gained 65 lbs in the last two and a half years due to some unexpected medical complications. I'm working very hard to lose this weight before my third wedding anniversary (next Oct), so that I can surprise my husband by wearing a dress that I wore on our first New Years Eve together.

    The aforementioned medical complications affected my hormones, which drastically affected my moods and therefore my will power. Having always been an emotional eater, I had a very hard time of it and ended up packing on the pounds.

    Once my hormones started normalizing and I felt more myself again I started recording my calories here, and I realized that I had been eating between 3000 to 4000 calories a day!!! On days where I would go out to eat, it was closer to 5,000!!!. I knew this HAD to stop.

    I am now setting short-term goals as well as long-term goals. Starting with my vacation in France, which is coming up in two weeks time. My goal there is to remain the weight I am now and not gain while away. I will keep you posted each day. I will also be taking a business trip right after I get back home. That will be TOUGH as it will be my 1st time away from my husband in 3 years AND I will be eating in restaurants for 2 weeks!

    I am now much healthier, so I know that the willpower will help...but I'm nervous for the next 2 months. I'm trying to remain optimistic and I'm looking forward to getting back into shape. I am working towards my goal slowly, as I cannot yet workout very much... We shall see how it goes!