Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    Good morning! I'm going back to work today. Finally on the upswing of this darn cold.

    I wanted to share with you a podcast I listened to this morning while getting ready for work. I really liked it. Simple message which is totally common sense but something I always think is too easy. It was a great reminder.

    For anyone who listens to podcasts and wants to give it a go, it is OPTIMAL HEALTH DAILY: Diet/Nutrition/Fitness/Wellness: Podcast #289 Level Up to Lose Weight...

    Just for Today:
    1. Hydrate 65+ oz water
    2. Take a walk...no matter how long or far. Just walk.
    3. Eat less than yesterday. Journal it.
    4. Stay positive at work. Use music to tune out negativity around me. Just work through the tasks.
    5. Keep a smile in my voice no matter whether it is during class I'm teaching today, talking to coworkers or on the phone. Be positive.
    6. Prepare for tomorrow before going to bed
    7. Bed1 hour early, sleeping by 10:00
    8. Be grateful for another day

    I'll catch up with everyone later! Running out the door right now. :smiley:
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    edited August 2017
    8/24 Thursday JFT:

    Woke up early ~ 5:30 am so I could run to the store and get yummy omelet ingredients and some healthy snacks for the Day!

    Breakfast w/ the family
    8 am Meeting at Elem. School
    Finish organizing office (prep for bk-2-school)
    Take donations to donation center
    Run on elliptical
    Day 5 of 28-Day Plank Challenge
    5:30 pm - 7:30 pm "Meet the teacher" night
    Dinner by 8 pm (should be do-able bc it's spaghetti night :D )
    Bedtime by 11 pm

    As @OConnell5483 said, "I'd love to catch up with everyone" but I too am running out the door.

    B) Stay strong everyone, you've got this!!
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member

  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Here's my 12 week scan! Although actually 13 weeks!
    You can see tummy head, bent legs and a little hand held up just by its face :)
    I think I can see ears and a tiny nose! Awww!
  • WR50
    WR50 Posts: 96 Member
    @Bex953172 Always remarkable how beautiful pregnancy is. As girls being able to do this- We Rock!!
  • WR50
    WR50 Posts: 96 Member
    JFT- I am really struggling with bingeing (Gosh I hate that word :/ ). I am not really trying though. I know what I need to do but it's just so much easier to give in to the urge. Sooooo... once again... JFT- stop the madness and really commit to changing the habit I have developed and start rewiring my brain.

    I did work out yesterday morning which was my other JFT. I HATE working out first thing but I did it- now to apply this to eating!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,103 Member
    skymningen wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Here's my 12 week scan! Although actually 13 weeks!
    You can see tummy head, bent legs and a little hand held up just by its face :)
    I think I can see ears and a tiny nose! Awww!

    You can lol v clear pic of face :) nose, jawline, ears :)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,103 Member
    So what do you all reckon!

    Boy or girl!!
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    So what do you all reckon!

    Boy or girl!!

    I that a little *kitten* down there? Boy
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    I cannot believe we censor $cr0tum
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »
    I cannot believe we censor $cr0tum

    Do you mean the umbilical cord? Because where that would be I only see the leg.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,222 Member
    FT, Wednesday
    1. log all food :)
    2. concentrate on WATER WATER WATER :)
    3. sip water in the evening :)
    4. close the kitchen except for 3 meals, and PLANNED snacks :)
    5. sit down and write up a menu so I know what to make. No more impulse cooking. :) SO far, I am only doing this one meal at a time, because of the time it takes to plan. But .... tonite is going to be tuna and noodles, using whole grain noodles!
    6. find some meal ideas that have a lot of protein, and get back to planning meals :) Partial --- so far, I've been just planning 1 meal at a time.
    7. cut up veggies so I have my snack handy ... so I don't just grab another handful of walnuts :/ Didn't have time for this, but still I had a much better day
    8. rest when I am tired. That is better than eating food just because I am tired. Eating will not give me energy, but a short nap will :)

    Had a much better day. I find my days are so much better when I get to the gym. Even though I am more tired physically, somehow, mentally I am much better, and easier to stick with healthy eating.

    SO last nite my hubby and I discussed meals, and decided we would together come up with meal ideas that we both like. Here I made Beef Strogonoff in the crockpot - thinking my hubby like it. I am not a big beef eater, but I still had some. Here he tells me he really never liked the strogonoff :s
    But you know him -- his ideas were pizza, tacos, take-out from Arbys, etc.!!

    So I am hoping tonite to get on the website from @slittlemeister , and come up with more meal ideas.

    JFT, THursday
    1. work on power washing the siding
    2. power wash and try and clean rug
    3. log all food
    4. concentrate on water
    5. rip out what I have been sewing on :s I am making a quilt, and now trying to "quilt" it by machine -- made a mess! I have knots all over the back of the quilt! For myself, it wouldn't matter, but this is going to be a gift for a friend. So ..... I know I'll spend a week ripping out what I've done, and then resewing it, doing what I am comfortable in doing. So much for trying to learn something new!
    6. work in the yard
    7. look up website and come up with meal ideas

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,103 Member

    My 13m old just now stood up and starting walking with her walker!
    It's literally as if she thought.. "Fu€k it! I'm walking today!" :sweat_smile:
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,103 Member
    skymningen wrote: »
    junodog1 wrote: »
    I cannot believe we censor $cr0tum

    Do you mean the umbilical cord? Because where that would be I only see the leg.

    Haha I can't believe S€rotum censored too!

    But no idea yet of sex, don't think it's fully formed yet, but no that's a leg at the bottom, the bits above baby's tummy is umbilical cord I think she said!

    It's a purely 50/50 guess :)
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,103 Member
    WR50 wrote: »
    @Bex953172 Always remarkable how beautiful pregnancy is. As girls being able to do this- We Rock!!

    Haha don't think a man would handle a pregnancy like us :lol:!
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    edited August 2017
    skymningen wrote: »
    junodog1 wrote: »
    I cannot believe we censor $cr0tum

    Do you mean the umbilical cord? Because where that would be I only see the leg.


    I'm going to call this the S word and vote for boy. Of course I have no fecking clue what I am talking about. :*

    And I learned fecking from Bex.
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    I’m been offline for a few days. I had a solar eclipse trip and it really whacked us hard. It was all totally worth it, but man, what a trip.

    If you want to read my saga:

    The plan was to go Saturday morning and join my sister in the mountains of north Georgia for the weekend, then early in the dark of Monday morning drive a few hours to my brother’s house in South Carolina. He was smack in the middle of the shadow path and scheduled for 2 minutes and 32 seconds of totality. Sometime Monday night after the eclipse, we would take my sister back home to her north-of-Atlanta suburb, sleep, and then leave about 4 am to get thru Atlanta before the morning traffic and shoot down to my home - central Florida. All well planned.

    But God loves to laugh at mortal man’s plans.

    The trip up to Georgia went well. We arrived about two and had a relaxing day, catching up with my sister and her husband and grilling out dinner. After dinner, we took a walk down the mountain road. I was embarrassed on the way back up the hill as I was huffing and puffing and the ‘locals’ kept slowing down for me. My BIL did not want to leave anyone behind because dark and bears. (On the way out to walk we were trying to chase a copperhead away from our cars. It is quite nature rich there but I still have not seen a deer in 5 years.)

    We settled about 11 pm. At midnight the cell phone rang. Our daughter, who was housesitting, was in a bit of a panic. One of the horses was terribly lame. We talked with her, and talked between the two of us and could not figure out a way to get someone else to take care of the problem. My daughter could not take a day off, my horsey DIL is 7 months pregnant so I am not going to ask her to come out to my mares, my son is deployed (in Wisconsin – not very exotic, but relatively safe) and I would not ask other people to possibly make a life or death decision. Therefore, within an hour we have woken my sister and hit the road.

    My sister was depending on us to get her to the Eclipse. She had the glasses for everyone in SC. She had to decide what she would do. Her husband could get her back to their home in Atlanta, but he could not go to SC. That made me feel worse, but we got two pairs of glasses off her before we left so we could at least look at the partial eclipse in Florida.

    We get home about 9 am Sunday. Go see the horse. Yes, she is very lame. Nothing appears to be broken. However, she won’t put weight on her foot. We call around and get a reference for an emergency vet, who can come out within a few hours. The short version of the vet visit is she has a sore hoof and it hard to diagnose if she has bruised it or has an abscess possibly bubbling up or …?? Coffin bone is good. Hoof wall is good. X-rays are good. We have to: keep her stabled; 20-minute Epsom salts soak twice a day; poultice wraps twice a day; and once a day treat her with an anti-inflammatory. We run out for necessary supplies and talk schedule, as my husband knows I really, really, really want to see this eclipse in totality. Talk to Dear Daughter (DD) and figure out a way to make it happen. We will be bad pony parents and only do one soak and poultice on Monday because that is all DD can do.

    Plan now is to get some sleep and take off about midnight for an 8-hour trip to SC. Since we are not going to Atlanta, the route is a little shorter. (My sister in the meantime had two choices. Make someone come down and get the glasses or drive herself up to SC. The drive is less than 4 hours so she decides to be part of the eclipse party.) I stay up until DD gets home Sunday night. How late can she be? She gets off at 6:00 pm. She rolls in around 10:45. Says that someone called in and she was required to stay to cover. We go out and get dirty treating the horse as the vet showed me. Horse behaves very well, which makes me feel better. But now it’s 11:30, we wanted to leave at midnight and I have not had a lick of sleep. I lay down on top of the bed and close my eyes. At midnight my dear husband wakes to the alarm – yes HE has been sleeping -- and I tell him I still have to shower, we will leave ASAP. We hit the road about 1 a.m. I am asleep in the car within 30 minutes, which is hard for me to do. (I drove home the majority of the way on Saturday night.) We arrive at the house in SC about 9 am after switching back and forth on driving. Our trip is about half interstate (highway) and the rest other roads. We stopped for gas and coffee once, coffee only another time. Saw lots of deer and fog. The deer really scare me.
    At my brother’s house breakfast and coffee are cooking and most of the participants are there. We have DH and me; my mom; my sister; California brother and wife flew in; SC host brother, wife, their two adult kids and one fiancé. Showing up shortly are an aunt, a cousin, an uncle and two friends of the SC kids. Sixteen in all. We ate, talked, and eventually went to nap for an hour or so.

    The eclipse started at 1:10 and went until 4:04. Everything we did to be there was worth it. <- That says it all. If you ever have a chance to be in a total eclipse DO IT! (Sidebar: I was actually in the one in Georgia in 1970, but it was raining and cloudy and not really the full experience. Plus I was nine, so memory not that great. ) But August 21, 2017 – in Greenwood the sky was blindingly clear. Once the eclipse covered about a quarter of the sun the temperature started to change. The light changes. The road got cooler on our bare feet. The shadows show little eclipses. We had a great eclipse timer app that gave us countdowns and verbal cues to look at things. We saw the shadow snakes. We saw swifts flying as if it were evening. We saw the diamond ring. We saw Baily's beads. For two and a half minutes we saw that great hole in the sky with a solar aura surrounding it. But you don’t just see these things, you feel it. We felt one with the universe. It is like being out in the eye of a hurricane. Everything is different.

    Now I feel like I should have some great finish to my story. It’s kind of a let down from here.

    Traffic was projected to be horrendous and it was. If you looked at a google map of the southeast USA with the highways showing you could tell where the eclipse path was because the roads were red – as in traffic tie-ups. (I wish I had taken a screen shot.) My sister had to go back to Atlanta. The traffic back to Atlanta on I-75 was gridlocked. Fortunately, she had a backroad options. Her trip was OK and she got home before full dark. DH and I had to nap a little again because I had about four hours sleep since Saturday morning and the DH only a little more. First we feasted on cheeseburgers, garden salad, homemade slaw, eclipse cookies, chicken salad, buffalo chicken dip, chicken pasta salad, flourless chocolate cake, moon pies. No, I did not eat all that just describing the terrific spread. The sad part was my host brother’s job just suddenly ended when Westinghouse Electric Company declared bankruptcy, so we passed an envelope on the sly and California brother left it the bedroom when he left.
    DH and I hit the road at 11 pm as we needed to be home Tuesday morning to do the morning horse treatment. Another nice uneventful trip. The journey starts with a couple hours of driving in the woods – as I said before very scary due to the deer. After that our roads were clear, there was almost no traffic until about 05:30 am and we beat the online map estimates by 45 minutes. All in all a very good drive. In 72 hours 2025 miles, 1500+ of which were done between 11pm and 7 am. I would do it again in an instant.

    It’s now Thursday and I still need a good night’s sleep.

    TLDR - I had to make two round trips to see the eclipse.

    My JFT 08-24-17
    • C25K Week 7 Day 1
    • Stay in green on calories
    • Bed at 10:00 pm
    • Catch up on this thread – I’m back on page 112
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,103 Member
    junodog1 wrote: »
    skymningen wrote: »
    junodog1 wrote: »
    I cannot believe we censor $cr0tum

    Do you mean the umbilical cord? Because where that would be I only see the leg.


    I'm going to call this the S word and vote for boy. Of course I have no fecking clue what I am talking about. :*

    And I learned fecking from Bex.

    Haha you never know! Could well be haha!