Just for Today ..... Daily Commitment Thread- Start of a new year!



  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    I am such a bunch of emotions, and all I am doing is eating. I told you my son is getting divorced. My son works so hard, yet now, his soon to be ex is living in the beautiful home with all it's furnishings, and my son is living in a small home he rehabbed, with hardly anything here. the home he fixed is nice, but nothing compared to what he had, I am watching the grandsons, since my son and DIL take turns every other week, and my son has to travel this week, my DIL stopped by and wants to have lunch tomorrow, and I don't know what to do. Right now I am so bitter as I feel she used our son for all she could get. He now looks like he is a college student with hardly anything to his name. And I find out from the 12 year old that this little boy was on medication for anxiety. He was crying as they hate coming to " daddy's house" since there is nothing to do, there are no toys at all in the house. I am heartbroken. Then I am putting clothes in my sons closet, and I see the quilt I gave him in high school!. I am a blubbering mess tonite. The kids are in bed, I am so bitter at my DIL, and so worried and in pain for my son. He has the most stressful job-- how can he take the boys every other week, while my DIL does absolutely nothing, the boys tell me that "mommy won't let them bring their toys to daddy house. Not sure is this is a way to turn them against their dad or what. So what am I doing, eating junk food, and crying my eyes out. Seeing the quilt just sent me over the edge. Sorry to ramble. Tomorrow will be a new day. Hoping after I take the boys to school to try a d walk, and just not answer the call from my DIL. I worry if I see her I will tell her what I think. They have not started divorce proceedings yet, but plan to soon.

    I will pm you tonight after work. I've been through this with two sons and it is heartbreaking. Hang in there. The one thing I can tell you is that it does get better. (((HUGS)))
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Just for Sunday
    1. Stay in the green :/ Something about Packers games brings out the munchies in me! But didn't do too bad!
    2. Ten 8oz glasses of water :)
    3. Reach my new step goal :) My battery died in my FitBit but I'm certain I did this.
    4. Watch Packer game :D
    4. Bake pumpkin bread, banana bread and Lemon Poppyseed bread to freeze for Christmas :)
    5. Work on quilt :/
    6. Sign up for employee benefits by end of day :)
    7. Unplug....Sunday is my unplugged day except for MFP :)
    8. Try to get outside and take a walk around the neighborhood. :/

    Just for Monday
    1. Stay in the green
    2. Ten 8oz glasses of water
    3. Meet my new step goal
    4. Stay focused at work and learn at least one new thing
    5. At least one small random act of kindness
    6. Bake one Christmas item when I get home
    7. Work on quilt
    8. Prep for tomorrow, tonight
    9. Unplug by 9:00, gratitude journal and read. Bed at 10pm

    Have a wonderful day!!!!

    Goal by 12/31/2017: be in the 160's
    Weight today: 172.4
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Checking in from Sunday:
    1. Prelog ✔ and eat only what’s been prelogged. ❌
    2. Plan dinner before leaving for gym: Omelette Wrap ✔
    3. Daily practice: Duolingo ✔, audition monologues ❌
    4. 10k steps, 2x8 floor push-ups, 2x30 sec wall sit, 2x60 sec plank, 2x20 sec lunges per leg; 2x20 sec tree pose per leg ❌
    5. Prep breakfast and lunches upon return from gym. ✔
    6. Daily writing: 30 minutes - blog ❌
    7. Check in after getting back from garden; meds; teeth flossed/rinsed/brushed; in bed by 11:00 ❌ I didn't even get home until 11 :(
    8. Check on cast list!!!! ✔
    9. Gather supplies and head to Christmas garden by 4:30. Take celery for snacking! ✔
    10. Go for a mid afternoon walk. ✔

    JFT Monday:
    1. Prelog ✔ and eat only what’s been prelogged.
    2. Plan dinner before leaving for school: Ham Wrap ✔
    3. Daily practice: Duolingo ✔, audition monologues
    4. 10k steps, 2x8 floor push-ups, 2x30 sec wall sit, 2x60 sec plank, 2x20 sec lunges per leg; 2x20 sec tree pose per leg, 2x15 side kicks, 2x30 sec frog pose
    5. Prep breakfast and lunches upon return from garden.
    6. Daily writing: 30 minutes - blog
    7. Check in after getting back from garden; meds; teeth flossed/rinsed/brushed; in bed by 11:00

    Today is going to be challenging. Got home super late last night, faculty meeting after school today, so I'll be rushing straight to the garden after that and getting home late again most likely. I hope I have everything I need...

    BTW, I got the part!
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    edited December 2017
    I've missed you all so much! I've tried to catch up on the postings but I'm way behind.

    @Bex953172 My last dog & current dog are both pullers and since my shoulders can't take it, I bought an Easy Walker harness for our 80 lb golden retriever. It's amazing, although it took some practice putting it on properly. The leash connects to the harness at the chest and it has saved me!

    @OConnell5483 When our last dog passed, my husband really wanted to wait whereas I was ready to get a new pup within months. I think he got tired of me stalking neighbors with their own dogs & offering free dog sitting in our home. ;)

    @joan6630 this is one of those times when I wish we had a hug button. I'm praying for you and your son during this tough time. I'm also praying that the DIL will have some compassion. Many churches have deacons who do outreach so they could probably help with some toys. My neighbor is a single dad and although his kids are far from spoiled, he's always out with them doing "free" stuff. His children know they're loved. It must be such a challenge for the kids when you have the drastic change in environments and also to accept their dad in his new environment. I hope your son can connect with other dads (even online) so he can experience the same support we do on JFT. I'm also hoping that your grandson is only on the anxiety med for a little while and he transitions to this new life. So difficult for them when they have no control. Above all, my heart goes out to you b/c it's so heartbreaking to see your own child struggling. You'll be back on track soon, you've come so far. Give those grandsons lots of hugs.

    Most of my baking is gone between my mom's group, church and our first special needs girls social group. My daughter had a wonderful time at her first social group. It really puts things in perspective for me when I'm alongside other moms with these incredible challenges and to see them face these things with such grace.

    Minimums today are:
    Attempt to drink all the water in my gallon jug. It seems like so much!
    Track all meals & snacks.
    Pre-track dinners throughout the week & also mark on calendar.
    Groceries with lots of veg & fruit.
    Get stew ready & put in crockpot.
    Walk dog in neighborhood & listen to Half size me podcast.
    Stretching before bed, try to access Classical Stretching video I saw on PBS.
    Get out holiday decor to put up tonight with kids.
    Make a to do list (my husband would call it a Punch List) for each room in our house!
    Start thinking about some goals I'd like to achieve in the new year-get to goal weight is always at the top!

    Thinking of you all!

  • mmartin7613
    mmartin7613 Posts: 37 Member
    @ clicketykeys Hope you see your name on the cast list.
    @ OConnell5483 :blush: I just now figured out what you mean by stay in the green. Haha. I didn't yesterday.
    @ MLHC1 Prego yoga. Great job. Even hurting you did it. :smile:
    @ joan6630 Hang in there lady. This too shall pass. :) bcTRAI is right. Gently use items can fill his house. The kids never know nor will they care.
    @ cschmitz110515 - Great job on rocking the 5K

    So a few of you are Pre tracking. What a great idea. It tells you..... This IS what you get. :) so you better make the best of it.

    This weekend. I did it. No candy. No soda. I was standing in a different room from my husband and I heard him ask my son to hand him the candy corn(bigweakness). My ears popped up and I started convincing myself .... you can have just a few. Just eat 10. It's late. You can add the calories to tomorrow's plan. Come on.... NO.

    I walked by my husband with out grabbing the candy and distracted my mind with subway surfer(ipad game). I will get some yogurt on Thursday, (Thank you for the suggestion). I'll just keep trying to remember that If I'm good I get a treat on Thursday. :smiley:

    Pre track dinner. ;)
    Track Track Track everything
    8 - 10 oz of water (I struggled getting my water in this weekend)
    30 min youtube workout
    I took my armor thyroid pill

  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    edited December 2017
    8. Check on cast list!!!! ✔

    BTW, I got the part!

    That is awesome! Congratulations!!! :smiley:
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    2) Pick up birdseed order at Wildlife Sanctuary = Done, even transferred contents of three 50# bags to bins. :smiley:

    I didn't know you could order birdseed at the wildlife sanctuary? Is it a good deal? Does a portion of the proceeds go to them for upkeep? That's a great idea!

    The Friends of the Wildlife Sanctuary have three sales per year as a fund raiser. The sales are typically late September, late November and late January. Only pre-orders are accepted and must be paid in advance. Forms are mailed to my home since I order every sale. The website has a printable form under Support WLS > Birdseed Sales. http://www.baybeachwildlife.com/support-wls/birdseed-sales/ You can buy cheaper around town, but I like to support WLS. Quality is excellent.
  • cschmitz110515
    cschmitz110515 Posts: 3,601 Member
    Saragirl2 wrote: »
    I've missed you all so much! I've tried to catch up on the postings but I'm way behind.

    @Bex953172 My last dog & current dog are both pullers and since my shoulders can't take it, I bought an Easy Walker harness for our 80 lb golden retriever. It's amazing, although it took some practice putting it on properly. The leash connects to the harness at the chest and it has saved me!

    Glad to see you back! Our dog is a puller too. She wears a harness and I clip her leash to her chest, which really makes a difference. She's a Rhodesian ridgeback & lab mix, and 42# of muscle and bone, so she can pull hard!
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Saragirl2 wrote: »
    I've missed you all so much! I've tried to catch up on the postings but I'm way behind.

    @Bex953172 My last dog & current dog are both pullers and since my shoulders can't take it, I bought an Easy Walker harness for our 80 lb golden retriever. It's amazing, although it took some practice putting it on properly. The leash connects to the harness at the chest and it has saved me!

    Glad to see you back! Our dog is a puller too. She wears a harness and I clip her leash to her chest, which really makes a difference. She's a Rhodesian ridgeback & lab mix, and 42# of muscle and bone, so she can pull hard!

    I love ridgebacks! Big big dogs lol!!

    Mines only a whippet cross lol!
    But he’s young so full of energy.
    And when he stops there’s no shifting him he’s so hard to move lol!

    I dug out his harness this morning
    Which he’s chewed as well, one side is hanging on by a little bit haha he’s such an idiot dog!

    This one you put his front legs through and it clips on his back, and you clip the leash to the back. He wAlked much better and was easier to control!

    I don’t mind the pulling much it’s just my ribs still hurt and I’ve got to walk slower haha
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    @joan6630 I am soo sorry to hear you are having a rough time. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. I really think second hand stores, garage sales, salvation army or even goodwill would be excellent places to pick up some toys for the kiddos! Kids do not care about the size of their house, they just care about the love, attention and entertainment :D Maybe bake some favorite cookies and play some board games next time they come over, I'm sure they would love it!! And remember cookies are always part of a diet if it means bonding and healing the heart :blush:

    @clicketykeys Congratulations on making the cast list!! :smiley:

    @mmartin7613 You're doing an excellent job!! It is not easy when others around you temp you with sweets and treats, lol!! I love the Yogurt Thursday treat!! Make it special and go to a yogurt shop or something :wink: I also wanted to mention that I personally carry a 24 oz water bottle with me every where! Before I know it I've consumed 96 oz of water without even trying; so maybe keep a water bottle around to make it more convenient :blush:

    @Bex953172 I wish I could suggest something for the dog pulling but I cannot. Luckily my little doggie (lol) does not pull; if he did there would be no way for me to walk him bc he weighs 150 lbs! If the pulling gets to be to much, maybe take the kiddos for a walk to a park nearby :wink:
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    12/4 Monday JFT:

    Morning routine for kids (my teen helped pack lunches this morning bc I was feeling ill)
    Relax and watch a movie
    Prenatal Yoga
    Run Errands ➡️ these have their own list, lol!
    Attend son's play at 2 pm
    Regular afternoon routine for kids
    Review Research Summary Draft
    Email Grad. Mentor
    Dinner by 7 pm
    Bedtime by 10 pm

    This morning was off to a rough start. I didn't sleep well last night, woke up feeling queasy and my pregnancy hormones are controlling my emotions :pensive: So I took the kiddos to school, picked up some breakfast, packed my hubby up for work, ate and crawled back in bed. After watching a girly movie, I am now ready to try and tackle my day. So I'm going to do My best bc today needs to be productive and my hormonal emotions took up my morning, Lol :lol:
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    @joan6630 I am soo sorry to hear you are having a rough time. I'll keep you and your family in my prayers. I really think second hand stores, garage sales, salvation army or even goodwill would be excellent places to pick up some toys for the kiddos! Kids do not care about the size of their house, they just care about the love, attention and entertainment :D Maybe bake some favorite cookies and play some board games next time they come over, I'm sure they would love it!! And remember cookies are always part of a diet if it means bonding and healing the heart :blush:

    @clicketykeys Congratulations on making the cast list!! :smiley:

    @mmartin7613 You're doing an excellent job!! It is not easy when others around you temp you with sweets and treats, lol!! I love the Yogurt Thursday treat!! Make it special and go to a yogurt shop or something :wink: I also wanted to mention that I personally carry a 24 oz water bottle with me every where! Before I know it I've consumed 96 oz of water without even trying; so maybe keep a water bottle around to make it more convenient :blush:

    @Bex953172 I wish I could suggest something for the dog pulling but I cannot. Luckily my little doggie (lol) does not pull; if he did there would be no way for me to walk him bc he weighs 150 lbs! If the pulling gets to be to much, maybe take the kiddos for a walk to a park nearby :wink:

    See I would take them to the park but it’s so wet here!
    Either raining or just rained!

    The local park only has swings, seesaw, climbing frame with small slide and a huge slide that goes down the hill. But it’s all gonna be soaking.

    For the youngest (who only goes on the swing) I can take a plastic bag to sit on but my eldest is a proper moaner lol and would moan about the wet!

    We did a Christmas project the other day. It was the first and last time I’m using glitter lol
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,149 Member
    Hahaha... I have heard glitter referred to as "the herpes of the art world" because once you get it on you, it never really goes away ;D

    LOL that’s awful!
    I’m expecting a glittery poo from the dog after he ate some of the project

    For those of you wondering, yes, my dog eats everything.
    He should use MFP lol he has a serious problem :lol:
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    MLHC1 wrote: »
    12/4 Monday JFT:

    ✔Morning routine for kids (my teen helped pack lunches this morning bc I was feeling ill)
    ✔Relax and watch a movie
    ❌Prenatal Yoga➡️Tu/Th/Sat/Sun
    ✔Elliptical➡️20 min.
    ✔Run Errands ➡️ these have their own list, lol!
    ✔Attend son's play at 2 pm
    ✔Regular afternoon routine for kids
    ✔Review Research Summary Draft
    ✔Email Grad. Mentor
    ✔Dinner by 7 pm
    ✅Bedtime by 10 pm➡️should make it :smile:

  • sccjahab
    sccjahab Posts: 84 Member
    Dec challenge/yes, water/yes, eliptical/no, pop/1
  • bcTRAI
    bcTRAI Posts: 414 Member
    edited December 2017
    bcTRAI wrote: »
    JFT Monday
    1. MORE Water :)
    2. Walk after work :s hubby opted out again
    3. Quilt :) ready for borders!
    4. Brush and floss :)
    5. Bed by 10:30 :)

    @joan6630 I hope you had a better day
    @clicketykeys Congratulations! So what is the part you were cast in?
    @mmartin7613 you're doing great
    @Bex953172 it sounds like you're on the mend

    JFT Tuesday
    1. MORE water
    2. Staff meeting
    3. Quilt... add borders
    4. Soak batting
    5. Brush and floss
    6. Bed by 10:30

    I've heard the herpes comment as well. I am a receiver in a specialty toy and teaching supply store. One of my coworkers and a lot of our products are all about glitter and when I have many days off I can get out of bed, look in the mirror and still see glitter on my face!
  • MLHC1
    MLHC1 Posts: 678 Member
    12/5 Tuesday JFT:

    Regular morning routine for kids
    Research (final day at university for this semester, 9:30 am - until done)
    Prenatal Yoga
    Pick up Dinner
    Regular afternoon routine for kids
    Dinner by 7 pm
    Bedtime by 10 pm
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    Checking in from Monday:
    1. Prelog ✔ and eat only what’s been prelogged. ✔
    2. Plan dinner before leaving for school: Ham Wrap ✔
    3. Daily practice: Duolingo ✔, audition monologues ❌
    4. 10k steps, 2x8 floor push-ups, 2x30 sec wall sit, 2x60 sec plank, 2x20 sec lunges per leg; 2x20 sec tree pose per leg, 2x15 side kicks, 2x30 sec frog pose ✔
    5. Prep breakfast and lunches upon return from garden. ✔
    6. Daily writing: 30 minutes - blog ❌
    7. Check in after getting back from garden; meds; teeth flossed/rinsed/brushed; in bed by 11:00 ❌

    JFT Tuesday:
    1. Prelog ✔ and eat only what’s been prelogged.
    2. Plan dinner before leaving for school: Chicken Tikka Masala, I think
    3. Daily practice: Duolingo ✔, audition monologues
    4. 10k steps, 2x8 floor push-ups, 2x30 sec wall sit, 2x60 sec plank, 2x20 sec lunges per leg; 2x20 sec tree pose per leg, 2x15 side kicks, 2x30 sec frog pose
    5. Prep breakfast and lunches upon return from gym.
    6. Daily writing: 30 minutes - blog
    7. Check in after getting back from kickboxing; meds; teeth flossed/rinsed/brushed; in bed by 9:00
    8. Get dining reservations for next summer's Disney trip ✔
    9. Gym after school
    10. Kickboxing
    11. LAUNDRY - get costume washed

    Tonight I don't work! I'm looking forward to getting to bed at a decent hour. I didn't get home SUPER late, but because I had no time between school and the garden, I had to fix lunches then and I was just so slow and confused that it took a long time :(

    And it's getting close to the end of the semester and I have parents contacting administrators instead of bothering to get in touch with ME to ask about why I'm not prioritizing THEIR child over everyone else and grading THEIR late work first. I am Not. Happy.
  • mmartin7613
    mmartin7613 Posts: 37 Member
    @ clicketykeys - Parents have a hard time giving up responsibility the we learn by being parents. Usually - They just want to help you do your best. Just be honest with them and tell them to believe in you and tell them.. Hey Parents.... I got this(In your own words) :smile: .

    Went in the red yesterday. Not going to stay bummed about it. Moving forward and do great today.

    No RED
    8 - 10 oz of water
    track food
    Less creamer in my coffee today
    30 min youtube workout
    get neighbor to walk with me.