Over 200 New Year New Me Part 26



  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    Check in 7.11.10

    Calories: I went "over" but ate my excercise calories ( I was STARVING) last night I was shocked, but with my excercise calories I was under, so I'm not sure how to claim this since I don't usually count my excercise calories (when I've done it in the past)
    Water: 104
    Proud: I made 20 mins on The Shred, and I didn't stop for myself, the baby was hungry and was sick of me putting him off! :bigsmile: and I just couldn't concentrate anymore. ( I was home by myself with him so I had no other option )

    I plan on taking a day today and not doing my video. I need to give my quads time to recuperate :tongue: otherwise I may not be able to walk tomorrow! :laugh: I also won't be able to do anything tomorrow as I'm working a 12 hour shift but I'm off for a week after tomorrow so I'm hoping that I'll get lots of "active" times in during that week.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Good morning girls!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    calories- 1259
    water- not good prb around 50oz
    sodium- waaaay high (pizza for dinner)
    excercise- 1 hr spin class
    cals burned- I forgot my HRM but I usually burn 650 in spin class but this class was longer and more intense, I'd sai I burned around 800-900, I logged 650 to be safe

    my step son has a baseball tournament today so depending if or when they lose I can still make it to the gym

    have a good day!

    Jess I wanna see pics too!!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good afternoon!

    Cris: Yes, the tool belt and hard hat can be quite delicious! Gotta love a "hard working man"!

    Deb: I agree with the other ladies that Serena writing in her journal instead of acting out with a tantrum or an "accident" in her pants is HUGE success. Yay! Even if what she wrote was about you, she was venting and I'm sure she didn't even give it another thought once she got her treat.

    Julie: I agree with asking your friend if you can be there for her wedding and work with the photographer she has hired. Most people wouldn't have a problem with that and it would give you a good idea of whether you want to pursue wedding photographer as a career.

    myworld: If I were in your position with your husband and daughter fighting while trying to workout, I would sit them down and tell them how important this is to you and see if they could just be patient and hold off on the arguments for your sake. I'm betting they just didn't know how distracting it would be for you when you're trying to do something good for yourself. Great job on doing 30 Day Shred! I've been doing those as well and I find it challenging at 190 pounds! You will see improvements quickly if you stick with it. My best advice is to do about 15 minutes of good stretching after the video; the stretching Jillian does just isn't enough to ward off the soreness.

    Cogirl: Tell your husband that the bedroom is a NO FOOD zone!

    Jess: Did you find out if Mike can change a tire yet? I will give him props for his two stepping ability. My boyfriend will only dance when really drunk.

    Alright, it looks like we're about to go hiking. Have a great day. Oh, my success for today so far is that the scale showed 190.8 this morning, so almost back to my lowest again!!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Hi Ladies!

    Well I am official back to the board and all caught up! I have missed all of you and it took me a loooong time to catch up on everything but I am glad that I did. I am sorry that I am not going to comment on everything because I can't remember the last 2 weeks worth of stuff. But believe me I did read it all!

    Okay so since I have been gone I have not been too great. I still have not lost any weight and I am still up 1-1.5 lbs from my lowest weight. I am going to weigh myself in the morning and officially change my ticker because it has been a while since I have been at my lowest weight. :sad: :sad: Tomorrow I am starting over! I am, I am, I am! As Cris and others said earlier please push me to stay on track and not let me slack. I am going to be extremely busy from now on. I will be working my 10 hour days and having a total of 2 hours of commuting time (morning and evening), then come home eat dinner and study for 1.5 hours. I am not sure where I am going to find the time to exercise. I am definitely get on track with food tomorrow but I really want to get this weight off! I am tired of being at the plateau and not moving from it. Monday is a new day and I really want to do this.

    Okay rant over. Talk to you all tomorrow!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Warning...long winded post but a lot on my mind!

    Okay so I feel I should clarify. I am dating 2 guys right now. Zach is the one who drives a truck, works with his hands and went two stepping with me. Mike is the one with the tires and yes Heather I did ask, he knows how to change tires. He did show up to pick me up with 4 brand new tires on his truck Saturday. I know. I'm awful. Dating 2 guys at once. But I'm not committed to either one and I guess I feel like I shouldn't have to choose. Even though it looks like things with Zach may be ending. We got to talking today via text and he seems to have concerns with me moving home. That I'm going to be further away and we're already 40 minutes apart. Not real sure what's gonna happen with that. Kind of upset about the whole situation actually. Not sure what to do or think. Guess we will see what happens. Distance has never been an issue of mine. As far as pics go they are both on my facebook. LOL This whole conversation with him is really starting to sink in that I'm moving home. I know it's not sexy to live at home but it really better not put a damper on my dating life or my social life.

    My weekend has been pure craziness. I have gotten a total of about 7 hours of sleep in the last 2 days. I was up till 3 am at the bar with Zach friday night and had to work sat morning. He showed up at my apartment at 3 am this morning with his drunk brother because they couldn't get all the way home, which is okay because I told him they could because I knew he was absolutely wasted and too far from home. Had to be up for church early this morning. But it's been a good weekend to say the least. The scale was kind to me this morning. 212.something...don't remember...but 212!! ahhh!! Could I see a 20? by Friday if I kick it into high gear!?
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Again, I took a crazy long nap. Luckily this time it didn't take me into the next day! I don't know what's up with these long (6 hrs. or more) naps. I used to do that long ago before I started losing weight, but they stopped when I started exercising. ???
    I'm not gonna worry unless they keep going.

    Jess - you're young, not committed to either guy, so I say go for it! And moving back home will not hinder your social life unless you let it! :flowerforyou: Carpe Diem!

    check in:
    cals: just under by about 100 cals
    water: still working on 100
    exercise : Old Bessie
    proud: that after I am finished with MFP I am gonna ride Old Bessie. I wanted to do no exercise today (that kind of mood, ya know), but I am forcing myself to ride Bessie for at least 30 minutes.
  • SusanSuccess
    I've had a really bad two weeks in terms of weight, motivation, time, DE-motivation. This is going to be a whine post so you might want to jump out right now.

    The worst part is what my weight is. I discovered the scales I was using were faulty. Instead of having lost close to 15 pounds since March.....I've GAINED TWO. This really REALLY threw me. I am beyond depressed.

    Life got in the way & kept me from exercising & then it was the 4th of July & I over-ate (& missed my workouts). Ready to get back into the groove and we had alot of flooding rains & I had to help my parents. That was sort of a workout BUT it got me even MORE off-track plus I was just too tired to keep my food diary which led to wrong eating.

    I feel so defeated and like I'll never be able to get ahold of this. I realized today that even if I lose 50 pounds I'll still be in the obese category. My physical health is suffering, my mental health is suffering......I am just at the bottom of the barrel.

    Have you read this far? If you have, do you have any words that will help? What's it going to take for me? Is it even possible for me to return to a healthy weight?

    I'm so defeated......
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    I've had a really bad two weeks in terms of weight, motivation, time, DE-motivation. This is going to be a whine post so you might want to jump out right now.

    The worst part is what my weight is. I discovered the scales I was using were faulty. Instead of having lost close to 15 pounds since March.....I've GAINED TWO. This really REALLY threw me. I am beyond depressed.

    Life got in the way & kept me from exercising & then it was the 4th of July & I over-ate (& missed my workouts). Ready to get back into the groove and we had alot of flooding rains & I had to help my parents. That was sort of a workout BUT it got me even MORE off-track plus I was just too tired to keep my food diary which led to wrong eating.

    I feel so defeated and like I'll never be able to get ahold of this. I realized today that even if I lose 50 pounds I'll still be in the obese category. My physical health is suffering, my mental health is suffering......I am just at the bottom of the barrel.

    Have you read this far? If you have, do you have any words that will help? What's it going to take for me? Is it even possible for me to return to a healthy weight?

    I'm so defeated......

    Susan, we have all been in the same spot that you have. I have been in that spot for the last few weeks to with vacation and then celebrating my birthday all week. Yes ALL week! We are heading in the right direction by admitting it and taking ownership of it and getting back on here. The ladies on here are very motivating and all we have to do is ask and keep trucking along. I know that we can do this!! We know that eating right and exercising are what we need to do, now we just need to find some time to do them. How about me and you push each other to workout just 3 days this week and make better food decisions and see how well we do. How does that sound? We can get to healthy weight, I just know it!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Okay so I am back in action today. I weighed myself and I am at 264.5 which isn't too terribly bad from my 263.5 but it is still in the wrong direction. I changed my ticker so that is shows the new amount since I have been lieing for a few weeks now. I hope that I am able to stalk today but I will be really busy at work.

    Hope everyone has a great Monday!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member

    I am soo sleepy, hopefully i wake up soon.

    Jess - I think it is fine with both guys, sorry the one conversation about moving home.

    Well...i was supposed to take the dog to get fixed today at this low cost nuetering they are having today in my city, butttttt...i didn't realize till late last night, you HAVE to have a a dog carrier. I didn't have one, and i am not buying one for this, i could of borrowed one from my mom if i had known...oh well...i will just have to get it another day, of couse i will probably have to drive further to get it done.

    Still a little peeved at my scale, still sitting at 267...(1 1/2 lb + from my lowest weight)...I want to get past this week..I kicked but at the gym all weekend, hopefully my muscles are just holding on to some water (or at least that is what i am tellingmyself). Hubby keeps telling me i need to mix it up, but i don't do the same thing everday day, yeah m-f i do either elliptical or the arc trainer, but then i also do water class, lift class, spin class and the dance class...I think that is plenty of variety.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I. am. exhausted.

    I busted my butt cleaning my house (I mean *really* cleaning) all weekend. Took another humongous truck load to donate yesterday. I'm very happy to be making visible progress clearing out all of our old and extra stuff but I can't believe how much more we have to go. I stayed up until 6am cleaning Saturday night/Sunday morning and then I got up at 10 to go feed a friend's dogs. Then I had several errands to run and then I had to come back home and clean more. Exciting weekend, huh?

    So I was exhausted already and *then* my best girl friend showed up at my house at 9pm last night. I love when she visits but she seems to always forget that I actually have a job. Not only do I have a job, but I actually have a Monday-Friday gotta get up at the butt crack of dawn kind of job. She just doesn't make sense. She went to visit friends in our "home" town over the weekend... but she had trouble scheduling that with them because they all have jobs where they work on the weekends (butcher, farmers market, musician, nurse, etc). THEN, she waits unitl Sunday *night* to visit me, who was off work all weekend but has to be at work at 8.30am Monday. :huh: Think, woman, think!

    Susan -- Thinking of things this way really puts things into perspective for me: If your health doesn't matter to you and if you're not willing to fight for it then *NOTHING* else really matters to you. The reality of our situation as humans is that if we don't have health and we're not fighting to survive then we really have nothing at all. If you don't fight for health, you're succombing to death. Is there nothing in your life worth fighting for? Do you want to die? It sounds kind of harsh and ridiculous but when you boil it down that is what this whole thing is really all about. For me at least. And, hey, I've lost 75 pounds and I'm still obese according to that stupid bmi chart. Eff it. I'm still sooooooo much healthier and SOOOOOOOO much happier than I was when I weighed 75 pounds more. :smile:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Oh, and also, I've obviously been irritated with myself for not being as dedicated & my slower weight loss as a result of that. But last night I was talking to my gf and said without really thinking that my waist measurement now is the same as my thigh measurement when I started.

    And then it hit me that the statement was 100% true. Holy moly. 31.5"

    Sometimes I'm bummed that I still feel like and see myself as such a fatty. But wow. My thighs, for real, were the size of my waist.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member

    Jess- I dont see a problem with you dating 2 guys. I remember in college I was quite the dater and used to refer to the boys as whatever day I was seeing them...like Thursday, Friday Saturday...hehe, good times.:laugh: Oh I miss college :huh: :tongue: As for long distance and living at home. I would take it as an opportunity to weed out the bad seeds. If they have a problem with you living at home to save money and dont want to deal with the distance then right away they are telling you that you are not worth the drive, hence their time. Someone who really appreciates you and your awesomeness will not only not care about the distance and the home situation but will do their best to make it a good transition for you! Good luck!

    Susan- first of all, if your old scale told you that you lost 15lbs, you lost 15lbs. It doesnt matter if the number on it was wrong...it still says you lost. So that cant be taken away from you. Second, we have all been struggling at one point or another with staying on track and focusing, it happens!! Just find that drive again and hop right back into it! Good luck!

    As for me- scale is still at 196 which is still 2lbs up. Im frustrated but a pissed off kind of frustrated. I just want to go to the gym and get back to my 194!!! no LOWER! I am determined to hit my 190 this month, I want it, I want it, I want it!!!

    I was pretty good all weekend, I did have pizza and beer but I worked for them and I didnt go over board. Trust me I could easily have drank about 9 beers and had a whole pizza, but I had 3 beers, and 2 slices of pizza...progress I say!

    Gotta go do some work, be back later

  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-190!? That's amazing! Your gonna see the 180's this week!

    Raider-So glad to see you back! Your commute sounds like what mines going to be. I know you will find the time! You just have to want it, and want it bad! I know you do.

    blue-You and your crazy long naps!

    Susan-Everybody goes through what you are going through right now. Life gets in the way of everything so often and we can't find time to do what we need to do for ourselves. You need to re find your focus and determination. Try to plan ahead as much as you can. Plan your meals your exercises, everything. Don't feel defeated. Take it as a learning experience and start back fresh. Just keep telling yourself, this is a lifestyle change, not a diet. You have to find the balance that works best for you.

    LilDebbie-Maybe you could try changing up what days you go to classes or throw in a different cardio machine on your cardio days. How long have you been in this routine? I know my body plateaus about every 4-6 weeks and I have to find a complete new kind of workout.

    LittleSpy-That's gotta feel great to be getting rid of that stuff. I'm going to gut my apartment as I pack to move home. I really want to downsize on all my "junk" that I have been hanging on to! Thighs the size of your waist, wow that's all I can say! And I'm with you as still seeing the fatty and and feeling that way. I had one of those moments at the BBQ yesterday and got really upset with myself after I left. Just shows I'm not finished and I still have so much work to do!

    I forgot to share the best part of my shopping experience this weekend! This may be too much information but I was so excited I could nearly wet my pants! Since I started my weight loss journey my bust size has gotten smaller band size but bigger cup size. Very depressing for me as I have always been a very busty girl. When I went and got re fitted at about a 10 or 30 pound loss they told me I had grown, yet again, to size G a freaking G are you kidding me!? Well, I went this weekend and back down to a DD. I almost hugged the lady. No more full cover ugly bras for me! For the first time in my life I get to buy the "t-shirt bras" or any other cute ones! 50 pounds in and my chest FINALLY shrinks! Sorry for the TMI and thanks for reading! Happy Monday!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    Jess- I dont see a problem with you dating 2 guys. I remember in college I was quite the dater and used to refer to the boys as whatever day I was seeing them...like Thursday, Friday Saturday...hehe, good times.:laugh: Oh I miss college :huh: :tongue: As for long distance and living at home. I would take it as an opportunity to weed out the bad seeds. If they have a problem with you living at home to save money and dont want to deal with the distance then right away they are telling you that you are not worth the drive, hence their time. Someone who really appreciates you and your awesomeness will not only not care about the distance and the home situation but will do their best to make it a good transition for you! Good luck!

    I was pretty good all weekend, I did have pizza and beer but I worked for them and I didnt go over board. Trust me I could easily have drank about 9 beers and had a whole pizza, but I had 3 beers, and 2 slices of pizza...progress I say!

    Gotta go do some work, be back later


    HAHA...my roommate told me that I'm a "late bloomer" in the dating and that is perfectly okay to be dating more then one but not to go overboard. As far as his time that is kind of how I was feeling after we talked. Which really then just ticked me off. So going to kind of push that one aside and see what happens. He's got his girls to worry about right now and that needs to be his focus. I died laughing when you said you referred to them as days of the week. That's hilarious!! Love it! And by the way so very proud of you for not going overboard on the pizza and beer. That is a huge step for you. You should feel proud and very accomplished! Kick butt this week and you will see your 194!
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Jess- Hooray for smaller boobies!!!!!!!!!!! :drinker: :drinker: :laugh: :happy:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Congratulations Ms. New Boobs! :drinker:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Only I would get excited about smaller boobs. Thanks ladies! You both made me giggle with those comments! :laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    So I'm a full blown stalker today and feeling very chatty. I'm going to share my plan of attack for this weekend. If I tell y'all my plan I feel I will hold myself accountable.

    Meals are already planned for the whoel day! :)
    Exercise: Clean my whole apartment top to bottom and start packing. 30 Day Shred!

    Exercise: Will get up in the morning to do c25k, if I oversleep my backup plan is spin class at night

    Exercise: Morning, 40 minutes of cardio

    Exercise: Evening Spin Class

    Exercise: If I'm still able to function, I will do Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout DVD....that's 5 days of working out. Haven't done this in awhile. Hope it's not overkill!

    Thoughts? Suggestions?
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Jess- your plan looks great!

    I have a end of year baseball party for my step son tonight so I wont have time to go to the gym...but here is my week goal:

    Tuesday- Cardio- elliptical and bike (600 cals)
    Wednesday- will attempt c25k w9d1
    Thursday- SPIN CLASS!
    Friday- cardio or retry w9d1
    Saturday- SPIN CLASS!

    I want so badly to see that 190 this month! If this stupid weird period goes away it would be great...Ive had it for 2 weeks in a row now and I was supposed to get it again next week...so it better not come since Ihave it now...vent over