Over 200 New Year New Me Part 26



  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Hrmmm..... I just found out a highschool buddy of mine is getting married in October and she's looking for a photographer. I was thinking about volunteering to do it for free just to get the experience & build my portfolio. She lives a little over 100 miles away so it would end up costing me about $30 in gas to get there & back. I wouldn't be comfortable being the only photographer since it'd be my first wedding.

    Don't know if I should mention it. And I don't know if I should ask for any compensation if I do. If anything, I'd just ask her to pay me 50 bucks for gas. But then I'd be stepping on the toes of the professional photographer she actually hired. Urgh, I don't know how to pursue this.

    So, it is too hot. It was over 100 again today (this heat wave has been going on for over a month now) and it was eighty freaking four degrees in my house with the AC blowing full blast when I got home from work. :noway: It was just too hot for clothes so I said screw it & was walking around the house in a tshirt and underwear. Suffice it to say dh was pleased. :tongue:

    Calories: 1579 (goal 1592)
    Exercise: 90 minutes of cleaning. It may end up being more if I get into the zone like I'm hoping I will. Just haven't been feeling scouring the house lately since it's been so hot and it really really really needs to be done. Especially since I have company coming at some point this weekend & next.
    Water: I think I'm around 10 cups but I'll be having more because I still have 90 minutes of cleaning to do to not be lying about my "exercise" today. :laugh:
    Proud: I stepped away from the birthday cake and brownies. They had me in their grasp for a few minutes and I ate a good 200-250 calories worth but I broke free before too much damage was done. Also, I'm proud that my husband genuinely likes my *kitten*. :laugh:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    OK so I took a nap and it took me into Saturday. :noway: The last I saw was 6:30pm on the clock Friday night, and I thought, hey, I have no singing gigs, I think I'll just take a nap. Must have hit the "off" on the alarm, because now it is 4:00am Saturday! :tongue: I think I may go to the rec center when it opens and see what kooks, I mean dedicated people, work out on a Saturday at 5:00am.

    check in for Friday:
    calories: under a smidge (I did count my Special K crackers and cheese I just ate as Friday LOL)
    water: 90
    exercise: none - my rest day
    proud: I found my GPS. I know, in there lies a fabulous joke. :huh:
  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    Pos_me....................0 = 0.0%
    tstout.....................-4.6 = 1.97%
    HeatherMN..........-2.8 = 0.0%
    Littlespy....................0 = 0.0%
    kerri..........................-1 = 0.33%
    Cris20056................0 = 0.0%
    Jessica.....................0 = 0.0%
    Elmox........................0 = 0.0%
    Meokk......................-1 = 0.55%
    lildebbie .............+1.5 = 0.0%
    myworld898.........-6.8 = 0.38%
    Nancyblue............. -2 = 0.50%
    lstpaul....................-1.8 = .75%

    Ok I changed it to reflect my "true" weight loss
  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    Check in 7.9.10

    Calories: under by 89
    Water: 104
    Proud: I did some excercise yesterday!

    I started the 30 day shred DVD. Now I have to say that I am more depressed or frustrated now than I was before. Here I was excercising for the first time in about 18 months ( or maybe a little more ) and I'm doing the jumping jacks on the warm up portion and my daughter laughed at me!! :mad: :explode: :noway: I was so hurt that I almost stopped, but I didn't. Then maybe 5 minutes into it my husband and daughter started arguing. It was awful, and I did give up then. I was so frustrated that of all the times they had to do this when I was excercising, for the first time! :frown: :cry:

    Last night we went to the grocery store and I walked around for a good hour and a half, which is above normal for me, so I did claim that, well 30 mins of it anyway. But I hurt so bad last night, my quads were achy and my pelvis hurt! I laid in bed for 2 hours before I was able to get to sleep. And the whole time I was thinking, why did I do this to myself? I should just lose some weight and then work out, it'll be easier and maybe I can tolerate it better. But I don't want to wait. I want to excercise now so I can lose weight faster! *sigh* I don't usually get so defeated by things but I actually admitted to myself last night just how out of shape I am. I am shocked by how bad I've let it get. I mean weighing almost 300 lbs is one thing. But weighing almost 300 lbs and getting winded walking from one side of my house to the other because I don't do any type of physical activity is a totally different thing! :embarassed:

    I am gonna try to do some more tonight. I say try because I will be home with the baby by myself. My daughter is going with my sister to camp and my hubby will be at work. So if I can get him to be amenable to sitting in his jumper watching me for however long I last I'll do it.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Pos_me....................0 = 0.0%
    tstout.....................-4.6 = 1.97%
    HeatherMN..........-2.8 = 0.0%
    Littlespy....................0 = 0.0%
    kerri..........................-1 = 0.33%
    Cris20056................0 = 0.0%
    Jessica.....................0 = 0.0%
    Elmox........................0 = 0.0%
    Meokk......................-1 = 0.55%
    lildebbie .............+1.5 = 0.0%
    myworld898.........-6.8 = 0.38%
    Nancyblue............. -2 = 0.50%
    lstpaul....................-1.8 = .75%
    mstahl.......................0 = 0.0%

    I'm still here! sooooo busy! Way behind on everything and not being too consistent with my diet :( But I'm holding even only about 1.5 lbs over my ticker... We're heading up to the lake for vacation (Lake Erie) so I'm expecting to get lots of exercise! I'm so busy at work that I'll be putting in about four hours every morning (paid!) which is pretty awesome really because the (now teenage) grandkids don't generally put in an appearence before around noon :huh:

    If I can find a quiet evening maybe I'll even catch up on here? Love you guys!!!!:heart::heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • ColoradoGirl
    ColoradoGirl Posts: 423 Member
    Pos_me....................0 = 0.0%
    tstout.....................-4.6 = 1.97%
    HeatherMN..........-2.8 = 0.0%
    Littlespy....................0 = 0.0%
    kerri..........................-1 = 0.33%
    Cris20056................0 = 0.0%
    Jessica.....................0 = 0.0%
    Elmox........................0 = 0.0%
    Meokk......................-1 = 0.55%
    lildebbie .............+1.5 = 0.0%
    myworld898.........-6.8 = 0.38%
    Nancyblue............. -2 = 0.50%
    lstpaul....................-1.8 = .75%
    mstahl.......................0 = 0.0%
    cogirl..........................0 = 0.0%

    I am still hanging in there trying to sort things out! From the look of things, the rest of my summer may be hit and miss here. Kids, work, dogs, husband, yard, etc.... too many things going on.

    I managed to get 5 of the 6lbs off from my holiday weekend and now have 9lbs to loose in 5 weeks to make it to my birthday goal. I am still trying but, not so sure I will make this goal as I am developing plantar fasciitis. So, I am trying to baby my feet a little and get that under control which in turn is effecting my calorie burn. If I did not like to eat so much it would not be a big deal.

    The new dog Janie is so very sweet! I just love her so much. (yes, I am the one who was holding back on the new dog) It is amazing to me that she does not bother my allergies! I am so thrilled!

    Kids are busy this summer. My son is taking his driving test in 1 week and that sure adds to my stress load. He also has his diabetic checkup in august and his senior year will start Aug 16th. My daughter will be a freshman this year and is working a community service project which in turn pays the kids stipends each week. They both go and visit their dad July 31 and then my husband leaves for Sturgis August 6.

    blue I saw something you posted about not saving all your calories for dinner. Well, that is EXACTLY what I have been doing and yes, I am not usually hungry in the morning. I am going to have to figure out how I can switch this. Hard part for me that I need to overcome is my husband will lay in bed at night about 30 mins before he goes to sleep and EAT... It is has become a terrible habit for both of us.
    Anyone have any ideas how to change that?

    Well, I am off for another fun filled busy day at the spa. Lots going on today!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Check in 7.9.10

    Calories: under by 89
    Water: 104
    Proud: I did some excercise yesterday!

    I started the 30 day shred DVD. Now I have to say that I am more depressed or frustrated now than I was before. Here I was excercising for the first time in about 18 months ( or maybe a little more ) and I'm doing the jumping jacks on the warm up portion and my daughter laughed at me!! :mad: :explode: :noway: I was so hurt that I almost stopped, but I didn't. Then maybe 5 minutes into it my husband and daughter started arguing. It was awful, and I did give up then. I was so frustrated that of all the times they had to do this when I was excercising, for the first time! :frown: :cry:

    Last night we went to the grocery store and I walked around for a good hour and a half, which is above normal for me, so I did claim that, well 30 mins of it anyway. But I hurt so bad last night, my quads were achy and my pelvis hurt! I laid in bed for 2 hours before I was able to get to sleep. And the whole time I was thinking, why did I do this to myself? I should just lose some weight and then work out, it'll be easier and maybe I can tolerate it better. But I don't want to wait. I want to excercise now so I can lose weight faster! *sigh* I don't usually get so defeated by things but I actually admitted to myself last night just how out of shape I am. I am shocked by how bad I've let it get. I mean weighing almost 300 lbs is one thing. But weighing almost 300 lbs and getting winded walking from one side of my house to the other because I don't do any type of physical activity is a totally different thing! :embarassed:

    I am gonna try to do some more tonight. I say try because I will be home with the baby by myself. My daughter is going with my sister to camp and my hubby will be at work. So if I can get him to be amenable to sitting in his jumper watching me for however long I last I'll do it.

    Hi Myworld,
    What a day! Try not to get discouraged by the behavior of your family. Teenagers can be so mean but she probably didn't realize how much she hurt you or the significance of the moment.
    Keep at it and just do what you can. I do the Shred as well sometimes and will NOT do it in front of an audience. Since I don't have kids it's quite easy for me to do a 30 min DVD while fiance is late at work. Maybe for you it's near impossible to get alone time. Any chance you could get your husband to take the kids somewhere for 30 mins twice a week? Your walking at the store is a great way to build up your stamina. When I was heavier I found that it really helped me to consciously tighten my abs while walking and slightly bend my knees at the same time. It took pressure off my back and hips. I applaud you for trying the Shred at 300lbs, :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: I know it was very hard for me to do at 210 lbs and I had to stop during some exercises and could not do everything but I PROMISE it does get easier and it happens quite quickly too. Just do what you can and stop when you need to.
    The main thing is to keep doing SOMETHING.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Hrmmm..... I just found out a highschool buddy of mine is getting married in October and she's looking for a photographer. I was thinking about volunteering to do it for free just to get the experience & build my portfolio. She lives a little over 100 miles away so it would end up costing me about $30 in gas to get there & back. I wouldn't be comfortable being the only photographer since it'd be my first wedding.

    Don't know if I should mention it. And I don't know if I should ask for any compensation if I do. If anything, I'd just ask her to pay me 50 bucks for gas. But then I'd be stepping on the toes of the professional photographer she actually hired. Urgh, I don't know how to pursue this.

    Sounds like this is something you would really want to do in the future. As someone who has owned her own business for 5 years I would recommend looking into getting an actual business set up with insurance and everything. Don't take on any weddings yourself until you do that. For now maybe you can contact your friend and tell her you would like to organize and be involved with the photography at her wedding (she might welcome the help). If she is cool with that find a local photog that you both like the look of and you contact the photog. Tell them that you have a wedding for them to shoot IF they use you as one of the photographers for the day and pay you your rate. Many weddings use two photogs don't they? You will get to see if you really like the pressure of shooting a wedding and get some photos for your portfolio. I know several pro photgraphers who would not touch a wedding with a 10 foot pole because they don't like the pressure of taking perfect photos of someones once-in-a-lifetime day.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    lildebbie-I'm so sorry to hear about the things Serena was writing those awful things about you. I'm sure your just as hurt by both things. That she was writing them and that you forgot. Don't let it beat you down. I agree with lstpaul, I think it's a good sign that she's writing these things down.

    Cris-Tell Momma we miss her! Hope she is doing well!! And I do plan to keep him around as long as possible. He came out to the bar last night. Gotta love two seppin, and a man who CAN two step.

    myworlds-So sorry to hear about your bad experience. Try doing a less intense workout maybe for a little while. Try walking. Do you have a gym membership? There are lots of options there for you try. Maybe a bike as well? Don't let them get you down. Maybe tell them how much it would mean to you if you had their support through this. Good luck! Sending positives vibes your way.

    mstahl-Oh how we miss you! Glad to hear you are doing well and staying busy.

    Well I totally blew the challenge! I guess I decided that since I was starting fresh this morning that I was going to end Friday with a bang. My best friend/roommate quit drinking for a year. She was my partner in crime. And she started drinking again while I was on vacation so last night was the first time we went out together since. We were gonna have 1 shot, which lead to 2, which leed to a beer and then when the guy I'm seeing got there it added a few more. Was just bad news. The good news is I had blast and I'm pretty sure I burned off all the calories with all the dancing. But I defnitely blew the challenge! OOPS!
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    check in for yesterday:
    calories - good, ate just over 1/2 exercise
    water - good 90+
    exercise - gardening & walking total approx 420 cals burned

    Today....already burned nearly 500 cals doing heavy labor in the garden, phew!! It is so disgusting here today that my face is a cooked lobster and sweat was actually dripping off my nose....eewwww :grumble: :noway: time to drink water !!!!

    Looks like we can safely proclaim Tstout the winner this week...congrats on your loss girl....good one :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member

    Cris-Tell Momma we miss her! Hope she is doing well!! And I do plan to keep him around as long as possible. He came out to the bar last night. Gotta love two seppin, and a man who CAN two step.

    Jess - I want to see a picture....he sounds terrific :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    myworlds-So sorry to hear about your bad experience. Try doing a less intense workout maybe for a little while. Try walking. Do you have a gym membership? There are lots of options there for you try. Maybe a bike as well? Don't let them get you down. Maybe tell them how much it would mean to you if you had their support through this. Good luck! Sending positives vibes your way.

    This may sound weird but walking is actually harder for me than doing the workout. At least that's how I percieve it, physically. My abductor muscles in my hips (the ones that wrap around from your butt all the way to the frong) are extremely weak. I was born with hip dysplasia in both hips and they never did anything reconstructive (like they would now) and so 5 yrs ago I fell walking up the steps into my apartment and finally went to the doctor and found out I had torn cartilage in my left hip and 'oh BTW' did you know we can fix your shallow hip sockets? So of course I'm up for it. Well I had my first surgery 1 month later, April of '06. Then had a second surgery June '06. Then I was off work until April '07 and February '08 had to have surgery on my right hip ( same surgery ) And this surgery is quite painful, I was in a hospital bed and wheelchair for 5 months after both of them. Then I had to have PT and I don't know why I have had a hard time getting my strength back. They basically cut my hip socket out of my pelvis and pulled and repositioned it so it would sit over the ball of my joint better and I wouldn't have so much movement side to side.

    Anyway :bigsmile: I weighed about 220 before my first one. I have no idea what I weighed when I went back to work after sitting on my *kitten* for a year. I do know I weighed 285 right before my 3rd surgery.

    Then I got pregnant February '09. I had high BP and was told to do NOTHING from almost day 1. So that stopped my activity dead. I weighed 265 when I got pregnant and 245 when I had the baby and I've gained 45 lbs since then :sad:

    So back to my original statement, walking is hard for me. I have this weeble-wobble gait. (you know weeble's wobble but they don't fall down?) Well that's me. Side to side very limpy and uncomfortable looking from what I've been told. So strength training is the best thing for me to build up my muscles in my legs so I can walk again without the discomfort. As hard as the video was it wasn't as uncomfortable as walking is, at least not uncomfortable in the same way.

    Boy I'm long winded today! :laugh: Sorry, I never shared my story, so there ya go, if you wanted to know, if not sorry :blushing:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member

    Cris-Tell Momma we miss her! Hope she is doing well!! And I do plan to keep him around as long as possible. He came out to the bar last night. Gotta love two seppin, and a man who CAN two step.

    Jess - I want to see a picture....he sounds terrific :heart: :heart: :heart:
    :laugh: Well I don't have any on my computer. I guess I could pull one from facebook. Or if you want to facebook stalk him message me and I'll give you his name. Not sure if his profile is set to private but you could definitely see his main profile pic.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    myworld - I started by using one of those pedal pushers - you know, half-bike, only the pedal part - because I had so many hip and knee issues. My ortho surgeon said either the pedal pusher or the pool to start. I loved/still love my Old Bessie the half-bike! I lost 80 pounds with only using her for exercise. I also started going to physical therapy for my knee. Let me tell ya - THE best thing to do if you have issues (and insurance). Then I built up my endurance enough that I joined a gym. I know how you're feeling, because I was there, too, when I began. If none of these suggestions spark your interest, then I suggest getting a less-invasive DVD to begin with. The Shred is pretty tough. Leslie Sansone has some great ones out, and so does a brand called Shapely Girl. They are great beginner DVDs, and will ease you into the wonderful, dreadful world of exercise.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I have a bit of a rant. I went shopping today and went into a plus size store. I can still wear plus size clothes and so I thought I would give it a try. I couldn't fit into their LARGEST "plus" size. I tried a 3x pants on, could not get them passed my thighs. I think this is an outrage! That's not plus size clothing. Okay, vent over, thanks for listening, time for the Ranger game. Hope I don't get rained on!
  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    myworld - I started by using one of those pedal pushers - you know, half-bike, only the pedal part - because I had so many hip and knee issues. My ortho surgeon said either the pedal pusher or the pool to start. I loved/still love my Old Bessie the half-bike! I lost 80 pounds with only using her for exercise. I also started going to physical therapy for my knee. Let me tell ya - THE best thing to do if you have issues (and insurance). Then I built up my endurance enough that I joined a gym. I know how you're feeling, because I was there, too, when I began. If none of these suggestions spark your interest, then I suggest getting a less-invasive DVD to begin with. The Shred is pretty tough. Leslie Sansone has some great ones out, and so does a brand called Shapely Girl. They are great beginner DVDs, and will ease you into the wonderful, dreadful world of exercise.

    I was in PT for a long time, I thouroughly enjoyed it. I may ask my doctor if she will write me a script for water therapy. I LOVE that idea. I have been wanting to get back to the pool and do some water aerobics. The biggest problem is we can't afford anything extra. So I'm not even sure if we could afford the co pay for that. But I can discuss it with my husband and maybe.

    I really appreciate all of the ideas everyone has given me. But I am very capable of doing the shred, it'll just take me longer to get one work out down. I guess the best way to put it is I have no plan on "babying" myself through this process. I have babied myself a lot over the last 4 years so there's no room for it now. I KNOW it's gonna be hard but I'm definitely up for the challenge. If I don't adjust over a couple weeks then I may consider something else.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I have a bit of a rant. I went shopping today and went into a plus size store. I can still wear plus size clothes and so I thought I would give it a try. I couldn't fit into their LARGEST "plus" size. I tried a 3x pants on, could not get them passed my thighs. I think this is an outrage! That's not plus size clothing. Okay, vent over, thanks for listening, time for the Ranger game. Hope I don't get rained on!

    Jess - what store was this? Something is off with their sizing.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    check in:

    calories: good
    water: 100
    exercise: 30 mins elliptical, 30 mins treadmill
    proud: I added ten more minutes to my treadmill today! My *kitten* hurts! :laugh:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    I have a bit of a rant. I went shopping today and went into a plus size store. I can still wear plus size clothes and so I thought I would give it a try. I couldn't fit into their LARGEST "plus" size. I tried a 3x pants on, could not get them passed my thighs. I think this is an outrage! That's not plus size clothing. Okay, vent over, thanks for listening, time for the Ranger game. Hope I don't get rained on!

    Jess - what store was this? Something is off with their sizing.

    Jess - I agree...what store was it...I could understand if i went on and couldn't fit into the biggest stuff..but you ...I want to make sure i never go there...cause i know i will cry....That is just whacked... I am getting close to a 22 and i know you are way past that.

    Check in

    Cals - 2100
    water - 36 oz (not good)
    Exercise - 2 1/2 hours!!! (elliptical and water aerobics) - burned 1030 Caloires !!!!!
    Proud - I was in a funk most of the day, i didn't push myself that hard this morning, came home was cranky, tried to take a nap still cranky...wanted to eat cheesecake (we don't have any , but wanted some), decicded to go to the gym, and i cranked out an hour on the ellptical and i feel soo much better.....
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I don't remember the name of the store. I am in an 18 pants and a XL or Large top. I almost cried myself. I will tell ya lildebbie that it was in collin creek mall where Gap use to be. If you ever go there.