Over 200 New Year New Me Part 26



  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Teresa - Hope you feel better soon! I agree with Jess, maybe your body just needed a jump, who knows. Thanks for the challenge. It will be dificult to get it in but I will definitely try!

    Jess & Cris - I would love to be in a kickboxing class but don't have the money either. I love TAEBO even though I haven't started it again. Maybe that will be my weekend exercise. Cris, I love doing the Gold's Gym Cardio workout on my Wii, I know its not kickboxing but it is boxing.

    istpaul - Hope your appt goes well. I know that it is a lot of money that you are spending but it is your body and you only get one. Let us know how it goes.

    Lauren - Enjoy the show! That is so cool that you will actually get to see some TV stars in the play. I love Modern Family so I am really jealous. Hope you don't have too many problems walking to the show.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Hello girls,

    Thanks you all for your positive attitude. I am not going anywhere..don’t worry. I have not disappeared..just re-evaluating where I stand with this whole lifestyle change. It really means a lot to me that I have true friends on this board. I got all teary eyed reading ya post…Love ya all so very much:flowerforyou: :heart: :heart:
    This is what happened..I felt I had no one ( my family) helping me work toward my goal ( to be healthier person). But then I came to the conclusion that I don’t need my family or anyone. I have to do this for myself and only myself. If I truly want, ot be a healthier person inside and out. I have to make my goal a reality and not a foggy imagination. I have to step up to the plate and do this ONCE and FOR ALL. Who care if my family does not want to change the way they eat..that does not mean I can’t do it…I CAN do this! It is me who has the cholesterol problem..and on the verge of diabetes ( family history) so if this is not a wakeup call than I have no idea what my wakeup call would be..because if I keep doing this to myself ( eating horribly and not exercising) then I wont wake up…I will walking in the path of death and I don’t want that…I want to fight this battle to the very end and say I got healthier because I fought to get healthy.

    Yea, I lost my motivation but I found it…and I am back and ready now where is my bandwagon train?

    Sorry for all the rambling but true friends listen to each other on their times of misery.

    Now more misery here…love all all… I have to go read everything I missed.. be back later.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    POS Me-YAY!!! Glad to hear you are back! I have missed you! :flowerforyou: Your family will get on board. But you should do this for you and I'm glad you have that attitude! Go get it girl!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Pos-me - Love the new lookout! Now I need to take that advice too.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    I just passed out hardcore on my lunch. I'm takling face down on the table, slept HARD for over 30 minutes. My face is all red and I have imprints of my rings on my face now. Woke up all light headed and dizzy. I may have to skip the 30 Day Shred tonight and listen to my body and get some more sleep. Still deprived from the weekend. But I will definitely get exercise in and clean my apartment.
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Oh Joy !!!!
    Pos Me didn't leave us and she is renewed and re-energized :drinker: :drinker: :heart: :heart: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I love your new outlook, you do need to do this for you no matter what is going on around you.

    Happy to hear the rest of you will not be passing out on an elliptical machine this week:noway: :laugh: but if you are Jess, you'll be passing out in your soup!!:tongue::laugh:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Shoot I'm going to rest up tonight so I can kick butt the rest of the week. I can't believe I fell asleep like that. As soon as I finished eating I was just passed OUT!!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Yep Jess, I think you need to get some sleep. I haven't done that in a long time and when I did it meant I really needed to sleep.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    got back from the gym! I really dislike the tredmill, but did get on it for 20 minutes today, then got on the arc trainer for another 25 minutes...i came home and ate and could take a nap right now, but i got to finished worrking ugggg..

    got a nice call from the day care this morning..serena peed all over herself on their field trip today..i wish i could fix this, the new psyc says he thinks there is something else going on so i guess just wait and see...but i had to bring clothes up there for when they get back they said she reeked of pee.

    oh what fun, she was cranky but since she got up this morning, she goes to bed at a good time , i really don't think she sleeps well...i watched her sleep several times, not really snoring but breating hard and within 1 hr she moved her posistion like 3-4 times,
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Deb - Sorry about Serena!

    So today I cannot stop being hungry!!! What is going on? Nothing is satisfying me. I now only have 433 calories left for dinner and I haven't had much time to plug in the stuff. Normally I don't have this problem but I guess since TOM is a week away that is what is causing it. ARRRGGGHHHH!! I am trying to be good but if I am always hungry it is hard not to eat everything in sight!
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Saw I had a major dyslexic typo in my Saturday posting from earlier. It was 1,190 and should be 1,910. Way to go me!!

    Saturday – went to the New Jersey Beer Co. (a new, up and coming brewery) to help them bottle their stout. This was a super fun day, complete with fresh beer off the taps and grilled burgers and hot dogs. All in all, I had about 3 beers (not too awful considering I wasn’t driving and the beer was flowing!). The bad news/lack of self-control came in the form of the grill - two cheeseburgers. I haven’t really had a cheeseburger fresh off the grill yet this summer, so I was more than excited. The 3 beers had also made me a little loose in my decision making! Anyway, got home, should have exercised (had plenty of time), but sat on the couch instead. Calories = 1,910. Water = 40 oz
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    raider - when I get that feeling I almost always go for a bowl of oatmeal. Not bad in calories, low in sodium, and very filling. I hope this helps!
    Deb - I wonder if you can start keeping track of what happens to Serena directly before she pees on herself. Keep a journal to take to the therapist. Ask the daycare (in a non-judgmental way, because otherwise they will think you don't trust them, which you do, but anyhoo...) if they can let you know what her behavior was like about fifteen to thirty minutes before the wetting episode. Was she in an argument with another child? Was she told to do something and refused? Was she ostracized, left out of a play group? Just tell them you are really working on the problem and really need their help to track what emotions she may be going through right before the accident. Serena may not be able to verbalize this for you, but they can, certainly. It's worth a shot, eh? I'm sure your therapist asks this of her all the time, but many times kids don't really understand emotions so they really can't give a full account of how they're feeling before an episode. This will also give the therapist some insight and good ideas for discussion with her. I'm sure it's everything you're doing already, but I thought I'd at least throw it out there just in case!

    I've had a magnificent day! I went to the PT, he kicked my *kitten*, congratulated me on 90 pounds lost, then kicked my *kitten* some more. Then I came home and decided to become a redhead for my birthday this weekend! :tongue:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    elmo - i was wondering how you had cheeseburgers and beer for 1100 cals...i was going to ask for that recipe :smile:

    BLue - A majority of the time when she goes, she doesn't do anything, they don't even know she pees in her pants. She is watching a movie, palyinv viedo game or doing something sitting down. When we are at home, alot of the time i can tell she is going to do it cause she starts sqautting on the floor. I have told her therapist (counelor ) for weeks about it. It is a higher rate of insteance during summer camp, and i really am thinking maybe it is bcause in school they ahve set times where they all go to the bathroom and there it is they just go when they need to .

    She has the same thing at home, she is doing something, she does not want to go , i will try totell her to get up and go and it is a big fight and she doens't wnat to go but then turns around 5 min later and pees on her self. I mentioned to the psyc and he thinks there is something else going on


    especially when i say she will maybe poop like 1 x a week. He said she should be going like every 1-2 days...hopefully something with help with this soon...not sure when we are going back to the pscy, , guessing it is when we get the one urine test back, i think we are still waiting on that one, they said like 3 weeks, which would be wednesday, but it may be longer with the holiday. I am supposed to do the dairy 1st morning urine test, i just havcen't yet, i was kinda hoping i would have to go up there for the results of the other one and then i could just bring that up there that day.

    I bought some cheap inviations at the $ store (since we didnt 'have enough from the place we are at the party place), i just likced all the envelopes, and makes me think of the Seinfeld epositde where she licked the envelops that they got that were cheap, soo if noone hears from me again today you will know what happened :smile:
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    Hey everyone! I had a great weekend, lost 4 pounds from Thursday to Sunday! I ate good and even had some things that I loved but thought I would have to give up. I just made good choices.

    Lildebbie: I am sorry to hear about your daughter. I am embarrased to admit this, but I had the same problem as a child. I started to wet myself for no apparent reason. Mom took me to the doc and he said sometimes we never know what causes them. I eventually got it under control. Thinking back, I was the middle child and I felt like I wasn't getting enough attention. I am by no means suggesting that is what is bothering your daughter, just relating some personal experience. I really hope it gets better for both of you soon.

    Pos-Me : I am soo very glad to see that you are back and have your mojo back! I am proud of you!

    Jess: I am jealous of you for even attempting to juggle more than one man! I could barely handle the one I have!! :wink: Good for you!

    Blue: I dyed my hair red this past weekend also! I ADORE red hair! I figured 33 pounds lighter, new me, new hair!

    I am having a fantastic attitude day even though work stinks! :tongue: Also I think the challenge for this week is great! I will have to think about what my me time will be since hubby works out of town and I have the kids all by myself until Friday.... Maybe this weekend a pedi is in order???

    I am so happy that instead of going to the gym and working out like a maniac and burning 600+ calories, I stayed at work and walked with a new member of MFP to help her get some exercise in!!!!! :drinker: Cheers to Stacy!!! (with water of course)

    I think I managed 600+ cals for 3 days last week as per the challenge so yay I am proud of that also.

    Anyway, I know there are tons more of you that I missed and didn't comment on, but I really have a short memory and I will work on it.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    hey girls,

    Thanks again for the warm welcome back!

    I really miss you group of gals when I am away for more than a day. I can' t wait to get up and read the night before's posts. Lately since my children are home from school it has been so tough on me. I have 3 kids at home who are always snacking. I am usually organized for the day and have everything plan (meals and everything else) ahead of time. when I plan on making dinner no one is in *the mood* to eat what I make and I end up eating whatever is avalibleJUNK.

    However, today is the start of a new beginning, I started with uploading my food and exercise log...and I am sipping my water today. I feel great and ready for this new beginning.

    sorry for all the rambling

    Check in
    calories: on target 1,328 ( going to eat 128 caloies back)
    exercise: yup!!!! 40 elliptical, 30 treadmill burned 700+
    water: not enough

    Proud: I am back and didn't take a long time re-evaluating my goal

    Challenge: I felt great after my workout and I missed that feeling so much.

    see ya tomorrow :)
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Pos_Me!!!!! I am soooo happy you are back!!!!!!!!!! We love you and know you can do this!!!! WE will support you!!!!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Kerri - your hair looks adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mine didn't *quite* turn out the way I wanted....but I have mood hair so tomorrow it may look perfect. LOL

    Deb - So she knows she has to go, but doesn't want to use the toilet? Is she afraid of that experience for some reason? I know in KG I peed in my pants daily because I was terrified of the "big kids" (8th graders) who stalked it.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Kerri - thanks...if it was just the peeing maybe it would be a different story, it is everything...soemtimes it is soo hard not to get soo mad, i know she gets tired of beeing in trouble all the time.

    pos - welcome back !!!

    Blue - sometimes she says she doesn't, but other times she knows she cans, she squats and holds her crotch so that tells me she does know. She does it at school, day care, home, the gym, out at stores...so if it iwas just one place i could see her being terririfed or something...she will say i have to go , and get up and go...so i just don't knowl.
  • VeryKerri
    VeryKerri Posts: 359 Member
    Blue: I am lucky, my sister is my hair stylist and she loves that I will let her do crazy stuff with my hair from time to time. She and I had a blast getting it this color on Friday!
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    I just took my measurements and since last month I ...........

    lost 2 inches from my waist :huh:
    lost one inch from each thigh :smokin:


    lost one inch from the ta-tas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy schmolie that took forever!!!!!! :noway: :noway: :noway: