Over 200 New Year New Me Part 26



  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    I've had a really bad two weeks in terms of weight, motivation, time, DE-motivation. This is going to be a whine post so you might want to jump out right now.

    The worst part is what my weight is. I discovered the scales I was using were faulty. Instead of having lost close to 15 pounds since March.....I've GAINED TWO. This really REALLY threw me. I am beyond depressed.

    Life got in the way & kept me from exercising & then it was the 4th of July & I over-ate (& missed my workouts). Ready to get back into the groove and we had alot of flooding rains & I had to help my parents. That was sort of a workout BUT it got me even MORE off-track plus I was just too tired to keep my food diary which led to wrong eating.

    I feel so defeated and like I'll never be able to get ahold of this. I realized today that even if I lose 50 pounds I'll still be in the obese category. My physical health is suffering, my mental health is suffering......I am just at the bottom of the barrel.

    Have you read this far? If you have, do you have any words that will help? What's it going to take for me? Is it even possible for me to return to a healthy weight?

    I'm so defeated......

    I'm 3 lbs away from 50 lbs lost and it took a lot of time and a lot of hard work. At 50lbs lost I will be 1 lb into the obese category still for my height so I know it can feel daunting. I have to lose as much again as I have already lost.
    The main reason I am where I am today and still going is logging EVERY DAY and hanging out with the ladies on this board.
    I have no idea what your mental block is but I'm sure it's mental. You know logically that if you eat the right amount of calories and log you food that you WILL LOSE WEIGHT. The only thing preventing you from losing is you.
    Maybe you could stop thinking about 50lbs from now and goal weights and just take this day by day. Log every day, log ahead of time so your day of eating is planned out for you, drink plenty of water and start afresh.
    I'm not buying it that you can't find the time to log your food. Yes you can !!! We all do it and so can you . Sorry if this reads as harsh, I'm going more for peppy coach :heart: :heart: :heart:
    I feel for you but you have to work for this and I know you can do it !!!!!:drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Do we know how long awestfall was supposed to be gone? Do we need to go ahead and start another thread?
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Do we know how long awestfall was supposed to be gone? Do we need to go ahead and start another thread?

    I thought she was gone from Sat-Sat so should be back by now but maybe I'm wrong or her plans changed.
    Looks like we are OK for now, this thread has about 300 posts and no locking out until 500 so we could last another few days.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    checking in:
    calories- 1200
    water- still drinking, but yep
    sodium- waaaay high 2500
    excercise- some bike and elliptical
    cals burned- 300....I was not feeling it at the gym today....AT ALL
    proud- The pool party I was supposed to go to after work was cancelled so I decided I had no excuse for not going to the gym. I went and was dragging and barely working (compared to my normal effort) but I WENT!

    I think part of the challenge was something that makes me happy or something like that?? Well my son makes me happy. He is learning new words every day and its the sweetest thing. I got home from the gym and I felt pretty weak and defeated and he gave me a huge smile and said HI!!!! Followed by a hug
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    blue - wtg on the inches!!!!!
  • Danielle_81
    Danielle_81 Posts: 166
    Oh my! I have been at work for the past 12 hours and 15 minutes and it took me this long to read all the new posts since yesterday! :noway: We have been busy and yesterday we were dead and so was the board then I had no time to check it at home. Oh well that's how it goes :bigsmile:

    Check in 7.11
    Calories: over by 350 :sad: even after counting my breastfeeding calories
    Water: 112
    Proud: nothing I can think of, I am just bummed I went over my calories

    I am off on vacation for the next week so I don't know how often, if at all, I'll be on. I am VERY nervous about going away. We are going to a camp ground for the rest of the week and I'm worried that I'll go way over my calories. I'm sure I'll be fine but it's there, I mean the WHOLE week is kind of scary. I am really irritated with myself that I went over my calories yesterday, and it's really messing with my head! I have been so good and haven't gone over yet except 4th of July weekend. :frown: I had a very long day yesterday and I know that accounts for part of it. I was up and active for 18 hours, compared to my normal 13 or 14.

    Oh well I'm writing from work and now it's time to go. I'll try to check in tomorrow before I leave. I have a job interview tomorrow afternoon, I guess we may be moving. I'm not sure how I feel about this, but since I'm the breadwinner it is all dependant on my income and my job. Would it be wrong for me to bomb the interview and tell my husband I didn't get it? :grumble:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    myworld - have fun on vacation, and good luck on your interview. Where would you possibly be moving if you did get this job.

    Check in -

    Cals - 1636
    water -= 36 oz, i need to really work on this, i didn't have anything else to drink
    exercise - 20 min treadmill, 25 min arc trainer
    Cal burned -366
    Proud - That i made it to the gym today.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Do we know how long awestfall was supposed to be gone? Do we need to go ahead and start another thread?

    I thought she was gone from Sat-Sat so should be back by now but maybe I'm wrong or her plans changed.
    Looks like we are OK for now, this thread has about 300 posts and no locking out until 500 so we could last another few days.

    OK, what I don't get is..... Does MFP automatically make a continuation once the thread has filled its quota? Isn't that why you get that little blue message at the bottom of the last post to click on that says "continued thread is here" ? I always wondered about that. Someone please fill me in! I like the way awestfall does it because it feels like we are special. LOL
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Thunderstorms tonight! Yes!

    check in:

    calories - way under (heading for popcorn)
    water: 100
    exercise: PT 60 minutes
    proud: I got up to get ready for PT without complaining that it was too early!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Blue: Yes, MFP will automatically lock a thread once it hits too many posts and will automatically send people to the new one. I think Ann just does it so that the new thread is posted the same day every week so no one is taken by surprise. I must admit I'm a bit jealous about the red hair...I've always wanted to try reddish/auburn highlights but am scared to death.

    Pos_Me: Welcome back! You're right...you can do this even if your family isn't on board because this needs to be about you. Always remember that we're here for you!

    Tstout: I agree that maybe your system just needed to be "shocked." My other concern is that perhaps you weren't taking in enough calories on a daily basis, even before your lost appetite so your loss after eating the larger calorie amounts was your body thanking you.

    Jess: I'm glad I lifted your spirits. Gets lots of rest and worrying about working out tomorrow. Sleep is just as important to weight loss as the eating and exercise. Take care of yourself so you don't get sick!!

    Meokk: I have to agree with you a bit on the hardcore exercising. I think workout out too much was part of the reason for my lost motivation. Personally, I am going to try to workout more often and not worry so much about the calories burned as long as my eating is reasonable and I maintain a calorie deficit.

    Cris: I also LOVE kickboxing. Why are you waiting until the 180s to do it? I was doing it at 215 lbs., so there is no reason you wouldn't be able to other than financially. I highly recommend finding a kickboxing DVD you can do at home if you can't afford to go to classes.

    Here's the link to a kickboxing DVD I have that I love and it burns decent calories, too! I bought mine at Walmart for $15.

    Checking in for today:
    Calories: 197 left over
    Sodium: 217 over
    Water: 64 oz (if I have one more glass before bed)
    Exercise: Laila Ali/Sugar Ray Leonard Boxing DVD...burned 254 calories but it was a fun, fast 30 minutes!
    Proud: Stayed in my calories today and had a blast meeting a friend for lunch. We passed four hours by talking and didn't even know it!

    For this week's challenge, does my volunteer work count as something for ME? I realize it's helping others but it truly is my passion and what makes me smile and makes me super proud.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    The show was great tonight. It was a gorgeous night for outdoor theater - Shakespeare in the Park! The Park = Central Park. Today is a day I love living in New York!

    Checking in:
    Cals - Ate all my exercise (like 150) and am 20 cals over = 1,402 cals
    Water - 112 oz!
    Exercise - 2 mile walk at 3 mph = 182 estimated cals
    Proud - Ate lots of veggies today - tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots...YUM! And all that water!
    Happy moment (that's what I'm calling it tstout) - Being outside in the park on a beautiful night.

    Off to bed, see you tomorrow!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Blue: Yes, MFP will automatically lock a thread once it hits too many posts and will automatically send people to the new one. I think Ann just does it so that the new thread is posted the same day every week so no one is taken by surprise. I must admit I'm a bit jealous about the red hair...I've always wanted to try reddish/auburn highlights but am scared to death.

    Pos_Me: Welcome back! You're right...you can do this even if your family isn't on board because this needs to be about you. Always remember that we're here for you!

    Tstout: I agree that maybe your system just needed to be "shocked." My other concern is that perhaps you weren't taking in enough calories on a daily basis, even before your lost appetite so your loss after eating the larger calorie amounts was your body thanking you.

    Jess: I'm glad I lifted your spirits. Gets lots of rest and worrying about working out tomorrow. Sleep is just as important to weight loss as the eating and exercise. Take care of yourself so you don't get sick!!

    Meokk: I have to agree with you a bit on the hardcore exercising. I think workout out too much was part of the reason for my lost motivation. Personally, I am going to try to workout more often and not worry so much about the calories burned as long as my eating is reasonable and I maintain a calorie deficit.

    Cris: I also LOVE kickboxing. Why are you waiting until the 180s to do it? I was doing it at 215 lbs., so there is no reason you wouldn't be able to other than financially. I highly recommend finding a kickboxing DVD you can do at home if you can't afford to go to classes.

    Here's the link to a kickboxing DVD I have that I love and it burns decent calories, too! I bought mine at Walmart for $15.

    Checking in for today:
    Calories: 197 left over
    Sodium: 217 over
    Water: 64 oz (if I have one more glass before bed)
    Exercise: Laila Ali/Sugar Ray Leonard Boxing DVD...burned 254 calories but it was a fun, fast 30 minutes!
    Proud: Stayed in my calories today and had a blast meeting a friend for lunch. We passed four hours by talking and didn't even know it!

    For this week's challenge, does my volunteer work count as something for ME? I realize it's helping others but it truly is my passion and what makes me smile and makes me super proud.

    Thanks for the video recommendation! I think I'm going to give it a try. I love love LOVE kickboxing!! And I did get rest last night. Did some cleaning because I couldn't sleep but was in bed asleep by 9:30. I feel refreshed and I'm getting ready to hit the gym this morning! :bigsmile: Be back later
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Yesterday was not a great calorie day... I was under by quite a bit. I even forced myself to eat an extra serving of spaghetti at dinner. But still MFP yelled at me that I didn't eat enough. Ugh... I shall try again today. Eating just sounds lame... and it hurts. I feel like there's a spiky golf ball lodged at the back of my throat. Not fun.

    Perhaps I will just do smoothies and pack in some peanut butter so I can convince my body that I'm not trying to starve it. Which I'm not.

    Anyhow... happy thought for yesterday: Adam, Mia and I sat in the kitchen and listened to music, danced around for a while last night. So much fun :)

    Goal for today: Eat. Eat. Eat. Water. Water. Water. Water.
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Pos_Me: Welcome back! You're right...you can do this even if your family isn't on board because this needs to be about you. Always remember that we're here for you!

    Exercise: Laila Ali/Sugar Ray Leonard Boxing DVD...burned 254 calories but it was a fun, fast 30 minutes!

    Thanks Heather! it's great to be back :bigsmile:

    I had to do a double take when I saw my name "Laila Ali," but I was back in my place when you were talking about the *other* L -Ali..:laugh: :wink: .lol
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,500 Member
    Jess: Congrats for completing w9d1 - C25k! It came up on my homepage. You ROCK!!!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Cris: I also LOVE kickboxing. Why are you waiting until the 180s to do it? I was doing it at 215 lbs., so there is no reason you wouldn't be able to other than financially. I highly recommend finding a kickboxing DVD you can do at home if you can't afford to go to classes.

    Here's the link to a kickboxing DVD I have that I love and it burns decent calories, too! I bought mine at Walmart for $15.

    Thanks for the DVD info. Sounds like something I would like too. And it is reasonable priced!
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    Oh my! I have been at work for the past 12 hours and 15 minutes and it took me this long to read all the new posts since yesterday! :noway: We have been busy and yesterday we were dead and so was the board then I had no time to check it at home. Oh well that's how it goes :bigsmile:

    Check in 7.11
    Calories: over by 350 :sad: even after counting my breastfeeding calories
    Water: 112
    Proud: nothing I can think of, I am just bummed I went over my calories

    I am off on vacation for the next week so I don't know how often, if at all, I'll be on. I am VERY nervous about going away. We are going to a camp ground for the rest of the week and I'm worried that I'll go way over my calories. I'm sure I'll be fine but it's there, I mean the WHOLE week is kind of scary. I am really irritated with myself that I went over my calories yesterday, and it's really messing with my head! I have been so good and haven't gone over yet except 4th of July weekend. :frown: I had a very long day yesterday and I know that accounts for part of it. I was up and active for 18 hours, compared to my normal 13 or 14.

    Oh well I'm writing from work and now it's time to go. I'll try to check in tomorrow before I leave. I have a job interview tomorrow afternoon, I guess we may be moving. I'm not sure how I feel about this, but since I'm the breadwinner it is all dependant on my income and my job. Would it be wrong for me to bomb the interview and tell my husband I didn't get it? :grumble:

    Have fun on vacation. I think you will do fine this week because you are aware of everything. You have been doing so well and you will be able to continue it. On being over yesterday, that is okay if it happens every once in a while. Don't get yourself down too much and today is a new day.
  • raiderape
    raiderape Posts: 300
    So yesterday was the crazy eating problem and when I got home I finally satisfied it but went wayyyyy over in calories!:sad: :sad: Today will be better, I will make it happen. I have already entered breakfast and lunch and not sure what is for dinner yet so can't enter that one.

    Check in
    Cal - Over by 1000! :explode:
    Water - 100 oz or so
    Exercise - Zip, Zero, Nada
    Proud - Not about anything. Really disappointed that I over ate yesterday! But today is a new day.

    Hope we all have a great Tuesday!!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - congrats on finishing c25k !!!

    so ..i am feeling soo good!!

    last night i was going through my weekly trying on my clothes to see if anything fits. I tried on a pair of 22 capris...guess what they fit !!! they weren't tight or anything..they definetly got moved into the wearable section of my closet. Of course the material givves and all but they fit i am taking it !!! I tried a pair of jeans on too that were 22, never worn, tags still on. I put them on they fit and zipped (they also give a little), hubby said my rear looked good in them :smile: they were a little too tight for my comfort thought, but i got them on..i was soo excited. I am getting soo close to a 22 in everything i just am soo excited... of course my 24 stuff is fitting good too, so i think i will still be there for a little, but the jeans shorts i had 24 that were fitting but tight fit great now i was doing squats in them :smile: and there weren't tight or anything anywhere..

    Then this morning got on the scale 1st thing , was .3 lbs above lowest weight ( from 7/2), then came downstairs was working some and got rid of some "whatnot":noway: and went upstairs to get dressed and got back on...1lb less...it said 264.8..I was soo excited that was my lowest weight yet...Hoping everything sticks and I can have a loss this week !!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I have to get more sleep. That's my personal challenge this week. This is ridiculous. I'm running about 9 nights in a row with less than 5hours. Normally I recharge on the weekends and I don't feel so run down but I didn't have a chance to sleep this past weekend. I nearly called in sick today just to sleep. But I didn't. So now I'm here at work feeling like a complete zombie. Any part of my brain that isn't automatic is totally not functioning properly.

    Okay, now that I got the griping out of the way, I AM BACK. I mean, I never really left but when I look back in all honesty I have been pretty much just been working on maintaining over the last couple of weeks. I was obviously not trying to create any kind of calorie deficit whatsoever with chinese food and pizza and like one 30 minute visit to the gym. I am so bloated I can't even come close it fitting my wedding & engagement rings on my finger this morning. It amazes me how sensitive I am to extra sodium.

    I have my day planned. It's good and I'm not going to deviate from it. It was a big step for me yesterday when the only thing I bought at the grocery store that wasn't on my list was a pint of blueberries. :smile: Because I've been enabling myself pretty hardcore lately. No more of that mess. :drinker: