Over 200 New Year New Me Part 26



  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Jess - WTG on smaller boobs...I bet you are soo happy...I got smaller boobs ..but i always had small boobs...sitting at a "B", which i am okay with, but really don't want to go down to a "A" that would be kinds sad for me i think..

    I can't believe my little girl will be 7 on thursday, makes me sad sometimes when i see them growing up, i look at baby pictures and miss those days.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-I think your plan of attack looks great! Hope flow leaves town soon and doesn't come back. Are the cramps better?

    LilDebbie-Awwww...my niece just turned 7...Such a fun little age! :happy: Did you get all your invitations out for the party? I know you were having quite a rough day when you were trying to get it all done.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cris-I think your plan of attack looks great! Hope flow leaves town soon and doesn't come back. Are the cramps better?

    LilDebbie-Awwww...my niece just turned 7...Such a fun little age! :happy: Did you get all your invitations out for the party? I know you were having quite a rough day when you were trying to get it all done.

    6 was not a happy age for us, i am hoping with this new doctor and the surgey and everything 7 is a much better year.

    I got all the invitations for her friends, i have some for family and my friend that need to go out today if they havfe any chance of getting there before saturday.

    We have had no rsvp's yet, i am thinking now that noone will come and how said she will be, i am hoping at least a few kids will come.

    Right now, we have my friends' two little boys (that are her age), my nephew probably (from okc), and abby, so 4 kids (besides serena), i think if at least like 2 or 3 can come (out of the 16 that were invited) she will be okay
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Friends!! Prepare yourself for a crazy long post. Also, this is totally ME-centered. I have read ALL your posts and am thinking about you and cheering you along. I just needed to take some me-time and re-focus myself.

    It’s a been a fun and completely “bad for me” weekend. I felt like such a hypocrite on Friday when you all were talking about getting your butts in gear and taking names, knowing what my weekend was going to look like. I did log all the bad for me, but I’m sure there’s some calories missing. As you’ll see, I totally BOMBED the challenge last week of no alcohol.

    Friday night – Celebration dinner at The Modern, a ridiculously wonderful restaurant that overlooks the Museum of Modern Art. My manager (who is awesome) treats our team to a fancy-pants dinner twice a year. This was our spring/summer version. We were at the restaurant for 4 hours. Everything was delicious – lovely wine (pinot noir = amazing) and a four-course meal. So yes, there went Friday. Calories guesstimate = at least 2,600 for the day. Water = 80 oz

    Saturday – went to the New Jersey Beer Co. (a new, up and coming brewery) to help them bottle their stout. This was a super fun day, complete with fresh beer off the taps and grilled burgers and hot dogs. All in all, I had about 3 beers (not too awful considering I wasn’t driving and the beer was flowing!). The bad news/lack of self-control came in the form of the grill - two cheeseburgers. I haven’t really had a cheeseburger fresh off the grill yet this summer, so I was more than excited. The 3 beers had also made me a little loose in my decision making! Anyway, got home, should have exercised (had plenty of time), but sat on the couch instead. Calories = 1,190. Water = 40 oz

    Sunday – Meatopia. Seriously. That was the event we went to yesterday. It was a food festival, all about meat. I actually did much better here than the other days. I split the plates with friends and only had a half a beer. I then kind of killed my awesome self-control with an ice cream cone. We had a delicious tomato mozzarella salad last night for dinner with fresh basil from the backyard. We have more tomatoes and mozz, so I’m guessing we’ll do a repeat of that tonight. Tasty!! Had plenty of time to exercise last night (would have been a great night for a run!), but again, sat on my expanding booty. Calories = 1,760. Water = 64 oz

    So clearly, I’ve got to let this past weekend go. I think it’s good that I logged everything and am truly owning my (poor) decisions. I like the “let’s make a plan” thing that Cris and Jess have done, so I’m putting mine down as well. The other thing I’m realizing is that I need to get back into the morning work-out routine. Right now, I’m staying in bed when Jonathan gets up and getting out of bed 30 min later when he’s done in the bathroom. There is NO reason that I can’t get up 30 min earlier and either do the Shred or a run/walk/C25k for 30 minutes. It’s not going to change my morning routine except for making it more awesome.

    Exercise – Swimming laps for at least 30 min
    Water goal – 100 oz

    Exercise – Shred in the am, Pilates in the pm
    Water goal – 80 oz

    Exercise: C25K or run/walk in the am
    Water goal – 100 oz

    Exercise – Shred in the am, yoga in the pm
    Water goal – 80 oz

    Exercise - C25K or run/walk in the am
    Water goal – 80 oz

    Good grief, that’s a lot of activity, but I need a butt-kicking and that’s what’s going to have to happen!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    I planned on getting up at 8am to go for a run this morning, but overslep to 9:30, so I thought I might as well have breakfast and check in here before exercising. I'm not sure if I'll still go for a run, but I'll do some sort of workout in about a half hour. I'm giving my stomach time to let the breakfast settle.

    Jess: Thanks for clarifying the difference between the two guys. It's a bummer Zach has a problem with you being further away. I had a two year relationship with a guy who lived 3 HOURS away; guess he thought I was worth it. Point it, there are so many more guys out there who would put in the time for you...focus on finding them! I love that Mike got new tires. Don't feel bad, but realize that you may have saved his life or at least helped him avoid serious injury and the financial strain had the tires blown while driving. I don't think there is any problem with dating a few guys at a time as long as they know they aren't exclusive. In fact, sometimes the jealousy factor of them knowing you COULD be out with someone else will push them to let you in on their thoughts a feelings a bit more readily. At one time, I was juggling four guys and had nicknames or describers for them so my friends knew who I was talking about. There was Archery pro, Military man, Single dad and Fun-but-not-long-term guy. It was a lot of work...I'd recommend sticking to two at a time for ease of scheduling!

    Susan: I agree with the other ladies. Stick to it because it IS possible to get to a healthy weight. Cris is right that you lost 15 regardless of the actual number. Perhaps you need to focus on the way your clothes feel and how you feel instead of the actual scale number to keep from getting discouraged. Just remember that the weight will not come off overnight, but you will see improvement quickly if you have a plan and follow it. We're here for you!

    Raider: Glad you're back and caught up!

    Checking in for yesterday:
    Calories: 113 over
    Sodium: 500 over
    Water: 64 oz.
    Exercise: Wii boxing, tennis and baseball with the boyfriend. During boxing, he was panting pretty hard even though he has physical job and I wasn't even breathing heavy! It was proof he needs a bit more cardio in his life.
    Proud: That we ate good meals yesterday by making lunch and dinner at home (slept through breakfast due to staying up too late Saturday night). We did have a snack while driving around and then ice cream, but at least we worked most of that off with the Wii exercising. It's a step in the right direction.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Heather-I love hearing that you and your boyfriend do active things together. Just LOVE IT!! As far as the boys I only plan to keep the 2. I don't think I could handle more then 2 because I am already crunched on time and trying to get more into working out again. This needs to be done. And I totally agree. Tons of guys who will think it's worth their time. Just really got to me last night. Who knows. He may come back around. But for now he's on the back bummer. Don't have time to stress about things like that anymore. Nor do I want to! My last "serious" boyfriend was 3 hours away and we did whatever we had to do to see each other. And we saw each other at least 2 days a week. Thanks for the lifting of my spirts! Much appreciated!

    Elmox-Sounds like you had quite a weekend!! Amazing that you went back and logged your calories. I really need to get in that habit. I just say "eh well, I know I was bad" but never know HOW bad. That is one thing I want to improve on! Thank you for shareing it with us. Lovin your plan of attack this week. It is a lot but we're gonna do it together. I think this is exactly what we all need!

    LilDebbie-Hope you are able to get some other kiddos at the party. Just remember it's a busy time of the year for everybody. Maybe remember your lil one not to take it personally that people have very busy schedules. But at least she will have some other kiddos there with her.

    Cris-I forgot to tell you. I went to the Ranger game Sat night and we played the Orioles...I don't follow it much but they definitely put a spankin on the Rangers...Made me think of you and that pic of you lil man on fb! :laugh:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Elmox- It sounds like you had a great time! One important thing you should focus on is how you have changed...I bet before you would have consummed waaay more food. Even when you let yourself "go" this weekend you can still tell a difference in your eating habits now. On another note, too bad its kick your *kitten* week...and you will have to pay dearly for all those caloreis..hehe :devil: :devil: I DARE you to increase all your water intakes to 100oz, I think you can do it!!!

    Heather- maybe I will do the WII tonight with Bobby and the kiddos...we will prob be home for an hour before bedtime so I can still get in something today!

    Jess- is my son not the cutests thing on the planet?? :laugh: :laugh: Then again Im biased :wink: :love: :blushing: I love that O's outfit on him he looks like such a big boy though...:cry:

    pos_me- if you are reading this I miss you!
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-He is a little cutie!! And I bet with all his mommy attention he is going to be a little ladies man!

    Elmox-I agree with Cris. Just look, 2 our of the 3 days you will still UNDER 2000 calories. That's amazing. Before you started you might of been well over that.

    I feel like we're missing a lot of people from our normal routine here. Has anybody heard from KDubMommy? Miranda?
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    Cris-He is a little cutie!! And I bet with all his mommy attention he is going to be a little ladies man!

    :love: :heart: :smooched:
    Oooo I feel so bad for anyone that attempts to date him...they are gonna have to go thorugh me first! :devil: :smokin:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    jess - yes we are tying to prepare her that sometimes parents have other things to do, even if they wanted to come to her party..so hopefully she will understand. Maybe 2 or 3 of them will end up coming. we will see still got all week..Got to go order her cake sometime this week too
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    Cris and Jess, thanks for the perspective! That's actually a great point and I hadn't thought about it in relation to a 2000 calories ("normal" HA!) day.

    Cris, Tuesday and Thursday are lower water days for me because I those are my days of outdoor exercise in the park. I still pee like a crazy person when I up my water, so I'd like to know where a restroom is and how close (not very in the park!). Maybe I'll try to drink more AFTER those classes. I take dares pretty seriously, so I'll see what I can do make that dare happen. :tongue:
  • meokk
    meokk Posts: 787 Member
    Morning all!

    I'm a bit worried about you guys who are planning to do all sorts of exercise every day and bust your butt.
    It's OK and manageable and sustainable to exercise maybe 3-4 times a week and eat right and be healthy.
    I'm just worried that you guys are being a bit extreme and will be hard on yourselves if you don't burn like 600 cals a day.
    And the most important thing for weight loss is eating right, not exercising loads but eating processed foods and drinking beer, you know that already though.
    So we decided last week that we should be harder on one another and this is me, doing what I said I would do.

    I'm sooo not perfect, I overate this weekend, I ate ice cream when I know I should stay away, I have a drink once in a while etc. but I'm not going to punish myself, I'm just going to try to eat right today and the next and the next and do my best knowing that on some days I will slip up and treat myself to chocolate or sit on the couch all day.
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Meokk-thank you for the tuff love! I know 5 days is a lot for me right now. I don't plan on looking for burning 600 calories though. I'm just looking higher intensity workout days on the SPIN class days and then maybe 400-500 calories on the cardio days. Less on the days with the videos. I hope it's doable but if there is a day I don't think I can handle it, I most definitely wont. Thank you for careing! :flowerforyou:
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    meook- since I fell off the wagon in the beginning of June I have had a really hard time getting back on track, but the biggest struggle was indeed getting back on track with the eating. I feel like FINALLY I have that under control again...I am eating properly and in the right portions and while I did allow the pizza/beer I also burned the calories to make up for it. Now that I feel like the eating is back in line I want to work on my excercising.

    A 600 cal burn usually takes me 45-60 mins at the gym...usually 45 mins at relatively high intensity. I dont feel like its too much to do the elliptical and the bike for 25 mins each.

    On the other hand, what you expressed is 100% correct. I know right before I burned out in June I was working out hardcore (700cals+ burns at the gym) 5-6 days a week and after doing it for a couple of weeks I was totally burned out. So you your concerns are totally valid :smile:

    I am upping my gym work this week simply because I want to lose my 4th of July weight and get back to my lowest of 194. After that the plan is 3-4 times a week at the gym for about 45-50mins at a time.

    Thanks for being so candid, thats exactly what we need around here! Hugs! ~Cris :flowerforyou:
  • lstpaul
    lstpaul Posts: 2,013 Member
    meokk - I think I am proof that a lot of exercise doesn't always translate into weight loss. I have gotten a pretty good exercise routine down, and sometimes manage to increase it - but it usually doesn't translate into weight loss because I haven't gotten the healthy eating routine down yet. Still a work in progress. But I'm glad that I have gotten into a good exercise routine - I'm way more active than I used to be.

    I didn't track over the weekend, I actually think I didn't do all that badly - but kind of ate at odd times so underate and then overate. Back on track today.
    I see the neurosurgeon this afternoon for my neck/shoulder/arm problems. I thought about cancelling the appointment because I think the physical therapy is helping (daily neck traction on a machine at home and once a week with the physical therapist). I don't have neck/shoulder pain very much anymore - but last week had lots of tingling in my right arm/hand. That seems a bit better now, but probably not bad to talk to the neurosurgeon anyhow. I just hate spending the money and time if it isn't necessary - I have a high deductible so am paying out of pocket for almost everything now. But the tingling does concern me - I don't want to do anything that might result in any permanent problems.
  • cris20056
    cris20056 Posts: 1,355 Member
    oh and i love love love spin class! So no matter what, the long term plan is to continue to do it Thursday and add in Saturday classes when it doesnt interfere with my family's weekend schedules!

    I feel so awesome after a spin class!!! I cant beleive I actually found a class I enjoy doing this much!

    I was considering taking up kickboxing when I make it into the 180's I think thats a class Id enjoy too but Im afraid that it costs too much...its not one of the normal gym classes so you have to pay in addition to the membership...kinda like having a PT
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member
    Hi all :)

    Still feeling the same gross, unable to eat, nauseous feeling... but I have now coupled it with a splitting headache, stuffy nose and a sore throat that makes me feel like I've swallowed a porcupine.

    On Friday, I figured maybe my atrocious eating from last week (or not eating) was helping me feel worse. So I called off the calorie counting and just decided to eat whatever and when I was full... stop. Friday night I had most of a cheeseburger and probably 1/2 a cup of french fries (PS the burger was covered with four kinds of cheese) and one beer. I got full pretty quickly.

    Adam made a delicious breakfast casserole (eggs, sausage, bread.. yumyumyum). So I had a reasonable piece of that for breakfast, had 3/4 of a sandwich from Jimmy Johns for lunch... and then around 7:30 Saturday night I had a terrible craving for Olive Garden breadsticks. So we went and I had three bread sticks, some salad and most of the chicken parmigiana (but not all). Boy was I stuffed!

    Yesterday, I woke up and really felt awful... I had another piece of the casserole for breakfast. And that was really the only semblance of a real meal I had all day. I had two bowls of ice cream... mashed potatoes... cheese, crackers and summer sausage. Ridiculous, really. We did go for a long walk... so that helped a little. maybe?

    Then this morning I got up, got on the scale... and I'm down another 1.3 pounds from Friday. Whaaaat??? I don't think I should complain, but that doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Maybe I've contracted a tapeworm?

    I wish I could shake whatever this is... coupling that with this impending sense of disaster is not good for my brain. It's got me feeling hypersensitive and that is lame. I'm suddenly worried about everything as I try to figure out the source of this ominous, lurking, could-be doom. Can't I just relax? :cry:

    Do I get to do the challenge this week? If so:

    Part I: Do something for yourself; at least 45 minutes. Only for you. Something that makes you feel good/relaxed/centered/focused.
    Part II: Everyday you log in this week, post something positive that happened to you. It doesn't have to be weight/exercise related. Just something in your day that made you smile.

    I think we (I) spend so much time beating ourselves up because of: job/money/relationship/burned dinner and think "If only I could change X, then everything would be perfect". Eventually, the change in X happens and we're still not happy/satisfied. So, I think it's time while we are working for something that is upcoming promotion/wedding/babies/weekend/goal weight, we are taking time to feel good about what we have/who we are right now.

    (Wow... can you tell I'm all sorts of contemplative today?")
  • RedneckWmn
    RedneckWmn Posts: 3,202 Member
    Cris-I took kickboxing in college, I freaking loved it! Once I drop some more weight I definitely plan to get into one. Depending how much it is, if it's something you done and enjoy, pay for the class. It's good to have exercise that you love! I love the spin classes too. I always feel so accomplished!

    lstpaul-Hope the appointment goes well. I can see where the tingley feeling would be a concern. Progress is good though with the PT.

    tstout-Omg my stomach just hurts reading about all that you ate. Now I want Olive Garden. :laugh: Maybe your metabolisim needed a shock. I would just take it and run but get back to counting the calories. Hope you get to feeling better!
  • tlrue
    tlrue Posts: 567 Member

    tstout-Omg my stomach just hurts reading about all that you ate. Now I want Olive Garden. :laugh: Maybe your metabolisim needed a shock. I would just take it and run but get back to counting the calories. Hope you get to feeling better!

    I'm back to some sort of normalcy... If only I can figure out what to eat for lunch that won't anger my head/throat/stomach.

    I think I may be getting to the point were all of my water today comes from drinking hot tea.
  • elmox
    elmox Posts: 699 Member
    tstout - Love the challenge for the week. I'm getting a mani/pedi on Thursday night, so that will be my "me-time" that makes me happy and relaxed.

    My swimming plans just got cancelled. I'm going to see "The Winter's Tale" in Central Park tonight for Shakespeare in the Park. Jesse Tyler Ferguson (he plays Mitchell on "Modern Family" - LOVE that show) and Jesse L. Martin (he was on Law and Order for a long time and was Tom Collins in "Rent") are both in the cast, so that should be AWESOME. A friend won tickets and I get to go!! Sad we won't be swimming, but we're going to walk up to the park, which is a 2 mile walk. It should take about 45-60 minutes depending on lights and how lucky we get with traffic. It won't be a great of a work-out as swimming, but it will be 45-60 min of activity, which will be good for me.