

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Am watching The Mist. I wouldn't have even thought of watching it but Charlie found it on a cable station and recorded it. He watched it the other night and told me it was quite the horror movie. So I'm not really sure I am watching it except for the fact that when it came out it was a hit. I am watching it during the day though. Wish me luck or am I just plain stupid!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • YinxFed
    YinxFed Posts: 1,083 Member
    Greetings Lovelies!

    Gloria - when I say jumper, I suppose you would say sweater! And if I'm being specific, I am knitting my hubby a sleeveless sweater - or a waistcoat. Isn't language wonderful? :)

    NYKaren - I loved the Moroccan pictures. We've been a couple of times, but never made it to the desert.

    So I've had a busy day - fitted in my workout and yoga, then quite a productive day. My Dutch client is suitability impressed with my work .

    Time for supper - I am doing paella!

    Love to you all!

    Yinka in Worcestershire, UK

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Good morning my ladies,
    OK I woke up with a phone call from my eldest sister. She had to confess that she left a message on my middle sisters cell phone. My eldest sister had looked on FB and noticed all the messages my middle sister was posting to our various cousin's but never actually posting anything to either of us. I suppose my middle sister thinks that there isn't much emotional connection with distant cousins. So a safe conversation no judgements. Well, my eldest sister told me that she told my middle sister that she was being disrespectful, and not how our mom had raised us. That we were raised to say thank you, or at least a card or phone call. I tried to tell her that it was OK. I know she had some guilt in leaving a message like that. I told her it's like we have a cat. This cat we want to pet, to give it some love, but it just doesn't do anything but sleep. So sometimes you just nudge it, pat it, just let her know you are there. What my eldest sis did was kind of poke it with her finger.
    Battery dying type later
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,409 Member
    Meredith, thanks for checking in and congrats on "hanging in there". How exciting, moving into a new house! Sounds like you've had lots going on in the past 5 years. For me, the hot flashes got fewer and fewer, thank goodness, as time went on but I still run a bit hotter than DH. "Open a window, it's too hot in here!"

    Your attitude is a good reminder for me. Good luck with the move!

    Yinka, you are superwoman. Thank you for your warm greeting - "lovelies" -- I look forward to that! I envision you as someone who giggles and laughs a lot.

    Pip, crossing fingers it all works out your way. I remember those days of waiting for something to come down - the worst!

    Leigh – I went to a nutritionist about 15 years ago, she graduated from Bastyr College in the Seattle area which trains a lot of Naturopaths. She was really into the gluten-free, dairy free even tho I hadn’t tested to have sensitivities to those things, so I didn’t follow it closely. BUT I think she was on to something. Said there’s plenty of calcium available in foods other than dairy so don’t sweat it. I have pulled out her eating plan from time to time and find have naturally been moving toward it. The way you are eating right now sounds great and very well-balanced to me, much like the weight – watchers guidelines I was on last year. Glad your BP came back to normal. Mine is always up at the doc’s office, especially when they rush me in and strap on the BP cuff immediately. My regular doctor has me sit in a quiet room and read a magazine or just stare off into space for ten minutes, then takes it when I’m in there specifically for that. Your substitute doc sounds like a cutie! Send him over here!

    I think you gave good advice to your older sister and I like the cat analogy. My pet peeve is relatives who can’t be bothered to even send a thank you email for Christmas or Birthday or Wedding presents and I’ve even used the phrase “you weren’t raised like that!”. Managed to tick off one side of my family pretty good, and was told by one nephew that I shouldn’t be sending gifts “just to get a thank-you”. WHAT? Well, don't cash the check then. My mom must be rolling over in her grave. So now I just “forget” to send gifts sometimes…. You know how it is getting older and forgetful, lol. Kids. Most of the time I cave tho. o:)

    SW WA State
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Been sneezing and sniffing and coughing all day. Feel like ÷×+=. I've postponed lunch in Portsmouth with my friend tomorrow. I'll decide what to do about yoga tomorrow,morning. Probably won't go.

    We had a letter put through our door this evening from our buyers. Bit strange. They say they are still very keen, but they have decided to change from using our estate agent to sell their house as they don't like some of their actions. ??????????? That means a two week delay before their house goes on the market as they are signed up to ours for 14 days. We immediately rang our agents, but no one was there. Hope to get to the bottom of it tomorrow. It's a bit unsettling to say the least! Our deal is that they have an eight week window to sell their house before ours goes back on the open market. Don't know what our agents have done to upset them on their side. :*;)

    Hope I sleep tonight. :#

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Heather sorry to hear of the bumpy road your house sale is having, it's rarely a smooth path :/ Fingers crossed the phone call goes well tomorrow.

    Going to try my hand at a Moroccan chicken recipe tonight - DH loved the tagines so so much, I think I should give it a try.

    Made my favorite lentil soup for the week and a chickpea salad (balela) to go over my lunch time salads, the weather is giving me the feeling that Spring is around the corner, which cheers me up tremendously. I always feel lighter in the Spring and Summer and find it easier to hold back on calories. Guess I am a seasonal weight gainer?

  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
  • karenleona
    karenleona Posts: 3,959 Member
    got hit with a gastrointestinal but for the past day and a half. Must have been from all those barfy kids I looked after at work! going back for 4 hours tonight so i hope i can do it. Feeling tuckered out today
    Loved the pics of the shoes. Cant even imagine what the pain would be like to have bound feet. Must have been a man that came up with that idea
    Seriously need to get my shite together. Keep gaining and losing the same 3 pounds
    Snowing again. Grrr. Never get this much snow in the winter in lower BC and especially not this late in the year. My crocuses are up and i am sure they are wondering what is going on!!

    karen in BC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening My Dear Friends,

    Joyce, I’m glad you got to go sing in the choir yesterday. I’m sure it was beautiful for you to get the standing ovation.

    KarenVA, Olivia is so beautiful. I hope she will respond to all the efforts the doctors are making. She is still in my prayers.

    Sarah, you make your cooking sound like you are possessed? LOL I’m sure it’s all delish.

    Cathy, welcome. No need to wait for a new month to get started. The best time is always NOW.

    Gloria, the house I was renting is in Myrtle Beach but ya know a lot of Yankees move to Florida and decide it’s too hot then move up here. We affectionately call them “Half Backs”. Lol

    Joyce, I missed the giraffe birth. I had watched her some before it was time.

    Leigh, a huge congrats on the low weight. That is so exciting for you. Keep up the great work.

    Heather, so sorry you are sick. Wish I could ship you some of the wonderful chicken soup I made yesterday. It seems to have such healing powers. Get well soon, my friend. (((Hugs)))

    Chris, thanks for the shoe pictures. Very interesting.

    Queene, glad the surgery went well.

    I had an extra good work out at the gym today. Had to laugh this morning when I got up and first thing on the news was the snafu on the Academy Awards last night. Actually here it was after midnight, so this morning. Never a dull moment. Time to go start dinner. Boneless chicken breast but will decide how I will prepare it when I get in the kitchen.
    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.
    Sending love, good thoughts and sunshine to all of you.

    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Chris in MA – Love the shoe pictures. For my ‘going away outfit’ I found some brown and deep olive green heels with a style of what the ‘50’s/60’s BeBop manner of coloring and they laced up, sort of like the '30's tie up heels. Found them at our next stop after buying the material to make my suit. Looked like they were ‘made’ to go with the material for the suit. I looked at it and was surprised that my Mother hemmed it as short as she did; half-way up my thigh; but, that was in keeping with the short jacket. I loved that my Mother made most of our clothes. She could go look at something; find a pattern close to it and alter it to make it look exactly like the dresses that were so popular at the time, “Lady Bug” dresses. All were shirtwaist with pleats across the top. Found material with the same pattern; and, a friend gave me one of her ‘Lady Bug’ pins. I think I had 5 of them, all a different color and we only paid about 12% of the cost of them. Back when I was in HS and they were popular, they were rather pricey.

    Queen – The brow mascara is by Maybelline and I get it at Kmart. I bought the starter kit of the Bare Minerals when it was powder; and, I did not like the way it made my skin look; and, it itched terribly. When it came out in the form of a liquid that you put 5 drops down in a brush that had the center lower than the outside portion of the brush, it did a little better about how my skin looked; but, it made my skin ‘itch’ worse than with the powder and I could not wait to wash it off my face. I use the brow mascara swiping it back and forth on my brows; then I use Bare Essentials eyelid shadow to fill it in. I still have a bad habit of touching them lightly with my fingernails because they sometimes, not always, seem to feel like I need to scratch them. I don't want to 'rub them off'. I think it is because my bangs are a little too long and it rubs them the wrong way. They also look a lot better if I have had my eyebrows shaped and waxed. I can’t stand having my bangs hanging in my eyes. It drives me crazy to see someone on TV with their hair cut that way and be talking to someone. Meg Ryan’s are an example of wanting to go up to her and brush them out of the way. LOL! We have a large ULTA business in town; and, I haven't bought too much there; but, I like going there. It is in a strip mall inside the circle road that goes all around the mall. Three streets that are parallel to one another.

    Lanette – Growing up in Middle Georgia right above Macon we had 5 different kinds of pecan trees; my favorite were the short squatty one – named Stewarts; another one, not quite as good, but, don’t remember the name; and a paper light (shell) … tasted most like the Stewarts; but, long and thin and easier to take out of the shell. I don’t remember the names of the other 3; but, they were far enough apart that you could pick them up off the ground without mixing them up. We’d chop these up into pieces and keep the Stewarts for decorating thing (or occasionally) dipped them into chocolate. You’re right pecans are expensive, even down here. Louis will buy a couple of packs for the chopped ones for cooking brownies or my ‘cream cheese pecan pie’. I just like the taste of pecans over walnuts. Walnuts, to me, are a bit bitter; but, I will eat them on frozen yogurt in the heavy syrup.
    The only DGDs I have that will ‘write a thank you card’ is my oldest and my ‘older/youngest’ DGD; but, both of them were raised by a different ‘mother’. I send cards a lot; but, they don’t necessary have $$$ in them. We sent money at Valentine’s Day; but, not any others until maybe Easter. But, I do try to get them a card on every ‘holiday’ that is celebrated. DDnL#2 writes ‘thank you notes’ and DYS helped her write them to his family. DOS was ‘raised’ better than that, as well.

    Marcelynh – Have they told her to ‘walk’ a lot? She might not feel much like it but it will get that baby down in the birth canal; she might then feel like she could push it out. My middle sister carried her son, transverse (side-to-side). They probably should have performed a C-section. Instead she said she had 2 nurses on the gurney manually trying to turn him by push – said that hurt like a sum-o-beach!

    Joyce – I don’t like ‘scary’ or ‘demon-like’ movies. They scare me to the point I cannot get to sleep at night. I remember going to see “The Exorcist” when it came out; and, by today’s standards it is ‘MILD’.

    Yinka – Sort of like a ‘vest’? I have Cortana on my laptop; and it is always ‘open’ in the lower left-hand corner and occasionally I have had to look up words that others on the other side of the ‘pond’ (ocean) use. You’re right … ‘isn’t language wonderful’? My DDnL#2 uses some names for things that I have never heard of; like ‘icebox’ for ‘refrigerator’ (which is actually just a name brand). Icebox to me is something that is metal that you put ice in, like the old fashioned iceboxes that became so ‘popular’ to use as a bar back in the ‘70’s and ‘80’s. I can’t remember what the other word was; but, I do remember looking at her with that ‘deer in the headlights’ look.

    Meredith – We were talking to the lady at the bank while we were opening up a new savings account that will actually be my DH’s; but, it is a joint account. She was talking about painting a wall for her ‘boyfriend’ and how long and tedious a job it was. She laughed and said that she told him, that ‘if they ever broke up she was taking that wall with her’. Painting is not an easy job; and, unfortunately that is what a lot of people try to do if they lose their jobs. Sometimes slapping paint on a house just makes it that much more difficult for the next painter who comes along; and, has to break all the windows free that have been painted shut.

    I was surgically forced into menopause by having a total hysterectomy in my early ‘30’s. My OB/GYN tried me on several hormone replacements and different way of taking them. I finally just stopped taking them because I was such a Witch to leave with. I certainly did not ‘like myself’. That made all the symptoms go away, for me. But, then my weight started yo-yoing and finally got to the point it was stuck at ‘yo’. Now, I seem to be headed in the ‘right direction’ again. But, today, right after eating a larger meal than I had wanted to, went to the MD’s office and got weighed in. I don’t like those little scales in the floor; I like the newer ones that are more like what Estee uses to weigh me in (just a more stripped down version).

    Oh, my GP is “Dr. Cutie Pie” to me. He makes me feel so warm and fuzzy and can explain things that will calm me down. Like the MRI I had done by my Neurologist where his nurse had never called me about the results when I finally gave up and called her instead. He is a ‘little’ on the weird side; but, there was no reason for her ‘flippant’ answer and not bothering to ask me ‘if I wanted to make an appointment to talk to the MD about it’? A week later, she calls to give me my results and starts talking about my ‘insulin’ level; and, I asked, “WHAT?” Then she said, ‘oh, I was trying to do 2 things at the same time’. Damn … I wanted to talk to a ‘freaking’ MD by that point. I went and got a copy of my MRI and my lab results and took them to my GP and today, “he explained what it showed and that it did not mean I was in the early stages of Alzheimer’s … that would be the diagnosis if a patient came in for the results of a MRI and did not know why she was even there. Forgetting how to get someplace you’ve been going to all your adult life (like ‘work’). Or doing something you do every day … like making coffee. Told me that with all the medications I take, that could also affect that part of the brain. At least I came home ‘rest assured’ from his office. Told me to ‘read, do some puzzles, even online ones’ and, get some of those books where you color in the designs … all would help train my brain.

    I ate lunch with DH and DOS; and, I ‘asked’ DOS how Jenn was feeling ‘on her medicine’. He looked at me and said, ‘I don’t know – about the same; I am the one that needs to go get medicine for being an @$$-hole’. I looked at him and point-blanked asked him, ‘if he was an @$$-hole? He said, ‘well I must be, that is all I ever hear’. One day he is going to have his ‘fill of this and tell her where she can go after she packs up all her $#*T’. I don’t think either of them are ‘very happy’ in their living conditions.

    Siblings … I think we often forget (especially if our parents are no longer living) that we have lives and families of our own and maybe we feel that the other sibling also thinks the same thing. My oldest sister calls and talks to me about once a month; and, it is usually to ‘ask how we are doing’. Or to ‘ask’ about something that DDnL#1 has posted on FB. We’re doing great; and, Jenn isn’t one of my friends on FB; and, if she posts to one of my DGDs and I see it, I figure … ‘that is just Jenn, being Jenn’. My middle sister ‘never’ calls. She has the same sort of personality that our Mother did, not very demonstrative; but, I think it was (for her) a ‘learned’ behavior more than anything. I think my personality is more like my Daddy’s and our oldest sister’s behavior is a good mix between the two. It’s like the first child gets all the attention from both parents; the next child (sometimes the middle one) ends up ‘fending for herself/himself) because when the 3rd baby (or baby of the family) comes along and the parents know there will not be any more children … the middle one gets a little left out of the family dynamics. But, I know that Mother spend way more time with the two of them; than she did with me; but, my Daddy was always a ‘nut over whoever happened to be the baby at the time’; and, I was the ‘baby’ for the longest period of time in 2 generations. Both parents were the oldest child in their family.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,880 Member
    Hello ladies: It has been snowing here all day. DD stayed home from work because the roads are so bad. Haven't done a lot today but did figure out how to use the TV in the guest room to play my exercise DVDs. Also got bills paid and checkbooks balanced. Tacos for dinner tonight.

    Chris - Love the pictures of the shoes. Sounds like an interesting exhibit.

    Karen - Lovely pictures from Morocco.

    Joyce - So glad you were able to sing! Does your choir sing Wednesday night? Ours does even though the director will not be there. The organist is going to direct in his place.

    Katla - DD and I found out about another horse fair, the WA state Horse Expo held this coming weekend in Vancouver WA so we are going to it instead of the one in Albany OR at the end of the month. This one has an Extreme Mountain Trail Challenge. Should be interesting to watch. Also will have the Black Pearl Friesians that will be in OR too. Plus they are having an extravaganza on Saturday evening that the OR one does not have. We will go down Saturday, stay the night and return on Sunday. Sounds like you are doing well with Arrow.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Again half of my post got deleted!! Grrrrr