

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    Carey colors sound beautiful for your parent's celebration.

    Karen continued prayers for Olivia. Thanks for sharing pictures.

    Charleen wow great you made the semi-finals. Your quilts are gorgeous so not surprised.

    Thanks for all the continued prayers. He is doing better everyday.

    :heart: Margaret
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Carey - I'm pretty sure you can buy edible "diamonds" on line from Amazon etc. Would look lovely stuck around it with icing or edible glue.

    Drkatie - That's why I had to give up the gym. I can't bear any kind of music that I haven't asked for - it's my control freakery - and certainly that kind of rap stuff would just about freak me out. :sad: Well done for you for speaking up! :flowerforyou: It's always me who has to tell people off, on the train etc. Most people sit there like dumb idiots. Grrrrrrrrrr!

    Re - I do consider myself very fortunate. I was the same as a child. Always went for the egg sandwiches at birthday parties rather than cake or jelly. When I came home from school I would have a slice of bread and drip malt vinegar on it!!! I used to be a carbaholic - rice, potatoes, good bread, but I've weaned myself off that. Rarely eat much simple carbs now. I have some oats at breakfast and one carefully weighed slice of seedy wholegrain bread with my lunch. When I was younger and severely depressed I would "drug" myself into a stupor with mounds of white rice covered in ground pepper. :noway:

    My DH is feeling really under the weather today as his cold has gone to his chest. He didn't even do his exercises!!! :o:o:o
    Of course, that means he won't be going to my niece's 18th birthday meal. ;):* I'm sure he is very glad about that as he is not comfortable with my wider family. He will take me to the train station. I am going to wear my red dress. :D:D

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,956 Member
    Thank you all for the prayers, thoughts, and well wishes!
    This thread is my calm app. ( although I do have the Calm app on my phone, just forget to use it!)
    My stress, worry, anxiety isn't so much about moving, but about where to go when house closing is done on March 31.
    Still working on RV plan. The PODS container is sitting in my driveway empty since Monday. Denied rentals and loans because I went through bankruptcy about 6 months ago and my disability-SSI is still on hold, so income is only $900 a month. I know God will take care of things as long as we don't give up. I just need to give it all to him. As Allie said, easier said than done. Especially if you have generalized anxiety disorder which makes everything a big deal.

    There are many people here in worse positions. I know that. I'm having a pity party and need to stop and focus. Yesterday was particularly bad. I know we will be ok. Just hate the not knowing how to proceed.

    Rita from sunny windy CT. Snow to start tonight into tomorrow but report I just saw saw not to be bad.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Stronglift Rest Day

    Kettlebell Swing
    Goblet squat-6X5X 30
    Russian kettle bell swing-34X 10 X 30

    40lbs loss by May 27th Challenge
    Very short walk again today in extreme cold and wind!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Rita: (((HUGS)))

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Lisa – You can get MFP to ‘reset’ your days. I don’t remember where it is; but, I had my reset at one point where I did not have service over a weekend. Also when I was out in Louisiana and did not have service. That time I had been writing down what I was eating; but, did not post my exercise although we walked every day; around the circle to the houses and up by the shed. I did it, usually, 3 times, and once 4.

    I sometimes answer everybody in my WWP; but, either save it or delete it depending on my mood. It helps to be able to use it as a journal. Go back and celebrate the things that become positive over time. It is also a place where I *kitten* a little too much or say things that I know is too personal to post. I have blocked a couple of people so I don’t see what they post; but, if I want to I can go back in and unblock them just as easily if they were to come back to the site. I rarely answer some posts because I think I have said enough. But, I always enjoy the posts and read most of them. This site is key to my success in my journey to where my BMI will be in a 'normal' range. I don't want to look 'gaunt'. Which is easy to do because I gain weight from my ankles to my face; and, lose it in the reverse. I just cannot let it creep back up on me.

    What type of thyroid medication did they put you on? Synthroid? Hope you are feeling better no matter what they put you on. My cholesterol levels have been a bit high; but, I cannot take the two meds that are advertised on TV because they are either reacting with on or more of my other meds, or by the end of the week, I am itching all over. I hope when I have my physical, and because I have lost about 40lbs total, that will help lower it, too. This last time I went ‘up’ which is what I call losing, then finding the pounds. It has become very difficult now that I am adding food back to my meals. She said the chicken and 2 veggies, and rice and gravy was a better choice than the 2 pieces of pizza I ate Friday and Saturday night; nut I also did not exercise on Sunday (which is my ‘day off’ for doing that.

    What bothers me a lot more than a lot of “F” words or other 4-letter words when they are using God’s name in vain. I feel like the person is ‘damning’ anybody in the room around him. That would be one thing that would make me speak up.

    Since DYS now has a family (wife and 11-year-old daughter) his language has significant changed. Papa Louie will sometimes say something without thinking that the phone is 'on' speaker phone. DYS, now, instead of the “$#*T” word. His drinking has also been let up on when she is with them. They will drink when she is off visiting her biological Dad. They also ‘go to church, too’. I was 'shocked beyond belief on that one'.

    While others might disagree with me, I count tea (if I drink it) and coffee as liquid and only the sugar I put in it which is only about 15 calories for a TBSP full.

    Charleen – Congrats on willing with your quilt - it was beautiful! I have a store-bought quit on our bed; it actually fits a Queen-sized bed better. I need to tack down some of the leaves and sew up the splits in the pattern's edges. But, I might wait until I take it off in the Spring.

    Becca – I am on the no-poo, if I wash my hair every day, it get very dry. Sometimes I get the ends wet in the shower, which I do every other day because it also dries out my skin. But, I do wash in certain places and put deodorant on. You better NOT get off this site; because we will miss you terribly! <3

    My DDnL#2 says that it (oily feeling) can be caused by some shampoos; which I change up after each bottle, so it doesn’t get to that point. Too much shampoo or conditioner can make your hair get heavy and then it difficult to style. Also, if you hair is extremely oily, putting a small couple of drops of detergent to take the oil out of your hair. Dawn is the best because that is what they use when there is an oil spill which affects the birds. It doesn't dry your hair out to the feeling of 'straw'.

    Heather – I ‘love’ rice; and, my DMnL would cook it at every meal, sometimes putting it in her scrambled eyes to make them stretch further. I know that Louis could eat his weight in rice. I probably cook it 2 or 3 times a week. Watch out for your DH with his cold going to his chest. If his chest hurts and/or he is coughing and has a temperature, that can mean he has pneumonia, bronchitis, or pleurisy (if it is hurting him to cough around his ribs). All 3 need to be checked by a MD.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Good Morning!

    Heard from my son that a friend he was supposed to help move today killed himself. Shot his self in front of his girlfriend. So sad. Evidently, he was a heavy drinker and this had greatly impacted his life. :'(
    Olivia ~ Beautiful baby. She doesn't even look like a new born. Seems very alert.

    Food....I have been known to throw food I was in danger of binging on into the garbage. Know that wastes money but better that than add more weight with senseless calories. I never buy sweets or ice cream but my husband stocks up from the Dollar Store. He has his antique show this weekend and I am proud to say that he didn't make his usual trip to carry treats.

    Allie ~ So glad you are saving money. Very wise decision.

    Hair...I wash my hair about every three days. It looks good when I first blow dry it and by day three looks awful. Just hangs there. Like Lenora, I have very dry skin and usually on shower every other day (if I don't have to go somewhere).

    Charleen ~ Congrats on your quilt. All that you have shown us are beautiful.

    Michele ~ You must have the most will power of anyone I've met regarding your food choices. Eating a salad with no dressing or not using sauces would be very hard for me to do.

    Going to Sam's to get multi-vitamins. Looked at the health food store and they are so expensive there. I did buy Hibiscus tea and think it is very tasty. According to Google, it is supposed to help lower blood pressure and cholesterol and anxiety. I did notice that after I drink a cup, I feel very calm so maybe it is working.

    Carol in GA

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Carol thanks for the tip about Hibiscus tea, I could use some anxiety (and cholesterol) lowering tea!!! I am trying to get my coffee drinking to a more modest amount--over 4 cups a day and it affects my sleep.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,712 Member
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Today was cardio and leg day at the gym. 30 minutes on the elliptical, then 30 minutes of various stepping exercises holding 3-lb weights, 10 minutes of bicycle, then wall sits, squats, and side lunges 3 sets of 20 each, then 5 more minutes of bicycle. Just to clarify, the guy I called out on the music was not an employee of the gym, just a personal trainer who does his business using the gym's facilities. The gym itself does not play music. People are expected to use headphones and the words across the bottom of the TV screen (what is that called? its driving me crazy that I can't remember the correct term). Sometimes our class instructor plays music but it is oldies or beach music, nothing offensive.

    Hugs to all who are having health issues or whose husbands are sick. Carol, prayers especially for your son and the loved ones of his friend. Suicide is always tough.

    Allie, sweetie, you need a break. I am so sorry. Rita, also thinking about you and whatever you are going through.

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Husband back in for more cutting. Seems to be simple procedures. Looking forward to getting back home. Hugs
    Stomach rumbling.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    suebdew - Praying for a speedy recovery. No fun going thru all that. (((Hugs)))

    Janetr OKC