

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Katla - does the jar tell you the percentage of sodium? I wonder about the sodium.

    Joyce - my husband was sure that the wife was the one who got shot on Survivor. It sort of surprised me that they let that girl in the hosp to see him.

    Carol - those fraud alerts can be scary. Vince got two of them on his AmEx card, but they are VERY good about being on the side of the consumer. Which card was it?

    Vince just told me that in Newton they're calling for 3 to 5 inches of SNOW Sunday. Why couldn't that have happened sooner? But then again, if it had, it might have been cooler down here and I wouldn't have been able to go in the pool.

    Oh, when I went to put away one of the pool noodles that they have, I saw this thing in the bin. Seems it's some sort of float. Tried to use it, couldn't figure out how to get on it decently. Don't think you can lay on your stomach

    Michele from NC in FL
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Charleen the quilt is exquisite. The colors are so vivid.
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Woo Hoo me again!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Carol – I know that has to be hard on your son. It is so pitiful how people do things when they are not capable of ‘thinking right’. Drinking and/or drugs. The girlfriend will really have a hard time dealing with it. Especially if they had just broken up.

    My mother used to put ‘lemon juice’ on her salads. I had gotten to doing it, too; then, I stopped.

    Becca – {{{{{HUGS}}}}} Monday, Louis goes in for his pipe cleaning procedure. Not happy about it; but, better now than waiting until he is in a lot of pain and can’t go.

    Heather – My FnL was a ‘hoarder’ … my DMnL did her best to try to stay ‘on top of it’; but, when he started filling her back porch up, she just threw up her arms and put drapes up to block the view, kept them closed when we were down there. He had magazines dating back to when Kennedy was shot. We have several LIFE magazines that we pulled out to keep. Like the one dedicated to JFKJr. He was bad about 'hiding' money; then, Louis daughter pulls up a truck and hauls it all away without ever looking through it, at all.

    KJ – I want to put some things back on my son to handle; it is draining us. DH doesn’t say ‘what he really feels to him or to DDnL#1 – afraid of being kept away from DGDs or of him calling DYS and making him mad at us. BULL!!! DOS hasn’t spoken to me since I ‘called him out on something this weekend’. At this point, I am not too worried about it. Get a life, will ya?

    Yeah – I sort of know where you are coming from. DDnL#1 does not realize that ‘if’ she had gone for the interview she turned down … she has probably cut her own throat. To turn it down, simply because their 16-year-old will NOT drive. She’d be driving in less than 2 months, I would drag her out after work and make her drive on the 450 miles of dirt roads in the county. She did not even run this by DOS. Damn, I would have to my DH. Something that affects the whole of them, ought to be a ‘couple’ decision. But, it was like walking out on her previous job. She thought she was so ‘employable’ that someone would just snap her up. Didn’t happen, 4 months without her weekly salary has taken a toll on their already strained "non"-budget. I have to live on a budget – they ought to also have to. Our DYS and his family do. They have limited their daughter to 2 things after school. Otherwise it wouldn’t make any sense for DDnL#2 to work; especially if she was always 'in the road' as a 'taxi-service'. He has already gotten her to take Saturdays off. She only works on weekends if she has a wedding to do. Then DDnL#1 thought about ‘quitting’ the job she has now, because she is only bringing home about 2/3rd of what she brought home with the prior job. DOS sat her butt down and explained that the benefits she is getting, that is being paid by the State, has value. Also, told her ‘that if she quit it’, he’d file for a divorce the next day. I told him to not make any threats that he was not willing to follow through with. They’ve got some ‘major’ decisions to make. I am glad that I am not involved. Except that DH hears about it all day long.

    I’d like to ‘flip’ a few things! The light switch is about the only thing I can flip.

    I bought some tea the other day; and, for some reason it has an oily feel/taste unless I put sugar in it. Is that normal for ‘flavored’ tea?

    Michele – I found that out when I had to log in my food on my cellphone because I’ve never been able to get any kind of WI-FI ever, even when it is available. My laptop just says, “I don’t want to do this!!!!!”

    Carol – A few years ago, someone ‘used’ my identity; did not ‘steal’ it; but, it was a circus to get it straightened out. So many people out there wanting to get ‘something for nothing – or at someone else’s expense’. I finally called the DO NOT CALL line and made sure my phones were on the list and reported a number that sometimes there is someone there, sometimes nothing. Normally, we don’t answer phone numbers that we are not expecting or familiar with. When they said ‘we’re recording this, can you hear me’? I hang up. Scam going around that they record your ‘yes’ response and use it to get credit. I told them today that I had asked that they take my name OFF their **T^$%$*)( list; but, before I could tell them that I had reported them for calling me 8 or more times a day … they hung up. (&&%%$^&*(*&*^ ‘MADDER than the old Hatter.

    Then to put the cherry on top of my ‘crow pie’, I backed into a woman would came flying around the insurance building I had just walked out of. I figured the driveway was to the employee’s parking. Looked over my left shoulder, then to the right, into my rearview mirror, and even checked the little screen to make sure nobody was behind me or coming behind me. BOOM! Private property so no ‘ticket’; but, still ‘at fault’. She was such a b**** - probably on the phone when she and I hit; never a horn blown. Kid gets out of the car dressed in baseball uniform. She is getting more and more frustrated. Talking her jaws off to someone. Slams the door, opens it again, slams it again. I finally asked ‘if she had called the police’. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!! I wanted to shoot the single-digit-puppet-finger-salute. Ladies from the insurance agency come out and took pictures. That seemed to really piss her off. Louis was surprised that she did not see me backing up (or at least my backup lights).

    Could not figure out how to work my camera on cellphone. Just so frustrated I burst into tears when the young Trooper came over to talk to me and get my statement. He asked if I had been buckled and I told him that is the first thing I ever do when I get into ‘any’ car. Was I on the phone? No, it was being charged; but, I don’t get on it for any reason when driving. He said, 'good'. I had taken it out to try to take pictures and it did not even have enough charge to do that. He could not miss the ‘white’ USB cord still plugged in.

    Becca – What happened to you DH?

    When you read a post, you find insightful, inspiring, you like or you think it is awesome, just click on it and it will show a number. Unlike FB, however, it doesn’t give a list of people who have responded to it. “Quote” … if you want to ‘quote’ what someone has written, in order to respond to it on down the line, you hit ‘quote’ and it will take it to the box you would normally post in. You can either post the entire thing; or you can edit out what you don’t think is necessary by highlighting and deleting; then you can just respond to it. Normally, it will be in a box all on its on’. It’s been a while since I have done it. Flag, is something you can use if you think someone has posted something that is ‘inappropriate’. Word of advice … you would be much better off if you attempted to private message that person with the reasons you found it inappropriate. Hopefully, they won’t repost your PM on the site. A ‘private message’ should stay ‘private’ unless both parties agree that it can be posted. Otherwise it causes ‘hard feelings’.

    Re – My niece is deaf; so they always had ‘closed captioning’ on … it drives me crazy!!!!! BnL is hard of hearing and wears two hearing aids; so he has to have it, and still will ask, ‘what did they say’? This is the same BnL who had a major stroke; and, could hear when his wife and children were whispering and respond to it correctly. He is doing GREAT! Nothing short of a miracle! Driving … not that I would really want to be a ‘passenger’ … but ‘driving’.

    I got this the other day; and laughed so hard I had tears rolling down my cheeks. Hope you can open it. It’s on the biggeekdad.com site if you can’t under ‘dog-wants-kitty-cat’.


    MDs are doing all they can to make sure they do what they must under The Affordable Care Act to make sure they get paid. One reason you have to sign so many different forms for tests you have done saying that ‘you’ll pay’ if insurance doesn’t. Thankfully, I am ‘grandfathered in’ with all 4 of my MDs (so far), and since they take Medicare … they have to ‘write off’ what Medicare and BC/BS doesn’t pay. It just takes about 3 months for it to zero out. I’ve never paid more the $10 for any visit and usually that is for an injection.

    Marcelyn – I can remember riding in my first Century. My boss’s sister and I had a wreck, less than a mile out; then the next year … we did the ride again; and, we were determine to ride the entire thing; he came riding up in his pick-up truck and attempted to try to talk us into putting the bikes in the back and ride back to the finish line. We would NOT do it. We were almost the tail end; but, there were 2 others behind us. It took forever! I don’t think I could walk for a couple of days. I think I rode in one more Century and a couple of Half-Centuries.

    Steve Irwin (the Australian zoo keeper man who died a few years ago) … his son, Robert, is on The Tonight Show tonight. I swear he is a Mini-Me of him. He is ‘so excited’ about the animals and he talks and looks just like him. I always liked the show. This kid is ‘so excited’ …

    I had a friend who was very, very heavy; she went through a ‘stomach stapling surgery’ lost down to about 110lb … she got married, she was an excellent cook; and, I have not talked to her in over a year. She gained ALL the weight back … I think once she moved back to town, she was ‘home alone’ and ate out of depression. She had moved back into the house that belonged to her grandmother. To go see her was literally an all-day excursion. Fifty-plus miles one-way. We just lost contact with one another. I hate when I lose a friend that way. I’d call her and it did not seem to matter what time of day and I would ‘wake her up’. Sometimes she would talk, other times, she said she’d call me back – but wouldn’t … I got tired of always being the one to initiate the connection.

    Cathy – When my scales topped 200lbs; and, I saw pictures of me at my DYS’s wedding, I burst into tears and that was my ‘get your butt on the road and do something about this’. My Mother was 5’2” and if she was 350lbs that would be just an estimate, probably on the low side. I knew that I did not want to look like her. When people would tell me “I looked exactly like my Mother!” It hurt, until I realized they were talking about my face looking like hers. I started looking at it as a ‘compliment’ and not a ‘criticism’. Thankfully, I have her skin.

    Coffee doesn’t bother me. I can drink it any time of day or night, so long as it is ‘fresh’ and NOT ‘reheated’.

    Karen in Virginia – My BnL would not be alive if his stroke had occurred just one day earlier when they were in Key West, FL. When my sister found him on the bathroom floor she went out into the hall screaming for help. They sent 2 ambulances … she had called my sister’s house and spoken to our nephew who told her to NOT let the ambulance personnel take him ANYWHERE other than to Mt. Sinai in Miami. They were just North of Miami on their way home with another couple. The man of the other couple was trying to knock off a few things off his “Bucket List”. Never in a million years would they have expected that DBnL would have been about 4 hours away from death. The MDs and Surgeons were just ‘amazed’ at his recovery. The nurses were too; when they put him in a ‘step-down’ ICU, the nurses from the regular ICU would come down and talk to him. One of his MDs had another stroke patient who was not doing well and he asked Tommy if he would strike up a conversation with him in hopes that it would help him. He did and it did and I think they call one another a couple of times a month. I know when Louis and I called, once he got home, sister told us that he ‘did get pretty emotional’. We talked for ½ an hour, and he did get ‘emotional’. That was difficult, at best. He is a few years younger than Louis. Louis told him, ‘get better because we all wanted to get together in Daytona later this year’. Miracles do happen, I never thought much about it until Tommy had his stroke.

    Talking about credit cards; one thing we’ve always done is ‘call them if we were going ‘out-of-state’. Learned the hard way with one, not knowing that it would get charged with charges away from home. That is something that a lot of people don’t know. They will put a fraud alert on a charge (then won’t allow it to go through unless they can talk to you on the phone and get you to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ about the charge. I’ve done a few disputes of charges. One was for ‘gas’; got charged twice because I had tried doing the card at the tank; then it told me to ‘go see the clerk’. When I got $70.88 charged to me twice … I disputed the 2nd charge because it was an ‘odd’ amount and charge at the same gas station on the same day. I’ve gotten to the point that I am not so sure about sticking my card in a machine like a gas pump. I will just go in and tell them “I need for you to put X amount of $$ on tank #1. I’ve done that before and pulled the hose out of the tank when it got to $20 before and it would still be pumping gas! That isn’t a good feeling either. Usually they key it in to stop about 25 cents before it gets to that point. I make sure to listen and watch the clicking …

    Michele – I am ‘so jealous’ … being in FL!!!! We retired out here, we had always thought we would ‘retire’ to FL. But, we are close enough, if we want to make the trip.

    We’ve had all sorts of pool floats. I think the best one my DDnL#1 had was a gift to her. It had a canvas bottom with a floating ring around it. So basically she had water under her; and could get on it without it flying out from under her.

    Sorry this is so long; just having a less than stellar day.

    PS – I did not proofread this … I tried to catch my errors while typing; but, there are still probably a lot.
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Made it to the bottom of page 20. I keep saying that I won't get behind again and then it happens.

    Carol in GA - Congratulations on your 5 lb loss since January.

    Sarah - Congrats on being balanced. Had to look at your photos twice to see that you were wearing pants. lol

    Marcelyn - Nelly Marie is perfectly precious. How wonderful that she has finally made her arrival.

    Paula - Looks like you are really getting slammed with these winter storms. We have been getting snow but no wind (unusual for here) and not as cold. Stay warm!

    Betty - Yeah!! for motivational dreams.

    Rita - I am sorry that you are so stressed. Keeping you in my prayers.

    Becca- I am always interested in what you are up to. Neither your hair experiment nor things nudist related make me uncomfortable. Feel free to share.

    Lois North Shore, Ma - Celebrate away. It is so good that there is no sign of cancer.

    Karen in Virginia - Thanks for the Olivia update.

    This has been a challenging week for me.
    First let's start with the frustration of being told my birth certificate is wrong. No, it is not. You see this is an original birth certificate. We can get you another but there will be no e on the end of Madeline. Vital statistics doesn't make mistakes? How about you call them because no , my parents did not register my name wrong at the hospital. Oh, they say that someone probably missed typing the e when they changed over to the computer system. Yes, I told you that what was in front of you was an original birth certificate. Lucky for any of you that are reading this it is the Reader's Digest condensed version. I was in there quite a while. Some of you had holes in your filter. I had no filter but I will spare you. I finally accepted a marriage certificate with the wrong date on it, I am not accepting a birth certificate with the wrong middle name. I am starting to get paranoid.

    I have had 3 days of not being able to put weight through my ankle without wanting to scream. Ugh! For the first time in years I consented to my daughter pushing me in a wheel chair around a store. I hated every minute of it. Time to go to the doctor. Looking like it is time to get my ankle redone. It has lasted longer than it was supposed to.

    3 deaths this week. Today I went to a funeral. Kelly was only 63. He had struggled with the demons of drugs and alcohol but had cleaned up in recent years. He had a double lung transplant in 2014 and used his bonus years to spend with his kids and grandkids. My DSIL lost her brother this week - 61.
    I resisted the goodies at the funeral luncheon but later succumbed to my craving for chocolate and ate a 1/4 c. of chocolate chips. That isn't sticking to my no sugar diet. Today was very emotional.

    Going to work way too early tomorrow.

    will catch up with you all later.
    -Sharon in Lethbridge (Snowing here again)
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Glo just got a text from my quiet daughter--rarely hear from her so it was nice! How's the school progress for the boys?

    Lisa that is a gorgeous wedding dress <3

    Marcelyn I am amazed at your sons distance running wow!!!

    Ketone Karen Olivia looks so long! And getting better everyday! Nothing better than skin to skin. Thanks for the updates, love seeing them <3

    I think I am going to flip like Kelly today. I have a snow day-Jammie day ahead and instead of wallowing in self doubt and worry (I am in a funk these days). I am going to look for a positive way to look at things that are bothering, worrying, annoying me. I am in the work doldrums (anyone else there?) and plugging away is what I have to do, but that doesn't mean I have to whine and worry as much as I do (mostly in private or in my journal).

    Like Heather I would normally find an improving book to read, but I think I need to "spark a little joy" and start decluttering and cleaning- 15 minute bursts should do it. :#

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    Lisa~ beautiful wedding dress...
    Morning Ladies~
    it is snowing,and I have to do a bit of shoveling before I go to work, and pack the car, as I will be up with Faith tonight..
    I have lower groin pain and havent felt wonderful for a couple of weeks now... will just let it ride for a bit... can't afford an emergency room trip at 5.500 who the heck can afford healthcare?
    woke up at 3 this morning and hoping to sleep in in the morning...
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Katla - 11% isn't bad. I was thinking that it might be higher

    Lenora - was there a reason why you stopped putting lemon juice on your salad? I most times put vinegar on mine. We're on the do not call list, too but they still call. Now I know that there are certain things that they can call about (like election solicitations). Quite a few years ago someone stole my wallet. I put a hold on my credit for 7 years. In the meantime we bought the house in NC. The realtor was surprised, that was the first time anyone asked to see a social security card! I know it was because of the hold. I'm always on the lookout for some sort of float that I can use in the pool where my body is touching the water but I can also lay in my stomach.

    Gloria - what a nice idea to send a text just saying "I love you". I think I'll do that for the girls.

    Sharon - I'd go crazy if I couldn't put any weight on my leg. So sorry for your losses

    Sarah - good for you fighting that craving! Would dried fruit (maybe those mini snack packs of raisins?) help?

    Heather - stay warm

    Michele who will probably go down by the pool today
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Been to gym (yeah) bike, elliptical, rower and treadmill and 2 circuits on weight machines.

    Going to the cinema later and eating out with 2 friends going to see "Hidden Figures" eating Italian (have already logged [yikes])

    Kate UK
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,093 Member
    edited March 2017
    Lisa gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!

    Took a break and went to Art Institute last night. It was educator's night. I went on a tour that covered some of the Japanese collection. It was much need after the talk about the main exhibit at the museum. The artist they are featuring is Guillermo del Toro At Home with Monsters. He was behind the movie Pan's Labyrinth. It was the only movie of his I have seen, and I found it very disturbing. He does a good job of making us think about are the true monsters in reality or in fantasy. He is one who is willing to show there is not always a happy ending. So rather than stay in that dark place I took the tour of Japanese art rather than go to see his exhibit. I did win a door prize of Bone Jenga. I haven't decided to play with students or give to me great niece and nephew. All in all an interesting fun evening. A much needed break from caregiving.

    Looking forward to the Art in Bloom exhibit. I miss the Macy's flower exhibit. Macy's went out of business in Minneapolis. It was one sure sign spring was here.

    Allie I know what you mean about how expensive health care is today. Still if it is putting your health at risk make an appointment with your doctor. I believe payment plans can be set up for costs not covered by insurance. Emergency visits are not cheap like you say. Mine last summer was $600.

    :heart: Margaret