

  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    Re - You made me smile. May your husband always chase you.

    Today was our anniversary.
    Sharon in Lethbridge.

    AMEN, Sister! And Happy Anniversary! I hope you enjoyed every sugary, calorie laden bite of the food portion of your anniversary!


    Re in TX
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    I had to take Zac to immediate care today after I got off of work. He has been getting headaches for a couple of years and it just dawned on me recently that maybe they're migraines and the doctor agreed. However she also found that his heart is not beating right. She said that it's beating really fast then just dropping so she has an URGENT referral to a cardiologist.

    Love you all,
    Gloria perplexed and worried in WA

    ((Hugs, Gloria!))

    I am thinking good thoughts for Zac.

    Re in TX
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    This job is not my future. So, I'll be turning in my 30 day's notice this morning. Five more papers and done.

    And, within a few hours of talking over that decision with my husband yesterday, re-started a conversation with a large non-profit organization about grantwriting and donor development. I have a virtual interview with them Monday afternoon.

    Love y'all,
    Lisa in West Texas

    A tough decision - Change can be scary. Good luck with your interview!

    (And let me add, I loved your tribute to your Mom, too. It made me feel as if I knew her - or at least wanted to.)


    Re in TX
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    bwcetc wrote: »
    Prayers for my 88 year old dad appreciated. Just now in surgery for twisted bowel. Hoping for best case scenario ... they take out bad section and reattach two ends. Worst case is removal of bowel and a colostomy bag.


    Thinking good thoughts for the "best-case" result!


    Re in TX
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    ydailey wrote: »
    Re - We try to keep the A/C off as long as possible, but I came close to giving in this week. Managed to resist by turning on a fan and sitting right in front of it for awhile. The pollen is also an issue... the cars around here are covered with yellow dust.

    -Yvonne in TX

    Yvonne - I had to turn on the fans, yesterday, too. Thankfully, that's enough, for now... I try to hold out until May... but who knows whether I will be able to make it that long, this year. Pollen seems to be practically year round in my neighborhood. Thank goodness the occasional torrential downpour washes it away once in a while.

    But, for me, it beats the endless months of gray, drizzly, YUCK that we used to get in the Willamette Valley. Sorry, my NW Sisters - but the two months of fabulous was just not enough to compensate for that, anymore... I held out for 19 years - but we California Girls need SUNSHINE. Since I couldn't afford to move back to the state of my Birth... I came to Texas instead.


    Re in TX

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    Home and in bed~
    having some sleepytime lemon and jasmine green tea...
    I really dont know how this whole thing is going to work out I really dont, I was fine today as there was only one Dr. but they have an extra assistant on mondays and weds.. who might be changing from Mon and fridays.. that is when we have 2 drs on.. so we have the New Office Manager, and they have her working up front with Mary...and they have Shamika to assist.. and where does that leave me? Exactly... nowhere... I feel as I have to talk to Dr Ho(my boss) on Friday..
    I have been at that office for 11 years.. longer than the new office manager , longer than Shamika...I do alot of things around there.. I do the ordering,laundry, instruments in the lab, file, scan, make phone calls even shovel snow...
    If the office manager doesnt see me busy than ,I am out of there.. hence why I need to talk to Dr Ho...
    I had a migraine today(not full blown headache) the aura and it lasted about 10 min.. comes from stress...
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    gotu52 wrote: »
    Loved having all of you keep me company on my trip. It is fascinating reading all your posts. Imagine if they made a movie about all of us meeting, sitting around a super huge wooden table. I think we would gab for hours lol!

    <3 Sarah, almost in Toronto, Ontario.

    No doubt about it, Sugar. It would be a giant party - not to be missed - but, this is a close second!


    Re in TX
  • IremiaRe
    IremiaRe Posts: 801 Member
    I feel as I have to talk to Dr Ho(my boss) on Friday..
    I have been at that office for 11 years.. longer than the new office manager , longer than Shamika...I do alot of things around there.. I do the ordering,laundry, instruments in the lab, file, scan, make phone calls even shovel snow...
    If the office manager doesnt see me busy than ,I am out of there.. hence why I need to talk to Dr Ho...
    I had a migraine today(not full blown headache) the aura and it lasted about 10 min.. comes from stress...

    ((Hugs!!)) I hope that talking to the doc helps. I can't imagine you don't look obviously busy while doing all that "stuff" for the office -But, perhaps you should offer to teach her all the things that you do... that will give her a pretty good idea of why she should never, ever, let you go.

    I am thinking good thoughts for you!

    Re in TX
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,422 Member
    edited March 2017
    Sharon - Happy Anniversary! Wouldn't it be nifty to have a gigantic reunion?

    Lisa - good luck on your new chapter...to quote Goethe...."Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it." (Or, be bold and the universe will come to your aid!) Good luck on the interview!! And that was a terrific tribute to your mom. I sure wish I would have taken more opportunities to be kind to my mom and tell her I loved her. <3

    Allie - how frustrating to have a new office manager so young - hopefully she has enough maturity to understand what it's like to manage employees. It's definitely more than just deciding what color to paint the walls and which bills to pay when. Crossing fingers for you that she catches on quick and values your contribution there.

    RE - we are craving sunshine too! I don't mind the gray skies but wasn't planning on building an ark this year. Hope your DH is feeling better! Cute about him chasing you around <3

    Katla, Happy Anniversary!!! Sounds like you'll not get hit with flooding, which is great. In our area it's not so much the flooding these days but the super saturated soil so there are slides that cover roads (Hwy 12 near White Pass gets hit sometimes) and trees on slopes like to ride down the hill and end up on the roads as well.

    Gloria - update on Zac? Hopefully it's nothing too serious - don't blame you for rushing him to immediate care, that was wise!

    Beth - prayers for your dad! My dad had bowel surgery when we was in his mid-80's--too much scar tissue build up from colon surgery decades prior. Came on very quickly we thought - food just didn't move through anymore. It did slow him down "a bit" but he was back on his feet quickly I thought. I amazed at how rapidly folks in their 80's are able to recover from surgeries.

    Heather and Karen
    - thank you for all the insight on Myer's Briggs! Looks like folks have enjoyed it. Knowing a bit more about who we are/how we tick is kind of freeing, isn't it?

    Kate in the UK
    - I am enjoying those Spain photo's - glad it wasn't your gallbladder and you are able to enjoy all Spain has to offer!

    I'm still going thru posts from the past few days so know I've missed a lot. Glad to be back!

    SW WA State

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Electric Tea Kettle Does anyone have a suggestion? Our old one died and the replacement smells like icky plastic no matter what I do. Thinking glass or stainless would be better. Corded or cordless - either would be fine.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,422 Member
    RE-- your photos are "RE-markable!" GREAT JOB!!! <3

    Here's an idea about the job/interview offer....I'd go thru the interview anyhow and if they really want you that bad, see if you can negotiate some flex hours/personal days off more to your liking.

    As I look back, I could have kicked myself for not asking for more right off the bat when they are in the mood to be "giving".

    Anyhow, being able to interview them is good experience. And if it doesn't fit right now for you, that's OK - it might in the near future.

    I have a feeling you are an excellent employee and give 1000%.

    Have fun with it! B)

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    RE Incredibly inspiring.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I remember when first got my Nook. There so many either $0 or near that books I could order. They were so good but always at the end it would say I can enjoy the next book for $10. GRRRR I could never find an entire series without paying a good penny for it.

    We just finished eating a Sam's pizza, not the kind you get in Sam's club but in the freezer section at Walmart. It was chicken bacon ranch. I had Charlie take all the bacon and put it on his side so all I had was the chicken. But the ranch was very overpowering and there was no typical pizza sauce. So we won't get it again But the other one we have in the freezer, bought it without me knowing it, is the three meat pizza. He puts all the sausage and pepperoni on his part and most of the ham so basically all I have is cheese. But it has sauce.

    Beth, I had a dream the other night that when I finally got my colonoscopy done, has to be after August 22nd, that they found I had ulcerative colitis just like Charlie and I ended up having an ileostomy just like him. I decided not to have the IV treatments and go straight to surgery. When he was in the hospital right out of surgery, as a caregiver I had to put his colostomy bag on so the expert could see I knew how. So I told Charlie that if I had an ileostomy he would have to be that person.

    Wonderful weather again, ot as warm but good. I wish we didn't have the rain forecast this weekend so the painter could get his part done.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    :)Sharon , Happy Anniversary

    :)Re amazing transformation

    :) I am waiting for the airport shuttle to arrive. Jake will drive the 50 miles home from here. He might want to go out to eat.

    <3 Barbie
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
  • loseweightbb
    loseweightbb Posts: 36 Member
    Hello everyone. Just dropping in to log my food & exercise & try to catch up on the posts. Tried to stay up to date at least reading them since the weekend, but it really got away from me already (only Tuesday & behind so many already). So many I had to just skim over (already spent over an hr "skimming"). Anyway, had to get home earlier after work today since hubby had a union meeting to go to (he's president for his local CSEA union at work) & forgot to mention it until last night. Was disappointed since I've been trying to get to a stability ball (for abs) class at the Y on Tuesdays & haven't made it yet. Glad I did at least manage to still fit in going to the Y to do 30 min. of the wt machines & 15 min on treadmill to warm up 1st. Made it home just in time before he went to pick up daughter from track & field practice at school (she has an aide stay with her for it) & then he had to leave as soon as he got back home with her. Made her a quick frozen dinner & myself a nice big salad & some leftover chicken with tomato sauce (she refuses to eat veggies - her loss).

    That's been one of the biggest challenges for us since adopting her 4 yrs ago - being back to the days when we had to coordinate everything around "child" care. Even more difficult now with her. Our son is 27 now (only child of our own) & it'd been a long time since we had to worry about it. She's 15, but can't be alone due to intellectual disability (in older terms: mentally retarded). Miss the freedom DH & I once had to spend a lot more time together, too. We've only been able to get away for one or two nights at most only once a yr for our anniversary & occasionally for a few hrs. about once every few months. Had once envisioned being able to travel, etc. at this stage of life, but not to be. Oh well - it is what it is. Maybe some day.

    Regarding all the talk of mothers <3 : I feel compelled to share this advice. Cherish the time you have, if you're fortunate enough to still have yours around. Don't let other stuff get in the way. I know from experience how easy it is to become so wrapped up in the many day to day demands of job, home, etc that you don't make time to spend nearly enough time with those you love. My dear sweet mother passed away last April at the young age of 77. This came following several yrs of declining health after heart problems & then stroke about 1 1/2 yrs prior. She also had diabetes & severe osteoarthritis that got progressively worse & eventually also made her wheelchair bound when the stroke made things worse. The last time she was really coherent was at Christmas time of 2016. We were then told by Dr that she didn't have much longer on New Yrs Eve (12/31/16) & would likely be gone within a week or so, but she spent the next 3+ months just wasting away & hopped up on morphine to tolerate the pain she was in. It was the worst 4 months of my life (&, of course, in hers). I spent every day after work (& on wkends) at her side, watching her die such an agonizingly slow, painful death. She had a DNR & insisted (when she still could decide) that she didn't want to be hooked up to any machines other than oxygen. So she ended up essentially starving to death as she wasn't able to eat hardly anything (like in tsp. of food at best) & often threw up most of it. It was so heart-wrenching. She also barely knew who anyone was any more near the end, either. As much as I wished for her sudden recovery back to the mother I once had, I also found myself praying for her to just pass on & be at peace in the last few wks.

    Well, I can barely see the screen now as I type this, it's still such a sad memory & miss her so much every day. What I wouldn't give to spend more time with her. We were able to share many great times together through the years as adults, but so wish I'd made the time to do more with her. Regret that I was so often working late & then rushing to get home when I did stop to see her after work & to do stuff for her most of the time & didn't take the time very often to just sit & talk with her more or take her to do other things the last few yrs especially. She was always so understanding of the limits on my time due to my job & especially after we adopted my niece that I had even less time, but I still really regret not finding a way to make more time to spend with her. Now it's too late - can't ever get it back again. :'(

    Well, really gotta go now. Need to get lunch, etc ready for tomorrow. Have a meeting with a caseworker from the ARC tomorrow after work at our home to try to get some services for daughter so won't be able to go exercise. Hoping it doesn't take too long, though, so maybe I can fit in some treadmill time at home afterwards.

    Have a good day on Wed. Take care everyone.

    -- Becky (NY)
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
    stats for the day:

    wahoo hrm not working, all applewatch-
    bike ride hm 2 gym- 13.45min, 12.9amph, 2.9mi = 111c
    0 runner- 44.53min, 39avlength, 12avheight, 94avcadence, 9.58min mi, 4.5mi = 303c
    bike ride gym 2 dome train station- 6.44min, 12.6amph, 1.4mi = 55c
    jog station 2 wk- 4.57min, 9.35min mi, .5mi = 56c
    jog wk 2 sta- 4.41min, 9.49min mi, .4mi = 64c
    bike ride dome 2 hm up Mst- 18.45min, 7.9amph, 2.4mi = 145c

    total cal 734