

  • loseweightbb
    loseweightbb Posts: 36 Member
    Also wanted to mention that weather/temperature is certainly a relative thing. We've been feeling like it's been nice to have it warm up the past couple of days since it's been in the 40's!

    Unfortunately, forecast is for rain/snow mix overnight with a HIGH tomorrow of only 20 & then single digit temps overnight tomorrow night. BRRRR! At least I think it's supposed be at least maybe get back to 50 (heat wave) on Sat, but with rain. Should melt some snow. Then back down to 30's. Wish it would just warm up & stay that way & be SPRING already!

    Oh well - when it's 80's in the summer, we'll be wishing it was cooler. But only like between 65-70 - the temp range I like best (if not humid, too). At this point, though, I'd settle for not needing to wear & take different shoes/boots to work every day. Want to wear the spring dresses I can finally fit into again, too. Soon, I hope.

    -- Becky (NY)
  • pyanko7
    pyanko7 Posts: 153 Member
    Hugs to all. Have a great day tomorrow.

    Paula Y
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening My Dear Friends,

    Janeice, we all like to lose weight but if my weight stayed the same and I kept shrinking and firming up I’d be one happy camper. You keep it up.

    Heather, I’m not much of a nurse either. I just don’t have patience when there is nothing I can do about a situation. I’ll gladly serve DH when he is sick or change a dressing if needed but not really good for long periods of time with a sickie. As far as selfishness, it has taken me years to know that’s okay. It’s one of the great things about getting older.

    Margaret, I always love your pictures of flowers. Just beautiful. Thanks.(LATER) You are a very strong woman and so wise to take the time to take care of yourself. If we don’t care for ourselves we won’t be able to care for anyone else.

    Allie, I can imagine how you feel with what’s going on at work. (((Hugs))) Hopefully it’s not as bad as you think but the sooner you can talk to your boss, the better. Just try not to let the unknown drive you crazy because our imaginations can do that to us.

    Joyce, I know you will be happy when all the doors, painting and everything is done. Some of the simplest things can turn into major projects. It will be nice to have it finished.

    Gloria, your poor little guy. Hopefully they can find the problem and a cure or at least a way to manage it. Do keep us posted.

    Ginger, OMG you are one of those?? You have a check list on your phone of things to do in each room at certain times? You know “you people” make the rest of us look like slobs! Even though DH wouldn’t admit it or even know it, I do deep clean different things all the time. I just don’t have a schedule or keep a list. It’s more like I’ll notice a dusty baseboard and clean the whole room or notice fingerprints on a door and clean them off all the doors on that floor. I understand about hubbies not understanding about food in an airtight container. Mine is somewhat of a clean freak and I still can’t get him to rinse out the cans that we put in the recycling which is in the house. It was so sweet reading about your mother. She is very lucky to have the two of you and you to have her. I miss mine so much after 25 years.

    Sharon, what a wonderful gift from your friends. The quilt and the dinner. Enjoy.

    Lisa, good luck for whatever the future holds.

    Marcelyn, thanks for the funny! That is why I won’t do a sit up. graphics-laughing-409092.gif

    Rita, it sounds like things are all lined up so hopefully the last 10 days will just glide downhill.

    Lanette, I hope your pot works for your pain. If rubbing it doesn’t do the trick let us know if you try smoking it.

    Kate, what a lovely place for a walk. I know you will hate to leave it. Wonderful picture of you.

    Heather, glad you had a good visit with your friend and I hope the one with your son and grand dogs goes as well. That’s cute that you and your friend were dressed alike.

    Sarah, thanks for the train ride to Toronto. I’ve never been there. We will gladly stay with you during your entire trip.

    Beth, prayers going out for your dad. (((Hugs)))

    Lanette, great info on health insurance and alternatives. I have been surprised when we have asked doctors about paying cash and not using insurance. They have all offered no discount. They get much less with insurance so why punish the people that don’t have it.

    Katla, Happy Anniversary and many more. wedding-anniversary-smiley-emoticon.png

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto any Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    The pollen was at its highest today of all year so I stayed in and tried not to breathe. Lol We might get some rain tonight which would wash a bit of it out of the air. *I hope* Tomorrow I have errands to run so will have to get out. Then tomorrow night I am signed up to go to the Moose Lodge for 3 hours to help sell raffle tickets. I’m off to bed now.

    Sending love, good thoughts and sunshine to all of you.

    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • FITBIT35
    FITBIT35 Posts: 61 Member
    I've strayed here
  • GloworminWA
    GloworminWA Posts: 704 Member
    Karen VA - Sounds like a book I should read. Thank you for the information on childhood heartrate related to sinus/breathing. I've never heard of that.

    Thanks to all who have been responding to the issues with Zac. I took him to his PC today and no sign of heart problem. He did another EKG to confirm. He could not compare last night's with today as it did not get faxed over even though I called today and was told it would be faxed right away. He still wants me to take Zac to the cardiologist and the neurologist so just waiting for a call to make the appointments. Zac was very anxious going to school today but the nurse at the school talked to him and calmed him down as he was stressed from the diagnosis last night.

    Beth - Zac just turned 9 and has had headaches for a couple of years but they usually seemed to be prior to an illness coming on. I am going to start keeping a journal and ask the school to do so also about what he was doing, eating, etc. prior to the headache starting. I know that loud noise like on the school bus brings them on. Any advice you can pass on to me would be appreciated. You can PM me if you would rather however others on here may have a grandchild with this problem in the future and will have already gained knowledge from you if you talk about it on the forum.

    I found out today that my job is probably going to end the end of April or May but will not last through June as had been expected. One thing I've learned working this job is that I really don't want to work fulltime so I will be actively looking for a part time position. And not necessarily in the legal field. So now I'b better get my bootski in gear and start actively looking.

    I have also been in touch with the program that does knee/hip replacement through my insurance co. so just waiting to talk to a person from the hospital. I did find out that it really is FREE except for the after surgery PT close to home. Surgery will be done at Virginia Mason and the program pays for staying in one of the hotels on campus for the patient and a person who is going to help after surgery; mileage if you are over 60 miles from the hospital; and whatever you need to go home with - wheelchair, walker, meds etc. So now it's just a matter of what the prereqs are and when it will be scheduled.

    Nodding off so off I go. Back later.

    Gloria in WA <3

  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Re- wow, you are looking great. Love the progress pictures. I agree you should go for the interview, at least you could see your friend.
    Sending prayers for all facing surgery and for Zac.
    SueBDew in TX
  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Katla and Sharon: Happy Anniversary!

    Gloria: Hugs to you and healing energy being sent to Zac. So hope you find the perfect next job, and get your surgery scheduled.

    Rita: 10 days!!!! Light at the end of the tunnel. You got this!

    Scale has been on a roller coaster. Usually by now I'd be down my usual .5 = 1.0, but instead I am up 1.5 :grimace But, I don't have that big-bloated-belly-oh-i've-eaten-too-many-carbs-look. On contrary, my abs are looking firmer and tummy is flatter. I feel great! I'll take it.

    Don't remember who proposed the giant meet up of everyone in this group, but count me in! It's been a HUGE blessing to have met several of you already, and you are all in my thoughts everyday.

    Stay well friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member

    Hi Gals,

    Lanette (and everyone else looking at health insurance costs) --- so there are just 2 of the Direct Care Clinics in all of California (at least that I could find) one about 2 hour drive and the other about 11 hour drive…and I did check on the Mennonite one –that sounds great for the Christians; but I’m not. It gives me hope that there are good folks looking at really good options. Thanks so much for sharing!

    DJ – I smiled when I read about no discount for cash at the Doctors, that is the same experience I have had, in fact when I had first been laid off and lost my insurance I had a dentist appointment and found out that they charged cash clients more then they charged insurance… I know they had a “group rate” via the insurance company, but with the lack of paper work – and I offered cash – not a check that could bounce or a credit card with charges, but actual cash and they were nope! I left and did not go back.

    Re – you look great!!!! And I would lobby for you to interview, it is always a good experience even if you decide against the job..and you never know it might be that you could move the hours around a bit, not maybe as far as you have now but – and I would work the money out and see if you saved ½ of it how much more quickly you could retire, then you would have the other ½ of the pay increase for the fence and clothes as you continue to shrink!

    Becky - such good advice about spending time with those you love! And a big high five to you and DH for taking on a child who needed you! I am so impressed with you, Gloria, and others who take on round two of children in their retirement, my mom has also done it and I see first hand the challenges it can be.


    Kim from N. California
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Re ... significant progress! You look wonderful!

    Gloria... I don't mind sharing with the group. I've learned a lot of things that way.

    While my dad did well during surgery and they were able to reattach the bowel ends without the need for a bag, he has had significant difficulties post-op. At one point they called a code blue on him. Not certain if his heart actually stopped (I'm in NY receiving information from OH), but his blood pressure was dangerously low. At this time he is on a ventilator in ICU as they work to get the anesthesia out of him,increase his oxygen and run some tests to see if something else is going on. He is responsive (as much as a heavily sedated person can be) to my mom, so that's good. I am a firm believer in the power of corporate/intercessory prayer. Thank you.

    But just in case there wasn't enough going on in my life, my older son's personal care aide was a no-show and I had to run out to his place to put him to bed ... sigh.

    It goes without saying that my diet was thrown out the window as stress eating had me carb-loading!!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,091 Member
    Re great job!

    Sharon Happy Anniversary!

    (((Beth))) Continued prayers for your family as your dad recovers.

    :heart: Margaret
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Beth, praying for your Dad and your family and that you find a good, dependable personal care aide for your oldest son. You have such a lot on your shoulders and I think you handle it remarkably well. You are amazing in my book. <3

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Re you look terrific, that definitely should give you incentive to step back from those nasty little ol M&M's. Good job, lady.

    Janetr OKC
  • ljdw99
    ljdw99 Posts: 360 Member
    Beth healing positive thoughts going your way from Ma.

    Rewhat a great journey your pics show. I'd vote for the interview also, never hurts and perhaps there could be some flexibility on their part in the job description once they meet and see how awesome you are :)

    Have been reading all the insurance stories to find how lucky DH & I are. With Medicare & Blue Cross gold supplemental, we pay $14k a year. Wayne's epiglottis cancer treatments, tests, ongoing follow ups have cost well over $300k we PD $2000 & that was mostly meds. His recent back surgery, facet shots, MRIs, nerve tests, PT has cost us nothing except a few hundred in meds. We also have one of the best hospitals & doctors for this very affordable price.
    The high deductibles I heard are just staggering, I'm so sorry. I believe everyone should have access to good affordable care. Many other countries have made it happen. It seems in the US you must have money to get the best and cheapest care...sure seems backward to me!

    Starting extensive dental work that had been put off because of my caretaking duties. We don't have dental coverage so will be writing lots of checks probably 4 implants and a couple of crowns/root canals. Told DH at this age I'm not sure it's a good return on investment

    Love the photos of babies, dogs, flowers fun trips.

    Lois on the cold, snowy north shore of Ma who's lost 10 waste inches so far YAY no longer an apple!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited March 2017
    Beth - {{{{{HUGS}}}}} - I know it has to be difficult to learn things 'long distance' and I'm sure you'd like to be there.

    Ladies - I typed out a novel tonight, getting a lot off my chest, then purposefully deleted it. Please keep my DOS and DGDs in your prayers. I'll leave it at that. <3 If my DDnL#1 is NOT Bipolar I will kiss the first Kodiak bear I run into on the @$$! My backdoor mat reads, "Do NOT leave your DRAMA with your Mama!" I think the "NOT" must have worn off or something. I've never wanted to 'smack' someone in the face - HARD, as much as I have over the past 2 weeks. I've only slapped this son once in his 40-years and that was right around Thanksgiving Day when they decided to 'argue' in our home. I have been trying to get that Karma OUT of my house ever since.

    Chewing nails :#:s>:):'( is not doing very much for my stress level here. I am talking about 10-penny nails, not fingernails.

    Lenora o:)
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hi ladies -

    Welcome to the newbies. I hope you stay around.

    Margaret and Rita - Hugs and prayers are coming your way.

    Beth - Praying for your dad.

    Sharon - Happy anniversary!

    Congrats to all the losers out there! I seem to be bouncing up and down the same half pound all month. Trying to get back to better logging and taking my BP and 2 hour BS each day. Your stories all inspire me. Keep them coming.

    Kate - so enjoying your pictures from Spain! We are severely limited financially so all my vacation experiences have to be vicarious ones.

    Re - Your pictures say it all! You go girl!

    Gayle - Praying for your grandson. You are such a blessing to those boys!

    Allie - Hoping your work situation settles and you can feel secure about your job.

    I am planning to get together with a teacher friend this week while she is on Spring Break. She wanted to do lunch and a movie. At first I said, "Sure". I am such a people pleaser, but when I thought about it, I didn't really want to see that movie. I called her today to tell her No to the movie, but yes to getting together to actually talk and catch up. It felt good to speak out about what I really wanted. Doesn't that seem so silly? That I don't say what I want because I want to please people??? I am facing the same thing about going to see my sister this spring. I really don't want to go, but she is ill with cancer and I feel I SHOULD go. (she's doing very well) I am going in the fall for sure. She called today but I didn't get the call. Not sure I can say No to her. Grrrrr! Why is putting me first such a struggle!

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    The photo is a couple of years old now.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    I am awake..and fretting about today.. gonna be wayyyyyy to many people in the office today..Shamika will be there,doing nothing, because there is not a second Dr.. me I have stuff to do, but need a computer, phone and scanner to do it, and the 2 scanners are up front..
    I am going to the hospital website and look for jobs there and apply..I just wish I had more support on the home front..