

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited April 2017
    Jack had a stress test a month ago. We never heard anything from the doctor so assumed all was good. Last Friday his office called and said the stress test showed a "problem" and doc wants to do an angiogram. Jack asked what the problem was that showed up, of course this gal had no idea. Jack told her he would like to talk to the doctor first about what is going on, so we have an appointment this afternoon with the cardiologist at which time I'm sure they will schedule an angiogram. Four years ago when we did this, they ended up doing three of them before they decided to go ahead and put in two stents instead of doing by-pass surgery. Guess we'll see. He's a bit worried, of course. I keep trying to assure him that at least its being taken care of now before something worse happens.

    Janetr OKC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,730 Member
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well went to see the vampire today and had 6 vials of blood drawn. Wonder how much of a bruise that will make.

    Watching The Pianist, a story of a Jewish pianist from Warsaw during the time when Germany took over. Charlie asks me why I watch these depressing movies. I watch because I never want the world to go through this again.
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,837 Member
    LOL! In the picture above, Rowan, the little red haired boy on the right is a little put out that he is not a "rider". He is two and a half and has to walk. :D The look on his face kills me! xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Beth – I agree – While I like to feel connected to my guests; and one side of our house contains the kitchen, dining area, and den area … it is basically open. Not as open as some seen on TV; but, open. I can see who is walking in through the utility/computer room from my chair in my den. On the other half of the house is the utility/computer room, a ½ bath, 2 bedrooms and a bath that actually has a tub and a shower in it. I’d gladly give up the tub to have more space and a double sink. If I had the money or the guts, I would rip it all out and put a nice walk-in shower at the end of the room and just totally reconfigure the room. As is it is now; not being used to its greatest potential. The tub is too deep and too short; and hard to get into and harder to get out of. I just no longer take a tub bath; but, a shower instead. In cramped pre-fab shower and a shower curtain that I hate dealing with. But, such is life. I don’t think there is such a thing as a ‘perfect’ house. Live in one for a year and you can always find something that you wish you had done differently.

    When we built this house it was our ‘down-sized’ retirement home. I’ve still got 7 full rooms of furniture in what is basically a 5 ½ room house. So far, I just have not yet figured out what I am willing to get rid of.

    Janetr OKC – Sounds like your medical community is about like ours … $#*T for brains! I have lost my temper more this last week dealing with a MD’s office I want to ‘scream’ and he isn’t even full-time (just a fill-in until the hire a full-time Neurologist). As someone who has seizures, that is not good enough for me. When I go see him and he ordered a MRI; I sort of expected, like my other MDs, that I would get notified of the results. Over 3 weeks later I called about them, first time was told he wasn’t in the office and his nurse would call me back … almost a week later and when I asked her the results she very ‘flippantly’ said, ‘oh, well, let me see here, … you have mild age-related dementia and your blood tests were all ‘unremarkable’. Do you (or can you) conceive how that made me feel? Maybe if I was 5 or 10 years older … So I go and get a copy of my medical records after asking that they be sent to my GP and had signed an authorization for them to be sent. Now it has been 2 months since my medical records were requested for obtaining life insurance. They’ve lied to my agent and to me about what has to be done to obtain them. I called the office of the CEO and was turned over to the department who is in charge of hiring the MDs. It is ridiculous for a city this size to have one full-time Neurologist and one part-time, who does not even live in town. Gee, since I travel 2 hours to see my Psychiatrist 4x a year (more often if I need to); I am wondering, if I’d be better off having yet another MD ‘out of town’. Last time I had a seizure (last May) I got taken to hospital and saw a MD and have no idea what he did; but, do know he wasn’t a Neurologist and none was called.

  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK
  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
    Cheri CONGRATS!! Rewards that cost but are well deserved: clothes, books, massage, facial, mani/pedi, shoes. Rewards at low cost: print out a pic of the new you. Have Becca sing you a song. Write a beautiful poem or quote about how you feel now and put it on the wall! Great job.
    Heather Glad you are home safely and that you had a great trip. I enjoyed your pictures.
    Yvonne Sending you positive energy and a BIG hug <3

    I am glad the day is over and I am home. I finally finished the second course of anti-biotics for the UTI and am happy to purge that out of my system. My stomach has felt huge and bloated for 14 days. One of my daughters is coming home for dinner. She goes to University an hour away so it is nice to see her. I have bought her favorite Greek take out. I will have spanakopita and salad. I have too many eatIng engagements this week and this is the week I need to work hard to get to onederland on Monday. The super challenge! I will need to go to the gym every day and work hard.

    Have a good evening everyone.

    <3 Sarah from Ontario, Canada
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Wow KJ - That is a whole lot of kids! That wouldn't be allowed over here. Mind you, in London you'd be very rich looking after that many. :D My DYS was paying a fortune for his childminder who had, by law, to hire extra help if she had more than four, including one under one. She had extra help for collecting kids after school.
    I truly don't know how you manage or have the patience to cope. <3 Where do you get the energy?

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx Really tired and looking forward to bed soon. Very soon.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did 1 hr Cathe Friedrich Intensity DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do the Biggest Loser Calorie Killer Circuit DVD

    Went to ceramics and did the third coat on the body of my ant, went to the mailbox for Newcomers, then went to mahjongg. Am going to ACMoore tonight. There are ladies there helping me with these placemats that I've been working on for years and years. I have the hardest time working in the round.

    Lenora - I'm so sorry you'll lose your pool. I love mine. You can come use it any time you want <hint, hint>

    Just downloaded an audiobook. I found that listening to the book while riding the recumbant bike helps to make the time go by. So that's probably what I'll be doing in the near future.

    Lenora - Thanks for the info about the lash extensions. I don't recall seeing an Ulta around here, but I can probably call the lady at the place where I get my hair cut and ask her if there is any place around here that does it. Maybe I'll have it done before the wedding up here and maybe this place near Denise does it and I can have them do it. I think what I'm going to do is send some of the wafers to the priest at Denise's church and ask him if I can make them. I think I can make them thinner. Our priest said the hosts were 1-1/2 round and I know I can get a cookie/biscuit cutter that size.

    katla - speaking of people going to restaurants and ordering lots of fried food, there is this one lady, her daughter and the daughter's fiancee. To say she is big is an understatement. So is the daughter and her fiancee. Yet, almost all the time we're there they are eating snacks they brought (usually things like Cheetos, potato chips) and talking about where they're going to go for dinner. Last night when I was at ceramics, only the daughter and mother were there. They called the fiancee to ask him to meet them at this restaurant. The mother is big, but I find it hard to believe that the mother, daughter, and fiancee have some sort of metabolism problem.

    Went to ceramics today. The last Tues of the month they celebrate everyone who had a birthday that month. I usually don't go but I had this chocolate pound cake that I really didn't need so I took that to get rid of it. Hopefully, most of it will be gone by the time I go tomorrow night. I just had some tomatoes, fruit, a piece of cheese and part of a stuffed cabbage this lady made. I really wanted to try her stuffed cabbage, but it had so much rice in it and very little meat. When I make them, I use a lot of meat and very little rice.

    Heather - love reading/seeing everything about your trips

    Carol/Peach - YIPPEE

    Cheri - big big congrats. How about getting a massage?

    Meg - Vince doesn't suffer at all from his allergy to cats! You've probably built up a resistance, too

    SueBDew - why does that work have to be redone?

    Yvonne - (((HUGS)))

    KJ - what adorable walkers you have there

    Michele in NC
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    gotu52 wrote: »
    Cheri CONGRATS!! Rewards that cost but are well deserved: clothes, books, massage, facial, mani/pedi, shoes. Rewards at low cost: print out a pic of the new you. Have Becca sing you a song. Write a beautiful poem or quote about how you feel now and put it on the wall! Great job.
    <3 Sarah from Ontario, Canada

    Thanks Sarah! Still pondering. Any cost reward has to be low so I like your suggestions.
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Cheri - big big congrats. How about getting a massage?
    Michele in NC

    Thanks Michele! I love massages just too bad they cost so much. Although the hubs does provide a pretty good substitute!
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Cheri- congrats with the loss! Books are a great idea and used bookstores can be HEAVENLY! Nothing smells better than books (to me). My brain for a "reward" was moving along the same lines as Katla's; visit a place of interest...gardens, museums, a zoo...KJ

    I feel the same way about books! I have spent time "sniffing" new books.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,894 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • pyanko7
    pyanko7 Posts: 153 Member
    Hugs to everyone. hope you all have a great day.
    Paula Y.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,207 Member
    edited April 2017
    "bwcetc wrote: »
    Machka … “two sets of 16 weeks” … purposely in two sets or because of circumstances? Congratulations on keeping the weight off 18 mos! Huge accomplishment!

    Thanks! And it was all planned. :)

    When I started here, I actually only intended to keep it up for 5 weeks, but discovered that this is the easiest online logging site I've every come across so then I figured I'd keep going to the 16 week point. My goal was to be comfortably within my normal BMI range by then ... and we were going to Canada for about a month then on holiday. I reached my weight goal about 2 days before we left for Canada and we had a lovely trip.

    I wasn't sure if I would continue to lose weight, but that message "If every day were like today" kept popping up with a weight I hadn't seen in several years, in the bottom half of my normal BMI range, and I figured that the first 16 weeks had gone so well, maybe I could reach that weight. So, after I returned from Canada, I went back on the diet for another 16 weeks, and reached my goal. And then actually dropped an additional kg right before Christmas 2015.

    I maintained that really well until August 2016 when my husband and I did a 400 km randonnee. That's an event where you cycle 400 km in 27 hours, including all breaks. I completed it in 24.5 hours which I was quite pleased about. But the difficulty is that it is really hard to get the calorie balance right for something like that.

    And then about 2 weeks after returning home from that event ... I came down with something that looked extremely suspiciously like measles, and was quite sick for about 3 weeks. I didn't exercise much and didn't pay much attention to my diet during that time. I had about 10 days where I felt good, and got out on the bicycle and did some more walking, and then I came down with a flu with high fever etc. for several days over the first weekend in October. Drs said that was to be expected after being so sick with the suspiciously measles-like illness.

    On the second weekend in October, my husband and I attempted a 600 km randonnee. That's an event where you cycle 600 km in 40 hours, including all breaks. We made it to the 390 km point, our time was running out, and I just didn't have the strength to go on. Again, it is really hard to get the calorie balance right.

    And so, with all of that, I put on a few kg, so I'm now in the middle of my normal BMI range, and have maintained that since. But I'd like to drop to the bottom of that range again so I'm planning to be back on the diet for the next 6 weeks. :)
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    I think Machka, Pip, Michelle, and Kelly should bottle their energy! They'd make a fortune! I'd save my pennies to buy some!