
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    I love all the pictures of babies, children, grandchildren, and fur babies! Thanks for sharing!

    Katla - you are very dedicated to your exercise which includes working with horses! I'm sure you'll be back at both ASAP!


    Mary from Minnesota
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,867 Member
    Happy Saturday. I working 6-4:30 today and then have great grandson's birthday party this evening at the park. Sure can tell it is full moon things are crazy around here. Deep breathing. Then weather says high 90's next several days. I can take the cold a lot better then the heat, as you can only take off so much before you get arrested.

    Allie--Sure now he wants to talk. Stay strong

    Lanette--Rosie is sure a cutie.

    Mytle--Sorry for loss. Hugs

    Sue--sending hugs and prayers that all works out.

    Katla--Sorry about your finger.

    Michele--I hope you post pictures when you get your yard art out. Sounds like you are having fun with them.

    Barbie--Glad you and Jake are working together as that is the only way it will work.

    Margaret--So nice of you to restore faith in the young man. What a Blessing for both of you.

    Karen--another cute baby, thanks for sharing.

    Well I am caught up and best get some work done. It is hot outside and not looking forward to the birthday party in the park this evening, but will go and smile. Take care ladies.
    Blessings, Vicki Grand Island,NE
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,988 Member
    Hi ladies: Had to get up early this morning to go pick up hay. He wanted us there by 8:00 am. We have since unloaded the truck and stacked hay in the barn, done some weed whacking, cut down weeds and decorated our flamingos. We are planning to go to Home Depot this afternoon to get PVC to build more blueberry cages. We have lots of blueberries this year and the deer have been sniffing around. Lots of apples on the tree too. Amazing what a little TLC will do for long neglected plants. Horses are enjoying time out in the front pasture.

    Becca - Congratulations to Owain and to his parents who got him this far!

    Margaret - That is an awesome thing you did for a little boy.

    Lisa - Love the new addition. She is such a lovely gray.

    Karen in VA - Olivia is looking good. What a cutie.

    I had a funny thing happen yesterday. I had driven several miles on winding roads and was stopped at a stoplight when the man behind me jumped out of his truck and came up to mine. I thought I must have a flat tire or my gate was open or something but he came up to the driver's window with a can of cat food and a plastic knife that my DD had left on the bumper the night before. We both laughed. I don't know how it stayed on there that long.

    Well, everyone take care and have a wonderful weekend, Sue in WA
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited June 2017

    Haircut by 'new' cosmetologist. This is how it looked the first time I got it cut (about 9 months ago while at Will & Tami's) ... her co-worker took the scissors from her hand while we were talking about what I 'thought' I wanted to do. She had been cutting a man's hair and told Tami, 'I'm gonna cut her hair, you're going to watch'. I think that made Tami feel a lot better. I don't think she really wanted to cut my hair, afraid I wouldn't like it. Came home, got a body wave, The day I did Louis and Trey picked me up and while I was waiting for him to get out of front and into the back, the bottom fell out. I looked like a drowned rat; and, I never, ever could 'fix' my hair. Even using a curling iron, if the wind got to it, I looked like the "Flying Nun". You are supposed to wait until the 3rd day before getting it wet or washing it. Then a couple of months later went to get an appointment and was told that my hair-dresser was up at Emory waiting for a lung transfer.

    So one of the women cut it; I really wasn't totally satisfied; but, when it needed to be cut again I went back to her. Made a 3rd appointment. Then went with Jennifer to a 'door decoration painting party' and one of the women there had the 'exact haircut I had been trying to get'. Asked Jennifer if she knew her. "Sure, she's a beautician, I think maybe her sister probably cuts her hair." I complimented her on the cut and said that I had been wanting mine to do like that; but, apparently, it wasn't going to cooperate with me. She pulled up my hair and told me to call her the next day and she'd cut it for me, she told me that it needed to be shorter in the back to make it stack. I don't know why one is big; but, the 2nd is small and you have to click on it. Does anybody know why this happens? Needless to say I cancelled my appointment with the other one and will be going to her.

    One thing that 'stuck in my mind' that Tami had told me (while she was taking fertility pills, which made her hair break off and thin out) before she went off them was, 'if my hair doesn't look good, then how would something think I could do theirs'. The problem with the 2 hometown hair dresser is that she always had it pulled back in a skinny ponytail, with stands of hair hanging out. That should have told me something. Happy that I now have someone who can cut my hair like I want it.
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,578 Member

    Haircut by 'new' cosmetologist. This is how it looked the first time I got it cut (about 9 months ago while at Will & Tami's ... her co-worker took the scissors from her hand while we were talking about what I 'thought' I wanted to do. She had been cutting a man's hair and told Tami, 'I'm gonna cut her hair, you're going to watch'. I think that made Tami feel a lot better. I don't think she really wanted to cut my hair, afraid I wouldn't like it. Came home, got a body wave, The day I did Louis and Trey picked me up and while I was waiting for him to get out of front and into the back, the bottom fell out. I looked like a drowned rat; and, I never, ever could 'fix' my hair. You are supposed to wait until the 3rd day before getting it wet or washing it. Then a couple of months later went to get an appointment and was told that my hair-dresser was up at Emory waiting for a lung transfer. So one of the women cut it; I really wasn't totally satisfied; but, when it needed to be cut again I went back to her. Made a 3rd appointment. Then went with Jennifer to a 'door decoration painting party' and one of the women there had the 'exact haircut I had been trying to get'. Asked Jennifer if she knew her. "Sure, she's a beautician, I think maybe her sister probably cuts her hair." I complemented her on the cut and said that I had been wanting mine to do like that; but, apparently, it wasn't going to cooperate with me. She pulled up my hair and told me to call her the next day and she'd cut it for me, she told me that it needed to be shorter in the back to make it stack. I don't know why one is big; but, the 2nd is small and you have to click on it. Does anybody know why this happens?

    Absolutely gorgeous! Glad you found a hairdresser who finally got it right! <3

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    My middle granddaughter; she did not like the way the top that actually came with the skirt was cut in and that she would have had to wear a strapless bra; she they found this top and the tailor in town, actually remade it. It turned out beautifully.

  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    lenora love the pic of you--you look great!

    Makes me want to go out and buy a new outfit!!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,060 Member
    stats for the day:

    wahoo hrm not recording right***
    Rowing machine- 15min, 100ahr 52aw, 2395meters = 105c
    Smatrix- 10min 5-5 = 108c
    plyometric exercises- 21.57min 3sts of 10, 11 diff exer, burpees, squats, running stationary lunges, single leg toe touches, floor to ceiling toe touches, push-ups, hamstring leglifts, crunches, sit-ups, reverse bicycles, leg ext/spread on back = 141c
    Bosu bal. ball - 22.55min 2sets 15ea some w8#wts, 5 diff. exercises = 155c

    total cal 509
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Now, I can't find the freaking pictures that I copies onto my laptop from my smart phone; so I will have to start looking at where they got put. GGGRRrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Lenora ... great photo and haircut!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,994 Member
    all is quiet, and will be until 1- Tom gets an attorney and 2- he finds out what I am asking for .. then I am sure things will get nasty.. I will not move out of the house,as it could bite me in the butt later on..
    one of the reason's I am asking for the Florida House is that it is paid off.. and 2 I truly love it there, and all my friends.the income from the rent will keep it going until I can retire which probably will be another 10 yrs... at least.. and the what ever I get in alimony and other stuff ,yes I will have to invest as I do not have any retirement savings. Tom was taking care of that for us.. I did give the lawyer alot of info but I have to sit down and go through the paperwork she gave me and hunt as much of it down as I can..will ask her about the hold harmless clause ,and I highly doubt that he would file bankruptcy as he did it 1 time before probably 30 yrs ago.. and that is why he is so anal about money now..
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Finally, found my pictures and got them posted. When I find one of my 'big boy' I will post it as well.

    1) Will and Tami.
    2) Me, this was after my body wave got wet; couldn't do a darn thing with it. But, it does show how much gray I have in my hair.
    3) My 2 sons (Trey left; Will right).
    4) Trey and his family, wife - Jennifer; Taylor, Madison, Emilee (Taylor is shorter than Madison even though she is five years older.
    5) Will, Tami, and Mallory ... not the best picture of them; but, I think I have pictures all over the place on my laptop.
    6) Cracker; but, I apparently don't have a picture of my other fur-baby, black and white, huge cat named "Tux". I'm sure I have one somewhere.

    Proud of my crew, the 2 legged ones and the 4 legged one.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    I know his temper and I know the reality will hit once the lawyers start, so this is the calm before the storm, but I know I will be fine until I get the finish line..

    Allie - Sweetie, you WILL be better when you get [to] the finish line and push through it; and it is over. You won't be getting mentally beat over the head and there won't be any reason for you to do it to yourself.

    It'll take a little while to get situated; but, once you do you will be totally blown away at 'how strong you really are'! Remember all of us are cheering for you! You'll be sitting on your porch and wondering 'why the Hell did I waste 20 years on the sum-o-beach'!!! Take it slow, you do NOT need to have a man in your life to make you a 'special' woman. You just need to 'believe' in yourself and stand up, brush your knees off, and, go at life and enjoy it! Just because you are 'alone' should not mean you are 'lonely'. There are a lot of people with 100s of people all around them and they are 'lonely'. Don't be one of those ... come here and talk it through with us.

    We've been supporting and cheering you on, for at least a year; when you told us what was going on in your life.

    Any time you need to 'rant and rave and vent' ... you know you can do it here. While we are not there to physically 'hold your hand', just know that we ARE!


    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Lanette – It is so easy to do, too. But, I do have to be sitting down on the lid of the toilet to bend my head over to dry the back or else I get very dizzy.

    Karen NY – Thanks. I’ll have to have a lot of things ‘altered’ when I lose that last 15 – 20 lbs., because that will mean I will be a 10; I already have a few things that are a 10; but, mostly at this point I am a consistent 12.

    Thanks Beth – I’m loving my new haircut.

    Allie – Could be … but; if you have a ‘paid for house’ in FL … are you putting away anything at your present job towards ‘retirement’? If not, then why not find a job down in FL and ‘enjoy’ the place. Why wait 10 years to begin enjoying it since you’ve asked for it? You can find a job, even a part-time one that will help you. I understand that part of his ‘anal about money’ being due to filing for bankruptcy … I think it does make one who files for it a bit anal about money because they have to ‘go totally cash’ for a while; but, you still don’t want to be ‘holding the bag’ if he finds that he ‘must’ do it again. He’s got something to entertain him, why don’t you go to FL and enjoy the slow-moving life and your friends while you still can. I was barely 50 when retirement was ‘forced on me’ and my income dropped by 75%. Louis had to support both of us and our kids and we had one, in college, at the time, too. It took me 3 years to ‘get over being disabled’; but, now … I enjoy every minute of it. Our oldest son just went through it and his ‘wife’ seems to think they can just ‘pick up’ and go ‘buy her another car’. They will soon have to turn it in, or else, the bank will be coming to get it. We’ve paid off all our credit cards and made a budget and this last month was the first one that I will have to get it out and figure if we stayed within it.

    We had to have our house treated for termites, not that we had them; but, out 10-year bond had run out, so I had to pay $200 for that and we’ll have to pay another $30 a month on top of the $30 we pay for spraying. I was sitting at my chair the other day and a woodpecker started hitting at the house right outside the window. I thought the buzzing of a carpenter bee was bad; but, I was NOT expecting that! Sounded like someone was shooting up the house.

    Got all my plants on my porch watered and fertilized and the door is now closed because the sun is coming into it since it is on the west side of the house. We’ll have to have a new trunk to our A/C unit to do it.

  • gotu52
    gotu52 Posts: 315 Member
    Lenora You are a knock out and the outfit is gorgeous!

    Did a shorter bike ride today, just two hours. My back was bothering me so I think I need to build up some capacity. I'll try 3 hours next week. So far, I feel ok. I have ordered a bike computer so I can see the speedometer, odometer, calorie count etc so I can be even more competitive with myself lol!

    Had a lovely dinner and then accidentally ate a few too many kit kat pieces. I had them portioned out but.... I just can't have that crap around and how did it get into my house you ask?? Duh maybe I bought it. Need to not shop when hungry. A new rule!

    <3 Sarah.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Lenora - gorgeous pictures, I'm so glad you finally got them on here, they were worth the wait. Thanks for sharing.

    Janetr OKC