Diet Coke, friend or foe?



  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    coke zero is my friend
    pepsi is my enemy - nasty, however
    just tasted the new pepsi max with ginger. can barely taste any ginger but must say i was able to drink it
  • SundropEclipse
    SundropEclipse Posts: 84 Member
    I actually got a bit annoyed with my chiropracter recently over this topic. The concern is aspartame, but as long as you're drinking it in moderation it won't harm you. In a week I drink 3-4 cans of diet A&W, and only if I'm having a spicy dinner. His response was the usual anti-aspartame spiel I've heard over the years, and I was somewhat disappointed to learn he hasn't been keeping up with studies on it.

    Short answer: unless you have an intolerace to sweeteners, a serving a day is going to cause less harm than a typical serving of orange juice.
  • Brizey93
    Brizey93 Posts: 9 Member
    I have some every day. Cherry coke zero and Chik fil a's diet lemonade are my weaknesses.
  • OliveGirl128
    OliveGirl128 Posts: 801 Member
    edited July 2017
    Bobbie8786 wrote: »
    People seek out support for a position that they already hold. On this site throw out any scientific data that indicates diet soda is bad for you and go with anecdotal evidence that "hey, I lost X amount of weight drinking it so it must be fine."

    Of course I'm going to go by what my own, real life experience has been and yes, I did lose a lot of weight while drinking diet soda, and yes I'm in excellent health and the positive changes in my health happened while drinking diet soda. This shows me that a. diet soda does not deter weight loss for me and b. drinking diet soda doesn't do anything negative to my health. It would be silly for me to think otherwise, based on what I've actually experienced.

  • 260scott
    260scott Posts: 13 Member
    In spite of the fear mongers, it is phenomenally better than any sugar-laden drink. Diet Pepsi was the key for me during a keto phase as I would go to movies and just fill up on sugar-free drinks. It may not have been the perfect thing to do, but it was much better than my usual drinks. All this fear about chemicals is over-kill. People are living longer now than in the entire course of human history.