Diet Coke, friend or foe?



  • LynnJ9
    LynnJ9 Posts: 414 Member
    edited July 2017
    kimny72 wrote: »
    rmgnow wrote: »
    rmgnow wrote: »
    Hi, I am determined to lose all this weight this time. My husband is convinced, from all the internet stuff he reads, that Diet Coke is the most evil of things you can ingest. According to him it will cause all kinds of trouble, from making me gain weight, destroying my pancreas, to bloating my stomach. I love the taste, and feel it is a great sweet treat with no calories.
    What do you all think?

    Tell your husband to consider how many millions of gallons of diet coke that have been consumed over the decades it has been available...If it actually caused any of these issues, it would be well documented and people would not buy it. There would be nothing to debate. Also ask how something with zero calories would make you gain weight.

    Yah. You may think nothing is wrong when a 3rd of all american adults are obese.
    LMAO oh yeah nothing is wrong

    Because a 3rd of americans is obese because of a 0 calorie drink. Yeah...
    And your link is a blog post.

    Other factors too. But it's a part of the problem.
    Diet Coke isn't directly responsible inmo but it is indirectly certainly responsible.

    Haha so yah millions of people are fine because millions of people drink it, right? I don't think so.
    Thing is. If you're healthy and you drink diet Coke once in a while, it's fine. If youre not healthy, you crave sweeter things and you become addicted to the artificial sweetner.

    I have no problem with people drinking diet Cole because we'll... YOLO but this is what happens, ... Yes with a 0 calorie sweetener

    I dont know what YOLO stands for.

    But most people do not crave sweeter things when they drink diet soda nor do they become addicted to it.

    So how is it responsible, directly or indirectly??

    I believe the research that suggests that diet soda causes some people to eat more or to stay overweight comes from two factors that have nothing to do with artificial sweeteners.

    1. Overweight unhealthy people who aren't ready to admit they eat too much start with the path of least resistance - switch from sugary drinks to diet. But they don't control anything else so they stay overweight.
    2. Drinking diet makes some people feel virtuous so they figure they can fit in a little more food and end up eating back all the calories they saved.

    While that may be true (it has not been true in my case, but maybe in general it is), if you are counting and tracking your calorie intake, as most of us are doing on this site, then that risk is mitigated. There are many things that causes people to eat more such as stress, sorrow, and boredom.
    I feel that a sweet, bubbly, cold glass of no calorie goodness would be a great way to start my day (the jolt of caffeine is an additional bonus). I don't like coffee, wouldn't know how our what to order order at Starbucks, but I sure love that fizzy sound when I crack open that Diet Coke bottle. Especially when it has those tiny ice particles that form on the surface. Yummmmm!
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    rmgnow wrote: »
    It's just processed sugar water. Won't kill you, but if other things are off, it will kill you

    There's no sugar in Diet Coke.

    Personally I avoid it because it tastes gross. Team Diet Dr Pepper!

    Team Diet Mountain Dew!

    I wish I could find the Caffeine Free Diet Mountain Dew for days I don't want/need caffeine.
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    jgnatca wrote: »
    One of the glories of a healthy marriage is to agree to disagree. You will lose all the weight you want to by paying attention to everything else you are eating.

    If it were me, I'd get myself a lovely glass, a funky straw, add ice and my diet PEPSI and drink it VERY SLOWLY in front of him. Daily.

  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    Well I like to drink maybe 1 a day just when I want a little something. I like the sparkling Ice drinks so far so good- for me at least
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I drink mostly water, but usually have one or two diet A&W root beers, cream soda, or a diet Fresca...not a cola guy. I think I'll be ok...
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    SLLeask wrote: »
    rmgnow wrote: »
    rmgnow wrote: »
    Hi, I am determined to lose all this weight this time. My husband is convinced, from all the internet stuff he reads, that Diet Coke is the most evil of things you can ingest. According to him it will cause all kinds of trouble, from making me gain weight, destroying my pancreas, to bloating my stomach. I love the taste, and feel it is a great sweet treat with no calories.
    What do you all think?

    Tell your husband to consider how many millions of gallons of diet coke that have been consumed over the decades it has been available...If it actually caused any of these issues, it would be well documented and people would not buy it. There would be nothing to debate. Also ask how something with zero calories would make you gain weight.

    Yah. You may think nothing is wrong when a 3rd of all american adults are obese.
    LMAO oh yeah nothing is wrong

    Because a 3rd of americans is obese because of a 0 calorie drink. Yeah...
    And your link is a blog post.

    Other factors too. But it's a part of the problem.
    Diet Coke isn't directly responsible inmo but it is indirectly certainly responsible.

    Haha so yah millions of people are fine because millions of people drink it, right? I don't think so.
    Thing is. If you're healthy and you drink diet Coke once in a while, it's fine. If youre not healthy, you crave sweeter things and you become addicted to the artificial sweetner.

    I have no problem with people drinking diet Cole because we'll... YOLO but this is what happens, ... Yes with a 0 calorie sweetener

    As I mentioned in an earlier post, I've been drinking diet coke for about 25 years, and not just "once in a while" so I just did a quick calculation on how many cans I have drunk over that time. I drink anything between 7 and 14 cans a week so I've probably consumed between 63,875 and 127,750 cans of diet coke or at least 21 thousand litres (if my maths is accurate ;) ). My favourite snack is crisps, I never crave sweeter things and I'm not addicted to artificial sweetener...

    Similar situation here. I've been drinking Diet Coke for about 25 years. I drank it when I was an underweight teenager, when I put weight on in college, when I lost weight after college, during my two pregnancies (mostly caffeine free DC) and when I was the highest weight I've been, and then when I've lost weight since joining MFP and now while I'm maintaining. It has never caused me to have additional cravings, particularly for sweet things.

  • dfwesq
    dfwesq Posts: 592 Member
    It can be useful in weight loss, especially if you have a habit of drinking sugar-sweetened drinks or eating sweets. It's certainly not a health food, but in moderate amounts it seems pretty harmless.

    It's probably a good idea not to make it a habit to drink a lot of the stuff regularly though. If you're doing that, it might be a good idea to cut back. The caramel coloring that's used in it it might not be very good for you, and it's certainly very acidic, so too much can cause dental problems.