August 2017 Running Challenge



  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    @JessicaMcB is my math correct, are you really at like 77 miles for the month already? What was that about us running similar miles????? Awesome job! You really do motivate me to do more. Our races are at about thr same time, but you have so much more mileage than me.... I feel like a slacker :'(

    Side note... I had coffee after my run this morning.... there's a real urge to run another 5 to get my daily miles up to 10 and my monthly total up to 60.... but that's the coffee talking.

    You aren't a slacker, you've got almost 60 on the month so far! I have confidence+ that you will rock Duluth, don't sweat it. (Also I saw one of the hills for Whistler yesterday and nearly cried so...I need the hill miles lol)!

    @Elise4270 I totally agree that you should support the businesses you enjoy! Just hard to figure if you should spring for it when you get gouged on the exchange and shipping- Nike has Canadian retailers, Oiselle doesn't as far as I can tell :( . Them and Sparkle Skirts man, I want to but my husband would be mad lol
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    edited August 2017
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    You aren't a slacker, you've got almost 60 on the month so far! I have confidence+ that you will rock Duluth, don't sweat it. (Also I saw one of the hills for Whistler yesterday and nearly cried so...I need the hill miles lol)!

    Thanks. I kind of needed a pick me up.. The thing about increased mileage for me is that I now am wondering if even that is enough? My 2 marathon experiences weren't great, so that's always in the back of my mind. Ultra is so different though... Lower HR, but harder hills. Ugh... so much to think about, and reading Scott Jurek's book this afternoon did not help!

    Oh, on the hills at Whistler, you'll eat them like nothing. You got this!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited August 2017
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    @JessicaMcB is my math correct, are you really at like 77 miles for the month already? What was that about us running similar miles????? Awesome job! You really do motivate me to do more. Our races are at about thr same time, but you have so much more mileage than me.... I feel like a slacker :'(

    Side note... I had coffee after my run this morning.... there's a real urge to run another 5 to get my daily miles up to 10 and my monthly total up to 60.... but that's the coffee talking.

    You aren't a slacker, you've got almost 60 on the month so far! I have confidence+ that you will rock Duluth, don't sweat it. (Also I saw one of the hills for Whistler yesterday and nearly cried so...I need the hill miles lol)!

    @Elise4270 I totally agree that you should support the businesses you enjoy! Just hard to figure if you should spring for it when you get gouged on the exchange and shipping- Nike has Canadian retailers, Oiselle doesn't as far as I can tell :( . Them and Sparkle Skirts man, I want to but my husband would be mad lol

    Oh I see! I have a separate account for running activities. Dh doesn't know what I spend. Although this last purchase was out of the joint account, he just bought 90$ shoes, so I'ma get something! I'll have to look at those sparkle skirts, see if I can get someone to smuggle you some! :joy:
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,412 Member
    @JessicaMcB - I have seen Sparkle Skirts at some of the race expos but never tried them... May have to check them out next time! Also for compression shorts and capris I love Lucy brand Yoga Flow shorts and Pocket capris. Both have awesome pockets that fit everything I need even for a run long run or race and are so comfortable. I have no idea if they are in Canada though. Everything online is 30% off right now though.

    The only issue I have had with Oiselle is the sizing (bras too big/shirts too small even when sized up) and it may be that I just don't fit their targeted standard. I will eventually get it right but it has cost me shipping both ways each time it is wrong.

    I need new running shoes... my favorite Skoras are starting to come apart and made my foot sore yesterday. They are supposed to have shoes available in September and I was hoping my pair would hold out until then... now what do I do???

    It is rest day and we were going to go to the dog beach but the surfing competition is apparently a 2 week/weekend event so that was a no go. So here I am between loads of laundry shopping online for Oiselle bras, Lucy shorts, running shoes and a new blender! Could be an expensive day!! Maybe I should go for a walk... or wait until it cools off later
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    @MNLittleFinn it's a savage ski hill, but on the plus side I'm going up it rather than down so my knees stand a better chance of not destroying me lol. And you know, to quote CDR'S signage, death before DNF :p

    Remember, Koerner programming is big into distances 50 miles and up being more about time on your feet. You have stamina, a good hills base and some ultra friends to bounce off of- Duluth is happening!

    @Elise4270 haha the underground shorts railroad!

    @shanaber I'm honestly not super jazzed on their actual skirts but their length shorts appeal to me big time and they're supposed to be A1 quality for women over 5'8"! Sounds like a wicked shopping day for you! Are you going Vitamix?
  • Dcorrick
    Dcorrick Posts: 56 Member
    Have had a tough week even doing what seemed easy the week before. An additional 3.5 miles yesterday, and 3.0 today, for a total of 12.27 out of 45. Worked out yesterday after my run, and now I'm wondering if squats, etc. were a bad idea. Just not able to run the distances without stopping right now. Going to take Monday off as a rest day, and see if that helps.
  • shrcpr
    shrcpr Posts: 885 Member
    @shanaber just ordered some Lucy brand pocket capris. Hoping they work out - it's really hard to find running pants with good pockets.

    Run this morning ended up only being half my planned amount. TOM complications - I'll spare the details. Had to have my husband come get me. :s I'll try again Tuesday for a longer run.

    So, 3.5 for me this morning.

    August totals: 15.85 / 75
  • MobyCarp
    MobyCarp Posts: 2,927 Member
    8/05/2017 - Cranberry Cup 5k - 23:18
    8/05/2017 - Howl at the Moon 5k - 25:11

    . . .

    I had a very poor start, was just too crowded. In fact, I spent the entire 5k passing people, which shows how far back I started. There was no chip time, just gun time, so that really hurt my chances to place. I ended up 5th in my age group, but I do not know by how much yet. Once they post the times I will know more. For now I am telling myself 3rd place was in reach had they done chip time, or had I started further up in the pack.

    . . .

    What is cool is even a couple months ago I thought I might be peaking as a runner and was a little depressed by it. Yet I hit multiple PRs this summer, so perhaps there is a bit more speed I can get before age catches up to me. Time will tell I guess. :)

    @PastorVincent - Good job getting 2 races run in one day! And now you know some things you didn't know before. You're faster than you thought, relative to the pack of runners in a race. And you need to line up more aggressively, because it's far more common for a 5K to use gun time than chip time. I've never seen a race that was shorter than a half marathon use chip time, unless it was big enough that it needed multiple corrals and/or waves. Even when a shorter race reports net time, gun time is typically used for awards.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited August 2017
    @shanaber interesting read on the TOM, a non issue for me, but Skip was laughing Friday that her Coach knows more about her TOM than I do. ha ha
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @_nikkiwolf_ I'm pretty sure @JessicaMcB is using KM
  • _nikkiwolf_
    _nikkiwolf_ Posts: 1,380 Member
    @_nikkiwolf_ I'm pretty sure @JessicaMcB is using KM
    Phew... Slightly less crazy, but still impressive as hell :smiley:
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    @_nikkiwolf_ yes KM all the way, I thought I added that qualifier on this month but apparently I didn't- gah Jessica! Haha!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited August 2017
    cburke8909 wrote: »
    No run but did do day2 of the Kinetic 30 day challenge after missing yesterday. Got in strength as well. My first set of cruise intervals tomorrow. Get racing this weekend by a lot of you. Btw I love a woman with well built legs.

    Not my hybrid chicken legs / goon legs? I think my thighs were the smallest, calves appear to be statically normal. :smiley: