Respect in the gym



  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    OP, you find the exchanges on this thread to be aggressive? Really???

    I do circuits all the time. Did one yesterday, in fact. Difference is I used one piece of equipment in one area. If someone wanted that particular trx strap they were SOL, but the rest of the gym was available to use without them having to ask me for permission first.

    It sounds like she was saying that the other guy wanted to kick her out of the rack, not willing to work sets in with her, and he wasn't even using it for the barbell, he just wanted to do some trx exercise that he could have done elsewhere. Maybe I misunderstood?

    when i was coming up in the gym, people would agree to work in all the time. over the last 10 years people seem to hate working in. not sure what changed. maybe all the "ewwww germs" stuff or just that people are more isolated these days. but either way, it's their decision is they want someone to work in. while i have no problem with it, i also do my sets with a timer, and with 1 minute or less rest between sets having someone work in that has to change weights and such would kill my times.

    not sure about what he was doing and if he could have done it somewhere else, but my personal belief is one person, one piece of equipment. if he wanted to do push ups inside the rack i wouldn't say anything, as long as he's only taking up that one spot.
  • WillUAre
    WillUAre Posts: 81 Member

    OP, this was a you problem, not a females in the gym problem. You don't get to tie up half the gyms equipment while you complete your routine. If the gym is relatively empty, you may be able to pull it off. But that is luck, not something you're entitled to


    I don't really get how you can say you "offered" to let him get some sets in while you were doing circuits. The power rack doesn't belong to you. If you're going to use it and then leave for 15 minutes, you're done with it, as far as I'm concerned. That's as nonsensical as setting up the bar and telling everyone who is waiting to use it "Hey, I'm going to run next door and grab a coffee. There better not be anyone in this rack when I get back." Unless your name is on the outside of the building or something, who the hell are you?

    Meant to agree to this.

    Edited: to add quote
  • WillUAre
    WillUAre Posts: 81 Member
    OP, this was a you problem, not a females in the gym problem. You don't get to tie up half the gyms equipment while you complete your routine. If the gym is relatively empty, you may be able to pull it off. But that is luck, not something you're entitled to


    I don't really get how you can say you "offered" to let him get some sets in while you were doing circuits. The power rack doesn't belong to you. If you're going to use it and then leave for 15 minutes, you're done with it, as far as I'm concerned. That's as nonsensical as setting up the bar and telling everyone who is waiting to use it "Hey, I'm going to run next door and grab a coffee. There better not be anyone in this rack when I get back." Unless your name is on the outside of the building or something, who the hell are you?

    Meant to agree to this.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    OP, you find the exchanges on this thread to be aggressive? Really???

    I do circuits all the time. Did one yesterday, in fact. Difference is I used one piece of equipment in one area. If someone wanted that particular trx strap they were SOL, but the rest of the gym was available to use without them having to ask me for permission first.

    It sounds like she was saying that the other guy wanted to kick her out of the rack, not willing to work sets in with her, and he wasn't even using it for the barbell, he just wanted to do some trx exercise that he could have done elsewhere. Maybe I misunderstood?

    when i was coming up in the gym, people would agree to work in all the time. over the last 10 years people seem to hate working in. not sure what changed. maybe all the "ewwww germs" stuff or just that people are more isolated these days. but either way, it's their decision is they want someone to work in. while i have no problem with it, i also do my sets with a timer, and with 1 minute or less rest between sets having someone work in that has to change weights and such would kill my times.

    not sure about what he was doing and if he could have done it somewhere else, but my personal belief is one person, one piece of equipment. if he wanted to do push ups inside the rack i wouldn't say anything, as long as he's only taking up that one spot.

    Thanks for explaining. That's reasonable.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    re-read the OP regarding the use of bands. OP wasn't specific, but I'm guessing he was doing some power work where he attaches resistance bands to the bar or to his body for extra resistance at specific places in the lift. And if he's setting that up, he's not going to break it down between sets for someone else to work in. totally legit, imo.

    Re: men saying stuff to women that they wouldn't say to men: I've had men tell me that I couldn't use a piece of equipment until they were finished and I've told other guys that they didn't get to use 3 stations at the same time, whether they were trying some giant set or super set or doing a circuit. i'll always try to accommodate but at a certain point my time is just as valuable as theirs. it's not a guy vs girl thing at all.

    if anything, i'd bet the OP isn't used to proper gym etiquette because as a cute young girl she'll get a free pass in a spot where a guy would get cussed out.
  • minijuggernaut
    minijuggernaut Posts: 98 Member
    I have never felt anything but as much respect as every other weight training regular, male or female, in my gym.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    re-read the OP regarding the use of bands. OP wasn't specific, but I'm guessing he was doing some power work where he attaches resistance bands to the bar or to his body for extra resistance at specific places in the lift. And if he's setting that up, he's not going to break it down between sets for someone else to work in. totally legit, imo.

    I was thinking that also, when I thought more about it.

    But, what about him setting up and then just wandering around on his phone. Just sounds like there was a lot of goofing around going on.
  • Barbellgirl
    Barbellgirl Posts: 544 Member
    I understand what you are doing with your workout, but it really is inconsiderate to expect that you can tie up or reserve an important piece of equipment for 15 minutes while you are doing other things. That wouldn't go over well at my gym either. Most people have a pretty set routine and do things in order (probably like you do), but most people prefer to do their warmup sets and their workout sets with just short rest breaks while staying on the same machine/ station.

    He probably knew he was going to take longer than your 15 minute circuit time which is probably why he didn't want to work in with you. You'd probably be tapping your feet at him while he was still on his work sets. By the way, the heavier a person lifts, the longer they tend to rest between sets.
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    i dont know the whole situation - but in my gym there are like 12 benches and only 3 squat racks - one of which is a power rack.

    so if somebody was doing a deadlift squat circuit and I wanted to squat and there was no rack available I would probably go ballistic (note this has nothing to do with your post directly I dont know your gym setup - I can totally see where you are coming from as well)
  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    If you want to circuit train, go to "Curves".:grumble:
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    re-read the OP regarding the use of bands. OP wasn't specific, but I'm guessing he was doing some power work where he attaches resistance bands to the bar or to his body for extra resistance at specific places in the lift. And if he's setting that up, he's not going to break it down between sets for someone else to work in. totally legit, imo.

    I was thinking that also, when I thought more about it.

    But, what about him setting up and then just wandering around on his phone. Just sounds like there was a lot of goofing around going on.

    It's common to wait up to 5 mins between max lifts. Or he may have gotten an important call from work or family. Or ordering takeout. Wasn't there so I can't say. Overly long rest may irk me if I'm waiting but I'll still wait. If I got there first the other guy would have to wait. Girls too.
  • Erod1972
    Erod1972 Posts: 34 Member
    Sorry but I have to agree with most of everyone else. Its very unrealistic to think that you can monopolize different areas of a gym for 45 mins to complete your circuit. If I saw someone leave a station for 10 mins I would surmise that they were done with the rack and just didn't re-rack their weights. I would do it for them and then start my workout. If you came back and pleaded your case I would not be closed to letting you work in especially if you were cute :smokin: haha just wanted to lighten the thread up a bit :tongue:
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    so the rest of us should adhere to your routine because you want to take up 15 stations at once? ummmmm thats not going to happen...the rest of us might be in a rush to our might want to get in our workouts too...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    There were only 3 people there otherwise I would have taken my weights off the power rack and asked to set in if someone was on it. I have found that it is hard sometimes to get guys to let me get a set in. Come on guys. It takes me less than 5 minutes to get a set in. Lets share please. And to me, setting up bands and monopolizing a machine for 30 minutes is way more inconsiderate than doing circuits and letting people set in if they need to.
    wait, you want everyone else to share but you don't?????? LOL this thread is hilarious...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    there is one guy in my gym who is always doing like 2o different exercises..I dont know if he is doing circuits or just has a bad case of Farounditus...but once he was waiting on a station I was in so I hurried up to accommodate him and moved to next work out..he does one freaking set and moves on to something else..I was like really bro? You could not do something else while you stood behind me like a wounded puppy...

    OP sounds like this guy IMO
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    re-read the OP regarding the use of bands. OP wasn't specific, but I'm guessing he was doing some power work where he attaches resistance bands to the bar or to his body for extra resistance at specific places in the lift. And if he's setting that up, he's not going to break it down between sets for someone else to work in. totally legit, imo.

    I was thinking that also, when I thought more about it.

    But, what about him setting up and then just wandering around on his phone. Just sounds like there was a lot of goofing around going on.

    It's common to wait up to 5 mins between max lifts. Or he may have gotten an important call from work or family. Or ordering takeout. Wasn't there so I can't say. Overly long rest may irk me if I'm waiting but I'll still wait. If I got there first the other guy would have to wait. Girls too.

    Or he had done a set and the OP didn't notice and he did a short walk away or around the rack to walk off the burn or/and do some short dynamic stretching in between.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    Or he had done a set and the OP didn't notice and he did a short walk away or around the rack to walk off the burn or/and do some short dynamic stretching in between.

    walk off the burn?

    really? unless i have to pee or get more water- I don't walk so far away from my stuff that someone thinks I'm done.

    hell I tend to super set squats with mountain climbers or pull up/burpee combos. If I'm squatting heavy- I STRETCH. I don't leave my things unattended.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member

    Or he had done a set and the OP didn't notice and he did a short walk away or around the rack to walk off the burn or/and do some short dynamic stretching in between.

    walk off the burn?

    really? unless i have to pee or get more water- I don't walk so far away from my stuff that someone thinks I'm done.

    hell I tend to super set squats with mountain climbers or pull up/burpee combos. If I'm squatting heavy- I STRETCH. I don't leave my things unattended.

    Did you notice I said short walk or around the rack? For all we know he went 5 feet from the rack for 2-3 minutes.
  • FlaxMilk
    FlaxMilk Posts: 3,452 Member
    If you are not currently using a machine or rack, then it should be available for others to use...period.

    Yep! I try to get all my sets done on each machine before moving on, but there are a few I need to come back to right now because my strength just seems lacking in those areas. I know when I get off the machine that I'm giving up my time on it and hope it's free when I'm done with other machines and ready for the next set on the machine I gave up.

    I wouldn't have been thrilled with him taking tons of time either, though if he knew you were done with your sets he may not have felt pressured to get the work done. I take much more time when the gym isn't crowded.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Agree to disagree, friends. I will be more conscious about not specifically reserving a machine. But I still think asking to alternate sets is fair. You may all continue to post but I don't like the negativity so I am out. :) have a good night.

    Negativity? Huh?

    Generally, when I make a post and realize I was wrong/missed something, I admit it before leaving the thread... just seems like a better response than flouncing like you did.

    Two and a half more pages even after you left? Sweet. Guess I'm... see where this went.