Pros and cons of a Keto Diet



  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    ccrdragon wrote: »
    wolfruhn wrote: »
    Shame about all the people who continue to argue against Keto, while millions more people across the globe continue to be trapped and become part of the obesity epidemic. Arguing that just go ahead and eat whatever you like as long as you stay within calories.

    The modern 'fad' for carb centric diets started after WW2 but it clearly hasn't worked, as evidenced by looking around while at the mall.

    It's about time people started waking up and getting back to the position of Ketosis being absolutely okay and a natural experience that many people went into and out of regularly over hundreds of thousands of years of man's evolution.

    You can get just as fat eating LCHF/Keto as you can eating the SAD (or any variation of the SAD).

    Again, those aren't the only 2 choices. False dilemma.
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    That it works for you is enough, right?

    In fairness, this advise can be given to all sides...
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    GlassAngyl wrote: »

    And just so we are clear.. vegetarians and vegans get attacked less than those who want to try keto or low carb.

    How about we make this totally clear. Those who eat keto do NOT get attacked. Those who claim that keto is the only way to eat or make false claims about its superior health benefits WILL receive push back and requests for proof (just like anyone else who claims any kind of absolute). It is not the way you choose to eat, it is the way you (general you) present it to the world that triggers how the world will respond. Since keto is the flavor of the moment, there are currently more of the "you must" type of posts regarding it than other types of diets.

  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    earlnabby wrote: »
    GlassAngyl wrote: »

    And just so we are clear.. vegetarians and vegans get attacked less than those who want to try keto or low carb.

    How about we make this totally clear. Those who eat keto do NOT get attacked. Those who claim that keto is the only way to eat or make false claims about its superior health benefits WILL receive push back and requests for proof (just like anyone else who claims any kind of absolute). It is not the way you choose to eat, it is the way you (general you) present it to the world that triggers how the world will respond. Since keto is the flavor of the moment, there are currently more of the "you must" type of posts regarding it than other types of diets.

    ^^^ For the win...
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    I'm currently doing keto for migraine control - so far the biggest pro is that I haven't had a migraine all week...we'll see how it holds up over the course of a month since my migraines are definitely somewhat tied to menstrual cycle...but so far so good.

    And on a HUGE PRO side for me - I can eat all the foods that used to be migraine triggers (beef, pork, chicken, etc) and I don't have a migraine afterward - I have spent over 5 years not being able to eat a lot of my favorite foods, so for me this is a huge thing.

    There are many different versions of keto, I'm starting with 2:1 - if that keeps the migraines away I will not make any changes. That's 2 fat calories for every 1 protein + carb calorie. I'm doing net carbs at this time, not total. I was already low carb and did not alter my calorie or protein goals when switching to keto, just shifted the goals away from carbs and over to fat.

    So far the only con has been slightly more effort in planning food. I already pre-logged my food most days, so this isn't a huge change for me, but I do find I have to tweak the numbers a bit to get my goals where I want them...a whole avocado where I might have usually only used half, or cottage cheese were I might have previously had yogurt.

    I suspect I will miss crisps when PMS week comes around, that will probably be a con...but I can have salted nuts, so I'll get through it.

    My goal is to do this 2 years and then gradually start increasing carbs and shifting the ratio closer to 1:1 or whatever I can tolerate without a return of symptoms. In studies with epileptic children the brain changes were permanent after 2 years and seizures didn't return when the diet was changed from keto to low carb - I haven't found any studies regarding permanence in adults, so this will be a self-experiment.

    Realistically, even if I have to eat this way forever, it's better than having migraines, and I'll take bacon over potato chips just about any day.

    Great to hear that this is helping! Migraines are no fun.
  • GlassAngyl
    GlassAngyl Posts: 478 Member
    edited October 2017
    mph323 wrote: »
    GlassAngyl wrote: »
    wolfruhn wrote: »
    Shame about all the people who continue to argue against Keto, while millions more people across the globe continue to be trapped and become part of the obesity epidemic. Arguing that just go ahead and eat whatever you like as long as you stay within calories.

    The modern 'fad' for carb centric diets started after WW2 but it clearly hasn't worked, as evidenced by looking around while at the mall.

    It's about time people started waking up and getting back to the position of Ketosis being absolutely okay and a natural experience that many people went into and out of regularly over hundreds of thousands of years of man's evolution.

    You say it so much nicer than I do.. :lol:
    Course I envy those who can carb and lose weight.. but I agree.. it APPARENTLY isn't the easiest way or more obese people wouldn't struggle and give up and restart over and over and over and.. well you get the idea. The only complaint from anti ketoers is from those who continued to over eat on it trying to hit macros .. not sure how that's possible but I think they are saying "do it for me so I don't have to do any work".. and from those who agreed it worked but didn't feel it was varied enough in choices because they listened to the psycho keto cults that restricted everything and didn't tell them about keto breads and noodles and deserts (or they are just lazy and if it isn't prepackaged it's not an option..) Now their minds are permanently poisoned to the idea.

    I'm calling you out on this. You obviously have plenty of time and energy in your life to plan, prep and cook home made meals. Good for you. Glad to know you think anyone working two or three jobs to pay the rent and buy food, or coming home exhausted from a 4 hour daily commute is just lazy when they pop a packaged meal into the microwave.

    I'm glad it's just one flaw you found and has nothing to do with why keto doesn't work at all.