Of refeeds and diet breaks



  • mrw0915
    mrw0915 Posts: 40 Member
    Some may already have recipe books in this manner, but I have used the Protein Powder Cookbook by Anna Award and have had good results baking with protein powders. Most all the recipes came out great.
  • mmapags
    mmapags Posts: 8,934 Member
    edited December 2017
    HDBKLM wrote: »
    Question on the 'plain' flavour of protein powders: do they sincerely taste of nothing/are they really unnoticeable? Just because I happen not to have much of a sweet tooth so I'd probably be trying to sneak it into savoury recipes. And that being the case, should it affect the choice of pea, whey, etc.?

    The 2 I've used are. Teresa's Whey and Opportuneas Grass Fed. Whey.
    Good advice by above by livingleanlivingclean.
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    edited December 2017
    mmapags wrote: »
    anubis609 wrote: »
    Familial hypercholesterolemia aside, naturally occurring sources of cholesterol; i.e. eggs, beef, chicken, etc., generally don't contribute to increased levels of serum cholesterol. It all stems from the liver and basically the way it works is that depending on the substrate composition, the liver will produce its own cholesterol to compensate.

    We already know that HDL is considered the "good" lipoprotein and that LDL is interpreted as the "bad" one, however triglycerides are generally overlooked in the modern health world and I don't know why, but having a high saturation of them isn't good either considering that's exactly what gets shoved into adipose tissue and in a metabolic emergency, will collect around the organs as ectopic fat. It's literally a fatty sugar.

    Anyway, it delves into lipidology and a lot of terminology that I can only convey well via metaphors and analogies, but the ultra rough cheat sheet is that nutrient dense foods with their own naturally occurring macros and fatty acids will actually normalize most people's lipid panels. The more processed the food, the more deleterious the lipid panel; i.e. if a vegetarian grazes on cake, cookies, vegan ice cream, snack back, etc., triglycerides shoot up, HDL goes down, LDL might go down; on the other hand, if a low carber eats fatty dairy and nuts along with protein, HDL goes up, trigs go down, and LDL shoots up; anyone following a low fat diet will usually have reduced LDL but HDL and trigs may stay the same.

    The best of all worlds would be to follow a natural occurring nutrient dense food diet without restricting any macro, and HDL tends to be a little higher, trigs tend to be around the same as HDL, and LDL tends to be reduced to the upper end of normal.

    I've participated in contributing to the data in Dave Feldman's breakdown for his site cholesterolcode.com. Yes, he has a keto/low carb slant, but that doesn't bar him from at least trying to be objective in his data collection. Also, he's an engineer for a living, not a lipidologist, but like a lot of us, he got sucked into a specific realm of dietary nutrition and has gone balls deep into it. I've gotten more needle sticks in 2 weeks than I've wanted in over a typical year, ranging from eating super high fat/high calorie intakes, all the way down to super low calorie low fat 700-900kcal/day intakes. Both periods of experimentation weren't very fun :relaxed:

    This has nothing really to do with @GottaBurnEmAll's personal preference at all, but just reading it kind of just allowed me to go on this unnecessary tangent lol.

    And @Nony_Mouse, I look forward to your bush berries >_<

    What you talk about here is so true yet counter intuitive. I am living proof of it. Over the last 2 years I have done 2 things, eaten a balanced, unrestricted diet with a good dose of fats, including omega 3 and saturated fat. Lost about 10lbs of body fat.

    In my annual physical a year ago with my Dr., an osteopath who is very well versed is naturopathic and nutritional solutions, he looked at my triglycerides and asked me if I was doing keto or low carb. I said no, why? He said for a man of 65 (at the time) you have the triglycerides of a 30 year old athlete! And my Total Chol/ HDL ratio was well below the average risk of 4.5 at 3.9.

    A year later, at age 66, the number were even better! Triglycerides were improved and Tot Chol/ HDL was 3.4. His take: you eat a healthy balanced diet with adequate omega 3's and sat. fat, you lost body fat and brought your weight into a healthy range and you do vigorous exercise. That is the trifecta.

    The lipid hypothesis is dead (for those that don't have hypercholesteremia). Fats are not the problem. Even saturated fats. As you say, if we don't get enough through a balanced, without restricting fats unnecessarily , our livers will make it!

    My apologies for going off on a tangent but this is an area of passionate interest for me!

    ETA: I blame anubis. :D

    Unfortunately, as you stated, for those of us with familial hypercholesterolemia, sat fat and dietary cholesterol are still bad actors. I have to watch those.

    Luckily, I'm not one of those people who isn't satiated by dietary fat. Anywhere from 50-60 g a day is my norm and my usual sources are nuts, avocado and olive oil. I keep my dairy low fat to limit sat fat intake. I could, for satiation's sake, go lower than this, but that starts to impact my skin (I get this rashy thing at the corner of my mouth) and nails.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    JerSchmare wrote: »
    I will NEVER watch this. Can someone summarize?

    I'm pretty sure theres a summary somewhere on the first few pages? (6,perhaps?)
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    JerSchmare wrote: »
    ^^^ Thanks. After I posted, I realized that there are a lot of pages. Funny thing is, I’d rather read through all of it than watch the video. I just hate watching videos. Not sure why.

    I played it in the car - obviously not watching! It was easy to listen to and understand if listening is ok for you :)
  • ZoneFive
    ZoneFive Posts: 570 Member
    JerSchmare wrote: »
    ^^^ Thanks. After I posted, I realized that there are a lot of pages. Funny thing is, I’d rather read through all of it than watch the video. I just hate watching videos. Not sure why.

    The video is pretty much Lyle McDonald being twitchy at his desk. The conversation is the important stuff, so you can just treat it as a podcast.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    JerSchmare wrote: »
    JerSchmare wrote: »
    ^^^ Thanks. After I posted, I realized that there are a lot of pages. Funny thing is, I’d rather read through all of it than watch the video. I just hate watching videos. Not sure why.

    I played it in the car - obviously not watching! It was easy to listen to and understand if listening is ok for you :)

    I am reminded by my coach (not fitness related) that I have 2 ears and one mouth. I’m supposed to listen more than I talk. Haha.

    I like to read stuff like this more than watch but if I can have follow up notes then I can do the listening. For practical teaching I prefer to watch/do. I'm a visual/practical learner.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Okay, let's make this fun, bets on how much water weight Nony can gain on pred. I'm on day 3 of 5 at twice a day (though I can scale down as soon as the rash has cleared, so may get away with four days), and 5 days at once a day (though if I only do four at twice a day I may be able to do fewer at one as well, need to check with doctor on that. Ovulation around mid next week should also be taken into account. Could be Wednesday, could be Saturday, or anywhere in between.
    7.5 kilos

    8.8 to 9.9 lbs. Gone within 22 days (21+1)

    God, that long?? I actually realised that if I do gain in the realm of 4.5 kg, that almost puts me back to mid-August. I know it's water, but...can't it just drop off in like, a day?? Two?? If I low carb and eat loads of potassium?
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    JerSchmare wrote: »
    ^^^ Thanks. After I posted, I realized that there are a lot of pages. Funny thing is, I’d rather read through all of it than watch the video. I just hate watching videos. Not sure why.

    I'm actually about to (not right now, it's 4.30 in the fricking morning, I'm just icing my eczema so I can sleep more without ripping my skin off) start work on a TL;DR with Anubis's help that we can post ever 5 or so pages, so new to the thread people can get caught up without reading ~1.7k posts. Will hopefully have it done in a couple of days.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    Takes me an absolute age to get rid of water weight, nothing I have tried has any significant impact. Sigh.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Takes me an absolute age to get rid of water weight, nothing I have tried has any significant impact. Sigh.

    Yeah, I was actually thinking of you when that realisation hit. I was all, 'I know it's water, but what if it doesn't come off and I stay a blimp' ('cept with water instead of helium or whatever, no floating skywards for me!) :'(
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    edited December 2017
    JerSchmare wrote: »
    ^^^ Thanks. After I posted, I realized that there are a lot of pages. Funny thing is, I’d rather read through all of it than watch the video. I just hate watching videos. Not sure why.

    There are podcasts. I hate videos too, but podcasts are something I can listen to while working out.

    I see livingleanlivingclean beat me to it!

    Yeah, I totally listened to all of this during work out sessions.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Takes me an absolute age to get rid of water weight, nothing I have tried has any significant impact. Sigh.

    Yeah, I was actually thinking of you when that realisation hit. I was all, 'I know it's water, but what if it doesn't come off and I stay a blimp' ('cept with water instead of helium or whatever, no floating skywards for me!) :'(

    My bump from Monday is now off but technically should be lower still. So yeah. Patience of a saint over here. Because I am not about to attempt some stupid like eating 900 calories.

    Well, I'm not gonna do that either, b/c that won't help water weight, and will just jack up my cortisol even more!! Which is probably what stressing myself about it is doing anyway, but then I want jacked cortisol right now. Though I think my own production has a nap while the pred does its thing. Hence tapering off, it's so your own can wake up and come back on board.