Of refeeds and diet breaks



  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    edited December 2017
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    @skinnyjingbb are you well into the obese range with a TDEE around 4000 Cal a day?

    That would be the level where a 1000 Cal a day deficit makes sense.

    You have to have enough fat available to lose to support the deficit you're chosing.

    If your actual TDEE is 1500 Cal (which I don't believe to be correct) and you're obese, then the maximum deficit you should be trying for is no more than 25%, i.e. ~375 Cal. If overweight it would be 20% and ~300 Cal!

    Well based on her loss rate and intake, her maintenance is no less than 1750 to 2200 (1.5 to 2 lb per week at 1000 to 1200. Consider the limitations of logging, its actually probably higher.

    So what deficit would you suggest as appropriate for her @psuLemon ? <shovel pass> :smiley:

    Anywhere that would allow for her to lose between .5 to 1% bf per week.

    But if we can stats, i can run calories and macros and more if they want.

    What I have looking back is:

    Age: 30
    Height: ~5'3"
    SW: 190 lb
    CW: ~173 lb
    GW: 140lb

    Weight loss to date ~17 lbs (in 40 days), low carbing.

    It would be nice to know what the last 2 weeks are to elimating glycogen depletion, sodium/water adjustment and food volume changes.

    ETA: considering normal low carb loses, my original numbers seems accurate in terms of tdee.
  • skinnyjingbb
    skinnyjingbb Posts: 127 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    @skinnyjingbb are you well into the obese range with a TDEE around 4000 Cal a day?

    That would be the level where a 1000 Cal a day deficit makes sense.

    You have to have enough fat available to lose to support the deficit you're chosing.

    If your actual TDEE is 1500 Cal (which I don't believe to be correct) and you're obese, then the maximum deficit you should be trying for is no more than 25%, i.e. ~375 Cal. If overweight it would be 20% and ~300 Cal!

    Well based on her loss rate and intake, her maintenance is no less than 1750 to 2200 (1.5 to 2 lb per week at 1000 to 1200. Consider the limitations of logging, its actually probably higher.

    So what deficit would you suggest as appropriate for her @psuLemon ? <shovel pass> :smiley:

    Anywhere that would allow for her to lose between .5 to 1% bf per week.

    But if we can stats, i can run calories and macros and more if they want.

    I am obese based on Bmi over 30.since I am short, I am at 173 lbs now so I'll probably adjust my goal to 1 lbs per week. The thing is, because I am eating low carb high fat, I don't feel hungry or tired on 1000 to 1200 calorie. Sometimes I have packed snacks but don't feel like eating them. Also, I do think in general I probably under estimate as fat is so calorie dense, it is very easy to log less calorie than what I actually had.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    edited December 2017
    psuLemon wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    @skinnyjingbb are you well into the obese range with a TDEE around 4000 Cal a day?

    That would be the level where a 1000 Cal a day deficit makes sense.

    You have to have enough fat available to lose to support the deficit you're chosing.

    If your actual TDEE is 1500 Cal (which I don't believe to be correct) and you're obese, then the maximum deficit you should be trying for is no more than 25%, i.e. ~375 Cal. If overweight it would be 20% and ~300 Cal!

    Well based on her loss rate and intake, her maintenance is no less than 1750 to 2200 (1.5 to 2 lb per week at 1000 to 1200. Consider the limitations of logging, its actually probably higher.

    So what deficit would you suggest as appropriate for her @psuLemon ? <shovel pass> :smiley:

    Anywhere that would allow for her to lose between .5 to 1% bf per week.

    But if we can stats, i can run calories and macros and more if they want.

    I am obese based on Bmi over 30.since I am short, I am at 173 lbs now so I'll probably adjust my goal to 1 lbs per week. The thing is, because I am eating low carb high fat, I don't feel hungry or tired on 1000 to 1200 calorie. Sometimes I have packed snacks but don't feel like eating them. Also, I do think in general I probably under estimate as fat is so calorie dense, it is very easy to log less calorie than what I actually had.

    How much protein are you eating? And do you work out?
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    psuLemon wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    @skinnyjingbb are you well into the obese range with a TDEE around 4000 Cal a day?

    That would be the level where a 1000 Cal a day deficit makes sense.

    You have to have enough fat available to lose to support the deficit you're chosing.

    If your actual TDEE is 1500 Cal (which I don't believe to be correct) and you're obese, then the maximum deficit you should be trying for is no more than 25%, i.e. ~375 Cal. If overweight it would be 20% and ~300 Cal!

    Well based on her loss rate and intake, her maintenance is no less than 1750 to 2200 (1.5 to 2 lb per week at 1000 to 1200. Consider the limitations of logging, its actually probably higher.

    So what deficit would you suggest as appropriate for her @psuLemon ? <shovel pass> :smiley:

    Anywhere that would allow for her to lose between .5 to 1% bf per week.

    But if we can stats, i can run calories and macros and more if they want.

    I am obese based on Bmi over 30.since I am short, I am at 173 lbs now so I'll probably adjust my goal to 1 lbs per week. The thing is, because I am eating low carb high fat, I don't feel hungry or tired on 1000 to 1200 calorie. Sometimes I have packed snacks but don't feel like eating them. Also, I do think in general I probably under estimate as fat is so calorie dense, it is very easy to log less calorie than what I actually had.

    Again, is there a reason you are doing low carb? It has no additional weight loss benefits (ie you won't lose faster, other than the initial water weight).

    And I don't think you are under-logging given your rate of loss.
  • skinnyjingbb
    skinnyjingbb Posts: 127 Member
    I adjusted to 1 lbs a week now new goal is 1340 cal a week, as for exercise, my low intensity cardio usually be around 200 kcal, so I am hesitant to eat them back unless I feel hungry, but I'll probably eat more if I do more intense workout
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,412 MFP Moderator
    I adjusted to 1 lbs a week now new goal is 1340 cal a week, as for exercise, my low intensity cardio usually be around 200 kcal, so I am hesitant to eat them back unless I feel hungry, but I'll probably eat more if I do more intense workout

    Outside of weight loss, what are your goals?
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    I adjusted to 1 lbs a week now new goal is 1340 cal a week, as for exercise, my low intensity cardio usually be around 200 kcal, so I am hesitant to eat them back unless I feel hungry, but I'll probably eat more if I do more intense workout

    Eat at least another 100 cals on exercise days. You need to fuel your body properly.
  • skinnyjingbb
    skinnyjingbb Posts: 127 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    @skinnyjingbb are you well into the obese range with a TDEE around 4000 Cal a day?

    That would be the level where a 1000 Cal a day deficit makes sense.

    You have to have enough fat available to lose to support the deficit you're chosing.

    If your actual TDEE is 1500 Cal (which I don't believe to be correct) and you're obese, then the maximum deficit you should be trying for is no more than 25%, i.e. ~375 Cal. If overweight it would be 20% and ~300 Cal!

    Well based on her loss rate and intake, her maintenance is no less than 1750 to 2200 (1.5 to 2 lb per week at 1000 to 1200. Consider the limitations of logging, its actually probably higher.

    So what deficit would you suggest as appropriate for her @psuLemon ? <shovel pass> :smiley:

    Anywhere that would allow for her to lose between .5 to 1% bf per week.

    But if we can stats, i can run calories and macros and more if they want.

    I am obese based on Bmi over 30.since I am short, I am at 173 lbs now so I'll probably adjust my goal to 1 lbs per week. The thing is, because I am eating low carb high fat, I don't feel hungry or tired on 1000 to 1200 calorie. Sometimes I have packed snacks but don't feel like eating them. Also, I do think in general I probably under estimate as fat is so calorie dense, it is very easy to log less calorie than what I actually had.

    Again, is there a reason you are doing low carb? It has no additional weight loss benefits (ie you won't lose faster, other than the initial water weight).

    And I don't think you are under-logging given your rate of loss.

    I choose low carb because it's easier for me since I never ate lot of starchy food, so cut out rice and bread etc is no problem. I used to over indulge on sweets, but this temptation is easier to avoid compare to other things. Also, since I am not going as low as keto level, I do eat fruit and would have one bite of cake when desired( I cut the rest to bite side pieces and freeze them if no one to share). Also, in the past when I over ate one day during diet, I just can't get back on again because I would have strong cravings and the weight just come in back, so that's why I am trying this, so far so good, like during thanksgiving, I was over budget but had no problem getting back to my budget the next day. I am not trying to achieve ketosis, just cut out sugar and carb is the easiest way to restrict calorie for me
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    psuLemon wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    @skinnyjingbb are you well into the obese range with a TDEE around 4000 Cal a day?

    That would be the level where a 1000 Cal a day deficit makes sense.

    You have to have enough fat available to lose to support the deficit you're chosing.

    If your actual TDEE is 1500 Cal (which I don't believe to be correct) and you're obese, then the maximum deficit you should be trying for is no more than 25%, i.e. ~375 Cal. If overweight it would be 20% and ~300 Cal!

    Well based on her loss rate and intake, her maintenance is no less than 1750 to 2200 (1.5 to 2 lb per week at 1000 to 1200. Consider the limitations of logging, its actually probably higher.

    So what deficit would you suggest as appropriate for her @psuLemon ? <shovel pass> :smiley:

    Anywhere that would allow for her to lose between .5 to 1% bf per week.

    But if we can stats, i can run calories and macros and more if they want.

    I am obese based on Bmi over 30.since I am short, I am at 173 lbs now so I'll probably adjust my goal to 1 lbs per week. The thing is, because I am eating low carb high fat, I don't feel hungry or tired on 1000 to 1200 calorie. Sometimes I have packed snacks but don't feel like eating them. Also, I do think in general I probably under estimate as fat is so calorie dense, it is very easy to log less calorie than what I actually had.

    Again, is there a reason you are doing low carb? It has no additional weight loss benefits (ie you won't lose faster, other than the initial water weight).

    And I don't think you are under-logging given your rate of loss.

    I choose low carb because it's easier for me since I never ate lot of starchy food, so cut out rice and bread etc is no problem. I used to over indulge on sweets, but this temptation is easier to avoid compare to other things. Also, since I am not going as low as keto level, I do eat fruit and would have one bite of cake when desired( I cut the rest to bite side pieces and freeze them if no one to share). Also, in the past when I over ate one day during diet, I just can't get back on again because I would have strong cravings and the weight just come in back, so that's why I am trying this, so far so good, like during thanksgiving, I was over budget but had no problem getting back to my budget the next day. I am not trying to achieve ketosis, just cut out sugar and carb is the easiest way to restrict calorie for me

    Okay, that's fine then :). If this is something you think is sustainable for you and that you can adhere to long term, it's all good. I personally tend towards lower carb when at a deficit myself, because it leaves more room for protein and fats, and I can't eat half the carbs I like now anyway thanks to food intolerances!!

    Do really try to hit that new calorie goal though. Losing too fast is not a good thing.
  • skinnyjingbb
    skinnyjingbb Posts: 127 Member
    Yes, I think I'll keep to about 1400 a day and eat back half of exercise calorie for a while and adjust if needed. I'll probably be back of I can manage to reach 160 at the end of the next year. Cause that's the point where I used to struggle to maintain and weight just bounced back.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Yes, I think I'll keep to about 1400 a day and eat back half of exercise calorie for a while and adjust if needed. I'll probably be back of I can manage to reach 160 at the end of the next year. Cause that's the point where I used to struggle to maintain and weight just bounced back.

    With 13 lbs to reach 160, you're not going to get there by the end of the year sorry. Four lbs would be perfect. But end of year is probably a good time for you to take a diet break. You may like to have that coincide with Christmas for convenience.
  • skinnyjingbb
    skinnyjingbb Posts: 127 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Yes, I think I'll keep to about 1400 a day and eat back half of exercise calorie for a while and adjust if needed. I'll probably be back of I can manage to reach 160 at the end of the next year. Cause that's the point where I used to struggle to maintain and weight just bounced back.

    With 13 lbs to reach 160, you're not going to get there by the end of the year sorry. Four lbs would be perfect. But end of year is probably a good time for you to take a diet break. You may like to have that coincide with Christmas for convenience.
    sorry typo, I meant goal of 140lbs at the end of 2018.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    Yes, I think I'll keep to about 1400 a day and eat back half of exercise calorie for a while and adjust if needed. I'll probably be back of I can manage to reach 160 at the end of the next year. Cause that's the point where I used to struggle to maintain and weight just bounced back.

    With 13 lbs to reach 160, you're not going to get there by the end of the year sorry. Four lbs would be perfect. But end of year is probably a good time for you to take a diet break. You may like to have that coincide with Christmas for convenience.
    sorry typo, I meant goal of 140lbs at the end of 2018.

    Yep, you can definitely do that :)
  • eponine1984
    eponine1984 Posts: 220 Member
    I had some intestinal trouble yesterday and I'm pretty sure I emptied out my system (sorry tmi). The scale dropped to 186.0 lbs this morning from 188.6 yesterday. I expect a little rebound tomorrow as long as my body holds steady today. I was hoping for a fast whoosh, but I think some of that was just from crummy tummy.