
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    edited October 2017
    My Goals for Oct. 20, 2017:

    1. Drink LOADS of water! I really need to try and get my water intake up to 8 glasses. ✅
    2. Stay chipper✅
    3. Do NOT binge at the sushi resto tonight (I REFUSE to pop back up to the 90's!!!! So sashimi for me!)✅

    Done, done & done! Yesterday was great! I stayed motivated and careful. I finished the day just over 2000 calories and 130 carbs. Now... both of those are over my daily goals but I am considering this a HUGE win because most days when I eat sushi I finish the day at 3000-4000 calories and nearly 400 carbs (and no. I'm not exaggerating). I can eat more then a grown man in sushi. I'm 5'3 and I can out-eat my husband and father when it comes to sushi. So the fact that I had the presence of mind to eat slowly and only order 1 roll and 2 hand rolls and a bunch of sashimi is HUGE. So I'm glowing!!!

    Today is a beautiful fall day and the colours are fantastic here in northern Ontario. (Prince Charming and I are away for our anniversary). We plan on doing lots of waking this weekend and enjoying the last vestiges of fall before the winter comes in with a vengeance. Lol.

    I can't weigh, but I feel great and know that I will still be in the 80's on Monday!!!

    Oct. 21. Goals:
    1. Walk lots!!!
    2. Keep carbs under goal
    3. Keep cals under goal
    4. Drink LOTS of water!!!

    Welcome @grayskymorning !

    Sending hugs to you all! Good luck with the kiddies!!! I know that they can be a handful but I've heard they're worth it (most of the time
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,147 Member

    I'll start with goal 1.

    1. Keep kids alive.


    Did you achieve your goal :sweat_smile:
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,242 Member
    JFT, Friday
    1. log all food :):/ Not the best day though - over 2000 calories. But .... I logged it .... and tomorrow is a new day
    2. drink 2 glasses of water with each meal. I am hoping soon this will become a habit :/ Why do I have SO much trouble drinking water during the day!! I think I am out and about too much. But ... I am drinking it now
    3. go the the gym - didn't go this morning, need to go! :)
    4. get back on here tomorrow - be accountable :)

    JFT, Saturday 10/21
    1. log all food
    2. concentrate on water - 2 glasses with each meal
    3. plan menus
    4. go to the grocery store
    5. go to the gym
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    The day is not over, but my headache is only getting worse and I guess I should keep away from the screen and I am not getting more done.
    skymningen wrote: »
    1) Go grocery shopping :)
    2) Do the laundry :)
    3) Fresh sheets :(I will move this to tomorrow. It's okay, it's not that much.
    4) Vacuum and clean kitchen/bathroom :)
    5) Work at least a little. :(Headache instead.
    6) But also relax :)

    Well. I did better than I expected around mid-day. Got most of the housework done in the times my head hurt less. Now it's time to go into wind down and push everything else to tomorrow. I can't even type properly, I have retyped so much already and autocorrect is doing its best (or worst, who knows).

    1) Fresh sheets, wash sheets
    2) Work
    3) Cook healthy lunch/dinner
    4) Hydrate well
    5) Buy train ticket for Thursday
    6) Call parents
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,147 Member
    edited October 2017
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Just for Sat!

    1. Do the week 1 challenge - I worked this out at 4pts. I’ve had 1 so far. So 3 to go but can do that for tonight. (It’s only 6pm here)
    2. Have a salad for lunch No but I did have pea and ham soup so it’s still okay!
    3. If I’m not tired then try some light exercise (doesn’t matter if I don’t though) may do this still depending on whether the girls go to bed okay
    4. Continue with crochet project will do this in bed

    So all in all a well accomplished day!
    I also managed to walk the dog, in the pouring rain and wind and I feel okay about it. And I HATE the rain and cold. Definitely time to get the hats and scarfs out now!
    My partner very kindly bathed the dog seeing as I can’t lift him in the bath atm and I dried him :)
    Happy me, happy OH, happy kids and happy pup!
    Gonna post goals later for tomorrow, not sure what my calories are up to yet. I’ve logged up to now but still have to eat tea yet!
  • grayskymorning
    grayskymorning Posts: 84 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    My girls share a room. So they keep each other awake as long as possible.
    1 year old loses every time and conks out haha

    3 yo is .. “strong willed” haha

    My older two share a room because they refuse to be separated, but they're both great and fall asleep together. It's nice... for me... haha.
  • grayskymorning
    grayskymorning Posts: 84 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »

    I'll start with goal 1.

    1. Keep kids alive.


    Did you achieve your goal :sweat_smile:

    They're alive... I'm not. Haha
  • grayskymorning
    grayskymorning Posts: 84 Member
    Today's goals.

    1. Try not to snap at the kids (it's noon and I've already failed multiple times).
    2. Exercise.
    3. Find some "me" time.
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,147 Member
    Okay so little update

    Over my calories by 60. Not bothered by that at all!
    Too tired to exercise, well I could do it but I feel achey as it is and just don’t wanna wear myself out. So maybe tomorrow.

    Managed another pint of water, don’t think I can do more otherwise my bladder will never forgive me.

    So goals for Sun

    1. Log everything
    2. Drink 4pts water (throughout the day - space it out!)
    3. Min. 3K steps
    4. Exercise (again not important - just a bonus if i can!)
    5. Continue crochet project (3yo knows what I’m doing now and is mithering the *kitten* out of me to finish it..)
  • churchgran
    churchgran Posts: 28 Member
    I am in. Since Huly 19 I have been tracking food everyday but past week I started walking for daily exercise and have been slack on tracking so here goes:
    1). No matter what happens -I will daily track food
    2) drink 100 oz water a day
    3) no sugar
    4) no bread
    5) low carb forever/tomorrow for sure
  • grayskymorning
    grayskymorning Posts: 84 Member
    Today's goals.

    1. Try not to snap at the kids (it's noon and I've already failed multiple times). <3 Even if I fail the rest of the day, I took time out to make special memories today (picnic in the living room for lunch) - counting as a win.
    2. Exercise. <3
    3. Find some "me" time. After kids are in bed at this point. Since exercise is already done I only have chores to get in the way tonight! Yay.

    ... it's so easy to feel accomplished with such a short list of goals. Haha
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Today's goals.

    1. Try not to snap at the kids (it's noon and I've already failed multiple times). <3 Even if I fail the rest of the day, I took time out to make special memories today (picnic in the living room for lunch) - counting as a win.
    2. Exercise. <3
    3. Find some "me" time. After kids are in bed at this point. Since exercise is already done I only have chores to get in the way tonight! Yay.

    ... it's so easy to feel accomplished with such a short list of goals. Haha

    A picnic in the living room is a great idea! I hope you find some of the "me" time tonight. I know it really helps me, even if it's just 30 minutes of quiet. :smile:
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,242 Member
    churchgran wrote: »
    I am in. Since Huly 19 I have been tracking food everyday but past week I started walking for daily exercise and have been slack on tracking so here goes:
    1). No matter what happens -I will daily track food
    2) drink 100 oz water a day
    3) no sugar
    4) no bread
    5) low carb forever/tomorrow for sure

    So glad to see you join us! I am also trying to do more low carb - I've been trying to somewhat follow the South Beach plan, which is not nearly as strict as Atkins. But .... since I love fruit so much .... I still have my fruit, just mostly strawberries and cantalope. But I did find that just one week of doing this greatly reduced my cravings for sweets - which is my biggest downfall! But happy to see you join us!
  • PrincesseAly23
    PrincesseAly23 Posts: 440 Member
    So I only noticed now that my post this morning cut off after my joke (I posted below for context) and made me look like an *kitten* who hates children. Lol. So sorry! I was meant to be followed by a smiley sticking out its tongue and a big "LOL". I promise that, even though I don't want any of my own, I don't hate kids!!!

    "Sending hugs to you all! Good luck with the kiddies!!! I know that they can be a handful but I've heard they're worth it (most of the time" *smiley LOL

    Apparently this forum only accepts certain smilies!

    Oct. 21. Goals:
    1. Walk lots!!! ✅ (2 hours!)
    2. Keep carbs under goal ✅
    3. Keep cals under goal ✅ (thanks to the walking)
    4. Drink LOTS of water!!! ✅

    I did really well! And had a wonderful, happy, romantic day from start to finish with my Prince Charming.

    Oct. 22. Goals:
    1. Lots of walking
    2. Lots of water
    3. No wheat!!! (It bloats me terribly and I want to be unbloated before I weigh Monday)
    4. Stay under carb goal
    5. Stay under cal goal
    6. Stay positive!!!!!

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,242 Member
    JFT, Saturday 10/21
    1. log all food :/
    2. concentrate on water - 2 glasses with each meal :/
    3. plan menus :)
    4. go to the grocery store :)
    5. go to the gym :)

    Not the best day food wise again! I have to be SO careful not to give into snacking in the evenings -- tonite, I ate THREE fudge bars --- And more chocolate covered almonds, and got into the halloween candy! The only good thing is that the fudge bars were Sugar free, but not the almonds and candy -- but, I did stop with 4 of the little miniature candies - at least I didn't finish the entire bag!!! but it is the uncontrollable eating that I don't want to start again. So .... I now have my glass of water to turn this around. And this is something I have to continue to work hard on -- drinking water in the evening, and only eat what I had planned.

    SO JFT, Sunday
    1. Get to the gym
    2. log ALL food
    3. drink water - 2 glasses with each meal
    4. eat planned meals - no skipping meals just because it is the weekend. Thats when I get into trouble
    5. get back on here tomorrow - and be accountable
  • lili200
    lili200 Posts: 200 Member
    I want to log all my food
    No drinks
    Do 7 min workout and also take a walk
  • skymningen
    skymningen Posts: 532 Member
    I will check in now, as I have another ( :s ) headache day and it might get worse again.
    skymningen wrote: »

    1) Fresh sheets, wash sheets :)
    2) Work :(Headache kept me off doing that
    3) Cook healthy lunch/dinner :pWill do that after posting. Lunch was more like 'okay'.
    4) Hydrate well :|Not enough.
    5) Buy train ticket for Thursday :(I just couldn't focus enough.
    6) Call parents :)Annoyingly my mom was fairly judgemental about me visiting my bf for 11 days although I need to work so much. Still, I want to keep my relationship. Period.

    So, tomorrows plans:

    1) Buy train ticket, finally
    2) Stay focused at work
    3) Stay hydrated
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,414 Member
    Just for Sunday
    1. Healthy food selections
    2. Measure & Journal food
    3. Drink more water than yesterday...shoot for 85 oz
    4. Bake apple crisp, apple pie and pumpkin bread for freezer
    5. Cheer on my Green Bay Packers!
    6. Listen to podcasts
    7. Meal plan and grocery list
    8. Be in the present moment. Be grateful and kind.
    9. Prepare for tomorrow
    10. In bed sleeping by 10 pm
  • grayskymorning
    grayskymorning Posts: 84 Member
    Today's goals.

    1. Try not to snap at the kids (it's noon and I've already failed multiple times). <3 Even if I fail the rest of the day, I took time out to make special memories today (picnic in the living room for lunch) - counting as a win.
    2. Exercise. <3
    3. Find some "me" time. After kids are in bed at this point. Since exercise is already done I only have chores to get in the way tonight! Yay.

    ... it's so easy to feel accomplished with such a short list of goals. Haha

    A picnic in the living room is a great idea! I hope you find some of the "me" time tonight. I know it really helps me, even if it's just 30 minutes of quiet. :smile:

    I did. I ended up falling asleep to Forensic Files. So worth the couch nap! Refreshed today.
  • grayskymorning
    grayskymorning Posts: 84 Member

    1. Have patience.
    2. Reorganize bedroom closet/clean room.
    3. Laundry!
    4. Dishes.
    5. Cook something healthy for dinner.
    6. Work out.