How to become that skinny friend who eats what they want and dont gain weight



  • AudreyJDuke
    AudreyJDuke Posts: 1,092 Member
    Great discussion!
  • Gibby349
    Gibby349 Posts: 119 Member
    dewd2 wrote: »
    BTW - OP - I agree with you. The childish attacks are really ridiculous. But this is the internet and you have to have a think skin. I personally ignore it.

    Good luck.

    BTW - I still haven't found the video I was looking for. I bet I'll stumble across it a year from now and then I won't be able to find this thread. :D

    Yes exactly .Thanks dewd2 you are cool ill follow ypu :)
  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    JessicaMcB wrote: »
    43501 wrote: »
    Move around a lot.

    Doesn't Freelee the Banana Girl have a calorie intake of like, 6k cal a day or something crazy like that? But she sprints and jogs and walks from sunrise to sundown every day of her life, so.

    See this is kind of part of the issue with the perception of effortless thinness. It APPEARS like her intake is that high because it isn't concretely quantified, but I highly doubt her daily maintenance intake is 6000 even with heavy activity.

    For reference I only burned 6937 on the day of my 50 mile ultra including several kilometres of walking around Whistler AND I'm a tall broad. I really can't see Freelee putting in the level of physical effort that would be commensurate to a woman her height burning that much on the daily, idgaf what super banana powers she claims to have lol.

    What she said!
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,535 Member
    edited October 2017
    I see you posted this in Nutrition category...not the will respond to your question. I think it is genetics at their particular age at this particular time. Case in point, a few of my best girl friends were all naturally skinny when we were in teens and twenties, 30's. Couldn't gain weight for nothing even eating average of 4,000 calories of food a day. One gal was trying to gain weight focused on 4,000 cal/day. Some didn't care about her weight, average height, ate whatever they felt like. one gal was about 4'10" tall. So fast forward to we are all in our late 50s, early 60s. One gal who was trying to gain weight is now on Ensure and can't keep enough weight on even for a healthy range, the 4'10" gal is 'bottom heavy' for her size (not overweight, its just settled a li'l south), the other normal weight friends are still in that category of normal weight. Tho, none of us eat like we used to with the 4,000 cal/day or even 2,000 cal/day. We all eat a healthy normal diet. We eat till we are full and then stop. If we feel like "salad" we eat "salad"...if we feel like "pizza" we eat "pizza"..or whatever.
    So, its genetics.

    (for the record, I log it all cuz I'm a distance cyclist)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Gibby349 wrote: »
    Gibby349 wrote: »
    Gibby349 wrote: »
    Gibby349 wrote: »
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Gibby349 wrote: »
    Because I live with one and I do see them all the time and have friends also who are like this
    So you're like with them at work/school, dates, out and about, etc. or just when they are home?

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition


    Well the roomie doesn't work, and I'm guessing the OP does? So I'm thinking hidden cameras.

    I'm thinking op.should spend more.time worrying about herself than her room mate.

    Is it just me that thinks of single white

    Haha you are so immature .Who said it was my roomate ? And who said I was worried ?Seriously you guys on MFP need to be a bit more educated and maybe read over what I posted again

    You said you live with the person. Your mom? Your wife? Sister? What difference does it make? I'm not sure why I assumed female, but if it's a guy, that's another reason they can eat more.

    And it's not nice insulting people just because you're not getting the answers you're expecting. That's, erm, immature.

    Where did I insult someone ? Immature is that the word you think is an insult.The truth hurts doesnt it but anyway I have the answer now so you dont need to waste your time arguing with some stranger on the internet that you will never know LOL

    Yes, calling someone immature, especially where it's not warranted because YOU lack understanding on the topic and people are trying to HELP YOU understand, is definitely an insult. Quit projecting.

    Oh really ? What about the comment you were laughing about with somebody else where they called me a "white single female' which I am not for your information.What if I so happened to be someone who lost a partner to death recently and you are there cracking immature jokes about someone you dont even know.Also why refer to someone as being 'white'.Why does it matter if someone is white or black ?

    :huh: :noway:

    'Single while female' is a film...

    Well they werent talking about a film when they were looking for attention.They posted who else thinks this person is a 'Single white female'

    How old are you OP?
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    edited October 2017
    Please note: I am going to move this section to debate now. The OP has had their question answered by several different view points and I feel from here for this discussion to continue it needs to be clear this has become a debate and I encourage people to cite their sources going forward (in this discussion) than only sharing anecdotal information.

    For the OP and anyone else who has posted, please abandon this thread now if you aren't interested in a respectful, scientific based debate and discussion on the topics. Its completely okay if that isn't what or even how you are wanting to have this conversation but then move along because its now in debate.

  • Womona
    Womona Posts: 1,630 Member
    edited October 2017
    I used to be that skinny girl who could eat whatever I wanted and didn’t gain an ounce. I was always very active, but even when my activity level dropped, I still didn’t weigh much regardless of what I ate. Some people are just born with a fast metabolism. That was definitely me. HOWEVER... it doesn’t last forever. Once I turned 35 or so, my metabolism slowed way down and now I have to work at it like everyone else. So take heart, one day the girl you are wondering about will wake up one day and say “what the heck happened????” Haha!
  • AdamAthletic
    AdamAthletic Posts: 2,985 Member
    That skinny friend is either:

    (assuming that said friend does little/no extra exercise and isn't doing anything to raise TDEE)

    (1) Consuming far in excess of TDEE // Gaining weight
    (2) Consuming Mildly in excess of TDEE // Slowly gaining weight
    (3) Consuming at TDEE // Maintaining
    (4) Consuming mildly under TDEE // Slowly losing weight
    (5) Consuming under TDEE // Losing weight

    Chances are that you don't monitor said friend all of the time, as proven by things like intermittent fasting or 5:2 - somebodies calories don't have to be consumed in a traditional fashion.

    Physics dictates that those 5 options +/- exercise are literally the only way we are able to gain/maintain/lose.
  • AdamAthletic
    AdamAthletic Posts: 2,985 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    All those people who say they live with "one of those people that never gains weight"...

    Just how long have you been monitoring their diet, weight, and exercise 24/7?

    A week, a month?

    Keep it up for 6 months or a year, THEN tell us they have massively fast metabolisms.

    Until then, they're just overeating like anybody else.

    And don't just ignore the days where they don't eat like you expect either.

    Yes, I third this.
  • gradchica27
    gradchica27 Posts: 777 Member
    jdlobb wrote: »
    My brother is one of these. His secret? He only eats once a day, and sometimes only ever other day. For whatever reason, he just doesn’t get hungry, and won’t eat unless somebody reminds him to. He’s been like that his entire life.

    That’s my husband! He eats one normal meal a day 5 days a week (dinner), because I make it. No breakfast or lunch most days. Weekends he eats donuts, frozen tacos, desserts, and more caloric dinners. If I only went by what he does at home, he should be enormous. Instead he has a 32” waist.

    And now to some people I’m that friend—I eat and drink a lot at parties. But I work put 1-2 HRs a day 6 days a week swim for 18k+ steps a day.
  • celiah909
    celiah909 Posts: 141 Member
    I’m a little late on this one but my husband & his siblings are all thin. He doesn’t always eat the best but has a pretty good diet overall.

    People think he’s naturally thin, I used to think so too, but it’s his lifestyle. Yesterday for example he came home and ate a burger, fries and large milkshake. The only other thing he ate yesterday was a yogurt cause he got so busy at work. He takes the stairs a lot where I take the elevator and walks to meetings all day while 99% of mine are on the phone.