November 2017 Running Challenge



  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    October goal: Not chicken out and Register for Zumbro. Start training for Zumbro and figure out real mileage
    Nominal Mileage goal: 100 miles???

    11/1- REST
    11/2- 3.1+ 20 minutes shoveling
    11/3- REST
    11/4- 7.8
    11/5- 4
    11/6- REST
    11/7- 5.8
    11/8- 4.1

    Total: 24.8

    Today's notes- Today's assignment was 1 hour easy trail run. Run ended up being 59:53, so it looks like I have my timing down about right. Average pace was 14:37 which, with the hiking through the snow, seems OK to me. Last mile was sub-10, cruising downhill while hoping I didn't end up sliding on my *kitten* the whole way down. Trails were easier to find today. Someone else has been out there and they hit the trails I wanted, so I was able to just follow their tracks.

    It was kind of cold today, but not really, at 29F. However, I did get to run through a small man-made snow storm, as the snow making machines were in full use on the ski slopes. That was kind of cool.

    Hope everyone has a Runderful day!

    2017 Races Scheduled
    6/16- William A Irvin 5k
    6/17- Grandma's Marathon 4:24:06
    7/15- Eugene Curnow Trail Marathon 7:22:23
    8/12- UMTR FatAss "Not Quite" 50k DNF, too darn hot out
    8/19- Rampage at the Ridge 5k OCR
    9/23- Ely Marathon 6:24:36
    10/21 Wild Duluth 100k 18:15:51
    11/23- TBD 5k Turkey Trot???

    2018 races
    4/13- Zumbro Endurance Race 100 Mile
    5/19- Superior Trail 25k (Lottery)
    7/8- Afton 50k???
    9/8- Superior Trail 50 mile (Lottery)
    10/xx Wild Duluth 50k? 100k?
  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    No run for me today. Overslept and then loafed about.
    @RespectTheKitty - I am sorry things are rough on the new meds. Hope you feel better soon.
    @7Lenny7 - Hills...exactly! I used to always have issues going down stairs after a race, added hills and it isn't a problem. Like on of my running friends says: "You don't have to love hills, just love what they do for your body."
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    edited November 2017
    3 miles with the boys late last night (Kody and my youngest son). My son's fitness is definitely improving in just three runs. First run was 2.5 miles with 3 walk breaks. Last night was 3 miles with 1 walk break. Unfortunately some pain developed in front of his hip right at the end. Kudos to my son. We started our run at 10pm and it was clear he wasn't excited about going and I expected him to try to get out of it, but not one word about skipping it and he seemed to be glad he did it at the end.

    I may not get any more runs in for a week. I need to finish packing for our hunting trip this weekend. I'm really tempted to pack my running bag. There are some beautiful section lines around my mom's property that I'd love to run but then I'd miss out on some of the morning socializing and that's a big part of the trip. Service is sketchy out there so I'll likely not be checking in.

    @juliet3455 LOL! Someone posted that to one of my trail running FB groups as well. My favorite lie is "All paces welcome" but then I often see some poor newbie getting left in the dust or being forced to make their run a tempo run to to keep the group in sight.

  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    11/1- 25 minutes strength training (legs)+ 3.7 miles treadmill intervals
    11/2-5.3 miles
    11/3-5.1 miles
    11/4-10 miles +2.8 miles pub crawl
    11/5-rest day (dog walking, but that was it)
    11/6- 5 miles + 1.5 miles with Stella
    11/7-4.4 miles + 1.1 miles with Stella


    Another non-eventful run yesterday evening before heading home to grab Stella for a second non-eventful run. Today we have sunshine, so at least I will be able to look at pretty sunsets over the hills when I start my run. Forgot my Garmin at home though. I will probably just repeat yesterday's run so I can log an accurate distance. i probably should just take a rest day and do some yoga at home, but I am excited about the sunshine. It's been a while!

    @Elise4270 - Woman, we have got to get you fixed up! I can't imagine how frustrating this constant string of injuries must be for you, yet you always manage to keep a sense of humor about it. You deserve some pain-free living and a nice, peaceful run!

    @RespectTheKitty - I hope you get this med situation figured out soon. Kudos to you for hanging in there through it all. I admire your grit.

    @girlinahat-Have you tried running with mittens? I have Reynaud's as well. As soon as the temps fall into the 50s I am rolling out the gloves or I have nothing but a painful burning sensation in my fingers. I have found that mittens seem to help stimulate the circulation, I think because of the warmth of the neighboring fingers. They may also help with the sweaty and goo-ey thing :)

  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    @7lenny7 Don't bother packing the running gear. Enjoy the weekend and everything that comes with it.
  • bjderhak
    bjderhak Posts: 51 Member
    9 mile run this morning. 2 mile easy, 5 miles tempo with 1 min recovery every mile, 2 miles easy/cool down. Though, the 2 mile "cool down" didnt feel easy at all. Got to test out my new shoes so thats always fun. Actually, they are the same brand style (Altra Torin 2.5) I wore at my last half marathon but I found them on amazon super cheap since they are technically last years model but I love them so much I am glad I found them. I have the 3.0 now as well but the 2.5 have slightly more cushioning which feels better on the longer runs.

    Weather: 74 but with the heat index of 80f. The sun was nice and bright today so I just told myself I was "working on my tan" as I sweated away.

    Total miles for month: 44. Goal 150
  • seanevan10
    seanevan10 Posts: 385 Member
    kgirlhart wrote: »
    November goal: 70 miles

    11/1: 3.4 miles
    11/2: 3.1 miles
    11/5: 7.7 miles
    11/7: 4 miles

    18.2/70 miles

    So much going on in this thread. Congrats and Happy Birthday @WandaVaughn

    I loved the pictures and reports from the NYC Marathon!

    I usually run intervals but today I just wanted to run so that's what I did. It was a great 4 mile run. I really needed it. All this stress with having t ok have the gas lines at the house replaced is getting me down. It was nice to just run and not worry about it for a little while. I was cold though. I don't know how you Northerners do it. It was only 57°F. I am definitely a wuss when it comes to cold weather.


    I'm not too far from you and this morning walk, not run (boooooooo) was COLD!!! you would think being from CO that I wouldn't think 44 is cold but I've been down south way too long!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    11/1 - 8 miles
    11/2 - 0 miles
    11/3 - 0 miles
    11/4 - 3 miles of horrible
    11/5 – 10 miles of awesome
    11/6 – 0 miles
    11/7 – 6 miles
    11/8 - 0 miles

    27 of 100 miles

    I usually do take rest days on Wednesday, but today Skip needed to have some blood work done. I wanted to be sure she wasn't late for school so we were there at 6:30 :smiley: It's easier to draw blood when she is half asleep.
  • seanevan10
    seanevan10 Posts: 385 Member

    I am not doing well. I am having a really difficult time with this new medication. My anxiety and depression are really bad, probably worse than they've been in a long time. The doctor says this will pass as I get used to the meds. I'm dubious. I do not like feeling like this. Not at all.

    I haven't been able to run for a week because everything's been so debilitating. I don't even want to try. This really sucks.

    So... there won't be much from me this month, I fear. Here's hoping I can at least half enjoy the holidays.

    @RespectTheKitty Girl I totally understand!! But you know, just keep checking in with us! I know we (figuratively, because I am anything but fast) are a fast moving group of runners but we also know that things happen. Just live today and tomorrow will be what ever it will be. Today you are here with us and we love it!
  • kgirlhart
    kgirlhart Posts: 5,001 Member
    @seanevan10 It is raining and and 40F here. I will probably miss my run today. I just don't think I can make myself get out there. Maybe if it quits raining by this afternoon, but it is unlikely. I have handbell choir practice today at 5:30 and I still have no hot water. I don't want to come in cold and wet from a run and not be able to take a shower right away especially when I have to be somewhere.

    @RespectTheKitty I hope you get to feeling better soon.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @RespectTheKitty I’m sorry for all you are going through and hope you find the right medication soon. Hugs
    Love it! @garygse mine has a comment about being a Jersey Girl on it ha ha
    We laughed that on Skip’s we were going to put “if I was doing something stupid, don’t tell my Mom”
    @juliet3455 our favorite virtual Daughter/Niece/GodDaughter etc ( Skip of @skippygirlsmom ) goes away ah you made me cry! Thank you
    @girlinahat your post cracked me up about the runs, we are lucky that most of the group “leaders” in this area are very honest, brutally honest sometimes. You always see things like “no sweep we are running 8:00 min pace” “HILLS HILLS HILLS VERY BIG HILLS” “this is NOT a beginner trail run” of course there is also the “no runner left behind” “paces for everyone from 7 to 14 mins”
    @7lenny7 great job to your son, that is a big improvement, I hope the hip is nothing to worry about. Happy hunting.
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    @seanevan10 I would kill for a 44 degree run. This morning was 28 when I started my run.
  • seanevan10
    seanevan10 Posts: 385 Member
    @fitoverfortymom I know right? I am such a weenie!!!
    @juliet3455 This part cracked me up and made me think of @JessicaMcB @MNLittleFinn !!!
    Last month, I crossed paths with a friend of mine on the 18th mile of a 50kilometer race. While we passed in opposite directions, as I was truly concerned if it was possible for my hips to snap in two and fall off of my body, we acknowledged each other. After our initial greeting, and my mentioning that I thought I was dying of dehydration, she very matter-of-factly asked me, “Some of us are thinking about attempting a 100miler next year, are you interested?” (Who the hell asks these kinds of questions? Especially at a time like this?)

    @garygse That is a great addition to the bracelet. I ordered one for my watch too.
    @jessicamcB You are a super warrior! Getting up in the dark with kids that don't sleep and hand-washing clothes!!! Seriously, Wonder Woman!
    @amymoreorless I sent that suggestion for that shirt to my sister for Christmas. I hope I get it!!!
    @sarahthes You cold weather runners are amazing to me! You go girl.
    @kgirlhart I got out before it started to rain, so it wasn't too bad. I wouldn't have left if it was raining.

    I'm still hurt. I got up to try a run and it just isn't happening. I can get through my workout ok. I can get through the warm-up doc wants me to do before running but I can't get more than .5 mile before the ham is screaming. So I just walked. Keep taking it easy. I just ordered my swim cap, googles and suit, so I start swim training next week. Hopefully that will help.
  • mom3over40
    mom3over40 Posts: 253 Member
    Didn't get around to come by again until now.

    @ddmom0811 Yes, the run I will do on Thanksgiving day is timed. It was also the first 5k I ever run back in 2014.
    @_nikkiwolf_ Thanks for your advice!
    @ariceroni Thanks for your suggestions! I am afraid I may not have access to a track... Maybe I can simulate 400m repeats with 1/4 mile intervals and ss;jc with some kind of Fartlek. Thanks again!

    Back to this month's running:
    11/02: 05
    11/05: 09.5
    11/07: 03.1
    Total According Strava: 18
    Goal: 80

    Upcoming Races:
    11/23: Thank You Run (5k)
    12/16: Holiday Half
    03/03: Finish Chelsea's Run (5k)
    04/18: Triton 5k?
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    edited November 2017
    @juliet3455 no word of a lie I had three of the men in our trail group send me that (one included that he wasn't convinced the headlamp friend wasn't me :D ). What does this say about me? lol

    @7lenny7 I would just enjoy the hunting trip! Hopefully you have better luck than Ben did on the weekend- tracked deer for something like seven hours and then his buddy just couldn't make the shot. He was not amused when he got home :/

    @seanevan10 I actually did say something like that to a guy at Whistler- asked him if he'd be interested in meeting up to run LSU while he was flagging hard. Whoops lol. And thanks, I'm mostly super mediocre task woman but I try to remember that in life you only have three choices; give in, give up or give it all you've got. I don't have time for the first two :D

    Still brutally tired but thems be the breaks with small teething children. Falling a bit behind my own mileage targets right now, so potentially going to do speed work tonight. Will see how the Achilles fares by the end of the day.

    Run on everybody!

    November 1- 18+8
    November 2- 22
    November 3- 20
    November 4- 42
    November 5- 20
    November 6- 18
    November 7- 18
    November 8- 19


    2018 Races
    *Gord's Frozen A** 50K, February 18
    *JAJA Trail Marathon, April 1
    *Red Deer Marathon, May 20
    *Cactus Coulee Crawl 30km, TBA June
    ??? Sinister 7 100 Mile, TBA July
    *Run in the Buff 120km TBA August
    *Lost Souls 100 Mile September 7
  • fitoverfortymom
    fitoverfortymom Posts: 3,452 Member
    In theory, trail running is something that I would enjoy, but I live in the foothills near Denver, CO, so trail running here is really code for "running up a big *kitten* mountain." I wish we had flat, meandering dirt paths with a few rolling hills baked in, but nope, we have the Rocky *kitten* Mountains.
  • JessicaMcB
    JessicaMcB Posts: 1,503 Member
    In theory, trail running is something that I would enjoy, but I live in the foothills near Denver, CO, so trail running here is really code for "running up a big *kitten* mountain." I wish we had flat, meandering dirt paths with a few rolling hills baked in, but nope, we have the Rocky *kitten* Mountains.

    Me and @juliet3455 run trail in the heart of the Canadian Rockies. Mountain running is fun, if you have a group you could try it out with you might fall in love. I take no responsibility if you do :D
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    seanevan10 wrote: »

    I got up to try a run and it just isn't happening. I can get through my workout ok. I can get through the warm-up doc wants me to do before running but I can't get more than .5 mile before the ham is screaming. So I just walked. Keep taking it easy. I just ordered my swim cap, googles and suit, so I start swim training next week. Hopefully that will help.

    Sorry you're hurt. That's just no fun. I hope you enjoy the swimming. Are you working with a PT?

    My pt is doing dry needling and it's helped. Although, she hasn't done my hamstring that seems to really need it. Yesterday was the second session and I didn't have the referred pain patterns- I'm hoping that means it's calming down.

    You're in Texas... Ugh so you'd need a a doc to order your pt. I think they can assess you without an order, just not treat. But, if you wanna come up here to see Sheri at Ardmore physical therapy with me..... :smiley: