

  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    ugh so frustrated. trying to install a new printer. weird thing is, our phones recognize it and we can print from our phones but not from our computers. colossal waste of time trying to figure it out.

    We just had that problem too when we switched carriers. It is frustrating!!! DH figured it out after a few days and phone calls. Now today no internet or phone. They are coming tomorrow. Responding from a local restaurant.

    :heart: Margaret

    We got it connected to our computers but now we can't get it to scan, LOL! I'm so glad I get to go to work in a few minutes to escape this ordeal.

    Karen in Virginia
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
    Karen I know how you feel.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    One reason I pay for 'technical support' ... I wasn't allowed to 'touch' our computers at work (grounds for dismissal), if something went wrong, so I have never even 'tried' to figure out too much by myself. I'm afraid I would really mess it up. They have my security, back-up, and support. It started out as a very small company with a handful of technicians and they had 'support' 24/7 - buy their services and you could call anytime and often as you needed any sort of computer help. I've never had any trouble with them, but, there are a few technicians that I prefer, so I am happy when I get them. I feel like the 'know' me (not because of the # of times I call); but, I joke with them, too. They have a 'chat session' and 'remotely take over your computer' and they can work on it 'unattended' and they are ALL English-speaking, too. I'd get so frustrated with Dell's technical service and was so limited and trying to 'explain' to someone who doesn't speak English as their primary language ... well, I'd get very angry and ask for a supervisor. They did NOT want to transfer you.

    I'm watching Vanilla Ice and his decorating show for the 1st time. I've never liked 'rap' music and therefore really did not have much use for 'rappers' ... but, this guy has some imagination!!!! The show I'm watching started off with them doing a pool, hot tub, outside kitchen on the Atlantic Ocean east of Orlando. MEGA BUCKS! Twenty pillions that are 4 stories deep ($50,000), decking - another ($15,000) and that was before the pool (which I did not hear the price). Now they are working on the inside. Gee, to be a 'multi-millionaire' for a few days, weeks, months, or years. Maybe even 'life'. His crew certainly looks like they are working hard; but, having so much fun doing so.

    I can't believe it is almost 3:00PM. Got to get a move on it before Louis gets home. I am almost one more room down in my purge-cleaning. At least when you are standing at the back door you are not looking in on a desk that looks like it had been 'tossed by the police'. GEE, how did that trash machine, that my Daddy used to say lived under my bed, get to my house. I don't like that much clutter; but, it so quickly builds up. Since we 'down-sized' when we built here ... it isn't really possible to move 7 rooms of furniture into 1500 square feet. I've got 2 loads of laundry to fold now. Today, it will go 'in the drawers since I got them of Marie Kondo straight'.

    Becca - It must have 'been in the air' ... Louis got up and then Trey called saying he had to 'take the girls to school, because "Precious" was sick'. Gee, I hope she doesn't start making a habit out of this. Headache (migraine); but, she did not stay at home all week-end. But, "Not my circus, not my monkey."

    After a 'few' words this morning - Louis finally called someone to come see 'if the dishwasher' could be 'fixed'. We really cannot 'afford' one now. We've just gotten CC paid off and are living a 'cash-only' life. WOW! Took those things and froze them. They live at the back of our freezer.

    Called Windows World and the 2 replacement windows that were cracked when they came to install them can't be put in for at least 2 weeks, which means it will be longer because of Thanksgiving; but, MY plan is that they will be replace BEFORE Christmas. This week all the installers are 'on vacation'. So ... we'll see.

    I've been keeping up with my BP/HR since Friday (day of PT). He is of the opinion that I don't have true Vertigo and thinks it is my BP dropping (especially when I stand up). He has said to take it several times a day, sitting, standing, after exercise, and note what or how I am feeling. He told me to stretch before getting out of bed, wait a minute, take BP; then stand up slowly, stretch, wait a minute and take BP. It is definitely dropping and that is why I have been dizzy (probably); but, not since the 3rd or 4th time of going have I had the 'spinning feeling'. That's good. What I will tell him is that it is more like 'light-headed' feeling w/nausea and 'brick on the chest' ... which goes away within a few hours.

    Klutz here, just walked past the sofa and the arm jumped out and hit me on the thigh and I fell 'flat on my face'. Thankfully arms were hit, and I softened the blow.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Karen VA- we are in the exact same predicament. For some reason today our printer is not working. No reason why...luckily we have a computer expert in our family that can take over our computer remotely and should be able to fix it.
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Today is World Kindness Day!

    “Kindness Day was born when a collection of humanitarian groups came together on November 13, 1997 and made a ‘Declaration of Kindness.’ Likewise, on Kindness Day everyone is encouraged to make a similar declaration. Donating books, food or clothes to your local community is a great way to celebrate. However, pledging to commit just one act of kindness is no less worthwhile: hold the door open for a stranger, compliment your neighbor on their collection of garden gnomes, let your partner have control of the TV remote for the evening.” You can never have too much kindness in your life!

    Michele – Looks like a fun reception!

    Lanette – Fiber arts do seem to be a hobby that will suck down as much money as you throw at it. On the other hand, I’d love to have a herd of goats! You get the satisfaction of caring for the animals, not to mention creating something with your own hands.

    Becca – I understand about the gifts. I’m planning on doing some canning for Christmas gifts. I’ve had several ideas but I’m leaning toward sauces (BBQ sauce, cranberry sauce, chimichurri sauce, etc.).

    It was another long, pleasant weekend at the river house, still trying to get Dad’s roman shades done. My nephew and my oldest niece drove down for the day Saturday so I had a good time hanging out with them, and I got the last two shades cut out and pinned. Then I couldn’t get my sewing machine to act right, so I brought it all home so I can get the machine serviced before trying again.

    Came home to an email about my lab results from last week. They were OK, but the doctor says I’ve got to do something about cholesterol and triglycerides because both were elevated. She's giving me six months to work on it before we re-check.

    Thinking of you all.

    -Yvonne in TX
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,653 Member
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,653 Member
    ALLIE!!!!!! Congrats! The first step can be the hardest! you are turning so many corners towards caring and valuing you!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,787 Member
    And then proceeded to eat some sugar babies Oy...
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Thanks Lisa!!
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Allie, well I was brutally attacked by a bag of Circus Animal cookies. They were free, dang that Fred Meyer grocery store!!! Of course my bag had a bunch frosted together, so I took the blob of mangled animals and ate each animal off.
    *long sigh*
    A lousy circus trainer!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Bad Hair Day!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,127 Member
    This dental thing has set me back on several levels.

    I have a long list of things I want to accomplish during my uni break and now I'm 10 days into the break and I've hardly done anything yet.

    I also planned to start climbing more stairs and doing a bit more weightlifting last week ... instead I slept the week away trying to recover. I'm climbing more stairs now, but I'm not sure I'm ready to start weightlifting yet.

    So I'm scrambling a bit trying to catch up ...

    On the plus side, I did buy new walking shoes for work and it is 27C (that's 80F) out there and getting warmer, so I will be heading out for a long walk shortly. :)

    Machka, with the sore jaw, in Oz
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited November 2017
    I feel so bad I turned down 4 jobs! If you need a job and have a BS degree they are really in the need for teachers here. Especially science and math. You don't need an education degree. Chris (where have you been lately?) maybe you might want to check it out. We decided we like the snow bird lifestyle. No health insurance but we feel like we're on vacation. We also like the idea of seeing our family up in Minnesota in the summer. Thanks for everyone's input. I was looking into the Direct Care Clinic but I called earlier today and they didn't answer the phone...not sure why. I'll try again tomorrow.

    Also, still having serious issues with this app! Only able to comment after a lot of clicking on the comment button.

    Macka- take care of yourself! Your body needs rest to recover. I hope you feel like yourself soon.


    Mary from Arizona
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Just caught up for the night. Off to bed and book.

    Wishing you all sweet dreams.

    Terry in VT
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,676 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 8.27min, 143mhr, 10.6amph. 1.4mi= 91c
    apple watch- 108c
    *old* SKI MACHINE- 33min, 40resist, 6incl, 110stpmin, 148mhr, 1.37mi, Floor exercise- 1 set of 10, ceiling to fl single leg touches= 308c
    apple watch- 328c
    bike ride gym 2 dome- 8.45min, 10.6amph, 125mhr, windy!!, 1.5mi= 70c
    appple watch- 88
    WALK sta 2 wk- 9.20min, 109mhr, 3.5ap, .5mi= 35c
    apple watch- 49c
    qLK wk 2 sta- 8.42min, 3.3ap, 111mhr, WINDY, RAIN, .4mi = 46c
    apple watch-49c
    ride dome 2 hm- 26.05min, 6.1amph, 2..6mi, 25MPH WINDS, RAIN!!! = 267c
    apple watch-172c

    total cal 817c
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Friends,

    Joyce, it’s a great idea to start the “Thanksgiving Season” at the beginning of the month. I know what you mean about the lady that no one took a cup cake from. That occasionally happens when we take food to the Moose meeting and I always feel bad for the person. When we have a lot left over I always bring something sweet home for DH. He likes that, especially since I don’t bake any more.

    Heather, it’s always lovely to have you talk to us. widely-grinning-smiley-emoticon.gif It does sound almost amazing that your DH kept in such close contact with his girls through the years. They are lucky on both sides of the relationship. It sounds like his DD is doing well since the diagnosis.

    M, beautiful pictures.

    NYKaren, so sorry you are in such discomfort. I’ve had Eczema for years but keep it under control. My main trouble spots are my hands and having them in water often doesn’t help. The past few days I’ve had it all around my collar area but it seems better today after applying the medicine for a few days. I hope yours gets better overnight.

    MicheleNC, thanks for the video. What fun to get to share it with you and the beautiful bride. I hope more pictures are to follow.

    Allie, congrats on getting to the gym. I so need to do that.

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto all the Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I had a board meeting at the Moose tonight. Then came home and ate a bowl of chili that I made yesterday. Yum. It’s just cool enough weather for it to hit the spot. I have to go back tomorrow because I let a friend talk me into selling tickets for her committee. It’s hard to get people for every day so I like to help out. I am tired so think I’ll hit the bed.

    Sending love, good thoughts and sunshine to all of you.

    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,383 Member
    Did the 10 Minute Yoga Fix DVD, held my plank for 2 min 53 sec, then the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do a DVD using the bosu.

    katla - prayers for your gs and your dd. I'm so sorry to hear this. Please keep us informed.

    Joyce - I was thinking of Sylvia the other day, too.

    NYKaren - feel better fast

    Ketone Karen - yes, that was my husband and me dancing in first. Looks like everyone else felt that they had to do some twirling after we went in....lol

    Lanette - afterwards, Denise came up to Vince and said she was impressed that we were dancing. Unfortunately, everyone else was just jumping around, which made it hard to actually dance. Well, we have the Newcomers Holiday party and maybe we'll be able to "dance" there. ROTF about your "slippery slope"

    Rye - Vince and I entered first and then Pete's parents.

    Glad everyone liked the video

    Heather - we're still going to dancing lessons. I have a feeling, tho, that that's not going to last for very long. Which is OK, personally I would rather put that money towards landscaping.

    Lenora - how sweet of Mallory and Will dancing

    Regarding our dancing into the reception: actually, Denise had asked us what song we would like. We chose "You're Still The One" by Orleans. Only she changed it. We didn't know about the change until they started playing that song. Talk about quick change!

    Went to exercise, stopped at the Salvation Army (didn't buy anything), home to get dinner ready so all I have to do is microwave it. Went to the soup kitchen (I picked up some donations at the church yesterday, I think someone got the wrong week. We collect next week) then the Post Office (Denise asked for her birth certificate and social security card plus the remainder of the money we gave her for her wedding), then bowling, tonight ceramics then mahjongg.

    Just realized that next week is Thanksgiving! Oy....gotta make something to take to Jess' friends who we'll see Thanksgiving day and get things cooked and ready to take to Jess'. Not to mention the cake that I should make for the gal in mahjongg who's birthday is Thanksgiving week but she'll be in Europe then so I need to have it ready when she gets back.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,973 Member
    edited November 2017
    <3:)Allie, congrats on getting started working out at the gym. The longest journey starts with a single step.