

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Guess it did!
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Michele, it definitely did! She looks very happy...
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    Michele Thanks for posting that! Was that you and your husband dancing in first? :) It's nice to get an idea of the venue, etc. Lovely bride & handsome groom! I liked the bridesmaids' dresses.

    Katla & Heather And don't forget Albert Einstein! Most Asperger's experts think he was on the spectrum.

    Katla So sorry to hear you have another grandchild in the hospital.:/

    NYKaren Oooh so sorry your rash is still a problem. What the heck? I know you have seen a doctor, but was it a dermatologist?

    Marcelyn How fascinating that you make pottery! I can hardly imagine doing that. The finishes are so interesting!

    Karen in VIrginia

  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Michele ~ Great Video! :)
  • Renai966
    Renai966 Posts: 2 Member
    Good morning, thank you Barbie for the encouraging words and great group. I'm new to the app and am trying to master this as well as my weight
  • ryenday
    ryenday Posts: 1,540 Member
    Michelle, what a fantastic venue! Your girls looked so very beautiful and the bride was so happy! Was that you entering 2nd?
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,327 Member
    edited November 2017
    Michele - Love the video! I remember you went to dancing classes - well done. <3 They do make a lovely couple. :)

    Tere - Glad you are on the road to recovery. If I didn't have my DH I would definitely need a PT.

    Lanette - It will be a while so they can tweak it. I'm sure I will be told when.

    Been out for a food shop and took another 7 books to the charity shop. :D We have another viewing tomorrow after my yoga, so we will go to the pub for lunch. Today I'm cooking veal stew. With curly kale. I'm determined to use stuff from the freezers for a while so I make a bit of room. Both of them are bulging.

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    yo peeps- as you know, yeah, i worked out yesterday, just didn't post my stats, lazy
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele: The video works great. You and your DH were magnificent! Your daughter is a gorgeous bride! :heart:

    Karen in VA: Thanks for your sympathy. I still don't know what is wrong with the baby & haven't heard anything new yet this morning. :ohwell: I plan to give DD's MIL a call tor an update. The two of us are building supportive connections with one another. I'm grateful for it.

    Lanette: 100 sheep and lambs sounds like a high-energy hobby. We have a wind advisory today, too. :ohwell:

    NOAA says, "WINDS...South to southwest 20 to 30 mph with gusts 40 to 50 mph. * TIMING...Late Monday morning until early evening, strongest in the afternoon. * IMPACTS...Strong winds may blow down limbs, trees, and power lines. Scattered power outages are possible."

    We don't have any trees to worry about, but I plan to go down onto the dock and check the boat's mooring lines. We have a stone cliff behind us to the west and may be somewhat protected.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another." - William James
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Greetings from foggy Omaha. I am trying to see this as a new day and the start of a new week and being positive. I got a new phone over the weekend and still can't answer phone calls LOL. We got a security system too so now I can lock and unlock my house and see what's going on remotely. I'm being dragged kicking and screaming into the current century!

    Not much else to report from here; still waiting to see when DH has to report, we still think it will be the 29th. So we are on the countdown now. Hard to believe a lot of things we are doing is the "last time" for a while. Ugh
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    ugh so frustrated. trying to install a new printer. weird thing is, our phones recognize it and we can print from our phones but not from our computers. colossal waste of time trying to figure it out.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,669 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Heather and Katla – I find that most people do not understand ANY kind of ‘mental illness’; and, like ‘cancer’ used to be – NOT a subject talked about. When friends and family members started to ‘share’ what they were going through or having had seen their friends of family members go through when having cancer, they started ‘talking’. That ‘talking’ started being heard and now we have a lot more ‘successful remissions and/or cures’ that we did not have back – 15 – 20 years ago. Therefore, I decided that I would be ‘honest’ about my own mental illness (Bipolar Disorder). Mainly, because I don’t like being ‘labeled’. Sure, it covers a wide range of what is considered mood swings. BUT, it should NOT be the ‘catch-all phrase’ for any ‘strange’ behavior. I’ve lost friends because they did not understand or I did or said something not realizing how it came across that was either embarrassing or hurtful. I don’t mean to ever do either. My mantra is: “I Don’t Suffer From Mental Illness; I Enjoy Every Minute of It” … I have Googled ‘Famous People With Bipolar Disorder’ and I would have to say that I’m far more ‘impressed’ by the things they have accomplished while going through their daily lives than any. Patty Duke is one such person and reading her books has made a big impact on me.

    I am happy that my Daddy was not alive to ‘hear’ the diagnosis of his ‘baby’ with a disorder his Mother probably had after the death of her father and son in a train/car accident, and that of his own baby sister, who spent more time ‘institutionalized’ than not. However, I have often wondered if both my parents were not ‘also’ Bipolar.

    Daddy drank pretty heavily (but not all the time) and Mother was ‘driven’ to be ‘successful’ by her own standards.

    After a major wreck one Christmas Day, she would be in a neck brace that held her head ‘up’ in a 45° angle 24/7 for a year. She had to ‘give up teaching’ due to it. But, she worked as Daddy’s secretary until his death in 1985.

    I firmly believe that once ‘mental illness’ in all its forms “Comes Out of the Closet” there will be a lot more opportunities opened, without the fear of being stigmatized. Just because I am ‘bipolar’ or have “Bipolar Disorder” does NOT define who I am as a person or the woman that I am. Being bipolar or any number of other mental disorders does NOT make one ‘stupid’. In fact, a lot of people with all forms of disorders packed in the class of “Mental Illness” are FAR FROM BEING STUPID. Many very successful men and women have these conditions and a lot more are controlled by proper medication and therapy. It would be 'too stressful' for me to be a 'spokesperson for mental illness' but, I do 'try' to tell people that it is far from a death sentence. I guess I 'like or love' myself way too much to ever get to the point to consider suicide - I'd be sitting on my psychiatrist's doorstep long before that happened. It's been very hard to understand why 2 HS classmates of mine did so. There just aren't any answers; but, I can't imagine do that to my family (or my friends). My bipolar swings are more to the 'manic' side and then back to what some MDs consider 'textbook theraupedic'. I've NEVER been happy when they have tried getting me there. In fact, the fact that a previous one trying to 'get me there' when I was taking Lithium caused me to get "Lithium Toxicity" and I almost died from it. I now take Seroquel and it does a great job of helping keep my 'swings' stable - along with 2 other meds. Add in 2 for seizure control, a small amount of BP, thyroid, and clorestoral plus various vitamins and supplements ... I look like a 'drug rep' every time I go see a MD. I've even been asked if I was one once. "Only IF it will get me in to see a doctor early."

    Mary and Michelle – I have a bad ‘sway back’ and after trying to ‘hold a plank’ for a very short period of time, I ‘threw out my back’ and ended up having to go to the Orthopedist. I don’t think I will try that again, at least not for a while. Sometimes my spine feels like someone had stuck a hot poker in it, in several of the joints. I do not normally take any kind of pain medication; but, I do take muscle relaxants and go to bed with it. I do have an Rx for one and I know it is where I can put my hands on it, if I need it bad enough. I think exercise helps me … I just need to try to be more disciplined in doing it daily. This past 2 weeks, I am walking on the treadmill every day – whether I ‘want to or not’. I feel better … but, yesterday I took my BP/HR afterwards and realized what it really feels like to have it pumped up and then have it dropped significantly very quickly. Not a very good feeling.

    Marcelyn – LOVE your pottery!!!! My Mother did a lot of ‘china painting’. I have her 2 kilns; but, I would really like to have access to a ‘wheel’.

    Janetr OKC and Katla – My Mother was an HS English/Lit/Grammar teacher and I sometimes struggle with which spelling to use at times. Seems like English is probably the hardest language to master because of all the different spellings and meanings of words that sound alike. But, more than anything … I probably write out the ‘longest run-on sentences’ in the world. A friend of mine and I got into a ‘discussion’ through email. I responded with a long paragraph that if read, as written … you would have been ‘hyperventilating’ by the time you got to the end. He wrote back … “Uh, got your point …; but, ran out of breath! You're pretty knowledgeable about this, aren't you?” It was in response to a 'military' comment he made.

    Michelle – Thanks for sharing the wedding via video. Looks like things went well. I did not get to see Will and Tami or Will and Mallory dance at their reception. They had gone by the house to pick up a change of clothes for later (2nd reception for family and close friends) and did it before I realized they were back. No videos of it; but, several still shots. Mallory stood on his feet and then he picked her up like he was carrying her. Mallory and Tami (especially Mallory) have been able to get Will to do things that he would have NEVER done before meeting them. I think it was the first Father’s Day after they married that they were at a restaurant and they asked for all Daddies to stand up and dance with their children on the tables. He was sitting there and Mallory got him to get up on the table and dance with her by telling him ‘it also included step-Dads’. Tami did send a video of it she had made. He looked like he was having fun. He goes to her ‘dance recitals’ … but HATES having to sit all the way through it because she might be in dance #5, #13, and the last of #30. Three-plus hours is ‘too long’ for a recital. I can remember sitting through a few myself and getting ‘butt-bone’ sore. Usually, they end up having younger siblings being taken out because they are so tired and crying. You see one little group of girls twirling the wrong way ... it might be cute once; but, 3 or 4 groups ... it does get a bit 'old'. I'm happy that I had boys. I could sit through hours of watching them play sports and did so. LOVED it! Will was my 'sports nuts'. Trey was my 'artistic' child. But, I have all granddaughters and all 4 of them have long, thick hair. Only Mallory will allow me to fiddle with her hair. She's the only one of them who is not tender-headed. Tami being in the 'hair' business and all. The first time they came over to visit with us (surprise visit Easter before last), she brought a brush to me and 'asked' if I would 'brush her hair'. It had been almost 20 years since I had been able to do that. We both loved it.

    Enjoyed ALL the pictures and the video! Thanks for sharing. Welcome to you ‘new ladies’. Pip, you’re forgiven for not posting your exercise. We needed a rest … we get ‘tired’ physically just reading them. But, we are proud of you for working us out. Now I’ve got to go ‘rest up’. {{{{{HUG}}}}} for everyone needing one (or more). Pats on the backs to all y’all who met your goals. Encouragement to those who backed up or didn’t move – yeah for the NSVs.

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Hi ladies,

    Marcelyn – I love the pottery. I really like the one you did for the kids. I’ve always wanted to do that. Maybe I’ll find a class next summer and try it.

    Katla, sorry to hear about your grandson. I hope they find out what’s wrong soon and he is on the mend. I’m glad you are building a relationship with DIL’s mother. Sending good thoughts his way. ((Hugs)) Stay safe and don’t get blown away.

    Joyce, for something different, here are a couple of good recipe that I make at Thanksgiving. They go over well.

    Lime Pear Salad

    1 small package lime or lemon Jell-O
    1 cup hot pear juice
    2 (3 oz.) pkg. cream cheese
    1 cup heavy cream (whipped)
    1 cup pears (mashed)

     Dissolve Jell-O in hot pear juice.
     Add cream cheese to hot mixture and mix in blender.
     Cool.
     Fold in mashed pears and whipped cream.

    Sweet Potato Soufflé

    3 cups cooked and mashed sweet potatoes
    1 cup white sugar
    ½ teaspoon salt
    1/3 stick of butter (melted)
    2 eggs
    ½ cup condensed milk
    1 teaspoon vanilla

    • Mix all ingredients
    • Put into greased baking dish


    ½ cup light brown sugar
    ¼ cup flour
    ½ cup chopped pecans (optional)
    ½ cup coconut
    1/6 stick of butter

    • Put in deep narrow bowl and chop fine
    • Sprinkle over potatoes
    • Bake at 350 for 25 minutes

    Heather, I’m so happy to hear that DH’s daughter is getting help and support. Sounds like she sent DH a wonderful letter.

    Machka, seeing you pictures, I’m so jealous. Some light snow here.

    Kate, ((Hugs))

    NYKaren, have you tried light therapy for the eczema? I heard that can help.

    Michele, video worked. Thanks for sharing. It’s like I was there.

    Renai966, welcome to the group.

    Lenora, I agree that mental illness is coming out of the closet and that’s a good thing. DH and DD and I are all on antidepressants. DD has ADHD. When I have mentioned it to people, I find that they are more accepting than they use to be. Also finding out there are a lot of people going through the same thing.

    Today is going well so far. Weighed in and am at 200.6. SOOOO close! Trying to snow here. The dusting we got last week is pretty much gone. I need the snow to hold off until I get my snow tires on next week.

    Back to work. Terry in VT
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,651 Member

    Hi Gals,

    Marcelyn – beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If we were closer I’d do all my Christmas shopping with you.

    Katla – sending good thoughts to your family

    NYKaren - stress is a trigger for many so try to make good choices on what to let go and what to take in

    Michele – great of the bride, but so fun that you and Vince danced in…


    Kim from N. California
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Out on the northern Oregon coast just hanging on. Winds and rain, power was out for a bit, but its back on and no damage anywhere around our apartment complex.
    Our balcony borders a treeline, so today I have been enjoying the movement of some amazing trees. Hoping all of them stay put, and don't fall though!

    This morning I woke up at 7:50, so I didn't sleep in too much. I have been sleeping in until 10-11 am which is awful! We changed our bedding, and removed the quilt. In its place is our mink blanket, we acquired in Korea. Its not really mink, it is that fuzzy material. Its really warm, and most of the night its off me. Then I finally snuggle at about 3am. By then husband has pulled my portion to his side... Anyway, can I blame him for my sleeping in?? Haha!

    This morning I woke up grumpy! My dear husband wakes up and bing! He's up. I am not an early morning person, I mean 7 is early, 8 is a good hour for me. So he wakes me up, then before going into the shower he yells at me again, (because I didn't react to his first rousing)! Ok OK!! We discussed me making French toast and a sausage patty, before going to bed, so all this rousing is because I promised I would make breakfast.... And I did, but I was kind of grumpy... I don't mean to be grumpy, and my husband doesn't ask much of me, so why do I have to be all grumpy???

    My son and DIL are going to be making their way to Vancouver this week. They have two dogs so they are having to take breaks every couple of hours. They are each driving their own car so it should've quite a production! I invited them to Thanksgiving here, but being away from their dogs, I just don't know if they can drive here, eat, drive home in one day. Especially with Thanksgiving being so tryptophan infused!!

    They moved from their off base apartment to on base by themselves, so if they need help, they'd call. I'm trying to not be overbearing, letting them just be. Plus I think we'd just be in the way, they asked us to come for Christmas, so hopefully the other sons will be able to coordinate their leave dates with that. Eldest son is putting in 12-21 to 01-02. Youngest son hasn't heard yet when his is. My eldest will be renting a car, so no worries there. Youngest will be picked up at PDX. My goal is to be able to rendezvous at middle sons place, after picking up son at airport. And having eldest son just follow us to there. Hopefully he can have a day of rest before following us, because its like 6+ hours from Whidbey island to the coast here!

    Hanging on emotion wise, because I have like 3 presents total. I have to remember everyone is pretty much in transition in my family, so "Our Presence Is Our Presents". But I still want to go out and buy stuff! I might just keep a limit of $5 for each person. Token gifts. I know my youngest won't have room for stuff at school, so maybe eatable items for him.

    Hugs ladies!
    Know my heart is with you, as you go about your day!
  • LisaInAR
    LisaInAR Posts: 2,020 Member
    Becca - I think your home cooking would be the best gift of all for these men who all love you dearly and miss you so very much. You're an incredibly creative cook.

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    edited November 2017
    ugh so frustrated. trying to install a new printer. weird thing is, our phones recognize it and we can print from our phones but not from our computers. colossal waste of time trying to figure it out.

    We just had that problem too when we switched carriers. It is frustrating!!! DH figured it out after a few days and phone calls. Now today no internet or phone. They are coming tomorrow. Responding from a local restaurant.

    Lenora I will add that Mental Illness just like cancer can be fatal if left untreated. It also can destroy/damage lives without help. Thanks for your input. I will probably not be able to respond because of internet problems.

    Just like cancer there are different kinds of Mental Illness. I also agree I think they lump many of them under the umbrella of bi-polar. Just like with cancer diet, exercise, support, sleep makes a difference in how well a person manages the condition.

    :heart: Margaret