

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Happy Veterans Day to all that served and all those who supported them. My father was in the Air Force for 20 years and a Marine before that. My ex was in the Air Force too, and my cousin was career Army. My uncle was Navy.

    Lisa, I know you served as well and I thank you for your service!

    Eating wasn’t good today. Don’t know what it’s going to take to get me back on track . Sort of adding to my depression right now. Tomorrow’s a new day.

    Bought a turkey as I’ve decided to do the whole Thanksgiving meal. It will be just DH and DD unless another couple we invited come. Will depend on the weather as they never put snow tires on and you need snow tires to get up our driveway if the weather is bad. Whether they come or not I’m still doing the whole meal. I don’t do it every years. One year I did lasagna and we enjoyed that. But I’m in the mood for turkey this year.

    Terry in VT warm and toasty with the wood stove bring on all day.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,139 Member
    Two things have made me smile today ...

    1) My first cup of coffee in nearly a week!! I can drink it slightly cool now! :)

    2) The fact that the weather is great laundry weather! It is finally warm and sunny long enough for me to do a load of towels and hang them outside! :)

    Machka in Oz
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
    Thanks for the kind words regarding my military family. I shall jeep them! Communicated with all three of my sons today, so I am happy momma!
    My Nuke son stated he was 119 lbs at the start of boot camp, and now he is 146 lbs! Ho!y Cow! It will be exciting to see him when he has leave!

    My eldest Navy son is such a joy to chat with! I told him funny stories and got him snorting laughing! That's always fun!

    Finally finished my bean soup!
    Hugs my peeps!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    About Thanksgiving we will be Celebrating here at the resort. They provide the turkey and everyone else signs up for potluck. We were at their happy hour here earlier and it feels like an extended family. They have activities here Monday through Friday with breakfast and happy hour every other Saturday.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Well I was going to comment on the two pictures with beautiful hair but I won't put them together. One was Pip, wow. You can sure tell your Mexican heritage. So rich and thick. The other was the Alpacas. They look like s,e one styles their hair. I wonder if an Alpaca is proud of their hair. They look happy.

    JanetR, I wish you could be with your sister while she is in hospice. I don't know what hospice does to help the long distance family but I can not decsri be how they helped us. It made that time in our lives so different. I read an article of the 5 myths of hospice. Yes, people ere know it is terminal, cancer, COPD and Aides are the most frequent patients.misnarticle says that they cared for patients in a prison and even homeless man under a bridge until they could get him in a home. They is it made those dim days so much brighter. I can't put into e right words but hospice isn't there to help you die.mtheybare there to make sure your last days are lived as full as they can be. COPDNANCOPD is a rough time. If your sis has had it for awhile, you know the drill. The trips to the ER. I was so proud of our local pulmonologist group. When I first started in nursing, I was on the med/ unit and we had a lot of COPD patients. So we also had a lot of their family. It's not just the patient that has it, it's a family affair, the family has to know exactly when to be alarmed or when to just tweak the medicine. But this man had his COPD for a very long time and the doctors credited his wife for him living that long. After he died, she felt helpless. So this doctors group hired her. She did caregiver education, was there as a shoulder to cry on, some one to talk to,mice hope. I was so proud that they hired some one whose only qualification was that she was a wife.

    Well Micelle and I went out phone shopping today. We have Directv so our first place was AT&T. Ey had the traditional person meet you at the door, take your name and put you in the que. it was going to be around 45 minutes before we could be seen. There was another AT&T at the mall so we went there. No one waiting I the store it's just that traversing the street to the mall was awful. I let Michelle park in a handicap space just becaus the only other ones were out in e boonies and she still isn't feeling well. We found out that although we would get a discount on our DirectV, the data plan we wanted would be pretty expensive, more than we are paying now and that didn't even include he phone. So off we go to Sprint. You just had to press your luck and hope you could catch a salesperson there and we were not lucky. So off we go to our trusty Verizon store. Got right in, very informative lady. Couldn't answer the one question we wanted, would they be having Black Friday or cyber Monday sales, she said that they were not allowed to say that at all. But if you buy a phone and with those sales you can get your phone cheaper, you can change the plan within 14 days. So we may try that. She was going to research he phones they had. We need phones with 32 gigs. I think that is what Michelle said. I always refer those kind of questions to her.

    Love seeing e veterans pictures. I thank you all for your service. You helped us become what we were. I'm not sure it is what we are now.

    Joyce, Indiana where I cheated and got a chocolate cake from Walmart tonight for our church dinner tomorrow.
  • OregonMother
    OregonMother Posts: 1,576 Member
    So sorry about your sister, Janet. This is so hard for everyone. Sending up prayers for you.

    Willamette Valley, Oregon
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    Kate UK <3
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,139 Member
    My husband has been working mornings this weekend, so we've been getting out for a little bit in the afternoons.

    Sunday -- a loop around the Seven Mile Beach area on a lovely warm, sunny afternoon. Even had a bit of a glimpse of the beach and ocean!

    Distance: 20.6 km
    Elevation: 81 m
    Moving Time: 1:01:08
    Elapsed Time: 1:02:52
    Speed: Avg: 20.2 km/h | Max: 31.7 km/h
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    machka so glad to hear of your healing progress, being able to drink a cup of coffee, even warm, would be a great sign of improvement to me. Time to buy a new blender, don't think it should be smoking! :s

    Heather now that the TEDx talk has gone live, will it be archived and could I possibly find it? Would love to watch.

    Spent a good portion of the day yesterday cleaning like a demon, felt good and productive. Today we will visit MIL and then prep for the week. DD is home in 10 days :p

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    Morning lovely ladies~
    im up and dressed and hope to get going in a bit.. meeting the cousins at 9:15 i have an older humidifier at Toms house he said save your money and at least try that one out before you go buy one...so I shall..
    It is so dry in here will try and set it up this afternoon and have it working for tonight...
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Janetr ~ I sell on Etsy and eBay sometimes. It would be very helpful to invest in a postal scale. That way you can figure out about how much it will cost to ship. I have lost a lot of money in the past by offering free shipping or not estimating correctly.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited November 2017
    Peach1948 wrote: »
    Janetr ~ I sell on Etsy and eBay sometimes. It would be very helpful to invest in a postal scale. That way you can figure out about how much it will cost to ship. I have lost a lot of money in the past by offering free shipping or not estimating correctly.

    Thanks Carol. I appreciate the input.

    Janetr OKC
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    I've been talking DH through the diagnosis of his daughter with Aspergers. He is a bit tearful, but he understands it is only a label for behaviour she has had all her life. We hope it will help her and those she comes into contact with. I've known people with a late diagnosis and it was a huge relief to them. I think it will help her younger sister who has often felt hurt and baffled by her behaviour. <3

    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx

    My husband was diagnosed late in life and it answered so many questions about his behavior. Saved our marriage. He struggled initially but has come to embrace his "new" you.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member