Weird foods/combinations you eat



  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    Jrpwgr wrote: »
    • A can of baked beans and a can of corned beef hash, heated and mixed thoroughly. Made it once when I was like 10, and still so good its a go-to comfort food for me. Looks like dog food, tastes like love.

    i need to try corned beef hash sounds interesting
  • tamonkay
    tamonkay Posts: 28 Member
    Tuna sub with mustard and onions. Breath is awesome after that combo.

    Chips inside my sandwiches, I love the crunch

    Ketchup on eggs, any preparation.

    I used to dip my chips in ketchup.

    And when I was a kid we would go to Canada to buy ketchup chips. They were sold in the us for a short while a few years ago, but I haven't seen them since.
  • skelterhelter
    skelterhelter Posts: 803 Member
    - Ketchup slathered on everything: eggs, mac & cheese, mashed potatoes, white rice. Has to be Trader Joe's Organic Ketchup, though. Trust me on this one - it just tastes better.

    - Nacho Cheese Doritos on an Egg Everything Bagel with cream cheese. Love the crunch and cheddar flavor mixed with the cream cheese.

    - Dipping fries in tartar sauce (when able. Not all restaurants carry it). If it's not an option, I usually mix ketchup and mayo together for a fry dip. Sooo good.

    - Pizza dipped in ranch. Not too weird.

    - Frank's Hot Sauce on chicken salad. Gives it a real nice kick. Add some celery and you're good to go. Hot sauce is really good on ramen soup too!
  • Sunshine_And_Sand
    Sunshine_And_Sand Posts: 1,320 Member
    Cooked noodles but with homemade honey lime glaze instead of a traditional sauce and topped with fresh Parmesan.
    I also eat noodles with traditional sauce but that's my weird noodle dish
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Green beans with ketchup or BBQ sauce on them. Favorite!

    Tuna salad made with Worcestershire sauce, mayo, onion & celery...not that weird to me but a lot of friends think the Worcestershire on it is odd/gross.

    Sour cream on scrambled eggs.
  • kiracookie
    kiracookie Posts: 50 Member
    When I’m being naughty I like salted crisps dipped in chocolate moose <3

    Whenever I have curry I had chopped banana and boiled egg on the side, I don’t think that’s weird but my boyfriend was creeped out the first time I had it with him.

    I few months ago I had mac & cheese that came with bacon and maple superb and that was amazing
  • lightenup2016
    lightenup2016 Posts: 1,055 Member
    I would have to say that most of these combinations gross me out. I guess I'm not too adventurous when it comes to food.

    About the strangest thing I love is french fries dipped in mashed potatoes, and breakfast sausage dipped in maple syrup. Oh, and my family used to dip biscuits into Karo syrup mixed with unmelted butter.

    My husband, on the other hand, has been known to eat Cheetos in his yogurt, and uses orange juice instead of milk, for cereal :confounded:
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    sarahbums wrote: »
    i put cottage cheese on my salads instead of dressing lmao

    thats not weird thats delicious and smart :p
  • Noreenmarie1234
    Noreenmarie1234 Posts: 7,493 Member
    edited April 2018
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    sarahbums wrote: »
    i put cottage cheese on my salads instead of dressing lmao

    thats not weird thats delicious and smart :p

    A lot of these aren't weird at all and pretty common. Maybe I am just a weird eater, but I do a majority of these. LOL
  • vegmebuff
    vegmebuff Posts: 31,389 Member
    sarahbums wrote: »
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    thats not weird thats delicious and smart :p

    i know right? it's a great way to pack in some protein.

    another concoction i came up with in treatment was mashing my hard-boiled egg into my cottage cheese and mixing in some walnuts. I got some weird looks for that one..

    I'd do it - yummy
  • DragonHasTheSapphire
    DragonHasTheSapphire Posts: 184 Member
    I like popcorn and hummus, or popcorn with yellow mustard. Hummus with almonds. Hummus with everything.

    I also like plain yogurt slathered on whole grain bread.. or extra virgin olive oil on my toast...
  • Cbean08
    Cbean08 Posts: 1,092 Member
    I just remembered, I used to make sandwiches with

    toasted wheat bread, sugar- free strawberry jelly, deli turkey, a slice of american cheese, spinach, red onion, jalapeño, and whole salted almonds. And yes, all that would be stuffed between the bread.
  • orangegato
    orangegato Posts: 6,570 Member
    french fries and mayo
  • beaglady
    beaglady Posts: 1,362 Member
    French fries with blue cheese dressing

    Jalapeño chips on sandwiches.
  • Ebony_Kitty
    Ebony_Kitty Posts: 41 Member
    Not nearly as odd as some of the others mentioned but I like avocado with my cap read salad: fresh mozzarella, tomato, avocado, balsamic glaze, salt and pepper.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    Haha I'm glad someone bumped this zombie thread its fun to know people weird foods
  • neugebauer52
    neugebauer52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I made myself a large bowl of cauliflower rice -fried in some butter and olive oil. Then I added half a cup of cottage cheese and home made curry paste. It doesn't taste like rice, it doesn't taste like cauliflower but I like it.
  • stac3wa
    stac3wa Posts: 36 Member
    I love : tomato ketchup mixed into tuna with cucumber on toast / hard boiled eggs with tomato ketchup and cucumber/ sardines in tomato sauce on toast - BUT I hate tomatoes :smiley: