

  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,887 Member
    Hi all: Well yesterday was Dson's birthday and one of the things he wanted was an Instant Pot so we and DD went together to get him one. He was quite excited, promised to make something for Christmas. We had dinner with him, his fiance and DGD at Cheesecake factory in Belleview. I had an appetizer salad and DD and I shared a piece of cheesecake. Then we went outside to watch Snowflake Lane. It was fun and they had artificial snow with lots of music and small floats.

    Mary - Congrats on the job. Love that rear-end shot and hope everything goes well.

    Betty - I sympathize with you. I do not now and never have had high cholesterol but about 4 months ago I was diagnosed with an enlarged aorta and the cardiologist put me on a statin to help prevent a heart attack. I really question this but supposedly the statin will help stabilize plaque. Stick with it. The goal is to be as healthy as possible whether that involves meds or not.

    Allie - Yay for new jobs and new pups. I like Alfie too.

    Barbara - If it hurts when you take your blood pressure make sure you have the right size cuff. It does make a difference.

    Wendy - When my DD was riding in costume classes we made my white gelding into a unicorn using a styrofoam cone that I cut down and carved and then coated with glitter. We attached it to the browband with velcro and pulled his forelock down around it. I will try to get a picture posted.

    Joyce - Yay for singing in the cantata. You go girl! What kind of music folder do you have? Does it have a strap to slip your hand through on the spine? That helps me quite a bit as I have small hands and some arthritis. Also a strap across the bottom to keep it from flopping open all the way. JW Pepper has some with those features both 3-ring and elastic bands to hold music whichever you prefer. Good luck.

    Everyone take care, Sue in WA
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Betty, sorry to hear of your friend’s death. ((Hugs))
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    edited December 2017
    Marcelyn you have more snow then here in Minnesota! Yours will melt quickly.

    Betty so sorry for your loss.

    AllieCount me in for Alfie too.

    :heart: Margaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    stats for the day:

    bike ride hm 2 gym- 8.37min, 142mhr, 10.4amph. 1.4mi= 113c
    apple watch- 68c
    wak TREADMILL- 28min, 117mhr, 1.32mi= 187c
    apple watch- 201c
    walk sta 2 wk- 9.18min, 117mhr, 3.2ap., .5mi= 69c
    apple watch- 54c
    walk wk 2 stat- 9.37min, 4.ap, 141mhr, .5mi = 60c
    Apple Watch- 49c
    ride dome 2 hm- 19.56min, 7.7amp, 152mhr, 2.5mi = 196c
    Apple Watch- 138c

    total cal 639
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Friends,

    Heather, the movie sing a long sounds like so much fun. The only one that I can think of in the US is The Rocky Horror Picture Show where the audience dresses as the characters and sing along with it. It is where my nic, Damit Janit comes from. It’s a cult film so not exactly like the Sound of Music. It sounds like such fun. A huge “Congrats” on progressing on your writing.

    Mary, my fingers are crossed for the possible jobs. (later) Congrats on the job offer!!!!

    Michele, have you tried putting it out in the sun for a while?

    Allie, congrats on the new fur baby!

    pretty-pink-welcome-smiley-emoticon.gifto all the Newbies. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I had a board meeting at the Moose this morning then went out in the rain to get the last few things for our Christmas party tomorrow. It’s been fun planning it but I’ll be glad when it’s over. We have 32 ladies signed up. I may end up having to skip a page or two as I am still behind, but I’ll just say good night for now and see how tomorrow goes.

    Sending love, good thoughts and sunshine to all of you.

    I Love youwriting-a-love-letter-smiley-emoticon.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Worked on the trampoline today. The plan for tomorrow is to do Shape Bikini Body DVD (one of the new ones)

    Went to the mahjongg Christmas party. Took my cheese "tree". Had most of the cheese, only had tea to drink (no sugar or milk), some nuts, a cracker. Then totally blew it when I got home. It was snowing, had some of these bars that I'd made but I really didn't like the way they came out. Now I feel so "yuk". I didn't even feel like having any dessert.

    While we were at mahjongg, this lady who has WPW had an attack. She couldn't get hold of her husband so Dianne's husband took her to the ER, went to her home and found her husband. He went to the hosp while Paige came home. Just found out that they're doing more tests. I have a feeling that she won't be coming home from the hosp. today.

    Still need the Christmas lists from the kids. Wish we could get them to do it earlier so that we can get our shopping done. I'd really like to have all the shopping and wrapping done by the time Steve comes on the 18th. I want to enjoy my holiday, too. And I won't if I'm under the stress of buying. It's bad enough that I'm under the stress of all the cooking.

    KJ - every year we send a list of what we want for Christmas to each other. If I don't do that, I usually buy what I want and give it to Vince to give to me. I just want gift certificates to Lowes Hardware this year.

    Been thinking of Lenora, too and hoping she's OK. I am really torn if I should call or not. What do you all think?

    Allie - I like Alfie. I agree, it's less confusing for him

    Betty - so sorry about your friend

    dogladytwo - awesome

    DJ - I was thinking about that (putting it out in the sun). But I should probably wait until summer to do that. I'm thinking that perhaps I should soak it in Biz while in the sun if soaking it doesn't do the job in the wintertime. Did you get any snow???

    Michele in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    lhscapil wrote: »
    Machka - your restaurant Christmas dinner sounds so good!! Best part is - no dishes and eating leftovers for a week. Sounds like you are getting super busy with the new responsibilities but I know you'll tackle them with ease. Good luck with the running and glad you have an inhaler. Hay fever - yuk!


    Yes the no dishes and no dealing with leftover ... and no shopping and no cooking are all very appealing aspects of a restaurant Christmas dinner. We just have to show up at a certain time and enjoy! :)

    I have several inhalers ... one in the pocket of my winter coat, one in my backpack that I take to work. I think I've got one at work ... I should check that. One in a basket in the dining room. One in the dressing room. One in my cycling handlebar bag.

    I was diagnosed with Exercise Induced Asthma in early 2005, and then in 2014 went for lung tests again and they suspect I've got mild 'real asthma' as well now. I was 47 then, and had the lung capacity of a 70 year old. :( Losing weight and getting fitter has helped a lot, and most of the time my asthma is under control, but it does flare up now and then.

    M in Oz
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    Karen - Many congratulations on the coming baby boy. Lovely - one of each!
    Today my wig arrived for the singalong. I am going as an Austrian damsel in a dirndl dress, white stockings and blonde plaits! The wig is bright yellow with bows. :D Most people go as nuns, but I didn't fancy that. If I get too hot I'll just take the wig off!
    The Sound of Music singalong has been going for many years at the Prince Charles cinema in Leicester Square. It's a pretty regular Friday occurrence. I've always wanted to go. :bigsmile: It's nice that it's near to my cancer friend's 64th birthday, so doubly lovely. <3:D I just hope it doesn't snow and mess the trains up. One birthday of hers I was due to go up for a meal and theatre visit, but we had two foot of snow in a few hours. Everything came to a halt so I had to cancel at the last minute.

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    You'll have to post photos of yourself all dressed up! :)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    KJLaMore wrote: »
    Oh, about the Christmas decorations/ornaments. My tree is up (did I tell you that?); but it's still naked. lol The kids ask every day "Miss Kel, when are you going to put lights and ornaments on?" I told them I will do it this weekend. It has been nice to have the smell of the tree all week, without the worry of the little hands all over it. I even gate it off, mainly so that they can't get under it or try to climb it (it has happened before the gate idea). But they always want to touch. Many of my ornaments are bells and miniature nutcrackers. Then there are the eight to ten cardinals that I have perched here and there on some fake snow on the branches. I will post a pic or two when I get it done. Also not in a big hurry because putting on the lights is my LEAST favorite thing to do during this season! What a headache.

    My mother used to afix a light to the end of each branch ... then we'd look at it from different angles and she'd decide that we didn't want two red lights so near each other or that one part of the tree looked a little dark, so we'd go through and unattach a whole bunch and reattach them. It would take such a long time.

    I unfurl the string of lights and drape them round and round the tree. I might attach it at a couple places just so it stays in place, and I'm done in about 5 minutes.

    I do the lights first, and I figure that by the time I get everything else on the tree, it will look fine.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    edited December 2017
    I've got the first slow cooker meal of the season simmering in the slow cooker. My husband usually does the cooking and pretty much the only cooking I do is with the slow cooker ... and pretty much the only time I do it is around Christmas when I'm on a break.

    I often use McCormick and other packets for the sauce and recipe suggestion:

    So I'll put the chicken mince and veggies into the slow cooker, then add a packet of those spices and things. And then usually add some additional spices.

    Most often I'll do a curry of some sort ... but didn't feel like that today, so I went with this ...

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    Saturday -- no cycling, but ...

    Distance: 5.1 km run
    Moving Time: 37:27
    Pace: 7:16/km

    This is my first 5 km run since ... oh, probably since I was a teenager. I know I was doing 2-3 km runs back in the very early 2000s. But for some reason, I only got up to about 3 km and stopped.

    So, although I'm not moving at a blistering pace here, it actually felt good to run 5 km. :)

    And our post-run meal was good too. :)

    M in Oz
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Lisa sounds like a great way to keep moving while you get all your writing done.

    I'm loving all the ornament pics, I will get moving on decorating next weekend, I would much rather do this with DD, DH is missing DD so much that he decided to take a day off and drive 6 hours to go and pick her up from school next weekend! Makes me laugh, but I don't get in the way, they have a special bond, in temperament they are very alike, though she is more expressive emotionally, they are both fair minded, rule following, adventure seeking folk.

    Oops just found out that my morning rehearsal is being cancelled due to snow conditions....The fact that I am relieved isn't just because I am a "scaredy cat driver" but no, the fact is, I am less than excited about this gig! You might remember I stretched myself to audtion for this job, thinking it would be a growth opportunity. Well, not so much, the gig is pretty similar to my regular job, so I'm less than excited about it, just feels like I'm working an extra day, :/ The good news is the gig is over in early March and I do not have to extend my contract--well at least I tried something, not everything works out, I guess.

    Before the snowflakes actually starts to fall, I will drive to the gym. Maybe I can even knock out the christmas cards today.