

  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Heather, you are one hot little goat herder!

    Sue, thanks for the unicorn horn suggestion. Don't know if I can get a styrofone cone here, though maybe next time I drive to a bigger town I can look at their craft shop. I watched a couple of youtube videos. Once again the material and tools used are unavailable to me. However, I have got a long cardboard tube from Christmas wrapping paper sitting on my table and I am thinking of ways I can shape it...

    Pip your ornaments are so funny! I am keeping an eye out now for some cuties to add to my tree. I put our tree up the other day, and every evening my husband comes in and turns on the lights and sits there watching tv with the lights blinking away. I did not even think he noticed my decorations. LOL I told him he must be getting sentimental in his old age.

    <3 Wendy
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Are the directions for the bookmarks posted somewhere? My DGD loves to read and would love those bookmarks. Sorry if I missed the instructions.
    Betty- so sorry for your loss. Take care of you.
    Suebdew in TX.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did Shape's Bikini Body DVD. The plan for tomorrow is to do Stott Pilates for Weight Loss DVD.

    As far as Christmas, looks like I'm in for a lot of preparing. Steve will be here the 18th and 19th. Jess comes the 21st, she has a local interview and then she's going to TN to see a friend, Colby is coming (we think) Christmas day, Denise is coming the 26th, Jess leaves the 27th, Denise leaves the 29th. Have no idea what I'll make Steve, we'll have our christmas eve dinner, hopefully we'll have leftovers for Christmas Day (we'll see what Jess wants, but I hope she wants leftovers), not sure what time Denise is getting here but hope she gets here in time for us to have at least one meal together -- haven't figured out what that meal will be, tho. I'm leaning towards a prime rib, but I'm not much of a red meat eater. Maybe I'll make that meat, have just a little, but make more veges and have lots of them.

    When we moved to our second home it was around the middle of December. We bought a live tree in the ball so we could plant it after Christmas, but we only put on it lights that looked like ornaments (I remember Mickey Mouse lights on it). Just didn't have time for ornaments. Not to mention that I was pg at the time.

    Lisa - that pedaler - how heavy is it?

    We have an ornament of Denise when she was in 2nd grade. She looks for it every year.

    Snowed here. Really, it's not that bad. But, of course, we didn't get a paper "due to the treacherous conditions" and no mail because "the carrier could not get access to your location". We won't mention that our road is totally clear. Helped Vince get the blowmolds down that we're going to use this year, put the bailing wire on them and then put a brick inside the ones that needed it.

    pip - you have such wonderful ornaments! Where did you ever get that chicken one?

    Heather - love, love, love your outfit

    Update on Lenora - I called her husband. She's in the hospital, has been for the last 3 weeks. They're trying to get her meds adjusted, but she's doing better than she was last week. If anyone would like to send her a card, PM me and Louis said that it was OK to give out her address. I just don't want to put it out here on the Internet.

    I had this really really nice pastry cutter from Pampered Chef. I must have had it at least 5 years. Yesterday, one of the welds broke. From what I can see on the Internet, that one has been discontinued but I could purchase it on ebay for (get this) $35. I know I didn't pay anywhere near that amount. Anyway, I found this place that was selling it for $17 so I ordered it. Only I didn't know that the company is out of the country, so who knows what I'll wind up paying? Well...live and learn....and die a fool. At least I'll have the pastry blender....lol

    Michele in NC
  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Heather, love your Sound of Music outfit! too cute!
    Michele, thank you for the post about Lenora, even though I wasn't on here very long when she "disappeared", it's good to know that she's being taken care of.
    Pip, your kitty hiding under the tree reminds me of two of my cats, both gone now, but they loved sleeping under the tree. Don't know if it was because it was warmer under there or what. There was a baseboard heater near there, but neither of them slept near it when the tree wasn't there, so not sure what the attraction was.
    So.... the boss bought a package of Starbucks cranberry bliss bars. They looked really good, so I checked out the calories (290 for 1 bar!!!!), but decided that I still would like a taste. After all, they could be yucky and that would be the end of it. So I cut one in half and had the half. OMG! They are so good!!! Sure hope I can keep my hands off of the other half til tomorrow! lol I have logged breakfast, lunch and the snack, so far so good for today! Dinner could be tricky, the boss is hosting gingerbread house decorating and making chili. She is using turkey instead of beef, so that will lighten it up a bit, will just have to keep my fingers away from the decorating candy! Well, at least make them not go to my mouth, only to the gingerbread house! lol
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Michele ~ Thanks so much for contacting Louis. I am so sorry that Lenora has been in the hospital all this time. I am praying that they will get her meds corrected very soon and she can go home.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    Thank you Michele for finding out about Lenora. I sent a message to you.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Evie - our cats love laying under the tree, looking up at the flashing lights. They especially like it after some catnip.....lol

    Wendy - too cute pics.

    Michele in NC
  • gpokerlund
    gpokerlund Posts: 16 Member
    I would get your hormone levels checked. If your hormones have gone to 0 it would be no wonder you feel they way you do. Life can be great over 50 as long as you have hormones! Lol
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Marcelyn: Good thoughts for your lemon tree's survival! Stay safe. :flowerforyou:

    Betty ROC: So sorry about the loss of your friend. :broken_heart: Regarding health-- I have a weatherproof exercise option because I belong to a gym. That is where I take yoga and also work on stationary bikes & other machines. My supplement health insurance pays for the membership for me. DSIL has a similar benefit from hers. If this wasn't covered for me I'd join this gym and pay for its benefits. Advantages include weatherproof opportunities to get the exercise I need, friendly people, and good instructors. In the mornings when I go the majority of patrons seem to be oldies like me and stay at home moms. I don't know much about the Canadian health system. :flowerforyou:

    Wendy: I just found a supplier of unicorn horns for equines. You'll never guess— :laugh: (Of course you will.) Amazon has a wide array of them. Some actually look pretty good in the photos. Amazon seems to be morphing into an enormous entity. If I were trying to put horns on Arrow they'd be devil horns. He is a rascal. :ohwell:

    Dogladytwo: Congratulations on breaking the heart rate barrier on the treadmill! :smiley:

    M in OZ: I put lights on my tree the same way that you do. It works just fine. I have some artifical trees that are little and stay decorated so all i need to do is get them out and plug them in. Our living trees get decorated by hand every year. this year DH bought two new strings of lights. We're jsut using one becaue that is all our bigger tree needs. The smaller tree has battery-run lights on it. I use rechargeable batteries. :smiley:

    Janet: Where did you get the wonderful dog Christmas ornaments? :huh:

    Pip: I REALLY want to know where you find those ornaments! They are a hoot, including the plucked chicken. :bigsmile:

    Heather: You look just like a Von Trapp family member. :heart:

    Michele: Thanks so much for the update on Lenora. You are a good friend to all of us for giving us much needed information. Please pass along my good wishes through Louis. :heart:

    Wendy: Your black and white spaniel looks like our dearly departed Sanford. He was a Lab/Golden Retriever & Springer-spaniel mix. We adored him. He passed on more than 35 years ago. I've kept your photo as a reminder of him. :heart: :broken_heart::heart:

    DH is in the kitchen baking an eggnog pie for tonight. It is a custard recipe and we replace milk with eggnog. We've had terrible luck with our pie-crusts falling into our custard pies. He's starting with a hotter oven tonight. I hope it works. The next option is to bake the shell filled with beans and then remove the beans and add the filling, and bake again. He is the pie baker in the family. I bake cakes on the rare occasions we need or want one.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited December 2017
    Katla - I found the dog ornaments at Hobby Lobby several years ago probably 6-7 years ago now.

    Lisa/Margaret - I too struggle with sleep and know it is a BIG contributor to my physical problems and weight. I average 4-5 hours of sleep a night. FitBit says last night I got 3 hr 53 min. ugh

    Michele thanks you so much for passing on the information on Lenora, I hope she is home for Christmas.

    Janetr OKC
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Katla, thanks! I will check out Amazon. I order other things from Amazon like supplements and books. Some I can get delivered to NZ, others I send to my Mom in Montana and she sends them on to me... Devil horns would be perfect for my chestnut arab mare Aseelah. She is a bit of a devil, lol. Maybe I'll look at ornaments on Amazon as well... Just going out to do bees. Got one queen making from last time that I am going to put into a hive today, and I found a virgin queen where she wasn't meant to be, stopping my cells from being made, so I nuked her last week. Now I am hoping some cells are making... <3 Wendy
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    It would probably take too long to send a card, so anyone who is sending one to Lenora, please add Heather UK.XXXXXXXXXX

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
  • spikeyhair
    spikeyhair Posts: 2,078 Member
    It would probably take too long to send a card, so anyone who is sending one to Lenora, please add Heather UK.XXXXXXXXXX

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    Me too I miss her so much

    Kate UK <3<3<3

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,803 Member
    well took a nap and am refreshed, made myself a nice meal.. and wondering if I should enjoy a glass of wine.. I spend alot of time alone here, and get lonely so will be nice to have Alfie to keep me company... Tom didn't want me getting scammed by getting the dog.. but all is on the up and up... got all sorts of emails, and paperwork that has been set in motion.. wonder how the lil guy will like snow. started snowing here around 8 am and is still going... It looks nice outside, but not wonderful to drive in.. so just staying put..