

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Fudge is a weakness of mine too. Just plain chocolate soft fudge. It always reminds me of my dad. He used to make it and I can remember him putting on a leather glove and beating it in the pot. I also have a weakness for peanut brittle. Haven’t made any this year yet. Probably this weekend. I’ve gained 3 lbs but I’m not going to stress over it. I know I can lose it again. And it is the holidays!

    Rye, wonderful news about your photos. Fingers crossed that someone licenses them.

    Katla, glad to hear you toe is heling.

    Pip, those pics are adorable. I just want to cuddle up with them.

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,778 Member
    Well here I am made it 2 hrs at work and feeling aweful.so home and in bed.
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member

    This is a photo of my Mom's cousin Dick, a nurturing, witty, cynical, sweet man. He was ahead of his time in many arenas, a Baha'i who walked the walk. He died at the age of 81 yesterday morning, with his wife and children at his side. I loved him and I will miss him.

    Karen in Virginia

    Karen, Dick looks like someone I would have liked to have known. I'm so sorry for your loss. ((HUGS))
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,401 Member
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,831 Member
    Machka- Were you the one looking for a soft gingerbread recipe? I have an old Betty Crocker cookbook and I use that gingerbread recipe. I cut the gingerbread men at about 1/4 in thickness. They stay wonderfully soft for a few days. And if you want a gingerbread BREAD or MUFFIN, you could probably just use a regular fruit bread or muffin recipe and sub the molasses for the fruit and add the ginger, cloves, nutmeg, etc. I used to make gingerbread men and gingerbread houses with my daycare kids; then I found out that it is a great laxative. :s So...because I can only stomach so many messy diapers in a day, we do sugar cookies now.
    Karen- What a great photo of your cousin and that babe. My condolences to you and his family! <3
    Cathy- I hope to have my leg mended enough to do some trail walking with Joaquin in the stroller when we visit in Jan. Maybe I will bring some pepper spray to keep the wild hogs at bay! Yikes!
    FUDGE- Making Jack Daniels Fudge and Cherry Whiskey Fudge is becoming a family tradition for my DYS and myself. It is on our to do list this upcoming week, so that he can give it to friends for Christmas. He is quite popular (I wonder why) >:)
    Cheri- We made Menorahs (paper ones) yesterday with paper candles for our daycare craft. I read a Hanukkah story, we read a baby touch and feel Hanukkah book and read Where is baby's dreidel? They liked those. It took me some time to come to terms with JUST helping the kids realize that there are many different holidays that are celebrated in the world and different ways to celebrate. I really struggled with trying to get little ones to understand the whole story. The older ones DO enjoy the word Maccabee, though. They threw that word around all day, like it was giving them super powers. They would yell "Maccabee!" and jump around. Happy Hanukkah to you!

    kids waking up from nap. ttfn KJ
  • coastalgosgal
    coastalgosgal Posts: 2,900 Member
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Happy Chanukah!

    "Chanukah, which is the Hebrew word for 'dedication,' is a Jewish celebration that lasts eight days and eight nights. It commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, where, according to Jewish belief, a miracle occurred that allowed oil to light a menorah for eight days, when there only was enough oil for one day. The holiday begins on a different day each year, as it follows the lunisolar Jewish calendar, not the Gregorian calendar. It starts on the 25th day of the Jewish month of Kislev, which usually falls between late November and late December."

    Sue - Hope your husband's knee surgery went well!

    Becca - Glad the new meds are helping you get some sleep.

    Joyce - Your words about your mom reminded me of my grandmother, who died of congestive heart failure. She was in the hospital for the last time and the doctors wanted to put her on dialysis but she refused. I guess the nephrologist got a little frustrated so he asked her, "Miz Morrish, what can I do to help you?" Her answer: "You can get out of my way."

    Sharon - Sorry to hear you were in so much pain. I hope the rest brought you some relief.

    Barbie - Your image makes me miss our woodstove (or, in dog and cat language, "The Warm Thing"). That was our sole means of heating our house in New Mexico, and it was such a cozy way of doing it.

    Heather - Fudge is yummy, and one of the very first things I ever made with my mom. The thing I really can't make because I can't leave it alone is dulce de leche. The best I can manage is to make it for gifting now and then, and give it away before I am tempted to open the jars.

    Rye - Exciting news about your photos! Congratulations on having them accepted!

    Karen - My condolences on the loss of your mom's cousin. He sounds like a lovely person.

    Dad was originally going home today, but he's still having weak/dizzy spells so they've pushed it to sometime next week. (When I asked him when he thought he'd go home, he told me he didn't think they'd ever let him out.) I'm still going for a visit tomorrow or Friday and will spend the weekend.

    Didn't lose any weight this week. Generally I can have an off day with calories now and then OR I can slack off on exercise, but I can't do both if I want to make progress.

    Wish I'd finished my Christmas shopping, but I haven't. I'll just have to wrap up everything I've got for Houston and ship the rest. I think I'm going to suggest to Philip that we look for a local restaurant or caterer that's taking orders for Christmas dinner... hate to do that, but I don't know if I'm going to have the time and energy for cooking after all of the running back and forth.

    Will leave you with this lovely quote from Robert Altinger: "The darkness of the whole world cannot swallow the glowing of a candle."

    -Yvonne in TX
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Karen in Va ~ Hugs for Mr. Dick's family.

    Alison ~ Sorry you are feeling poorly.

    I have been down in the dumps off and on for over a month now. Will cry at the drop of a hat. I have tried to make sure I am taking my anti-anxiety medicine and lots of vitamins. :'(

    All the talk of Christmas cookies sounds great. Now, if only I could get off my computer chair and go make some.

    Carol in GA

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,081 Member
    Karen sorry for your loss.

  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    Carol, I tend to get a little weepy around the holidays. Especially since my parents are no longer around. Also, I think it is the light. Keep on the meds and just let it rollover you. I find that if I fight it then it last longer. I'm on meds too as I suffer from depression. Just take it easy and know we are all right here for you.


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,661 Member
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,401 Member
    Karens in NY and VA - condolences for the loss of Aunt Gertrude and Cousin Dick. When the older generation passes, a lot of special wisdom is gone. Reminder to me to spend time with older folks and cherish them while we still have them!

    Loving all the photos of crafts, Machka's desk, just everything!!! You all are such a great part of my day!!

    I went to the ENT doc yesterday - I am set up for the allergy skin prick testing in mid-January. The gal went through the list of meds to stop taking prior to the visit. I told her I used "green" cream sometimes for pain relief, she said not a problem. Then she reached in her drawer and took out a little empty carton and showed me - it's for a pain relief spray that has, you guessed it, medical CBD marijuana! She said this is what she recommends people to use if they are on painkillers of some type that will interfere with the testing!

    Times sure have changed >:)

    Sunny SW WA State
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,321 Member
    Carol, Terry - Christmas is often a time for weepiness. Before I met DH I had some awful run ups to Christmas. Twice I rang the Samaritans. (They are an organisation you can ring if you are considering suicide or very depressed. I was not going to kill myself, but I was desperate) The advice I got one time was to do just one small thing, like send one card, or buy one present. The second year it was just great to have someone to listen. I rang up because my periods were flooding so much I was thoroughly exhausted and could hardly stand. I was upset that a man answered the phone. He said he was on Jersey (an island) and was the only one there. I had the picture in my head of a kind of Lonely Prince character, perched on an island in the middle of the sea! He said his wife used to have the same trouble and he was wonderful to chat to. Both times were a great help to me and I did consider training to be a Samaritan. So many people find it a difficult time of year, (((HUGS))) to you and anyone else who finds the season hard.
    Much love, Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Finally caught up.
    Yvonne-so sorry to hear of your dad’s diagnosis. I know you will do the right thing and follow his wishes.
    Been working hard to have everything ready for DH’s party for his golf group. Made five little buckets of peanut brittle to give as favors. Who would have thought that DH would want favors!
    Janet’s- the photo of your ornament is breathtaking.
    Terry- thanks for the ecard. Love those animated cards.
    The fruit I associate with Christmas in Texas is the bags of pink grapefruit from the valley. They are so good. Haven’t seen them yet this year.
    Have to get ready for a dinner party. Take care of yourselves.
    Suebdew in TX.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited December 2017
    Pip: I love the baby and adult photos of Winkle & Bootz. Babies are sweet but mature dogs & cats are a treasure. :star:

    Heather: I hope you have a grand visit with your son and his lady. Having a caring partner is an important part of a happy life. I hope they will both be happier now that they've found each other. :heart: DH is the pie baker, and he's been using purchased crusts which are likely contributors to the problem. I think blind baking is a good thing to try. :smiley:

    Cheri: Love the cards if I didn't already say so. :smiley:

    Karen in VA: So sorry for the loss of your mom's cousin Dick. He sounds like a wonderful person. (((HUGS)))

    Lanette: Medical MJ is good stuff. DH uses it when needed for pain caused by his ailments. I hope that the spray works to keep you comfortable.

    I went to yoga for the second time since I hurt my foot and did okay with it. I am so glad I went. Hours later, I still feel better than before. I am being careful with the affected left big toe & treating it with DMSO. It is very bruised but the DMSO works wonders at eliminating pain & improving motion. I wonder whether I'll eventually lose the nail. Time will tell.

    DD sent me a txt to let me know our Christmas box has arrived. She wondered whether the gifts were actually wrapped. It was an insider joke. Grandma E sent boxes every Christmas. Nothing was wrapped, and the gifts were too young for the recipient, too old, or too bizarre. She sent my eleven-year-old son a rice cooker and his younger sister a bunch of dolls. I'd say she had a good heart, but if she was good hearted she kept it well hidden. I hope never to become like her. I assured DD that the gifts were individually wrapped and labelled.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "Normally I'm quite normal . . ." The Gods Must be Crazy

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,778 Member
    Well slept for 2 1/2 hrs and still sneezing my head off...drinking alot of water and putting emergen C in the water I have to knock this crap out.and the monument place texted me and wanted me to work tomorrow and Friday .nice to tell me last minute.told him I couldn't at least this week.
  • langman22
    langman22 Posts: 786 Member
    15 degrees right now and supposed to drop again tonight. I bought apple cider so will definitely have it warmed up tonight. It is so cold especially with the wind factor.

    Got down the driveway this morning and hopefully the plow guy came so we can make it back up tonight.

    Hope everyone had a good day today.

    Terry in chilly VT
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,661 Member