

  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,069 Member
    Happy Saturday! I'm loving all the photos of decorations and Heather as a Von Trapp. That singalong sounds like a blast.

    Got back from New York on Thursday afternoon, and am grateful that I was off on Friday. The trip was fast and easy, but my eating was all over the map. And, exercise was nil, which is unusual for me. Time to hit the gym hard and the back away from carbs.

    Created the annual family holiday photo card last night and will get out my trusty list and start addressing envelopes tonight. Then, I'll get started on Mars' photo card and list. Yes, my super social, leash-loving cat has his own Christmas card list. The folks at the PetSmart Hotel compete for who gets to keep Mars' picture in their locker, so this year I'll send over extras. Last year, it was my first attempt at getting him to pose with an elf hat. Bwaaaaahhhh! You can see the results in attached photo.

    Margaret: Thank you for sharing the information on sleep. According to my fitbit, I'm averaging between 7-8 hours a night. I feel my best when I get to bed by 9PM. Also important to get the vast portion of my water consumed by 3 PM so I don't have to get up to pee.

    Made yougurt today using Fairlife whole milk. It's ultra-filtered to remove half of the sugar, and it is lactose free. It's chilling in the fridge now, and should be ready in a couple of hours. Can't wait to try it.

    Stay well friends. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
  • wildhorsewendy
    wildhorsewendy Posts: 563 Member
    Congratulations on the Marathon finish! Running with aligators--oh no! You are far braver than me. I can see the resemblence of your son. Hope he finishes too.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    edited December 2017
    Lisa - what I'm thinking is I would like to get something like that and take it to the Green Room when I volunteer there. I just wind up standing, at least I would be doing something. But the pedaler-thing needs to be somewhat light so that I can carry it in all the time. I can't ask them to keep it there for me. What an adorable grandson you have!

    Right now I'm making ricotta cookies for when Denise and Pete come down here. He's Italian so I hope this is something he'll like. I don't put the icing on them, they aren't real sweet. I'm trying to make them larger. The larger they are, the faster the cookie dough goes and the less I am tempted.

    As far as my calling Lenora's husband, well...we all need to stick together. I remember when I had the seizure it really made me feel good to know that so many people cared so much that they went to the trouble to PM me. So I'd do what I would like done to me. It IS scary when the last post you read is "I had a seizure and lost the entire day" and then you don't hear from the person. At least *I* start to think the worst. Hope for the best but still the worst passes thru my mind

    pip - Kirby looks so "santa-like". Great pic. Love his smile

    In some ways, this has to be the worst time of the year for me. I get stressed thinking about the gifts that need to be bought, that need to be wrapped, food that needs to be made (I like to make as much as possible in advance so that I can enjoy my company), helping Vince put up the decorations (he really gets into decorating, and I mean REALLY. I'll probably post some of the videos on facebook. Anyone who is interested in taking a peek, my name is Michele LeGrand) and we all know what stress leads to. Then there are all the parties. I try as much as possible to limit the number of parties that I go to, but there are some that you just need to attend.

    Notice: Notice: Notice: To those who I've sent Lenora's address to: Her street number is 2845. So sorry for omitting the "5"

    Rori - Mars sure looks so happy

    Let me tell you, if I ever saw an alligator, you can sure bet I'd REALLY be running....lol

    Michele in NC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Marcelyn - CONGRATULATIONS on the wonderful achievement! :drinker: Whoo Hoo!

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    edited December 2017
    Marcelynh wrote: »
    i6n4sfogkksk.jpeg I finished! Full marathon. Course was actually long and about 28 miles.

    9afnfrfwhq1t.jpeg met my son on the trail. He is still out there running an ultra-marathon. 100 miles.
    xy51t3awrbjc.jpeg just crossed the finish line!

    Congratulations!! :)

    Quick question ... is your son wearing compression stockings? Probably a good idea if he's doing 100 miles!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,804 Member
    morning ladies~
    about 8 inches of snow on the ground, and I dont have to shovel or snow blow and my car is in a garage :D
    so the office manager comes in friday and tells me I have to get my x ray certification by march of this year or I can no longer assist. anyway to get me out of there... that gives me basically 2 months to study and pass..
    havent heard from Jack about the other job so will keep on working on my resume and get it out there.
    so I have been hearing a critter in the hall between the bedroom and bathroom, but only at night... have pinned it down to one wall and it has to be a mouse... well that will be sending the pup over the edge.. so will call my landlord today and see what can be done...all i need is for it to die in the wall and have the whole place stink...
    will go down and feed DFIL this morning and then Tom and I will go see his brother over at the hospital, he has woken up and is conversing... will hopefully be moved to rehab this week.
    then will come home and do laundry clean, and I guess study....
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    Regarding sleep ...

    I'm a night owl. I've tried to go to bed earlier, but just can't do it. Plus my husband goes to bed somewhere between 9:30 and 10:30 and I like to have a couple hours to myself. I like my space. :)

    So I usually go to bed somewhere between 12:30 and 1:30 and get up somewhere between 7 and 8 am. In other words, I'll get anywhere between 5.5 hours and if I'm really lucky 7.5 hours of sleep! When I'm in uni, sometimes I'll get even less than that. There's just too much to do!! I'd love it if we operated on a 30-hour day ... then maybe I could actually get things done AND get 8-9 hours of sleep each night.

    M in Oz
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    drkatiebug wrote: »
    Do any of you bullet journal? In my never-ending quest for the perfect thing to keep me on track, i am trying it. I got a simple elephant planner for 2018, but have started with the remaining blank pages in my 2017 planner to practice between now and the first of the year. I have always sporadically journaled, and am fairly consistent with a calendar/planner. I love to-do lists and have tried and failed before at tracking my habits I want to cultivate, but my lists/trackers/journals have been separate and discombobulated. This, too, may fall by the wayside, but for today, anyway, I’m working on it.

    I have two spreadsheets.

    One is all my cycling distances from when I started cycling seriously in 1990.

    The other is all my exercise, and that's from 2015.

    I have formulas and charts and things which I've inserted into those spreadsheets to help me make meaning out of the data. In other words, I can tell you how many kilometres I've cycled each month and each year. I can tell you my longest ride ever and my longest ride this year and how many rides I've done of a distance 100 miles or longer.

    I've taken courses where they wanted us to journal ... and I've discovered it is just not my thing. Give me a database, a spreasheet, calculations and formulas, and that's my thing! :)

    M in Oz

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    Heather, you are one hot little goat herder!

    Sue, thanks for the unicorn horn suggestion. Don't know if I can get a styrofone cone here, though maybe next time I drive to a bigger town I can look at their craft shop. I watched a couple of youtube videos. Once again the material and tools used are unavailable to me. However, I have got a long cardboard tube from Christmas wrapping paper sitting on my table and I am thinking of ways I can shape it...

    Pip your ornaments are so funny! I am keeping an eye out now for some cuties to add to my tree. I put our tree up the other day, and every evening my husband comes in and turns on the lights and sits there watching tv with the lights blinking away. I did not even think he noticed my decorations. LOL I told him he must be getting sentimental in his old age.

    <3 Wendy

    Do you have Spotlight in NZ?
  • klanders30
    klanders30 Posts: 2,569 Member
    Marcelyn congratulations, you look so very happy, what an accomplishment.

    Well I had a cozy day at home and didn't think one minute about going out in the snow! I really hate to drive in it, so just stayed cozy indoors with DH all day. He finally cleaned up his paperwork and I just took it easy, baked a cake for him and just relaxed. Today is clean up, a little shopping for his MIL and just prepping for the week of work. Shouldn't be as challenging as last week, just one concert :)

    Am going to pull out the decorations and get a move on, just one little step at a time. NYKAREN
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,178 Member
    Sunday -- My husband and I cycled our December Century. We have completed the Century-A-Month challenge with a minimum of one century (100 mile ride) in each month of the year!! :)

    We were hoping to ride this century last weekend, however, our area got nearly 100 mm of rain over the couple days of the weekend, and cold and wind, and we just weren't all that keen on cycling 100 miles in those conditions. And in fact, trees fell and blocked the roads in a number of places, and other roads were flooded, so it really would not have been advisable.

    So we pushed it back a week. But this week has been very busy, especially for my husband, and doing a century this weekend was not really the thing we wanted to be doing. However, things are going to get even busier, so we figured we'd better get it done.

    This century looked good on paper and we've ridden the whole route in bits and pieces at one point or another with no difficulty at all. But in thinking about it, the last time I've ridden the hilliest parts of the route was roughly last year this time when I was feeling fitter! :blush:

    Nevertheless, off we went. The ride started by climbing and climbing and climbing. Then we had a fast descent into Hobart, a brisk ride through the city, and onto flat ground on the other side of the range ... the cycleway. But we were straight into a wind blowing at 41 km/h and gusting to 61 km/h. There was one gust, while we were cycling through the city, that knocked my bicycle into the next lane and I had to quickly get myself back again. Fortunately the traffic was fairly light just then.

    We slogged into the wind for the full length of the cycleway (13.5 km) and on out to New Norfolk (another 22 km). The planned route continued another 20 km into the wind, but in New Norfolk, we stopped to have something to eat, and made the decision to take advantage of the tailwind, and head back. All that climbing and 35.5 km of cycling into a strong wind had exhausted us. In addition, just outside New Norfolk on the way there, my husband had flatted and changed his tube, so that took some extra time.

    The tailwind back into Hobart was lovely, and in order to make up the distance, we did an extra lap of the cycleway (27 km in total) but unfortunately, my husband was having no end of difficulty with his tube/tire. We still couldn't tell you what caused the flat, but a little hole was being cut into the tire from somewhere or something. Finally, toward the end of that lap, we seemed to have solved the problem.

    Then it was up and over Bonnet Hill ... more climbing ... and back to the start point. We stopped and took a little break there, then completed the last 8 km to make up the century.

    I think this might have been the toughest century of the lot of them this year!! And I think I might head to bed a little bit earlier than usual!

    Distance: 161.0 km
    Elevation: 1,840 m
    Moving Time: 8:51:27
    Elapsed Time: 11:22:01
    Speed: Avg: 18.2 km/h Max: 47.5 km/h
    Temp high for the day: 25C ... and windy!

    Machka in Oz
  • Marcelynh
    Marcelynh Posts: 974 Member

    Quick question ... is your son wearing compression stockings? Probably a good idea if he's doing 100 miles!

    Oh yes. He actually changes socks and shoes and compression sleeves every 25 miles. And he has a change of clothing for one stop. He is prepared. This isn’t his first ultra long distance. He did a 100k in February.

    I wear compression socks for long distance and I have compression tights. Definitely helps me.