

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,980 Member
    :)Lisa, your under-desk elliptical is a great tool like my recumbent exercise bike in the living room. I can ride my bike while watching TV and knitting or while reading and writing on my phone. It's not a giant workout but much more of calorie burner and muscle user than just sitting at a desk or table and doing the same things. I wish you great success and joy with your new acquisition.

    <3 Barbie
  • Peach1948
    Peach1948 Posts: 2,473 Member
    Heather ~ Love your outfit.

    Margaret ~ I think you are on the right track about sleep. I do a lot of turning and twisting. Hot and cold. Sweating when I dream and soaking my night clothes. I have read that the sweating could be due to anxiety while dreaming. I also am aware that because I drink a lot of wine in the evening it probably affects my sleep a lot even though I have had problems sleeping ever since a child. I constantly worry about my young grand kids not getting enough sleep because they are out late to various athletic practices. I don't think going to bed at 9 PM is right for a 6 and 7 yr old

    Michele ~ I too worry about Lenora a lot. I don't think it would be bad at all if you called her residence and let it be known that so many are worried about her.

    Pip ~ Your ornaments are so unusual and reflect your lifestyle perfectly. I especially loved the RV and the dog cycling with glasses.

    We had about 6 inches of snow and now have a lot of pine branches to clean up. There is a wire hanging over our driveway that I guess we will have to call about.

    Carol in GA
  • KJLaMore
    KJLaMore Posts: 2,836 Member
    LOL! Pip! I didn't know you had a cat! :D
    Heather- You look adorable!
    Terry and Karen- I am thinking I am going to be saving my Christmas cards and trying the bookmark craft out.

    That's all I have time for, We got another four inches of snow overnight; DH shoveled that early this morning. Since that time, another four-six inches have accumulated! Woo-hoo! Here it comes! The snow is a bit heavier, so it is sticking to the pine trees and making them look like they have been very generously frosted with heavy white icing! If I were a giant, they would look very "lickable" to me!

    ta ta for now! xoxoxo KJ (Kelly)
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    One way to lose weight is to be sick. Does it still count!? Hopefully over the hump here. So much for this year's flu shot!
    feeling a wee bit better each day
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    Michele - I agree with Carol, if you wish to call her and let her know we are all thinking of her, it would be a nice gesture.

    Carol - wow, 6" of snow! Good timing getting the new roof completed!

    Heather - now that's a cute outfit!! I'd love to see photos of the folks at the singalong if it's possible to take some. I live vicariously through you, lol. <3 And good job on the memoir. 50,000 words is a lot to be proud of!! Bet it feels great to have reached the end of that period. Do your boys have any idea of your childhood abuse?

    - I was thinking earlier how much I love the new year - I'm not big on resolutions but always consider it an opportunity for a fresh start at many things. Your mind map is a great idea!

    Pip and Janetr - Love the puppy (and chicken!) ornaments. Pip, do you have an ornament representing your kitty?

    - your sweet home for Sweetheart brought back memories. Last winter we fed a stray, a slinky grey tom. He wanted to be friendly to my DH and got along with our kitty just fine. He evidently had a warm place to sleep somewhere in the neighborhood because he survived and didn't seem to be suffering from the cold. Anyhow, you and your DH are A#1 in my book for your love and caring of this kitty! o:)<3

    Terry and Karen
    - I'll be digging out my exacto knife one of these days and trying those bookmarks. Thanks for sharing them!

    Katla - happy to hear your toe is on the mend. :)

    Another cold morning, but going to be a sunny day - we'll have several more days of this. DH is going to mow today if it's not too wet.

    Happy Saturday, ladies!

    SW WA State
  • SophieRosieMom
    SophieRosieMom Posts: 3,423 Member
    Loving all the ornaments!!!!

    Reading the book Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker. I have read books on sleep before because I think I have always know this is part of why I struggle with my weight. I have heard some of his points before, but I like how he goes into more depth.
    One new point I have learned so far is having a poor sleep can cause you to start showing symptoms of diabetes.

    Also if you are dieting and have poor sleep habits you are more apt to burn muscle instead of fat Not what you want to do when losing weight. Lisa I noticed you wrote your post at 4 a.m. and are complaining of lost muscle tone. Is sleep part of this?

    In other sources I have read getting to sleep between 9-10 sets you up to get the best sleep.

    He also goes on to say even one drink at night can effect your REM sleep. REM sleep is where healing of your body occurs.

    REM sleep is also where you incorporate new knowledge. He cited an experiment where students learned a complex new skill. 90% mastered it the day they learned it. Those that did not drink and got good sleep for a week after learning this skill retained and also were able to surpass what they learned. Those that did not get good sleep or went out drinking with friends even after a couple of days of good sleep lost 50% of what they learned.

    I have been having memory problems and making small mistakes lately. I do believe this is because of poor sleep habits.

    I find this so important as an educator. We are putting so much pressure of students to show accountability we are missing such a simple thing that could so dramatically improve their lives. There was just an article in the paper today about how they formed a committee to solve all the problems in public education. To me the first thing is to look at start times of schools and adjust them so students have maximum learning.

    I think this author would also argue that many discipline problems might be solved with a good nights sleep. Now how to convince this generation to turn off there phones and get to sleep is another problem.

    I have made getting a better night sleep a goal before. From what I have read so far I am making it a top priority to get into better sleeping habits. This time I am determined to make more of them stick.

    Now as part of my getting better sleep I am going to get outside and spend at least 20 minutes out there so it starts me in the right direction to get a good night's sleep.

    :heart: Margaret

    Margaret - thank you for posting this. Better sleep is something I need to work on as well.

  • evie1958
    evie1958 Posts: 856 Member
    Missed a few days here, and it took me a few days to just read and catch up! I'm finding I'm busy, crafting like a maniac (Christmas gifts, will try to post photos) and so I've given up on the gym. I still have a TRX class on Monday mornings that I am committed to doing, but last week that was all I did. Well, that and all the running up and down stairs at home while trying to decorate, clean, craft...... It's hectic, but I've been having fun! Found decorations that I forgot I had! Put the tree up, bought a 4' pre-lit tree this year, something I promised myself when we moved. I'm really liking it. The new place is smaller and the tree fits perfectly in the corner on top of a couple of storage boxes that are conveniently covered with a Christmas tablecloth and the tree skirt. Trying to get a handle on my eating, not sure what I have to do to convince myself to step away from the snacks..... I think my goal for December is going to be just logging what I eat. Maybe a few days of seeing how many calories I'm actually consuming will shock me into better habits!
    Hugs to those who have lost friends and/or are struggling. (Giving myself a hug there too!)
    Congrats to those with victories, both on and off the scale!
    Love seeing the decorations! I can't remember who posted the advent calendar and advent angel, but I have an advent calendar that I made that is so very similar to yours. My background is red, tho and the tree is green. I made two, one for each of my boys. My older son took his with him, younger son did not, so I've been using it. Not much point in just having it stuck in a trunk somewhere, might as well show it off! Don't know how many people other than hubby and I will actually see it, but.....
    Hope everyone has a great day!
    Evelyn, Vancouver Island
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    I am still reading the book and came to the part of challenges of the older adult. He recommended if you go outside in the morning to wear sunglasses and to go out in the afternoon without sunglasses if you want to be able to stay up a bit later without falling asleep on the couch.

    Goals for sleep:
    Getting outside after 3 p.m. no sunglasses.
    Turn off computer and T.V. at 8
    Cherry juice by 8
    Bath by 9
    Bed 9:30-10

    I will assess how a slept in the morning. Times I am up in the night and how I feel come morning. Rating 1-10.
    Access effect on appetite and energy. Rate for the day 1-10. before I go to bed.
    weight at night
    weight in morning

    Work to do this for at least 6 weeks.

    :heart: Margaret
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Pip- love your new short cuts! And your huge tree! Mine is only 4 ft and we haven't got it down from the attic yet. I am not enthusiastic this year, but DH probably wants to do it.

    DH 's niece texted me saying that Father Christmas wanted to buy me a present and wanted suggestions as my Amazon wish list was empty. I do have a wish list, but it is private and mainly for reminders, not for gifts. We are seeing her after Christmas and I hadn't planned on buying her a present as we don't normally. I upset DH by saying I wasn't keen on getting involved in tit for tat present buying, but I screwed up my courage and texted her to say I was cutting back on presents and she wasn't to get me anything. She texted me back "Really?" It turned out she was asking for her mum! Ooops! Well, I have got her mum a present, which I have already given her, so I said yes and texted her a book I wanted. I hate all this nonsense. :s I think I hate feeling obliged. A free gift is a different matter and lovely. But I am looking forward to seeing them all after Christmas. :D<3<3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Afternoon ladies. We had snow flakes this morning, that was all we got. We are pretty much like you guys down in Texas. I don't know why everyone freaks out but they do. Everything either closes early or just closes. So that means everyone is clear to go out on the road. But here they just inch along on the roads. And my wonderful husband is one who likes to go his regular high speed because he feels he is in control of his vehicle. Well he Ming the true but he has no idea what the other drivers are doing. Some of them have no idea to drive with some ice or packed snow on the ground. We have snow routes that the city cleans off first and keeps cleaned but most of the streets leading to the main routes all not even touched by a snow plow. But the shopping malls love it.

    Going to take a shower soon. I am tempted to use my left arm more in creating a hair style instead of leaving it just straight but I know I shouldn't yet. Even though it feels better, I don't have clearance to not have the sling on.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,710 Member
    Pip- love your new short cuts! And your huge tree! Mine is only 4 ft and we haven't got it down from the attic yet. I am not enthusiastic this year, but DH probably wants to do it.

    DH 's niece texted me saying that Father Christmas wanted to buy me a present and wanted suggestions as my Amazon wish list was empty. I do have a wish list, but it is private and mainly for reminders, not for gifts. We are seeing her after Christmas and I hadn't planned on buying her a present as we don't normally. I upset DH by saying I wasn't keen on getting involved in tit for tat present buying, but I screwed up my courage and texted her to say I was cutting back on presents and she wasn't to get me anything. She texted me back "Really?" It turned out she was asking for her mum! Ooops! Well, I have got her mum a present, which I have already given her, so I said yes and texted her a book I wanted. I hate all this nonsense. :s I think I hate feeling obliged. A free gift is a different matter and lovely. But I am looking forward to seeing them all after Christmas. :D<3<3

    Love Heather UK xxxxxxx

    That’s not our tree, that is the tree of the place where we were at for the end of the year party